

单词 penance
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔absolution〕The formal remission of sin imparted by a priest, as in the sacrament of penance.赦免,宽恕:在忏悔仪式上由牧师正式宣布减免的罪美国传统〔anointing of the sick〕The sacrament of anointing a critically ill or weak person, with prayers for recovery and an act of penance or confession.终敷,病人膏油式:给病危或极为虚弱的人做的敷擦圣油仪式,祈祷其康复并表示忏悔的行为美国传统〔flagellant〕One who whips, especially one who scourges oneself for religious discipline or public penance.鞭笞者,自笞者:尤指为宗教规则或公开地自罚而鞭笞自己的人美国传统〔hair shirt〕A coarse haircloth garment worn next to the skin by religious ascetics as penance.刚毛衬衣:宗教禁欲者苦修时直接穿的一种粗糙的粗毛衣服美国传统〔hair shirt〕He was sent barefoot wearing only a hair shirt into the wilderness as a penance.为了赎罪,他跣足褐衣,被流放到了荒野中。柯林斯高阶〔hair shirt〕He was sent barefoot wearing only a hair shirt into the wilderness as a penance.他被流放到荒野赎罪, 赤裸着双脚, 身上只穿了件刚毛衬衣。外研社新世纪〔penance〕As a penance, she said she would buy them all a box of chocolates.为了表示歉意,她说她要给他们每个人都买一盒巧克力。剑桥高阶〔penance〕Father Rowan gave her penance and absolution.罗恩神父让她进行了告解并为她赦罪。外研社新世纪〔penance〕Has anyone ever paid a higher penance for telling a lie? 有人为说谎而加倍补赎过吗?牛津搭配〔penance〕He believed the death of his child was penance for his sins.他认为孩子的死是对他罪过的惩罚。麦克米伦高阶〔penance〕He decided to do public penance for his sins.他决定为他的罪孽作公开补赎。牛津搭配〔penance〕He devoted his life to helping the poor as a penance for his past crimes.他终生致力于帮助穷人,作为对以前所犯罪行的忏悔。牛津搭配〔penance〕He did penance for the wrongs he had committed.他为自己做过的坏事而自我惩罚。麦克米伦高阶〔penance〕He did charitable work as a penance.他做慈善工作以悔过。韦氏高阶〔penance〕He's let some of them off with being penanced.他已经让他们中一些行过告解的人离开了。外研社新世纪〔penance〕She did penance for hurting her sister.她为伤害了妹妹而忏悔。英汉大词典〔penance〕She kneeled at her mother's feet in penance.她跪在母亲脚下表达忏悔。牛津搭配〔penance〕She left her family to travel to Jerusalem to do penance for an early sin.她离家前往耶路撒冷, 补赎早年的一个罪孽。外研社新世纪〔penance〕Sincere penance consists of resolving to avoid in the future those deeds that call for remorse.真诚悔过就要下定决心避免犯下那些将来引起悔恨的行为。外研社新世纪〔penance〕The Koran recommends fasting as a penance before pilgrimages.《古兰经》劝告人们在朝圣前斋戒, 以作为一种补赎。外研社新世纪〔penance〕The Koran recommends fasting as a penance before pilgrimages.《古兰经》劝告人们在朝圣前斋戒,以作为一种补赎。柯林斯高阶〔penance〕They are doing penance for their sins.他们正在为自己的罪过而忏悔。剑桥高阶〔penance〕To impose penance upon.使悔过,使悔罪美国传统〔penance〕We prayed and did penance together.我们一起祈祷并苦修。朗文当代〔penance〕When love and marriage are offered, she rejects them, serving a self-inflicted penance.当有人示爱或求婚时, 她都为了自我惩罚而拒绝。外研社新世纪〔penance〕Working in the garden was a kind of penance.在花园里干活是件苦差。朗文当代〔penitential〕A book or set of church rules concerning the sacrament of penance.补赎书或补赎法规美国传统〔penitential〕Of or relating to penance.苦修的或有关苦修的美国传统〔penitentiary〕A priest whose special function is the administration of the sacrament of penance in a particular church or diocese.忏悔牧师:在一个特定的教堂或教区专门从事忏悔礼的牧师美国传统〔penitentiary〕A tribunal of the Roman Curia having jurisdiction in matters relating to penance, dispensations, and papal absolutions.宗教裁判所:罗马天主教中有权处理悔罪、补赎和赦罪等事宜的元老会法庭美国传统〔penitent〕A person performing penance under the direction of a confessor.忏悔者,苦修者:在忏悔的神文指导下行忏悔的人美国传统〔shrive〕To obtain absolution for (oneself) by confessing and doing penance.以忏悔赎罪:通过忏悔和苦修获取对(自身)的赎罪美国传统〔sin〕They had confessed their sins and done their penance.他们已经告罪并作了补赎。牛津搭配As a penance, she said she would buy them all a box of chocolates.作为悔过,她说要给他们买一盒巧克力。剑桥国际They are doing penance for their sins.他们正在为自己所犯的罪而悔过。剑桥国际We must do penance for our sins. 我们必须苦修赎罪。译典通




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