

单词 radio program
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔break in〕I was listening to my favorite radio program when a reporter broke in with news about a storm.我正在收听最喜爱的广播节目,突然间插播了暴风雨来袭的天气预报。韦氏高阶〔cassette〕He often cassettes his favourite radio programs.他常常把自己喜欢的广播节目录在磁带上。21世纪英汉〔comment〕The radio program offers news and comment.这个广播节目包括新闻和评论。韦氏高阶〔gave a plug for〕She put in a plug for the band's new album on her radio program.她在她的广播节目中推荐了这个乐队的新专辑。韦氏高阶〔interference〕It was hard to hear the radio program because of all the interference.因为所有这些干扰信号,很难听到广播节目。韦氏高阶〔listenership〕The people who listen to a radio program or station.听众:收听某一个广播节目或电台的人美国传统〔quiz show〕A television or radio program in which the contestants' knowledge is tested by questioning, with some contestants winning money or prizes.智力竞赛节目:一种电视或电台节目,通过提问测试参赛者一些知识,一些参赛者可赢得奖金或奖品美国传统〔rating〕The popularity of a television or radio program as estimated by a poll of segments of the audience.收听率,收视率:通过对听众,观众的调查得出的电视或广播节目的受欢迎程度美国传统〔shock jock〕A host of a shock radio program.夸张低俗广播节目的主持人美国传统〔sound effects〕Imitative sounds, as of thunder or an explosion, produced artificially for theatrical purposes, as for a film, play, or radio program.音响交果:模拟音响,如模拟打雷或爆炸,为了舞台演出的需要而由人工制成,如为电影、戏剧或者广播剧制作者美国传统〔western〕Often Western A novel, film, or television or radio program about frontier life in the American West. 常作 Western 西部小说、电影、电视剧或广播:有关美国西部地区的边远地区生活的小说、电影、电视剧或广播节目美国传统〔yesterday〕The radio program features yesterday's songs as well as today's.这档广播节目既播放时下的新歌,也播放过去的老歌。韦氏高阶The radio program was indistinct because of the atmospherics. 由于大气干扰,无线电节目听不清楚。译典通




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