

单词 prop
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAIL〕Lamont's attempts to prop up the pound were a complete fiasco. 拉蒙特想把英镑撑住的努力彻底失败了。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕The clothes prop had fallen down, and the washing was trailing in the mud. 晾衣服的撑竿倒了,洗过的衣服都拖在烂泥里。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕The pit props were placed only a foot or two apart, to support a mile of rock above them. 矿井里每隔一两英尺就有一根支柱,用来支撑上面一英里厚的岩石。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕The soldier tried to prop himself up again using his crutches. 这名士兵再一次试图用拐杖撑着站直。朗文写作活用〔WORSE〕Attempts by the UK government to prop up the pound on the exchange markets degenerated into chaos. 英国政府试图在外汇市场上抬升英镑,结果演变成混乱。朗文写作活用〔bolster〕To support or prop up with or as if with a long, narrow pillow or cushion.支撑:如用长枕靠垫支撑或支承美国传统〔bookend〕A prop placed at the end of a row of books to keep them upright.书档:放在一排书的末端以使书本直立的支撑物美国传统〔crutch〕To support on or as if on crutches; prop up.支撑:支在或犹如支在拐杖上;支撑美国传统〔grip〕A member of a film production crew who adjusts sets and props and sometimes assists the camera operator.剧组工作人员:电影摄制剧组中调整布景和道具并不时帮助摄影的工作人员美国传统〔hoop〕Prop the cover up on wire hoops or canes with a flowerpot on the top.用铁丝环或杆子把盖子架起来, 上面放一个花盆。外研社新世纪〔prop ... up〕He can't always expect his colleagues to prop him up.他不能总指望同事们支持他。21世纪英汉〔prop ... up〕We had to prop up the roof with a wooden post.我们必须用一根木柱子撑住屋顶。21世纪英汉〔prop sth up〕How long is the government likely to survive without the US military force there to prop it up? 没有美国的军事力量在那里支撑,那个政府还能维持多久?剑桥高阶〔prop up〕If you have difficulty sitting like this, prop up your back against a wall.如果这么坐着有困难, 就背靠墙坐吧。外研社新世纪〔prop up〕Revenue from drugs helps to prop up the regime.药品的收益有助于维持这种体制。外研社新世纪〔props〕Props to Chris for all of his volunteer work.对克里斯所做的志愿工作向他表示敬意。朗文当代〔props〕Props to everyone that made this movie a success.感谢所有为这部电影的成功而付出的人。韦氏高阶〔props〕He gave props to his brother for his help with the project.他对哥哥在这个项目上给予他的帮助表达了感谢。韦氏高阶〔props〕The teacher earned our props.那位老师赢得了我们的尊重。韦氏高阶〔prop〕Prop the brush in the corner of the cupboard.把刷子放在柜子的角落里。外研社新世纪〔prop〕Prop the door open behind you so we don't get locked out.把门顶在你身后别关上,这样我们才不会被锁在外面。麦克米伦高阶〔prop〕Prop the gate open with a brick.用砖块顶住大门使其关不上。21世纪英汉〔prop〕A lot of people use cigarettes as a sort of social prop (= to make them feel more confident).许多人吸烟是为了使自己感觉更有自信。剑桥高阶〔prop〕A son is a prop for one's old age.儿子是一个人老年的依靠。文馨英汉〔prop〕Anna looks after costumes and props.安娜照管服装和道具。朗文当代〔prop〕Can we prop the window open with something? 我们能不能用什么东西支住窗户让它开着?朗文当代〔prop〕Can you get me the prop for the clothes line?能把那个撑杆拿给我拴晾衣绳吗?外研社新世纪〔prop〕Cigarettes are just another of her little props.香烟只是她的另一个小小的寄托。外研社新世纪〔prop〕He found himself becoming the emotional prop of the family.他发现自己成了家中的感情支柱。麦克米伦高阶〔prop〕He is responsible for all the stage props and lighting.他负责全部舞台道具和灯光。牛津高阶〔prop〕He used his inheritance money as a prop to start his own business.他用继承来的钱作为支柱,开始自己做生意。韦氏高阶〔prop〕He used rocks as props to keep up the fence post.他用石块来支撑篱笆桩。韦氏高阶〔prop〕His father is his financial prop.他父亲是他经济上的靠山。英汉大词典〔prop〕His wife was his emotional prop during his depression.在他意志消沉时,妻子是他的情感支柱。韦氏高阶〔prop〕I gotta give props to the bass player.我得向贝斯手表示感谢。牛津高阶〔prop〕I had two props in my life; one was alcohol, the other work.我生命中有两大支柱:一个是酒,另一个是工作。柯林斯高阶〔prop〕I had two props in my life; one was alcohol, the other work.我的生活中有两大支柱:一个是酒, 另一个是工作。外研社新世纪〔prop〕I have to give her her props for being such a great athlete.我必须尊重她是一个杰出的运动员。剑桥高阶〔prop〕I need some sort of a prop to keep the clothes line up.我需要个东西撑起晾衣绳。剑桥高阶〔prop〕If you have difficulty sitting like this, prop up your back against a wall.如果这么坐着有困难,就背靠墙坐吧。柯林斯高阶〔prop〕Rescuers used props to stop the roof of the tunnel collapsing.救援人员用支柱防止隧道顶塌陷。牛津高阶〔prop〕She was becoming an emotional prop for him.她成了他的感情支柱。朗文当代〔prop〕The army is one of the main props of the government.军队是政府的主要后盾之一。外研社新世纪〔prop〕The army is one of the main props of the government.军队是政府的主要后盾之一。柯林斯高阶〔prop〕The builders are trying to prop up the crumbling walls of the church.建筑工人正在设法把快要倒塌的教堂墙壁撑住。朗文当代〔prop〕The government introduced measures to prop up the stock market.政府采取措施来扶持股市。朗文当代〔prop〕The government refuses to prop up inefficient industries.政府拒绝补贴效益不佳的企业。21世纪英汉〔prop〕The only props on stage were a table and a chair.舞台上的道具只有一桌一椅。外研社新世纪〔prop〕The only stage props were a hanging lightbulb and a wooden chair.舞台道具只有一盏吊灯和一把木头椅子。韦氏高阶〔prop〕The performers used different props in their comedy routine.演员们在他们的喜剧保留节目中用了不同的道具。韦氏高阶〔prop〕The set is minimal and the only props used in the show are a table, a chair, and a glass of water.布景极其简单,剧中所用的道具只有一张桌子、一把椅子和一杯水。剑桥高阶〔prop〕This new initiative is a desperate attempt to prop up the economy.这项新举措是为扶持经济而进行的拼命一搏。麦克米伦高阶〔prop〕This window keeps on closing - I'll have to prop it open with something.这扇窗老是自己关上——我得用什么东西撑着让它开着。剑桥高阶〔scotch〕A block or wedge used as a prop behind or under an object likely to roll.楔子:作为一支撑物放在好象要滚动的物体后面或下面的石头或楔形物美国传统〔scotch〕To block (a wheel, for example) with a prop to prevent rolling or slipping.制止转动:用一支撑物阻止(例如轮子)的滚动或者滑动美国传统〔shake〕The prop shaft vibrated like mad and shook the exhaust mounting loose.支撑杆疯狂地震动,将排气管都震松了。柯林斯高阶〔sprag〕A prop to support a mine roof.支撑物:支撑矿顶的支柱美国传统〔spur〕An oblique reinforcing prop or stay of timber or masonry.支柱,支墩:增加力量的木材或砖石的倾斜支撑物美国传统〔stay〕To brace, support, or prop up.支撑:支撑、支持或顶起美国传统〔stull〕A supporting timber or other prop in a mine.支柱:防止崩塌、保护矿工的板架美国传统〔sustain〕To support from below; keep from falling or sinking; prop.支撑:从下边支持;防止摔下或下沉;支撑美国传统〔trig〕To prop up; support.支撑,撑起美国传统〔underpin〕To support from below, as with props, girders, or masonry.加强…的基础:从下面支撑,如用支柱、梁或砖石建筑美国传统〔underprop〕To prop (something) from below.从下面支撑(某物)美国传统〔upright〕Prop up the canvas in an upright position.把帐篷撑起来。麦克米伦高阶Prop up the young pea plants with twiggy sticks.用细棍条支撑一下幼豌豆棵。剑桥国际He's one of those people who use alcohol as a sort of social prop.他是一个把酒当成社交支柱的人。剑桥国际I need some sort of a prop to keep the washing line up.我需要个东西撑住晾衣绳。剑桥国际She's the props mistress at the local theatre.她是当地剧院的道具管理员。剑桥国际The Central Bank said it would intervene again to prop up the currency.中央银行宣布将再次出面支持这种货币。牛津商务The government does not intend to prop up declining industries. 政府无意扶持不景气的企业。译典通The set is minimal and the only props used in the show are a table, a chair and a glass of water.这套布景是最少的,用于演出的道具只有一张桌子、一把椅子和一杯水。剑桥国际The sets, props and costumes were all ready. 布景、道具和服装都已准备齐全。译典通This window keeps on closing -- I'll have to prop it open with something.这扇窗老要关上----我必须用什么撑着不让它关上。剑桥国际




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