

单词 penalties
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔cheat〕stricter penalties for tax cheats 对骗税者更严厉的惩罚麦克米伦高阶〔dealing〕penalties for drug dealing 对贩毒的处罚朗文当代〔drug〕a review of the drug sentencing laws to make penalties harsher 为加重处罚力度而对涉毒案件的量刑法律作的复查牛津搭配〔exceed〕tough penalties for drivers who exceed the speed limit 对于超速司机的严厉处罚麦克米伦高阶〔injure〕stiff penalties for motorists who kill, maim, and injure.对致人死亡、残疾、受伤的驾车者处以严厉惩罚柯林斯高阶〔late〕penalties for lateness at work 对上班迟到的处罚朗文当代〔mete〕mete out penalties for bad behaviour 惩罚恶劣行为英汉大词典〔nonpayment〕impose heavy penalties on sb. for nonpayment of taxes 因某人不付税而对其处以重罚英汉大词典〔pain〕pains and penalties 刑罚英汉大词典〔payment〕penalties for late payment of tax 逾期缴税罚金牛津搭配〔penalty〕a new system of fixed penalties for most traffic offences 一套新的适用于大多数交通违章的定额罚款系统牛津搭配〔penalty〕crimes which carry severe penalties 要受严惩的罪行牛津搭配〔penalty〕criminal penalties for harbouring illegal immigrants对包庇非法移民的刑罚外研社新世纪〔penalty〕impose heavy penalties on sb. for non-payment of taxes 因某人逃税而课以沉重的罚金英汉大词典〔penalty〕mete out penalties for bad behaviour 对不良行为予以惩处英汉大词典〔penalty〕the advantages and penalties of being an adopted son 当养子的有利与不利之处英汉大词典〔penalty〕the heavy financial penalties of paying off the loan early 为提前还清贷款而交纳的巨额罚款牛津搭配〔repatriate〕penalties on the repatriation of profits.对调利润回国的惩罚柯林斯高阶〔reward〕a system of rewards and penalties 奖惩制度 英汉大词典〔site〕penalties for disturbing ancient sites 对扰乱古代遗址施加的处罚牛津搭配〔stern〕sterner penalties for drug offences 对毒品犯罪的更为严厉的惩罚朗文当代〔stiffen〕stiffen the penalties for drunk-driving convictions 加重对酒后驾车罪的处罚英汉大词典〔stiff〕calls for stiffer penalties for rapists 要求对强奸犯处以更严厉刑罚的呼吁朗文当代〔stray〕new penalties for owners who allow their dogs to stray 对那些让狗随意乱跑的养狗人的新惩罚措施牛津搭配severe penalties for black marketeering 严惩黑市交易牛津商务




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