

单词 possibly
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Catalan〕possibly from Catalan catalana 可能源自 加泰罗尼亚语 catalana 美国传统〔Gehenna〕possibly short for Gē ben Hinnōm [valley of the son of Hinnom, a valley south of Jerusalem] 可能为 季本·西诺姆 [希蒙的圣子山谷,耶路撒冷南部山谷] 美国传统〔anlace〕possibly from alesnes [awl] 可能源自 alesnes [尖椎] 美国传统〔appanage〕possibly from Medieval Latin appānāre 可能源自 中世纪拉丁语 appānāre 美国传统〔barbasco〕alteration possibly influenced by barba [beard] 可能受 barba的影响 [胡须] 美国传统〔blouse〕possibly alteration influenced by blousse [wool scraps] [of Germanic origin] 可能为 受 blousse的影响 [羊毛碎片] [起源于日耳曼语的] 美国传统〔bowsprit〕possibly from Middle Low German bōchsprēt 可能源自 中古低地德语 bōchsprēt 美国传统〔brogue〕possibly from Old Norse brōk [legging,] 可能源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 brōk [裹腿] 美国传统〔cask〕possibly from Old Spanish casco [potsherd, helmet] 可能源自 古西班牙语 casco [(有考古价值的)陶器碎片,头盔] 美国传统〔chalet〕possibly diminutive of *cala [shelter] 可能为 *cala的小后缀 [棚屋] 美国传统〔chalybeate〕possibly from Khalups [sing. of] Khalubes [Chalybes, people of Asia Minor famous for their steel] 可能源自 卡里贝斯人 Khalubes的单数 [卡里贝斯人,小亚细亚的一个以炼钢而闻名的民族] 美国传统〔cockatrice〕possibly alteration of calcātrix 可能为 calcātrix的变化 美国传统〔coop〕possibly from Middle Dutch kūpe [basket, tub] 可能源自 中古荷兰语 kūpe [篮子,桶] 美国传统〔coot〕possibly from Middle Dutch coet 可能源自 中古荷兰语 coet 美国传统〔dodder〕possibly from Middle Dutch [yolk of an egg (from the yellow color of the blossom of one species of this plant)] 可能源自 中古荷兰语 [蛋黄(由这类植物中的一种所开黄花得名)] 美国传统〔dour〕possibly from Middle Irish dúr 可能源自 中古爱尔兰语 dúr 美国传统〔droll〕possibly from Middle Dutch drol [goblin] 可能源自 中古荷兰语 drol [小妖精] 美国传统〔drupe〕possibly an alteration of drupepēs [ripened on the tree] 可能为 drupepēs的变化 [在树上长熟的] 美国传统〔effrontery〕possibly from Late Latin effrōns effront- 可能源自 后期拉丁语 effrōns effront- 美国传统〔embassage〕possibly variant of ambassade 可能为 ambassade的变体 美国传统〔faille〕possibly from Middle Dutch falie [scarf] 可能源自 中古荷兰语 falie [头巾] 美国传统〔fatal〕a possibly fatal setback to his plans 可能导致他计划完全失败的因素牛津搭配〔flapper〕possibly from flapper [fledgling partridge or duck] from flap 可能源自 flapper [初生羽毛的松鸡或鸭] 源自 flap美国传统〔frizz〕possibly from frire fris- [to fry] 可能源自 frire fris- [煎] 美国传统〔froe〕possibly from froward 可能源自 froward美国传统〔gavotte〕possibly from gava [crop of a bird] 可能源自 gava [鸟的嗉囊] 美国传统〔gisarme〕possibly from Old High German getīsarn 可能源自 古高地德语 getīsarn 美国传统〔gravy〕possibly a misreading of grane [stew, sauce] 可能为 grane的误读 [炖,沙司] 美国传统〔hoist〕possibly from Middle Dutch hissen [to haul] 可能源自 中古荷兰语 hissen [抱,拉] 美国传统〔imagine〕the best guitarist you could possibly imagine 你能想象出的最好的吉他手牛津搭配〔inkling〕possibly alteration of nikking 可能为 nikking的变化 美国传统〔ketchup〕possibly from Chinese (Cantonese) kē-tsiap 可能源自 汉语(广东话) kē-tsiap 美国传统〔kwanza〕possibly from Kwanza (Cuanza), a river of Angola 可能源自 宽扎 (宽扎河),安哥拉一河流 美国传统〔linstock〕alteration possibly influenced by lint [used for tinder] 可能受 lint的影响 [用于引火物] 美国传统〔loris〕possibly from obsolete Dutch loeris [simpleton] 可能源自 已废荷兰语 loeris [笨人] 美国传统〔lucarne〕possibly of Germanic origin 可能为 日耳曼语语源 美国传统〔mallard〕or possibly of Germanic origin 或可能为 日耳曼语语源 美国传统〔mat〕possibly from Phoenician (Punic) maṭṭâ ; akin to Hebrew miṭṭa [bed, couch] 可能源自 腓尼基语(古迦太基人) maṭṭâ ;类似于 希伯来语 miṭṭa [床,沙发] 美国传统〔mitten〕and from Medieval Latin mitta [mitten] possibly from Old French mite 并源自 中世纪拉丁语 mitta [手套] 可能源自 古法语 mite 美国传统〔moniker〕possibly alteration of Irish Gaelic ainm 可能为 爱尔兰盖尔语 ainm的变化 美国传统〔pachuco〕possibly alteration of payuco [yokel] 可能为 payuco的变化 [乡下佬] 美国传统〔patio〕possibly from Old Provençal patu, pati [pasture] 可能源自 古普罗旺斯语 patu, pati [牧场] 美国传统〔patois〕possibly from pate [paw] 可能源自 pate [爪] 美国传统〔plait〕possibly from pleiten [to fold, braid] 可能源自 pleiten [折,编] 美国传统〔possibly〕run as fast as one possibly can 尽全力跑英汉大词典〔rap〕alteration possibly influenced by rap [piece, bit] 可能受 rap的影响 [片,一点] 美国传统〔reave〕possibly alteration influenced by reven [to plunder] 可能为 受 reven的影响 [抢劫] 美国传统〔reef〕possibly from Old Norse [ridge] 可能源自 古斯堪的纳维亚语 [脊] 美国传统〔rigadoon〕possibly from the name Rigaud 可能源自名字 Rigaud 美国传统〔salad〕possibly from Old Provençal salada 可能源自 古普罗旺斯语 salada 美国传统〔scrooch〕possibly blend of screw 可能混合了 screw美国传统〔stripe〕possibly from Middle Dutch 可能源自 中古荷兰语 美国传统〔stump〕possibly from Middle Low German stump 可能源自 中古低地德语 stump 美国传统〔sultry〕possibly alteration of swelter 可能为 swelter的变化美国传统〔tuck〕possibly from Middle Low German 可能源自 中古低地德语 美国传统〔umber〕both possibly from alteration influenced by ombre ombra [shadow] from Latin umbra 都可能源自 受 ombre的影响 ombra [阴影] 源自 拉丁语 umbra 美国传统〔vavasor〕possibly contraction of vassus vassōrum [vassal of vassals] 可能为 vassus vassōrum的缩约词 [有家臣的封臣] 美国传统〔warder〕possibly from warden [to ward] 可能源自 warden [保护] 美国传统〔zinc〕possibly from Zinke [spike (so called because it becomes jagged in the furnace)] 可能源自 Zinke [尖状物(这样称呼是因为其在熔炉中变得凹凸不平)] 美国传统〔zydeco〕possibly alteration of Les haricots (sont pas salé) [name of a song] 可能为 Les haricots (sont pas salé)的变化 [ 歌曲名称] 美国传统




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