

单词 performs
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ACTOR/ACTRESS〕someone who performs in plays, films etc 在戏剧、电影中演出的人朗文写作活用〔PERFORM/PERFORMANCE〕someone who performs in a show, concert, play etc 在节目、音乐会、戏剧等中表演的人朗文写作活用〔abortion〕a doctor who performs abortions 为人堕胎的医生韦氏高阶〔antics〕a comic who performs wacky antics on his TV show 在电视节目中做出疯疯癫癫的滑稽动作的喜剧演员牛津搭配〔arithmetic〕a processor which performs simple arithmetic operations such as adding or multiplying numbers.可进行加法或乘法等简单运算的处理器柯林斯高阶〔concert〕a concert pianist(=who performs in concerts) 在音乐会上演奏的钢琴家麦克米伦高阶〔perform〕a car that performs well on curves.拐弯功能良好的汽车美国传统〔perform〕software that performs a specific function 有特别功用的软件朗文当代〔sophistication〕the subtlety and sophistication with which the intelligence agency performs its jobs 情报机构执行任务时的微妙性和复杂性英汉大词典




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