

单词 piano
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BROKEN/NOT BROKEN〕I don't know how we got the piano down in one piece! 真不知道我们是如何把钢琴完好无损地抬下去的!朗文写作活用〔CHILD〕While growing up in North Carolina, Amos was considered a child prodigy on the piano. 阿莫斯在北卡罗莱纳州长大,当时被人认为是钢琴神童。朗文写作活用〔CLEAN〕He polished the piano until the wood shone. 他把钢琴擦得光亮。朗文写作活用〔COMPETITION〕The event, held every four years in Fort Worth, Texas, is the country's leading piano contest. 该赛事每四年在得克萨斯的沃思堡举行一次,是该国最重要的钢琴比赛。朗文写作活用〔COST〕My piano teacher charges £9 for a half hour class. 我的钢琴老师一堂半小时的课收费九英镑。朗文写作活用〔MOVE/NOT MOVE〕It took three men to move the piano. 搬这架钢琴需要三个人。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕He never took piano lessons - he just plays by ear. 他从没上过钢琴课,他只是凭听觉记忆的演奏。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕I sit at the piano when I write. 我作曲时坐在钢琴边。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕The recording features Norman Simmons on piano and Henry Johnson on guitar. 这首乐曲中诺曼·西蒙斯弹钢琴,亨利·约翰逊弹奏吉他。朗文写作活用〔REGRET/NOT REGRET〕I have always regretted giving up my piano lessons. 我对放弃学钢琴一直很后悔。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕It took four strong men to lift the piano. 要四个强壮男子才抬得动这架钢琴。朗文写作活用〔TOUCH〕She ran her hand over the satiny black surface of the piano. 她用手抚过钢琴光滑的黑色表面。朗文写作活用〔WIDE〕The doorway wasn't quite wide enough to get the piano through. 门道不够宽,钢琴抬不过去。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕The Left-Hand Piano Concerto was the first of several works commissioned from distinguished composers. 《左撇子钢琴协奏曲》是著名作曲家受托谱写的数部作品中的第一部。朗文写作活用〔accompaniment〕He sang 'My Funny Valentine' to a piano accompaniment.他在钢琴的伴奏下演唱了《我可爱的情人》。柯林斯高阶〔accompaniment〕The girls sang to the accompaniment of a piano.姑娘们在钢琴的伴奏下演唱。麦克米伦高阶〔accompanist〕He will be her accompanist on the piano.他将为她进行钢琴伴奏。韦氏高阶〔accompany〕He sang and Alice accompanied him on the piano.他一边唱,艾丽斯一边为他钢琴伴奏。柯林斯高阶〔accompany〕Miss Jessop accompanied Mr Bentley on the piano.杰索普小姐为本特利先生钢琴伴奏。剑桥高阶〔accomplishment〕Playing the piano is one of her many accomplishments.弹钢琴是她的多项才艺之一。朗文当代〔action〕The keys of a piano are part of its action.琴键是钢琴活动部件之一。英汉大词典〔alive〕She only came alive when she sat down at the piano.她坐在钢琴旁才会精神抖擞。朗文当代〔amusement〕I play the piano just for my own amusement (= to entertain myself, not other people).我弹钢琴纯粹是自娱自乐。剑桥高阶〔amuse〕He plays the piano only because it amuses himself.他弹钢琴只是为了自娱。英汉大词典〔arabesque〕Music A usually short, whimsical composition especially for the piano that features many embellished passages.【音乐】 阿拉伯花式乐曲:通常指短小,奇想的作曲,尤指以许多装饰性小节为特征的适于钢琴的作曲美国传统〔arrangement〕This new arrangement of the piece is for saxophone and piano.这支新改编的乐曲是供萨克斯管和钢琴演奏的。剑桥高阶〔arrange〕Beethoven's fifth symphony has been arranged for the piano.贝多芬的第五交响乐被改编成了钢琴曲。剑桥高阶〔art song〕A lyric song intended to be sung in recital, usually accompanied by a piano.艺术歌曲:在独唱音乐会上演唱的抒情歌曲,常用钢琴伴奏美国传统〔background〕A piano tinkled gently in the background.背景是悠扬的钢琴声。牛津高阶〔bar〕She played a few bars on the piano.她在钢琴上弹了几个小节。牛津搭配〔bass〕They had a bass and a piano and a sax and percussion.他们有一把低音吉他、一架钢琴、一管萨克斯和打击乐器。柯林斯高阶〔belittle〕Don't belittle her piano playing just because you're jealous.不要仅仅因为你忌妒而贬低她的钢琴弹奏。21世纪英汉〔can〕I can't play the piano.我不会弹钢琴。外研社新世纪〔can〕She’d love to be able to play the piano.她很希望能弹钢琴。牛津高阶〔change around〕I had a suspicion that somebody had come in and changed the ornaments on the piano around.我怀疑有人进来挪动了钢琴上面装饰物的位置。外研社新世纪〔clearance〕It was difficult getting the piano through the doorway because we only had a clearance of a few centimetres.把钢琴搬过这道门很难,因为只有几厘米的余地。剑桥高阶〔command〕His command of the piano is impressive.他的钢琴水平令人赞叹。韦氏高阶〔composition〕At music school I studied piano and composition.我在音乐学校学习钢琴和作曲。剑桥高阶〔concerto〕Tchaikovsky's First Piano Concerto.柴可夫斯基的《第一钢琴协奏曲》柯林斯高阶〔consummate〕He plays the piano with consummate skill.他弹钢琴技艺娴熟。韦氏高阶〔contact〕I asked her if she could put me in contact with a good piano teacher.我问她能否帮我联系一位好的钢琴教师。麦克米伦高阶〔corner〕Finally I spotted it, in a dark corner over by the piano.最后我在钢琴旁的阴暗角落里发现了它。柯林斯高阶〔digital〕A key played with the finger, as on a piano.琴键:如在钢琴上用手指弹奏的部分美国传统〔disc〕This disc includes the piano sonata in C minor.这张唱片包括了 C小调的钢琴奏鸣曲。柯林斯高阶〔disc〕This disc includes the piano sonata in C minor.这张唱片录有这首C小调钢琴奏鸣曲。外研社新世纪〔distinction〕She got a distinction in her piano exam.她钢琴考试成绩优秀。麦克米伦高阶〔distinguish〕He can distinguish the sound of piano in an orchestra.他能分辨出管弦乐队各种乐器演奏时钢琴的声音。21世纪英汉〔drop〕The photograph has dropped behind the piano.照片已掉落在钢琴的后面。英汉大词典〔drum on〕She drummed on the piano.她连续敲击钢琴键。21世纪英汉〔ebony〕The wood of this tree, used in cabinetwork and for piano keys.乌木:这种树木的木头,用以制造木屋或钢琴键美国传统〔echo〕There are echoes of Mozart in her first piano compositions.她最早创作的钢琴曲有些地方模仿了莫扎特。剑桥高阶〔eighty-eight〕Slang A piano.【俚语】 钢琴美国传统〔either〕Jackie could play the piano and sing, whereas I couldn't do either.杰基会弹钢琴也会唱歌,而我两样都不会。麦克米伦高阶〔electrify〕She would sit at the piano and sing, electrifying us all.她边弹钢琴边唱歌,使我们大家兴奋不已。朗文当代〔fallboard〕The hinged cover protecting the keyboard of a piano.钢琴盖:保护钢琴键盘的可悬挂的盖美国传统〔fashion〕I can play the piano, after a fashion.我会弹钢琴,不过马马虎虎。牛津高阶〔fond〕Anita is fond of playing the piano.阿妮塔喜欢弹钢琴。麦克米伦高阶〔full monty〕There was everything from simple piano to a full orchestral finish. The full monty.从单音的钢琴演奏到最后的管弦乐队齐奏, 什么都有了。真是一应俱全。外研社新世纪〔get ... out of〕You can soon get out of practice unless you play the piano regularly.除非你能经常练习钢琴,不然你会很快感到生疏。21世纪英汉〔get〕We can't get the piano through this narrow entrance.我们没法抬着钢琴经过这个狭窄的入口。英汉大词典〔good〕The piano was in good condition.这台钢琴状况良好。牛津高阶〔go〕The piano won't go through the narrow entrance.钢琴通不过这狭窄的入口。英汉大词典〔greatly〕Her piano playing has greatly improved/has improved greatly.她的钢琴弹奏大有进步。剑桥高阶〔hammer〕Music One of the padded wooden pieces of a piano that strikes the strings.【音乐】 音锤:钢琴中用以敲击琴键的护垫木槌美国传统〔help〕I'll help you move the piano.我将帮助你搬动那架钢琴。美国传统〔honour〕Mr Ashkenazy has informed us that he will be unable to honour his contract to perform the piano recital.阿什克纳齐先生已通知我们, 他将无法履行钢琴独奏演出合同。外研社新世纪〔hour〕He practiced the piano for hours at a time. = He spent hours practicing the piano.他每次练钢琴都会练好几个小时。韦氏高阶〔inelegant〕The grand piano has been replaced with a small, inelegant electric model.三角钢琴被代之以一架粗鄙的小电子琴。柯林斯高阶〔intro〕This song has a brilliant piano intro.这首歌的钢琴前奏非常好听。剑桥高阶〔jam〕Paul, George, and Ringo jammed on piano and guitar.保罗、乔治和林戈用钢琴和吉他即兴演奏爵士乐。外研社新世纪〔key〕Music A button or lever that is pressed with the finger to produce or modulate the sound of an instrument, such as a clarinet or piano.【音乐】 键:用手指触压以产生或调节乐器(如单簧管、钢琴)的声音美国传统〔key〕She ran her fingers lightly over the piano keys.她的手指轻巧地划过钢琴琴键。外研社新世纪〔key〕She sat down at the piano and put her hands on the keys.她在钢琴前坐下,把双手放在琴键上。韦氏高阶〔learn〕He is learning how to play the piano.他正在学习怎样弹钢琴。英汉大词典〔lesson〕Johanna took piano lessons.约翰娜上过钢琴课。外研社新世纪〔lesson〕She gives piano lessons.她教授钢琴课。牛津高阶〔love〕Bert loves playing the piano.伯特很喜欢弹钢琴。麦克米伦高阶〔lumpen〕In the darkness, he recognised the lumpen outline of a piano.黑暗中, 他认出了钢琴庞大模糊的轮廓。外研社新世纪〔mean〕She plays a mean piano (= she plays very well).她钢琴弹得很棒。剑桥高阶〔mean〕She's a mean piano player.她是个出色的钢琴演奏家。剑桥高阶〔mechanics〕The mechanics of playing the piano are easy for some people to acquire.对某些人来说,钢琴的弹奏法是容易掌握的。英汉大词典〔minor〕Mozart's Piano Concerto in D minor 莫扎特的D小调钢琴协奏曲剑桥高阶〔murmur〕The piano music mixes with the murmur of conversation.钢琴的弹奏声混杂着低低的交谈声。柯林斯高阶〔music〕We keep our music in a stack near the piano.我们把乐谱靠近钢琴堆成一堆美国传统〔natural〕She has a natural talent for playing the piano.她有弹奏钢琴的天赋。外研社新世纪〔nickelodeon〕A player piano.自动钢琴美国传统〔nocturne〕Chopin's Piano Nocturne in B flat肖邦的降B调钢琴梦幻曲外研社新世纪〔noodle〕I just sat at the piano noodling.我不过是坐在钢琴旁随手弹弹而已。剑桥高阶〔note〕A key of an instrument, such as a piano.琴键:钢琴或类似乐器的键美国传统〔note〕She played three long notes on the piano.她在钢琴上弹了3个长音。剑桥高阶〔on〕He played a short piece on the piano.他用钢琴弹奏了一首短曲。朗文当代〔pause〕There will be a brief pause in the proceedings while the piano is moved into place.在将钢琴搬过去放好之前,活动将暂停一会儿。剑桥高阶〔pefformer〕She will be performing at the piano.她将演奏钢琴。21世纪英汉〔penetrate〕The insistent rhythm of piano practice penetrated each room of the house.钢琴的持续韵律回荡在整幢房子的每个房间美国传统〔perform〕Thomas and Elisa performed a rousing duet for violin and piano.托马斯和伊丽莎共同表演了一曲激动人心的小提琴钢琴二重奏。剑桥高阶〔piano〕He plays jazz piano.他弹奏爵士钢琴曲。文馨英汉〔piano〕He takes piano lessons on Wednesdays.他每周三上钢琴课。韦氏高阶〔piano〕I play the piano.我会弹钢琴。剑桥高阶〔piano〕Ravel's piano concerto in G 拉威尔的 G 大调钢琴协奏曲牛津高阶〔piano〕She plays the piano very well.她钢琴弹得非常好。英汉大词典〔piano〕The music was written for piano.这支曲子是为钢琴谱写的。剑桥高阶〔piano〕There is a piano bar for evening entertainment.有间钢琴吧供晚间消遣娱乐。牛津搭配〔piano〕We can hear some Chopin on the piano.我们可以听到几首肖邦的钢琴曲。英汉大词典〔piano〕We're buying a new piano.我们准备买一架新钢琴。剑桥高阶〔pick〕He picked out the tune on the piano with one finger.他凭记忆用一个手指在钢琴上慢慢弹出了那支曲子。牛津高阶〔player〕Music The mechanism actuating a player piano.【音乐】 自动演奏装置:自动钢琴的自动演奏装置美国传统〔play〕A woman was playing the piano.一位女士正在弹钢琴。外研社新世纪〔plonk〕I really enjoy plonking away on the piano.我很喜欢咚咚咚地弹钢琴玩。剑桥高阶〔pound〕He got frustrated and started to pound the piano keys.他很懊恼,开始猛敲钢琴琴键。韦氏高阶〔practice〕I used to play the piano quite well, but I'm out of practice now.我以前钢琴弹得不错, 但是现在生疏了。外研社新世纪〔practice〕I've got to do my piano practice.我要去练习钢琴了。外研社新世纪〔practise〕She's practicing for her piano recital.她在为自己的钢琴演奏会作练习。朗文当代〔practise〕She's practising hard for the piano competition.她正在为钢琴比赛刻苦练习。牛津搭配〔prelude〕Music An independent piece written for piano and usually based on a single, short thematic motif.【音乐】 序曲:一首为钢琴所做的独立曲目,通常以一单独的,较短的主旋律为基调美国传统〔pride of place〕The crystal vase enjoyed pride of place on the grand piano.水晶花瓶被放在大钢琴上最引人注目的地方美国传统〔private〕Donald Tovey, who took her as his private pupil for the piano.唐纳德·托维,她的私人钢琴老师柯林斯高阶〔pull〕He's pulled a muscle while trying to lift the piano.他想把钢琴抬起来,因用力过度而拉伤了肌肉。21世纪英汉〔put〕I put my back out by moving the piano.我搬钢琴时扭伤了背。英汉大词典〔rattle〕She rattled a lively piece of music on the piano.她在钢琴上娴熟地弹出一首轻快的曲子。英汉大词典〔rupture〕He ruptured himself(= got a hernia)trying to lift the piano.他试着搬动钢琴,发了疝气。牛津高阶〔rusty〕I haven't played the piano for ages—I may be a little rusty.我很久没有弹钢琴,可能会有点生疏。牛津高阶〔save〕She couldn't play the piano to save her life! 她一点也不会弹钢琴!麦克米伦高阶〔say〕The child can play the piano quite well,to say that he is only ten.就10岁孩子而言,他钢琴弹得满不错。英汉大词典〔scale〕She was practising scales on her new piano.她在她的新钢琴上做音阶练习。麦克米伦高阶〔serenade〕Shoppers are serenaded with live piano music.购物者可以欣赏到现场演奏的钢琴曲。剑桥高阶〔shift〕Lend me a hand to shift this piano, will you? 请帮我搬一下这架钢琴,行吗? 英汉大词典〔singing〕Her brother accompanied her singing on the piano.她哥哥用钢琴为她的演唱伴奏。牛津搭配〔single-handed〕I can’t shift the piano single-handed.我一个人搬不动钢琴。牛津同义词〔sketch〕Music A brief composition, especially for the piano.【音乐】 短曲:短小的作品,尤指为钢琴所作美国传统〔slip〕Help me slip the cover over the piano.帮我把钢琴罩套在钢琴上。韦氏高阶〔soft pedal〕A pedal used to mute tone, as on a piano.钢琴踏板:用来减弱音调的踏板,如在钢琴上美国传统〔song〕He sat down at the piano and raised a song.他在钢琴前坐下,奏出一支歌曲。英汉大词典〔sound〕The black key on the piano won't sound.钢琴上的那个黑键弹不响了。英汉大词典〔space〕They moved the sofa to make space for the piano.他们把沙发搬走了,好给钢琴腾出地方。牛津搭配〔stick at sth〕You'll never learn to play the piano if you're not going to stick at it.如果你不打算持之以恒的话,你永远也学不会弹钢琴。剑桥高阶〔stumble〕I stumbled through the piano piece with difficulty.我断断续续地好不容易弹完了那支钢琴曲。牛津高阶〔take〕Her parents made her take piano lessons when she was 10.她10岁的时候父母让她学钢琴。韦氏高阶〔the〕Nico is learning to play the piano.尼科在学弹钢琴。剑桥高阶〔the〕She played the piano,and I played the violin.她弹钢琴,我拉小提琴。21世纪英汉〔thump〕He thumped out a tune on the piano.他在钢琴上重重地弹奏出一首曲子。21世纪英汉〔tinkle〕A piano was tinkling in the background.背景中传出清脆的钢琴声。韦氏高阶〔tinkle〕At the first tinkle of the piano, a thousand girls were unleashed onto the dancefloor.钢琴刚刚叮咚响起, 一千名少女便涌入舞池。外研社新世纪〔tolerably〕I play the piano tolerably well, though I have no particular talent for it.虽然我在弹钢琴方面没有特别的天赋,但是我弹得还算可以。剑桥高阶〔tootle〕McCann tootled a tune on the piano.麦卡恩在钢琴上弹奏了一首曲子。外研社新世纪〔tootle〕McCann tootled a tune on the piano.麦卡恩在钢琴上随手轻弹一曲。柯林斯高阶〔touch〕The piano has a nice touch.这架钢琴手感很好。外研社新世纪〔transcribe〕He gave up trying to write for the guitar and decided to transcribe the work for piano.他放弃了吉他谱曲, 决定改编钢琴曲作品。外研社新世纪〔tug〕We tugged the piano across the hall.我们费力地将钢琴由大厅的一端拖到另一端。21世纪英汉〔tune〕It's no wonder the piano kept going out of tune.难怪钢琴一直不在调上。柯林斯高阶〔tune〕The piano is out of tune.恐怕这架钢琴走调了。剑桥高阶〔una corda〕With the soft pedal of the piano depressed. Used chiefly as a direction.用弱音踏板地(的):用钢琴踏板压下。主要用作演唱演奏指示美国传统〔unaccompanied〕She sang the first three verses with a piano and the last verse unaccompanied.她在钢琴的伴奏下唱了前三节,清唱了最后一节。剑桥高阶〔underneath〕The coin rolled underne ath the piano.硬币滚到了钢琴底下。牛津高阶〔untouched〕The new piano stood untouched for weeks.新钢琴放了几个星期没有人碰过。英汉大词典〔upright piano〕A piano having the strings mounted vertically in a rectangular case with the keyboard at a right angle to the case.立式钢琴:一种钢琴,弦垂直地装在长方形音箱中,键盘与音箱成直角美国传统〔value〕The piano has held its value.这架钢琴保持了原有价值。牛津搭配〔vamp〕He vamped on the piano while she sang.她演唱时,他弹钢琴作即席伴奏。英汉大词典〔virtuosity〕Her virtuosity on the piano is amazing.她精湛的钢琴演奏技巧令人惊叹。韦氏高阶〔virtuoso〕Famous mainly for his wonderful voice, Cole Porter was also a virtuoso on the piano.除了以动人的嗓音闻名之外,科尔·波特还是一位钢琴大师。剑桥高阶〔waking〕She seems to spend every waking moment/minute/hour (= all her available time) at the piano.她似乎把除睡觉以外的所有时间都花在钢琴上了。剑桥高阶〔work〕Learning to play the piano isn't easy. You have to work at it.学弹钢琴不容易,你非得下功夫不可。牛津高阶〔world〕She is in a world of her own when she is playing the piano.她在弹钢琴时思想高度集中。英汉大词典A grand piano has the strings extending away from the keyboard, whereas an upright piano has the strings set perpendicularly.平台式钢琴的弦是从琴键延伸出来的,而立式钢琴的弦是垂直安置的。剑桥国际After they had carried the piano up the stairs, they stopped for a rest from their exertions.他们将钢琴抬上楼之后,停下来休息了一下。剑桥国际Brilliant piano solos punctuate the songs.美妙的钢琴独奏伴随着歌曲。剑桥国际Constant practice is the groundwork for success in playing the piano. 要弹得一手好钢琴,经常练习才是根本。译典通Debussy arranged the score for piano himself.德彪西自己给钢琴谱曲。剑桥国际Guitars, pianos and cellos are different types of stringed instrument.吉他、钢琴和大提琴是不同种类的弦乐器。剑桥国际Having only £200 to play with, they bought a second-hand piano.因为他们手头只有200英镑,他们买了一架二手钢琴。剑桥国际He can play the piano after a fashion. 他能弹点钢琴。译典通He is a natural on the piano. 他天生擅长弹钢琴。译典通He played the piano with dexterity. 他以纯熟的指法弹奏钢琴。译典通He worked all summer to save money for the purchase of a piano. 他工作了一整个夏天,为的是存钱买架钢琴。译典通Her piano playing is very good--she'll be moving up to the advanced class soon.她钢琴弹得很好----她不久要进入高级班。剑桥国际I just sat at the piano noodling.我坐在钢琴前信手弹奏。剑桥国际I play the piano, but not very well.我会弹钢琴,但不是很好。剑桥国际I really enjoy plonking away on the piano (= playing, usually not very well, by hitting the keys hard).我很喜欢丁丁冬冬地弹钢琴来消遣。剑桥国际I was greatly impressed by the handiness with which she played the piano. 她弹奏钢琴如此娴熟,给我留下了深刻印象。译典通If you consider how long he's been learning the piano he's not very good. 要是你考虑到他学钢琴有多久了,你就知道他弹得并不好。剑桥国际Look at the lovely shiny finish on that piano.看这钢琴亮铮铮的外表,多好啊!剑桥国际Maggie plays the piano very well. 玛姬钢琴弹得很好。译典通Miss Jessop accompanied Mr Bentley on the piano (=played the piano while he sang or played another instrument).杰索普小姐用钢琴为本特利先生伴奏。剑桥国际My piano teacher says that I should practise for a set number of hours a week.我的钢琴老师说我每周应该练习固定的几个小时。剑桥国际Nico is learning to play the piano.尼科在学弹钢琴。剑桥国际She gave a luminous performance of the Mozart piano concerto.她对莫扎特的钢琴协奏曲作了很好的诠释。剑桥国际She plays a mean piano (= She plays very well).她钢琴弹得很出色。剑桥国际She plays the piano like a robot -- perfectly but without any feeling.她弹钢琴像是一个机器人----完全正确但没有任何感情。剑桥国际She sang to a piano accompaniment. 她在钢琴伴奏下演唱。译典通She seems to spend every waking hour (= all her available time) at the piano.她似乎把除睡觉以外的所有时间都花在钢琴上。剑桥国际Soft piano music floated down from above.轻柔的钢琴乐曲从上方飘荡下来。剑桥国际Steve only plays the piano, he doesn't write music for it.斯蒂夫只弹钢琴,他并不作曲。剑桥国际Tastefully decorated throughout, the hotel offers comfortable lounges, a beautiful restaurant and a stylish piano bar.大旅馆里里外外装潢得很高雅,备有舒适的休息室,一个漂亮的餐厅和一个现代的钢琴酒吧。剑桥国际The picture's fallen behind the piano and I can't reach it.那幅画掉到钢琴后面了,我够不着。剑桥国际The tuning on this piano is awful.这架钢琴的定弦很差劲。剑桥国际They muscled the old piano out of the room. 他们使劲把旧钢琴搬出房间。译典通Violins and cellos are part of the strings, but guitars and pianos are not.小提琴和大提琴是弦乐部的一部分,但吉他和钢琴不是。剑桥国际We couldn't hear the cello very well because the balance with the piano was awry.我们无法听清大提琴的演奏,因为它与钢琴的协奏不合调。剑桥国际We damaged the end of the piano when we moved it.我们搬钢琴时,把琴的顶端碰坏了。剑桥国际We're going to buy a new piano.我们准备买架新钢琴。剑桥国际You'll never learn to play the piano if you're not prepared to stick at it (= continue to work hard at it).如果你不准备持之以恒的话,你永远也学不会钢琴。剑桥国际




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