

单词 protestant
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bible belt〕Those sections of the United States, especially in the South and Middle West, where Protestant fundamentalism is widely practiced.圣经带:尤指美国南部和中西部基督教新教徒基要主义普及的一些地区美国传统〔Lutheran〕Of or relating to the branch of the Protestant Church adhering to the views of Luther.路德教的:关于新教中坚持路德观点的那一教派的美国传统〔Mass〕Public celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church and some Protestant churches.弥撒:罗马天主教教堂和一些新教教堂举行的领取圣餐的公共庆祝活动美国传统〔NOT〕Having had one Protestant parent and one Catholic parent, I was really neither one thing nor the other. 我的父母一个是新教徒,一个是天主教徒,我则两个都不是。朗文写作活用〔Nazarene〕A member of an American Protestant denomination, the Church of the Nazarene, that follows many of the doctrines of early Methodism.美国基督教新教教徒:美国基督教新教统治下的一员!拿撒勒人的教堂遵循了许多早期美以美教派的教条美国传统〔Orangeman〕A Protestant Irishman.信奉新教的爱尔兰人美国传统〔Presbyterian Church〕Any of various Protestant churches governed by presbyters and traditionally Calvinist in doctrine.(基督教)长老会:由长老控制的各式各样的新教派,传统上信仰卡尔文派教义美国传统〔Prod〕Used as a disparaging term for a Protestant.新教徒:用于对新教徒的鄙语美国传统〔Protestantism〕Protestants considered as a group.新教教徒或教会的总称美国传统〔Protestantism〕Adherence to the religion and beliefs of a Protestant church.奉行新教教义:遵守新教教会的宗教和信仰美国传统〔Protestantism〕The religion and religious beliefs fostered by the Protestant movement.新教教义:由新教运动形成的宗教和宗教信仰美国传统〔Protestant〕Most Protestant churches now have women ministers.如今大多数新教教会都有女牧师。外研社新世纪〔Protestant〕Most Protestant churches now have women ministers.如今大多数新教教会都有女牧师。柯林斯高阶〔Protestant〕Of or relating to Protestants or Protestantism.新教徒的,新教的:新教徒或新教的或与之相关的美国传统〔SIMPLE〕Protestant churches often have an appearance of extreme simplicity and austerity. 新教教堂通常都有极其简单朴素的外观。朗文写作活用〔Wasp〕A white Protestant of Anglo-Saxon ancestry.祖先是盎格鲁·撒克逊人的白种新教徒美国传统〔Wellesley〕British politician and colonial administrator who expanded the British Empire in India and sought reconciliation between Protestants and Catholics in Ireland.韦尔兹利:英国政治家和殖民地总督。他扩展了英帝国在印度的领地,并企图在爱尔兰实现新教徒与天主教徒的妥协美国传统〔abjure〕He abjured the Protestant faith and became King in 1594.他放弃了新教信仰, 于1594年登基为王。外研社新世纪〔abjure〕He abjured the Protestant faith and became King in 1594.他放弃了新教信仰,于1594年登基为王。柯林斯高阶〔break down〕His early experience enabled him to break down barriers between Scottish Catholics and Protestants.他早年的经历使他能够消除苏格兰天主教徒和新教徒之间的隔阂。柯林斯高阶〔chorale〕A Protestant hymn melody.赞美诗曲调:新教赞美诗的曲调美国传统〔conference〕An assembly of clerical or of clerical and lay members from a particular district in various Protestant churches.集会:某一地区各个教堂的神职和非神职人员的聚会活动美国传统〔congregationalism〕Congregationalism The system of government and religious beliefs of a Protestant denomination in which each member church is self-governing. Congregationalism 公理主义:一种政府和新教信仰的系统,其中每个教堂都是独立自治的美国传统〔deaconess〕A Protestant woman who assists the minister in various functions.女执事:以各种各样的职务帮助教区长的女耶稣教徒美国传统〔deacon〕A Protestant layperson who assists the minister in various functions.会吏:以各种各样的职责帮助教区长的耶稣教徒的平信徒美国传统〔divide〕The road divides Protestant and Catholic areas.这条路将新教教区和天主教教区分割开来。外研社新世纪〔evangelical〕Evangelical Of, relating to, or being a Protestant church that founds its teaching on the gospel. Evangelical 福音派的:属于或关于传播、宣讲福音的,福音派新教会的美国传统〔evangelical〕Of or relating to all Protestant churches in Germany.德国新教派的:属于或关于所有德国的福音派新教会的美国传统〔evangelist〕One who practices evangelism, especially a Protestant preacher or missionary.福音传道者,尤指新教传教士美国传统〔faith〕England shifted officially from a Catholic to a Protestant faith in the 16th century.英格兰于 16 世纪正式由天主教改信新教。柯林斯高阶〔firebrand〕His early years as a Protestant firebrand had led to imprisonment and then exile.他年轻时是个狂热的新教徒, 并因此先是入狱, 后又被流放。外研社新世纪〔meeting ground〕The raves are the last meeting ground for the children of Catholic and Protestant violence.对陷于天主教和新教冲突中的儿童来说,喜欢狂欢聚会是他们的最后一个共同点。麦克米伦高阶〔meetinghouse〕A building used for public meetings and especially for Protestant or Quaker religious services.礼拜堂:作为公众聚会的建筑物,尤指新教徒或教友派进行宗教仪式的礼拜堂美国传统〔minister〕One who is authorized to perform religious functions in a Christian church, especially a Protestant church.牧师:基督教会中,尤指在新教中被授权进行宗教活动的人美国传统〔mystic〕Protestant mystics.新教徒的神秘主义者美国传统〔parson〕A member of the clergy, especially a Protestant minister.教士中的一员,尤指基督教长美国传统〔planter〕The colonists – or 'planters' as they were known – were English and Scottish, and Protestant.这些殖民者——或所谓的“定居者”——是英格兰人和苏格兰人, 并且还是新教徒。外研社新世纪〔practise〕Both Protestants and Catholics could freely practise their religion.新教徒和天主教徒都可以自由地信奉宗教。牛津搭配〔progress〕We must progress towards full integration of Catholic and Protestant pupils in Ireland.我们必须争取使爱尔兰的天主教和新教小学生完全融合在一起。朗文当代〔protestant〕He's a Protestant.他是新教教徒。牛津高阶〔protestant〕The majority of the population is Protestant.这里的人大多数都信奉新教。牛津高阶〔rector〕A cleric in charge of a parish in the Protestant Episcopal Church.教区长:在圣公会教派中负责一个教区的神职人员美国传统〔reformed〕Reformed Relating to or being the Protestant churches that follow the teachings of John Calvin and Ulrich Zwingli. Reformed 新教教会的:有关信守约翰·卡尔文和乌尔里希·茨温利所授教义的新教教会的美国传统〔sectary〕A dissenter from an established church, especially a Protestant nonconformist.非国会派的新教徒:已建立的教派的反对者,尤指英国国会的非国会教徒美国传统〔show〕In a rare show of unity, both Catholic and Protestant leaders appeared together at yesterday's peace rally.在昨天的和平集会上,天主教和新教的领袖们一起出席,显示出少有的团结。麦克米伦高阶〔staunch〕The family was staunchly Protestant.那一家人是忠实的新教徒。牛津高阶〔theology〕Protestant theology; Jewish theology.新教神学;犹太神学美国传统At the age of thirty-three he became a Protestant (minister).他在35岁时成了一名新教徒/牧师。剑桥国际In the eyes of some extreme Protestants, the Pope is the Antichrist.在某些极端的新教徒眼中,教皇是一个伪基督。剑桥国际She has been brought up with the Protestant work ethic (= the belief that work is valuable as an activity as well as for what it produces).她从小被灌输了新教的工作有益的伦理。剑桥国际




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