

单词 plywood
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Eames chair〕A functional chair, originally of molded plywood, with seat and back pieces shaped to the contours of the human body.埃姆斯椅:一种功能很全的椅子,最初由模制胶合板做成,椅面与靠背部分做成人型的凹凸模样美国传统〔addition〕This plywood addition helps to strengthen the structure.多层胶合板有助于加固结构。柯林斯高阶〔addition〕This plywood addition helps to strengthen the structure.添加的胶合板有助于加固结构。外研社新世纪〔beech〕The wood of any of these trees, used for flooring, containers, plywood, and tool handles.山毛榉木:这些树的任一种木材,用于地板、容器、胶合板及木具的木柄中美国传统〔birch〕The hard, close-grained wood of any of these trees, used especially in furniture, interior finishes, and plywood.桦木:该树木质地硬纹理细的一种木材,尤其用于家具、室内装饰和胶合板美国传统〔cap〕They had capped the roof with plywood.他们在房顶上加盖了胶合板。柯林斯高阶〔laminate〕A laminated product, such as plywood.薄片制品:薄片制品,如层压板美国传统〔nail down〕Lay strips of 4mm plywood over the mesh and nail these down.在网子上铺上4毫米厚的胶合板条, 并用钉子钉牢。外研社新世纪〔ply〕One of the sheets of wood glued together to form plywood.层板:被粘在一起形成胶合板的几张木板的一张美国传统〔sheet〕A broad, thin, usually rectangular mass or piece of material, such as paper, metal, glass, or plywood.薄片,板:宽阔、薄的,通常是长方形或片状的材料,例如纸张、金属、玻璃或夹板美国传统〔thickness〕Plywood is available in various thicknesses.各种厚度的胶合板均有货。韦氏高阶〔veneer〕Any of the thin layers glued together to make plywood.薄木片:粘在一起制成胶合板的任何一层薄木板美国传统〔veneer〕To glue together (layers of wood) to make plywood.把(木片层)粘合成胶合板美国传统Plywood comes in a variety of facings and can be stained to any colour, and then sealed with a clear varnish.胶合板有各种饰面,能涂上任何颜色,然后镀上一层清漆。剑桥国际Much modern furniture is not solid but uses a sandwich of wood veneer on plywood. 许多现代家具用的并非实心木料,而是在胶合板上镶上一层木板饰面而已。译典通The only tool you really need for this job, apart from a drill and a knife, is a saw to cut the plywood to size.除了一个钻头和一把刀以外,做这个工作你真正需要的唯一工具是一把锯子,把夹板锯成所要求的尺寸。剑桥国际They use specially treated plywood as roof sheathing (= protective outer covering).他们用经过特殊处理的胶合板来作屋顶的盖板。剑桥国际




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