

单词 plying
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔craft〕comedians plying their craft for an agency 为一家代理机构辛劳工作的喜剧演员牛津搭配〔handle〕plying a knife and fork with gusto); the term also applies to the regular and diligent engagement in a task or pursuit ( 以极大的热情起劲地挥舞着刀和叉); 这个词还意味着经常性地、勤奋地从事某项任务或活动( 美国传统〔plied〕oars plying strongly against the current船桨在急流中使劲划着21世纪英汉〔ply〕a taxi driver plying for hire 等候载客的出租车司机英汉大词典〔ply〕craftsmen plying traditional trades 从事传统手艺的工匠们英汉大词典〔ply〕ships plying the country's northern coast 在这个国家北部沿海定期往返的船只韦氏高阶〔ply〕taxis plying for hire outside the theatre 在剧院外招揽乘客的出租车牛津高阶〔ply〕the airliners plying the U.S. skies 在美国上空飞行的班机英汉大词典〔ply〕the market traders noisily plying their wares.大声吆喝货物的集市商贩柯林斯高阶airlines plying transatlantic routes 定期往返于跨大西洋航线的航空公司牛津商务




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