

单词 published
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOOKS〕She wrote a book of short stories, but it never got published. 她写过一本短篇小说集,但从未出版过。朗文写作活用〔CELEBRATE〕The book will be published in October to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Morris's death. 这本书将于10月份出版,以纪念莫里斯逝世100周年。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕A facsimile of the 1896 book was published in February. 这本1896年版图书的摹本于2月出版。朗文写作活用〔DISAPPROVE〕A lot of church leaders disapproved of the book when it was first published. 这本书刚出版时,许多教会领袖都不赞成。朗文写作活用〔DO/NOT DO〕Beck has dabbled in poetry over the years, but this is her first published book of poems. 贝克多年来一直在尝试诗歌创作,但这是她出版的第一部诗集。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕Fresh evidence has come to light since the report was published. 报道刊登后,出现了新的证据。朗文写作活用〔GOOD〕Longman has published a deluxe, leather-bound edition of Johnson's Dictionary. 朗文公司出版了皮面装帧的《约翰逊辞典》豪华版。朗文写作活用〔IN GENERAL〕He mostly writes novels, but he's published a book of poetry too. 他写的大部分是小说,但也出版了一本诗集。朗文写作活用〔INFORMATION〕The informative newsletter is published once every two months. 这种资料丰富的简报每两个月出版一期。朗文写作活用〔LIFE〕During Dickinson's lifetime, only a few of her works were actually published. 迪金森生前只有很少的作品发表。朗文写作活用〔PRIVATE〕Some of the author's intimate correspondence was published after her death. 那位作者去世后,部分私人信件被出版。朗文写作活用〔SELL〕Amateur Photographer is published every Tuesday. 《业余摄影师》每周二出版。朗文写作活用〔STORY〕Her autobiography will be published next month, and will be a guaranteed bestseller. 她的自传将于下月出版,肯定会很畅销。朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕The first book on the subject was published in 1900. 第一本关于这个话题的书出版于1900年。朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕Serious poetry published in newspapers always seems slightly out of keeping. 严肃的诗歌刊登在报纸上总有点不协调。朗文写作活用〔action〕A libel action is being brought against the magazine that published the article.刊登该文章的杂志将受到诽谤诉讼。牛津高阶〔alphabetical〕The names are published in alphabetical order.姓名按照字母顺序公布。剑桥高阶〔annual〕The company's earnings for last year are published in the annual report.公司去年的盈利公布在年度报告上。韦氏高阶〔assumed name〕The articles were published in San Francisco newspapers under the assumed name of Dorothy Dodge.这些文章以化名多萝西•道奇在旧金山多家报纸上发表。外研社新世纪〔authoritative〕The first authoritative study of polio was published in 1840.关于小儿麻痹症的第一篇权威性研究报告发表于1840年。柯林斯高阶〔autobiography〕He published his autobiography last autumn.他去年秋天出版了自己的自传。柯林斯高阶〔bare〕The newspaper had simply published the bare facts.报上只刊登了最基本的事实。朗文当代〔beat a dead horse〕He keeps trying to get it published but I think he's beating a dead horse.他一个劲儿地想将其出版,但我认为他在白费力气。剑桥高阶〔before〕Kelman had a book published in the US more than a decade before a British publisher would touch him.克尔曼早在英国出版商同他接触前十多年就已经在美国出版过一本书了。柯林斯高阶〔biannual〕The committee has just published its biannual report.委员会刚刚公布了半年报告。剑桥高阶〔body〕The body of his published work on China spans the years from 1927 to 1970.他发表的有关中国的著作大部分以1927年至1970年为时间跨度。英汉大词典〔build on〕I've built all my hopes on this dictionary being published.我寄一切希望于这部词典的出版上了。21世纪英汉〔case〕The Honduran press published reports of eighteen cases of alleged baby snatching.洪都拉斯媒体报道了18起尚未证实的盗婴事件。外研社新世纪〔catechism〕The new Catholic catechism was finally published in May.新版天主教《教理问答》终于在5月出版了。外研社新世纪〔chronicle〕His life is chronicled in a new biography published last week.他的生平被写成一本新传记,上周出版了。朗文当代〔clockwork〕Newspoll is published like clockwork every second Tuesday.《新闻民调》每隔一周的星期二都会按时出版。外研社新世纪〔coincidence〕By coincidence, his teaching contract finished at about the same time his first book was published.很巧,他的任教合同到期与他第一本书的出版几乎是在同一时间。麦克米伦高阶〔collected〕His collected poems have just been published.他的诗歌集刚刚出版。柯林斯高阶〔come〕Fast food has come in for further criticism in a report published today.在今天刊登的一篇报道中,快餐遭到进一步的批评。麦克米伦高阶〔companion〕A cookery book will be published as a companion volume to his television series.一本与他的电视系列节目配套的烹饪手册即将出版。麦克米伦高阶〔correspondence〕A book of the author's personal correspondence was published early last year.作者的个人书信集于去年年初出版了。韦氏高阶〔corroboration〕His story was published without corroboration.他的故事未加进一步的证实即予发表。文馨英汉〔credit line〕A line of copy acknowledging the source or origin of a news dispatch, published article, or other work.荣誉行:说明某则新闻报道、出版的文章或其它工作的出处或来源的一行文字美国传统〔criticism〕She has published more than 20 books including novels, poetry and literary criticism.她已出版了包括小说、诗歌和文学评论在内的20多部著作。柯林斯高阶〔cult〕The book achieved cult status as soon as it was published.那本书一出版就风靡一时。牛津搭配〔dark horse〕Anna's such a dark horse - I had no idea she'd published a novel.安娜可真是深藏不露——我一点儿都不知道她已经出版了一本小说。剑桥高阶〔demand〕Because of popular demand, the restaurant has published a cookbook of favorite recipes.应大众要求,这家餐厅出版了最受欢迎菜式的烹饪书。韦氏高阶〔diary〕O'Brien's diaries for the years 2006 to 2009 are to be published next year.奥布赖恩2006至2009年的日记将于明年出版。外研社新世纪〔digest〕Abbr. dig.A collection of previously published material, such as articles, essays, or reports, usually in edited or condensed form.缩写 dig.摘要:将已发表的材料,例如文章、散文或报告编辑或压缩后汇集起来美国传统〔disown〕The spokesperson disowned a published statement.发言人否认某项发表的声明是他说的。21世纪英汉〔divergence〕Recently published statistics show a divergence from previous trends.最近发布的数字与先前呈现的趋势大相径庭。剑桥高阶〔draft〕I rewrote his rough draft, which was published under my name.我改写了他的草稿, 以我的名义发表了。外研社新世纪〔due〕The arrangements will be published in due course.计划将在适当的时候公布。柯林斯高阶〔edition〕A limited edition of 2000 copies has been published.2000 册的限量版已发行。朗文当代〔edition〕The textbook was first published in 1858 and is now in its 39th edition.该课本于 1858 年首次出版,现在已经是第 39 版。朗文当代〔editorial〕The paper published an editorial strongly criticizing the mayor's actions.报纸发表了一篇社论,强烈批评市长的行为。韦氏高阶〔entirety〕If published, it must be published in its entirety.如果要出版的话, 必须全文出版。外研社新世纪〔entry〕The winning entry will be published in next month's issue.获胜作品将刊登在下月的杂志上。牛津搭配〔excerpt〕The paper published some short excerpts from Mandela's memoirs.该报登出了曼德拉回忆录的一些片段。牛津搭配〔expurgated〕It was first published in 1914 in a highly expurgated version.它初版于1914年, 当时删除了大量内容。外研社新世纪〔faintly〕Ten years ago today the US Center for Disease Control published the first faint warnings of a worldwide epidemic.10年前的今天,美国疾病控制中心敷衍其事地发出了第一份警告:一场世界范围的流行病可能会出现。柯林斯高阶〔faint〕Ten years ago today the US Center for Disease Control published the first faint warnings of a worldwide epidemic.十年前的今天, 美国疾病控制中心含糊其词地发出了第一份警告:一场世界范围的流行病可能会出现。外研社新世纪〔faith〕This report was published in good faith but we regret any confusion that may have been caused.这篇报道是出于好意发表的, 但我们对可能造成的混淆表示遗憾。外研社新世纪〔faith〕This report was published in good faith but we regret any confusion which may have been caused.我们发表这篇报道的初衷是好的,但对可能已造成的混乱深感歉意。柯林斯高阶〔feuilleton〕A novel published in installments.分期连载的小说美国传统〔fiction〕His next two fictions will be published soon.他的下两部小说即将出版。英汉大词典〔finding〕He published his findings in a medical journal.他在一本医学杂志上发表了自己的研究结果。韦氏高阶〔first〕The book was first published in 2000.此书 2000 年初版。朗文当代〔fixture〕Next season's fixtures will be published early next month.下赛季的赛事日程将在下月初公布。剑桥高阶〔flog a dead horse〕He keeps trying to get it published but I think he's flogging a dead horse.他一个劲儿地想将其出版,但我认为他在白费力气。剑桥高阶〔follow〕She published a book of poems and followed it (up) with (= next produced) a novel.她出版了一部诗集,接着又出版了一本小说。剑桥高阶〔fuzzy〕A couple of fuzzy pictures have been published.有几张模糊的照片刊登了出来。柯林斯高阶〔graft〕The newspaper published a series of articles exposing graft in the city government.报纸刊登了一系列文章,揭露市政府的贪污受贿行为。韦氏高阶〔ground〕The man has gone to ground since his photograph was published in a national newspaper.那人自从照片上了一家全国性的报纸以后就销声匿迹了。朗文当代〔guidebook〕In 1987 Congressional Quarterly published a series of guidebooks to American politics.1987年《国会季刊》出版了一系列美国政治指南读物。柯林斯高阶〔hardback〕His latest novel will be published in hardback later this month.他的最新小说将在本月晚些时候以精装本的形式出版。剑桥高阶〔hearten〕He will have been heartened by the telephone opinion poll published yesterday.昨天公布的电话民意测验将会使他受到鼓舞。外研社新世纪〔independently〕An independent opinion poll published today shows growing discontent with the government.今天发表的一项独立民意测验表明民众对政府的不满正与日俱增。柯林斯高阶〔independent〕An independent opinion poll published today shows growing discontent with the government.今天公布的一项中立民意测验显示对政府的不满情绪正在上涨。外研社新世纪〔index〕The price index is published monthly.价格指数每月发布一次。牛津搭配〔inedited〕Not published.未发表的美国传统〔journal〕The paper was published in an obscure medical journal.这篇论文发表在一份鲜为人知的医学期刊上。牛津搭配〔know the score〕You know the score - no payment till after the article is published.你了解情况——文章发表后才付稿酬。剑桥高阶〔letter〕The editor published an open letter to the president.编辑发表了一份给总统的公开信。牛津搭配〔lifetime〕His diary was not published during his lifetime.他的日记在他生前未曾发表过。牛津高阶〔listing〕A full listing of the companies will be published quarterly.公司名录大全每季度出版一次。柯林斯高阶〔long-awaited〕Last week the commission published its long-awaited report on the problem of teenage pregnancies.上周委员会公布了人们期盼已久的关于少女妊娠问题的报告。剑桥高阶〔long〕A long book may be published in two or more volumes.一部篇幅长的书可分两卷或多卷出版。英汉大词典〔mail bomb〕The newspaper was mail-bombed by angry readers after the article was published.文章发表后,这家报纸受到了愤怒读者的电邮轰炸。牛津高阶〔meditation〕She recently published her meditations on ethics.她最近发表了她对伦理的思考。韦氏高阶〔memoirs〕He has published a long memoir about those years.他出版了一部关于那些岁月的长篇回忆录。牛津搭配〔memoir〕He died yesterday just three months after he published his memoirs.他在出版自己的回忆录仅3个月后于昨天去世了。麦克米伦高阶〔memoir〕He has just published a memoir in honour of his captain.他刚刚出了一本传记来纪念他的队长。柯林斯高阶〔memorial〕His memorial to his father was published.他为纪念父亲而写的书已出版了。英汉大词典〔monthly〕The magazine is published monthly.这本杂志是月刊。韦氏高阶〔month〕Winning stories will be published in the magazine in future months.获奖故事未来几个月将在杂志上发表。牛津搭配〔must-read〕Not many must-reads were published this summer.这个夏天没有许多的必读之物出版美国传统〔nonbook〕A book having little or no literary merit or substance, often published to exploit a fad.无真实价值书:没有或有很少文学价值或意义的一类书,经常为利用时尚而出版美国传统〔now〕It is not clear why this work should suddenly now be published in Britain.不清楚这部作品为何今天要在英国突然出版。英汉大词典〔pamphlet〕A short essay or treatise, usually on a current topic, published without a binding.活页文选:小短文或专题论文,常关于一个流行的题目,出版时未经装订美国传统〔passage〕Several passages from the book were printed in a national newspaper before it was published.该书出版前,书中有几段文章被登载在一份全国性的报纸上。剑桥高阶〔peer review〕All these papers have been published after being subjected to peer review.所有这些论文都是在同行审议后发表的。剑桥高阶〔perusal〕A perusal of the letters which we have published has satisfied him of the reality of our claim.读了我们的公开信后,他终于相信我们的要求的确是真的。柯林斯高阶〔photograph〕The next day they published photographs of the kidnappers.第二天,他们登出了绑架者的照片。牛津搭配〔poetry〕She's published two books of lyric poetry and a novel.她出版了两本抒情诗集和一部小说。韦氏高阶〔posthumously〕Sense and Sensibility appeared in 1811; Northanger Abbey and Persuasion were published posthumously in 1817.《理智与情感》出版于1811年;《诺桑觉寺》和《劝导》出版于作者死后的1817年。外研社新世纪〔press〕The book is published by Federal Street Press.这本书由联邦街出版公司出版。韦氏高阶〔prior restraint〕Judicial prevention of a statement or other expression from being published.事前限制,预先制止令:司法上预先禁止公布某项陈述或表达意见美国传统〔proclamation〕In a proclamation published at 10:38 a.m. Gen. de Gaulle announced the birth of the new nation.在上午10点38分发布的公告中, 戴高乐将军宣布了新国家的诞生。外研社新世纪〔profile〕A newspaper published profiles of the candidates' wives.一家报纸刊登了几位候选人夫人的简介。柯林斯高阶〔publicity〕Her first novel was published last year in a blaze of (= with a lot of) publicity.她的第一部小说去年在大张旗鼓的宣传下出版。剑桥高阶〔publish〕He has not published anything for a long time.他很长一段时间没有发表作品了。韦氏高阶〔publish〕He has recently published a critical work with Oxford University Press.他最近在牛津大学出版社出版了一本评论著作。英汉大词典〔publish〕He writes poetry, but has never been published.他写诗,但是从来都没有发表过。麦克米伦高阶〔publish〕Her books have never been widely published in the US.她的书从来没有在美国得到广泛的出版。牛津搭配〔publish〕Pictures of the suspect were published in all the daily papers.嫌疑人的照片刊登在各家日报上了。牛津高阶〔publish〕She hasn't published anything for years.她好几年没有发表作品了。牛津高阶〔publish〕She was only 19 when her first novel was published.她的第一部小说出版时她年仅19岁。剑桥高阶〔publish〕The ban was imposed after the magazine published an article satirising the government.这家杂志刊登了一篇讽刺政府的文章后被停刊。柯林斯高阶〔publish〕The findings of the committee will be published on Friday.委员会的调查结果将于星期五公布。牛津高阶〔publish〕The first edition was published in 1765.第一版于 1765 年出版。朗文当代〔publish〕The latest unemployment figures will be published tomorrow.最新的失业数字将于明天公布。朗文当代〔quarterly〕Reports are published quarterly.报告按季度公布。麦克米伦高阶〔range〕The findings of a wide-ranging (= including many subjects) survey of young people's attitudes are published today.今天公布了年轻人对众多问题看法的调查结果。剑桥高阶〔recently〕Recently, she published an autobiography.最近她出版了一本自传。文馨英汉〔refer〕I refer you to a paper by Sutherland published recently.我推荐你去查查萨瑟兰最近发表的一篇论文。外研社新世纪〔report〕Often reports Law A published collection of authoritative accounts of court cases or of judicial decisions. 常作 reports 【法律】 案例集:关于法律案件或法庭判决的权威性记述的已出版的集子美国传统〔reprint〕This is a reprint of an article that was originally published in the New York Times.这是一篇最初刊登在《纽约时报》上的文章的再版本。韦氏高阶〔respectively〕These two books were first published in, respectively, 1939 and 1970.这两本书分别于1939年和1970年第一次出版。英汉大词典〔return〕On her return to England, she published an account of her travels.她回到英国后出版了她的旅行见闻。麦克米伦高阶〔reversible〕Heart disease is reversible in some cases, according to a study published last summer.根据去年夏天公布的一项研究,心脏病在某些情况下是可以治愈的。柯林斯高阶〔review〕The paper published a review of her book.报纸刊登了对她的书的评论。朗文当代〔scandal〕Until the story was published there had been no hint of scandal.这宗丑闻在公开报道之前没有露出半点儿迹象。牛津搭配〔sell out〕Many stores sold out quickly when the book was first published.这本书首次发行时,大部分的书店很快就销售一空。韦氏高阶〔set〕The committee set forth their views in a report published today.委员会在今天发表的一份报告中阐明了他们的看法。英汉大词典〔short story〕He published a book of short stories.他出版了一本短篇小说集。剑桥高阶〔slip〕He got fifty rejection slips before his novel was published.他收到了 50 多封退稿信,之后他的小说才得以发表。牛津搭配〔speculate〕I had published my speculations about the future of the universe in the Review of Modern Physics.我已经在《现代物理评论》上发表了自己对宇宙未来的猜测。柯林斯高阶〔storming〕The photos caused a storm when they were first published.照片最初刊登出来时曾引起了一片公愤。柯林斯高阶〔such〕She has published her first sci-fi novel and hopes to write more such novels.她出版了她的第一部科幻小说,并且希望创作更多此类小说。韦氏高阶〔suppress〕To keep from being revealed, published, or circulated.禁止发行:禁止发表、出版或发行美国传统〔syncopate〕They published several of my novels which were syncopated by them.他们出版了几本我的小说,出版前他们进行了缩写。21世纪英汉〔text〕After examining all three manuscripts, he published a new text of the poem.检查了全部三种手稿后,他出版了这首诗的新版本美国传统〔thousandth〕The magazine has just published its six thousandth edition.这本杂志刚刚出版了第 6,000 期。柯林斯高阶〔trade book〕A book published for distribution to the general public through booksellers.普通版图书:出版后通过图书销售商向一般大众发行的书籍美国传统〔triweekly〕A periodical published triweekly.三周刊:每三周发行一次的期刊美国传统〔urgent〕His newspaper published an urgent appeal to stop the killing.他的报纸刊登了一篇紧急呼吁停止屠杀的文章。麦克米伦高阶〔us〕A new study of education in the US has just been published.对美国教育的一项新研究刚刚发表。剑桥高阶〔validate〕Further validation is needed before the findings are published.研究成果在发表前,需要做进一步的验证。韦氏高阶〔weekly〕The newsletter is published weekly.这个通讯每周刊发一次。韦氏高阶〔weekly〕The newspaper is published twice weekly.这份报纸每周出版两次。牛津高阶〔well〕She published fiction as well as historical studies.她不仅出版了历史研究类书籍, 还出版了小说。外研社新世纪〔widely〕He published widely in scientific journals.他在科学期刊上广泛发表文章。柯林斯高阶〔winner〕The winners in this photo competition will be published sometime in the Autumn.此次摄影比赛的优胜作品将在本年秋季号予以发表。英汉大词典〔writing〕His writings on the history of art were published by Greenway and Settle.他有关艺术史的著作是由格林韦与塞特尔出版的。牛津搭配〔year end〕The year-end results will be published this week.本周将公布年终成绩。剑桥高阶〔yet〕He had already published two novels.他已经出版了两本小说。朗文当代A monthly digest is published giving details of the company's activities.简报每月公布,提供公司业务详情。剑桥国际A new guide to good hotels in Britain has just been published.一本新的英国旅馆指南刚刚出版。剑桥国际As far as the company's future is concerned, these recently published figures bode ill / do not bode well.就公司的未来而言,最近公布的数字为不良的预兆。剑桥国际As soon as the allegations were published, she called a news conference to give her side of the story.证词一发表,她立即召开了一个新闻发布会,提供她这方的事实。剑桥国际Figures showing the true scale of overspending have been censored (=removed) from a report published today.显示实际超支程度的数字被从今天发表的一份报告中删去了。剑桥国际First published in 1927, the charts remain an indispensable resource for researchers.这些地/海图首次出版于1927年,但仍是研究者必不可少的信息来源。剑桥国际He has just published a monograph on Beethoven's symphonies.他刚出版了一本关于贝多芬的交响乐的专著。剑桥国际He said that the newly published government report didn't have much beef in it.他说刚发表的政府报告没什么力度。剑桥国际His last novel was published posthumously.他的最后一部小说是死后发表的。剑桥国际I find it valuable to test my writing out on someone else before it is published.我想我的作品在出版前接受别人的审阅是很有帮助的。剑桥国际In the UK, a daily newspaper is usually one which is published every day except Sunday.在英国,“日报”指的是除了星期天以外每天都出版的报纸。剑桥国际It will be published in paperback (= as a paperback) in March.这本书三月份将以平装本形式出版。剑桥国际Just as we were about to publish the story, we were scooped by a rival paper (= it published the story before we managed to).正当我们即将发表这条消息时,我们被一家对手报纸抢了先。剑桥国际Last year we published over a hundred new titles.去年我们出版了100多种新书。剑桥国际My parents have an encyclopedia that was published in the 1930's.我父母有一套20世纪30年代出版的百科全书。剑桥国际Our catalogue is published in six languages.我们的目录用六种语言出版。牛津商务She published a book of her reminiscences.她发表了她的回忆录。剑桥国际She published a book of poems and followed it (up) with (=next produced) a novel.她出版了一本诗集,然后是一部小说。剑桥国际She published her first novel shortly after going down from Oxford in 1969. [I]1969 年她从牛津大学毕业不久,就发表了她第一部小说。剑桥国际She has published a fierce anti-war polemic.她发表了一份言辞激烈的反战文章。剑桥国际She showed me an extract from (= separately printed part taken from) a book that will be published next year.她给我看明年要出版的一本书的摘要。剑桥国际The British Library retains the right to a copy of every new book published in the UK.对于在英国出版的每一本新书,英国图书馆都保留有得到一册的权利。剑桥国际The EU has published a list of products targeted for sanctions.欧盟公布了制裁产品的清单。牛津商务The book was published at home and abroad but it sold better in the home market (=in the country in which it was produced).这本书在国内外同时发行,但它在国内市场上销路更好。剑桥国际The book was published in remembrance of the incident. 这本书是为纪念这个事件出版的。译典通The committee published a hard-hitting report on the bank's management.委员会发表了一份报告,强烈批评了银行的管理。剑桥国际The company has published a 29-page document outlining the proposed merger.这家公司公布了一份 29 页的文件,概述此次拟定的合并。牛津商务The country's most respected daily newspaper has published a critical article about the government.全国最被看重的日报发表了一篇针对政府的批评文章。剑桥国际The ecology organization has just published its manifesto for growing and protecting trees.生态保护组织刚刚发表了种树护树的宣言。剑桥国际The encyclopaedia is being published gradually in twenty parts.这套百科全书将分为20册陆续出版。剑桥国际The encyclopedia is published in seven volumes at an introductory price of £100.这套百科全书分七卷出版,试销价格为100英镑。剑桥国际The epistolary writings between the two brothers were finally compiled into a published book. 两兄弟之间的书信来往最后被结集成书。译典通The magazine published a short story written by a high school student. 这家杂志刊登了一个中学生所写的短篇小说。译典通The magazine is published bimonthly, with six issues a year.这本杂志每两月出版一次,一年六期。剑桥国际The magazine will be published quarterly (= four times a year).这份杂志每季度出一期。剑桥国际The names are published in alphabetical order.名字按字母顺序公布。剑桥国际The newspaper published details about her private life which it now self-righteously claims was in the public interest.报纸公布了她私生活的细节,而现在该报又伪善地声称这样做是为了公众利益。剑桥国际The poet read out a poem as a foretaste of her new collection, to be published soon.那位诗人朗诵了一首诗,让大家预先体味体味她不久要出版一本新诗集。剑桥国际The proceedings were published in the newspaper. 会议记录已在报上公布。译典通The publishing house has published five dictionaries. 这家出版社已出版了五部字典。译典通The report will be published on the Internet.报告将在互联网上公布。牛津商务The sex scenes in the book were considered very shocking at the time when it was published.这部书中性爱的场面在当初出版时被认为不堪入目。剑桥国际They have published a lot of new books on international issues. 他们已经出版了很多论述国际问题的新书。译典通This dictionary is published by Cambridge University Press.这本词典由剑桥大学出版社出版。剑桥国际This is an outrageously offensive book which is being published under the smokescreen of free speech.这是一本极令人反感的书,它在自由言论的幌子下出版发行。剑桥国际We need to extrapolate trends from the published figures.我们需要从公开的数据中推断未来的走向。剑桥国际When the book was published we found that the author had stolen several of our ideas.这书出版后,我们发现作者剽窃了我们的一些创意。剑桥国际When the newspapers published the full story, all his earlier deceits were revealed.报上刊登了整个故事后,他以前所有的欺诈行径被揭穿了。剑桥国际




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