

单词 power
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔POWER/POWERFUL〕to get power 获得权力朗文写作活用〔abjure〕abjure power 发誓放弃权力英汉大词典〔accelerate〕accelerate a train by turning on more power 增加动力使列车提速英汉大词典〔apex〕reach the apex of power 达到权力的顶峰英汉大词典〔auxiliary〕an auxiliary power unit 备用发电机组麦克米伦高阶〔base〕a politician with a rural power base 在农村有着大量支持者的从政者牛津搭配〔civil〕the development of nuclear power for military and civil use 供军用及民用核能的发展麦克米伦高阶〔coloratura〕an agile voice with extraordinary power for a coloratura具有非凡唱功的灵巧花腔嗓音外研社新世纪〔communication〕the communication of power to a machine 机器的动力输入英汉大词典〔conventional〕a conventional power station(= using oil or coal as fuel, rather than nuclear power) 非核动力发电站牛津高阶〔conventional〕conventional warfare; conventional power plants.常规战争;非核动力发电站美国传统〔cost〕the environmental cost of nuclear power 核能对环境的破坏牛津高阶〔desire〕a strong desire for power 强烈的权力欲牛津高阶〔disturb〕have the power to disturb sb.'s heart 具有激动某人内心的力量英汉大词典〔drift〕the government's drift towards a centralization of power 政府向集权制的逐渐转变韦氏高阶〔echelon〕the upper echelons of power 权力的上层麦克米伦高阶〔elite〕the domination of power by a small political elite 被少数政治精英掌控权力朗文当代〔emotive〕emotive power (演员、诗句等)诉诸感情的力量文馨英汉〔exercise〕the exercise of power by the government 政府权力的行使牛津高阶〔hand-over〕a hand-over of power (a store) 权力 (商店) 的移交英汉大词典〔handover〕a smooth handover of power 权力的顺利移交朗文当代〔handover〕the smooth handover of power from a military to a civilian government 从军政府到文人政府的权力的顺利移交牛津高阶〔hydroelectric〕hydroelectric power 水力发电韦氏高阶〔imbalance〕a slight imbalance of power 权力的轻微失衡麦克米伦高阶〔imbalance〕an imbalance of power or authority 权力或权威失衡牛津搭配〔instrumentation〕instrumentation of a nuclear power reactor 核能反应器的仪器使用文馨英汉〔lessening〕a lessening of his power 他的权力的衰退文馨英汉〔locomotive〕an increase in locomotive power 运动力的增加朗文当代〔locus〕the locus of political power 政治权力中心麦克米伦高阶〔lodge〕to lodge power in (或in the hands of)someone将权利交给某人21世纪英汉〔monitor〕backup generators, buffers, and power monitors to ensure that equipment is not destroyed by a power outage保证设备不因断电而损毁的备用发电机、缓冲器和电源监控器外研社新世纪〔nuclear〕a nuclear power station 核电站牛津高阶〔omnipotent〕the omnipotent power of an author.作家的全能力量柯林斯高阶〔outflow〕an outflow of water from a power plant.从发电站流出来的水美国传统〔picket〕picket docks and power stations 在码头和电厂设置罢工纠察队英汉大词典〔pinnacle〕reach the pinnacle of power 达到权力的顶峰英汉大词典〔power station〕a nuclear power station 核电站牛津高阶〔power struggle〕a political power struggle between the Liberals and National Party自由党和国家党之间的政治权力斗争外研社新世纪〔power〕a power drill电钻外研社新世纪〔power〕a power supply/source/failure/outage 电力供应/资源/故障/中断韦氏高阶〔power〕an allied/enemy power 同盟国;敌对国牛津高阶〔power〕parent power 父母的影响力牛津高阶〔power〕the power of veto 否决权牛津搭配〔power〕the enormous economic power of the US 美国巨大的经济实力朗文当代〔predictive〕the predictive power of science 科学的预测能力牛津高阶〔pretender〕a pretender to power 妄想夺权者英汉大词典〔print〕the power of the printed word 书刊文字的力量牛津高阶〔removal〕his immediate removal from power 他被立即免职牛津搭配〔seizure〕the Fascist seizure of power in 1922 1922 年法西斯的夺权朗文当代〔seizure〕the seizure of power by the rebels 叛乱者夺权韦氏高阶〔stricture〕the power of the imagination to subdue the strictures of daily life缓解日常生活束缚的想象力外研社新世纪〔striking〕the striking power of the guerrilla 游击队的打击力量英汉大词典〔struggle〕a power struggle between forces favoring and opposing change 赞成和反对改革的两股势力之间的权力斗争朗文当代〔thermal〕thermal power stations.热电厂柯林斯高阶〔trappings〕the trappings of power 权力的饰物[附属物]文馨英汉〔uncorrectable〕an uncorrectable sudden loss of power in an airliner 客机无法修复的突然动力故障英汉大词典〔unequally〕the unequal power relationships between men and women.男女之间不平等的权力关系柯林斯高阶〔use〕learned the proper use of power tools.学会正确使用发电工具美国传统〔voltage〕high-voltage power lines.高压电线柯林斯高阶〔weaken〕weaken the power of a local government 削弱地方政府的权力英汉大词典




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