

单词 pith
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔eustele〕The central cylinder in which the primary vascular tissue is arranged around a pith, as in most seed plants.真中柱:一种管状中柱,其中初生脉管组织排列在髓孔周围,存在于大多数种子植物中美国传统〔ground meristem〕The primary meristem that differentiates into the pith and cortex.基本分生组织:分化入植物的表皮层和髓质层的初生分生组织部分美国传统〔helmet〕A pith helmet; a topi.遮阳帽:干木髓做的太阳帽;软木帽美国传统〔marrow〕The inmost, choicest, or essential part; the pith.实质,精华,精髓:最深层、最紧要或最必要的部分;精华美国传统〔medulla〕The pith in the stems or roots of certain plants.木髓:某些植物茎或根中之髓质美国传统〔papyrus〕A material on which to write made from the pith or the stems of this sedge, used especially by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.纸莎草纸:一种由这种芦苇的茎或髓制成的书写材料,尤其为古代埃及人、希腊人和罗马人使用美国传统〔pith helmet〕A lightweight hat made from dried pith and worn in tropical countries for protection from the sun.遮阳帽:一种轻便的遮阳帽,用晒干木髓制成,热带地区国家人为遮阳而戴美国传统〔pithy〕Consisting of or resembling pith.髓的,多髓的:与髓有关的,由髓组成的美国传统〔pith〕At its best, Steinbeck's writing has the pith of vernacular speech.最佳之处在于, 斯坦贝克的作品掌握了白话文的精髓。外研社新世纪〔pith〕Cut off peel and white pith from oranges.削掉橙的皮和白髓。外研社新世纪〔pith〕Peel the oranges with a sharp knife to remove all pith.用锋利的刀削去这些橘子的表皮和所有衬皮。朗文当代〔pith〕The pith of the story was that Webb had run several errands to Nazi Germany.故事的核心是韦布数次前往纳粹德国执行任务。外研社新世纪〔pith〕The artist is turning his painterly eye to the pith of his own body and soul.这位画家正在将其艺术眼光投向他自己身心的精髓。外研社新世纪〔pith〕The essay needs less wit, more pith.这篇文章需要少些风趣, 多些实质内容。外研社新世纪〔pith〕This is a plant stem that has been pithed.这是一根已经除去木髓的植物的茎。21世纪英汉〔pith〕To remove the pith from (a plant stem).去髓:从(植物茎)中提取髓美国传统〔pulp〕The soft pith forming the contents of the stem of a plant.木髓:构成植物茎的柔软的木髓美国传统〔rice paper〕A thin paper made chiefly from the pith of the rice-paper plant.米纸:主要由通脱木的木髓制成的薄纸美国传统〔sharply〕Using a sharp knife, cut away the pith and peel from both fruits.用一把锋利的刀削去两种水果的外皮和中果皮。柯林斯高阶〔siphonostele〕A type of stele in which the vascular cylinder surrounds a pith, as in the stem of the sunflower.管状中心柱:一种围绕木髓血管圆柱体的中柱,如向阳花的茎中美国传统〔topi〕A pith helmet worn for protection against sun and heat.通草帽;软木帽:一种抵御阳光和暑热的木(草)帽美国传统




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