

单词 prosperity
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔armour〕the armour of prosperity 繁荣昌盛给予的保障英汉大词典〔but〕the plan caused not prosperity but ruin.这个计划带来的不是繁荣而是毁灭美国传统〔cooperation〕a society founded on mutual cooperation and shared prosperity 建立在相互合作和共同繁荣基础上的社会牛津搭配〔economic〕economic prosperity 经济繁荣英汉大词典〔efflorescence〕a period of higher prosperity and artistic efflorescence 高度繁荣和艺术昌盛的时期英汉大词典〔equatabilities〕to equate growing prosperity with the physical health of a nation把发展的繁荣与一个民族的身体健康等同起来21世纪英汉〔era〕an era of prosperity 繁荣时期英汉大词典〔evidence〕evidences of prosperity 繁荣的迹象英汉大词典〔flush〕in the full flush of economic prosperity 在经济繁荣的高潮中英汉大词典〔full〕rising prosperity and full employment 日益繁荣以及充分就业朗文当代〔insecurity〕the insecurity of great prosperity 繁荣盛况的不久长英汉大词典〔inure〕to inure to the prosperity and welfare of the nation有利于全国国民的繁荣与福利[亦作 enure]21世纪英汉〔long-range〕long-range economic prosperity 持久的经济繁荣英汉大词典〔mirage〕the mirage of ever-increasing prosperity 繁荣与日俱增的幻想英汉大词典〔noontide〕the noontide of one's prosperity 兴旺昌盛时期英汉大词典〔phantom〕phantom prosperity 虚假的繁荣英汉大词典〔plug〕plug a national economy into prosperity 把国民经济引入繁荣的轨道英汉大词典〔prosperity〕a prosperity drive (尤指经济方面的)振兴运动英汉大词典〔prosperity〕a period of prosperity for our nation 我们国家繁荣昌盛的时期韦氏高阶〔prosperity〕a time of economic prosperity 经济繁荣时期朗文当代〔prosperity〕a time of national prosperity 国家的繁荣时期麦克米伦高阶〔prosperity〕an area with a level of prosperity higher than the national average 发达程度高于全国平均水平的地区牛津搭配〔prosperity〕economic prosperity 经济的繁荣文馨英汉〔prosperity〕economic prosperity 经济繁荣韦氏高阶〔prosperity〕live in prosperity 过富足的生活英汉大词典〔prosperity〕promote economic prosperity 促进经济繁荣英汉大词典〔prosperity〕the future prosperity of the country 该国未来的繁荣昌盛朗文当代〔remit〕remit the villagers into (或 to) prosperity 使村民们恢复富裕生活英汉大词典〔soporific〕the soporific of peace and prosperity 使人昏昏然失去警觉的和平与繁荣英汉大词典〔track〕the fast track to wealth and prosperity 通往财富和繁荣的捷径麦克米伦高阶〔unexampled〕a time of unexampled prosperity 空前繁荣的时期英汉大词典〔vitalization〕to vitalize the revolutionary spirit of working hard for the prosperity of the country激起奋发图强的革命精神21世纪英汉




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