

单词 pork
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-topped〕Place the sliced pork fillet on top and pour a little sauce over it.把切成片的猪肉里脊放在上面,再往上浇点调味汁。柯林斯高阶〔COOK〕It can be dangerous to eat undercooked pork. 食用未经煮透的猪肉可能有危险。朗文写作活用〔FORBID〕Their religion forbids the eating of pork. 他们的宗教禁止吃猪肉。朗文写作活用〔New England clam chowder〕A thick soup made with clams, onions, salt pork, potatoes, and milk.烧蛤糊:一种由切碎的蛤肉、洋葱、卤肉丁、西红柿和鲜奶调制成的浓汤美国传统〔RELIGION〕She can't eat pork. It's against her religion. 她不能吃猪肉,这有违于她的宗教。朗文写作活用〔Spam〕A trademark used for a canned meat product consisting primarily of chopped pork pressed into a loaf.斯帕姆午餐肉:一种将碎猪肉挤成长方形的罐头肉制品商标美国传统〔accompaniment〕The sauce is an ideal accompaniment to pork.这种酱汁很适合配猪肉吃。外研社新世纪〔adapt〕The recipe here is a pork roast adapted from Caroline O'Neill's book "Louisiana Kitchen".这道菜是根据卡罗琳•奥尼尔《路易斯安那厨房》一书中烤猪肉的做法改进而来的。剑桥高阶〔andouille〕A spicy smoked sausage made with pork and garlic, used especially in Cajun cooking.辣熏肠:用猪肉和大蒜做成的辣味熏肠,特别用在阿卡迪亚人的食品中美国传统〔blaff〕A West Indian stew consisting of fish or occasionally pork, seasonings such as lime and garlic, and often fruits and vegetables.烩鱼汤:一种西印度的炖制食品,含有鱼或偶尔有猪肉、调味品,如酸橙和大蒜,并常有水果和蔬菜美国传统〔bologna〕A seasoned smoked sausage made of mixed meats, such as beef, pork, and veal.大红肠:一种熏香肠,用牛排、猪肉、牛肉混合制成美国传统〔bone〕The pork is served off the bone.端上桌的猪肉是去骨的。韦氏高阶〔boudin blanc〕A French white sausage made of pork, chicken, or veal.白香肠:一种由猪肉、鸡肉或小牛肉制成的法式白色香肠美国传统〔boudin〕A highly seasoned link sausage of pork, pork liver, and rice that is a typical element of Louisiana Creole cuisine.猪血香肠:一种加有猪肉、猪肝和米饭的味道浓重的成串香肠,是路易斯安那州克利奥尔人烹调方法中的一种典型菜式美国传统〔bratwurst〕A small sausage of highly seasoned fresh pork, usually served fried.德国熟香肠:一种味道很浓的新鲜猪肉制小香肠,通常炸食美国传统〔breaded〕She served breaded pork chops.她端上了裹着面包屑的炸猪排。韦氏高阶〔bread〕She breaded the pork chops before frying them.她把猪排裹上面包屑后再炸。韦氏高阶〔chop〕We had pork chops for dinner last night.昨天晚餐我们吃猪排骨。麦克米伦高阶〔chorizo〕A very spicy pork sausage seasoned especially with garlic.蒜味辣肠:一种用大蒜调味的很辣的猪肉肠美国传统〔choucroute〕An Alsatian dish of sauerkraut with wine, sausages, pork, and juniper berries.泡菜:一种阿尔萨斯地区的由葡萄酒、香肠、猪肉和杜松子制成的泡菜美国传统〔clam chowder〕Any of various soups made with clams, salt pork, potatoes, onions, and milk or tomatoes.烧蛤糊,蛤汤:一种用蛤、腌猪肉、土豆、洋葱和牛奶或西红柿做的汤美国传统〔crown roast〕A pork, lamb, or veal roast consisting of the rib sections of two loins placed upright and fastened together in a circle.王冠形花式烤排:一种垂直放置、串成圆圈的带有腰上肋条部分的烤猪肉、烤羊肉或烤小牛肉美国传统〔cuchifrito〕A small deep-fried cube of pork.炸肉丁:炸透的小块猪肉美国传统〔cure〕Legs of pork were cured and smoked over the fire.在火上熏制猪腿。柯林斯高阶〔cure〕Legs of pork were cured and smoked over the fire.猪腿腌过之后放在火上熏制。外研社新世纪〔dine on〕We dined on a chicken,pork and fresh vegetables.我们正餐吃鸡、猪肉和新鲜蔬菜。21世纪英汉〔dish〕She cooked us a delicious French dish with pork and tomatoes.她用猪肉和西红柿给我们做了一道美味可口的法国菜。牛津搭配〔embrace〕He entered the kitchen, embraced by the smells of a succulent pork loin.他走进厨房, 鲜嫩多汁的猪腰肉散发出的香味扑面而来。外研社新世纪〔fatback〕The strip of fat from the upper part of a side of pork, usually dried and salt-cured.腌用猪板油:猪肉背面上部的条状猪油,通常晒干并用盐腌美国传统〔fatty〕Cut down on fatty meat such as sausages and pork pies.少吃香肠和猪肉馅饼之类的肥肉。外研社新世纪〔fat〕They lived on fat pork and bread and dripping.他们以肥肉和猪油面包为主食。外研社新世纪〔frankfurter〕A smoked sausage of beef or beef and pork made in long, reddish links.法兰克福香肠:制成红红的长串的熏牛肉肠或熏猪肠美国传统〔go off〕Don't eat that pork, it's going off.不要吃那猪肉,它变质了。21世纪英汉〔go〕Pork and apple go especially well together.猪肉和苹果一起吃味道特别好。朗文当代〔ground〕The sausages are made of coarsely ground pork.这些香肠用切得较粗的猪肉制成。柯林斯高阶〔gyoza〕A Japanese dish consisting of pockets of dough that are stuffed, as with minced pork or shrimp, and fried.炸肉团,炸虾团:一种日本食品,由里面塞满切细的猪肉和虾的面团,油煎而成美国传统〔hominy〕We had pork and hominy stew.我们做了猪肉炖玉米糁儿。韦氏高阶〔insensitive〕The decision to serve pork was culturally insensitive.上猪肉的决定缺乏文化方面的考虑。牛津搭配〔lamb〕I prefer lamb chops to pork chops.我喜欢小羊排胜过猪排。英汉大词典〔linguiça〕A highly seasoned Portuguese pork sausage flavored with garlic, onions, and pepper.葡萄牙猪肉香肠:用大蒜、洋葱及黑胡椒调味的葡萄牙猪肉香肠,味道极佳美国传统〔load up on〕You can load up on pork, potatoes and onion at this excellent Estonian bistro.你可以在这个爱沙尼亚小酒馆里大吃猪肉、土豆和洋葱。外研社新世纪〔middling〕Pork or bacon cut from between the ham and shoulder of a pig.肋条肉:猪的腿与肩之间切下的肉或用这类肉腌成的腌肉美国传统〔mirepoix〕A seasoning composed of finely diced sautéed vegetables and herbs and sometimes diced ham, bacon, or salt pork.植物性调味香料:一种由切成小块的嫩炒蔬菜、香料,有时加上切成小块的火腿、香肠或腌肉组成的调味品美国传统〔mofongo〕A Puerto Rican dish made of mashed plantains, garlic, and pork cracklings.摩坊哥菜:一道波多黎各菜,由捣碎的大蕉、大蒜和烤猪肉的脆皮组成美国传统〔moist〕The pork chops were tender and moist.那些猪排细嫩多汁。韦氏高阶〔mortadella〕An Italian sausage made of pork, beef, and cubes of pork fat, flavored with wine and spices and smoked, steamed, or baked.烟熏香肚:一种由猪肉、牛肉和猪油块做成的意大利香肠,调有葡萄酒和香料并加以熏、蒸或烘烤美国传统〔noisette〕A small round piece of meat, especially loin or fillet of lamb, veal, or pork.小块瘦肉:小块圆形肉,尤指腰肉或四肢上的肉,小牛肉或猪肉美国传统〔other〕He doesn't eat pork, but other than that he'll eat just about anything.他不吃猪肉,但除此之外他几乎什么都吃。朗文当代〔pepperoni〕A highly spiced pork and beef sausage.辣味香肠:加了很多辣味调料的猪肉或牛肉香肠美国传统〔permit〕I permit myself pork once a week.我规定自己一星期只吃一次肉。英汉大词典〔permit〕She permits herself pork twice a week.她规定自己一星期只吃二次肉。21世纪英汉〔picnic〕A shoulder of pork from which most of the butt has been removed.肩肉火腿:已剔除大部分厚皮的猪肉肩膀美国传统〔pig〕The meat produced from a pig is called pork, bacon, or ham.猪提供的肉类食品包括鲜猪肉、熏咸肉或火腿。剑桥高阶〔pork barrel〕Politically, it looks like a gigantic pork barrel project for U. S. defence contractors.在政治上, 它看上去像是一个为美国国防承包商服务的巨额政治拨款项目。外研社新世纪〔pork barrel〕Principles go out of the window and the pork barrel comes in.原则不复存在, 政治分肥大行其道。外研社新世纪〔pork belly〕A side of fresh pork.猪胸肉美国传统〔pork out on〕He made a pig of himself and porked out on ham sandwiches all afternoon.他像猪一样能吃,整个一下午都在把火腿三明治往肚子里塞。21世纪英汉〔pork〕I don't eat pork.我不吃猪肉。外研社新世纪〔pork〕We need to cut the pork out of the federal budget.我们需要削减联邦预算中的政治恩惠工程项目拨款。韦氏高阶〔posole〕A stew or soup made with posole, pork, chili, and other seasonings.波索玉米汤,波索玉米菜:用波索、猪肉、辣椒以及其它调料做成的炖菜或汤美国传统〔pâté de foie gras〕A paste made from goose liver, pork fat, onions, mushrooms, and often truffles.鹅肝酱馅饼:用鹅肝、小猪肥肉、大蒜和蘑菇,并常有块菌制成的馅饼品美国传统〔rack〕The butcher prepared a rack of pork.那个屠夫准备了一块猪颈肉。剑桥高阶〔rack〕The neck and upper spine of mutton, pork, or veal.颈椎:羊肉、猪肉或牛肉的颈部的脊柱上部美国传统〔roast〕We're having pork roast for dinner.我们晚餐吃烤猪肉。韦氏高阶〔runza〕A pastry consisting of cabbage and usually pork or beef encased in yeast dough.伦扎饼:由包在酵母面粉中的白菜或猪肉、牛肉组成的饼美国传统〔salt pork〕Fatty pork that is cured with salt, often used as a flavoring.腌猪肉:用盐腌制的肥猪肉,常用作调料美国传统〔sausage〕Finely chopped and seasoned meat, especially pork, usually stuffed into a prepared animal intestine or other casing and cooked or cured.香肠:切得很细并加有调料的肉,尤指猪肉,通常填入备好的动物肠衣中或其他肠衣中,再进行腌制或加工美国传统〔saveloy〕A highly seasoned smoked pork sausage.五香辣味香肠美国传统〔scrapple〕A mush of ground pork and cornmeal that is set in a mold and then sliced and fried.玉米肉馅:放在一个容器中的碎肉和玉米糊,然后切成片并煎炸成饼美国传统〔shoulder〕We had pork shoulder for dinner.我们晚餐吃了猪的肩胛肉韦氏高阶〔smack〕He was smacking his lips over the pork chops.他咂着嘴津津有味地吃猪排。英汉大词典〔souse〕Food steeped in pickle, especially pork trimmings.腌货:用腌渍腌过的食物,尤指各种猪肉的花色配菜美国传统〔sowbelly〕Salt pork.咸猪肉美国传统〔spareribs〕Pork ribs with most of the meat trimmed off.小排骨:被去掉大部分肉的猪肋骨美国传统〔spear〕She speared a piece of pork with her fork.她用叉子叉起一块猪肉。麦克米伦高阶〔spit〕The pork steak was beginning to spit in the pan.猪排在锅内开始毕剥作响。英汉大词典〔stir-fry〕Stir-fry the pork for four minutes.把猪肉翻炒四分钟。韦氏高阶〔sweet-and-sour〕Chinese sweet-and-sour pork 中式糖醋猪肉牛津高阶〔tenderloin〕The tenderest part of a loin of beef, pork, or similar cut of meat.嫩腰肉:牛肉、猪肉或其它肉类腰部肉中最嫩的部分美国传统〔through〕Stir the pork about until it turns white all the way through.不停搅动猪肉,直到它全部变白为止。柯林斯高阶〔tref〕Pork and clams are tref foods.按犹太教食规,猪肉和蛤是不洁之物。英汉大词典〔variable〕The quality of pork is often less variable than beef.猪肉质量往往比牛肉稳定。朗文当代〔wienerwurst〕A smoked pork or beef sausage similar to a frankfurter.维也纳小香肠:与法兰克福香肠相似的一种熏的牛肉或猪肉香肠美国传统〔won ton〕A noodle-dough dumpling filled typically with spiced minced pork or other ground meat, usually boiled in soup or fried and eaten as a side dish.馄饨,云吞:一种面团,一般填满加调料的猪肉馅或其他肉馅,通常在汤中煮或油炸作为一种配菜吃美国传统Pork shoulder is on special offer at the moment.现在特优价供应带肩肉的猪前腿。剑桥国际I don't eat red meat like pork or beef, but I do eat fish and chicken.我不吃猪肉牛肉一类的红色肉,可鱼肉和鸡肉我是吃的。剑桥国际Most sausages contain pork.几乎所有的香肠都有猪肉。剑桥国际Sausages are usually made from pork or beef.香肠通常是用猪肉或牛肉做成的。剑桥国际She breaded the pork chop before frying it. 她先在猪排上洒上面包屑而后再煎。译典通The meat produced from a pig is called pork, bacon or ham.猪身上产的肉被称为猪肉,咸猪肉或火腿。剑桥国际The meat relishes of pork. 这肉有猪肉味。译典通The recipe here is a pork roast adapted from Caroline O'Neill's Louisiana Kitchen.这是由卡罗琳·奥尼尔的路易斯安那厨房推陈出新的烤猪肉烹饪法。剑桥国际We will have pork chops for dinner. 我们晚餐吃猪排。译典通




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