

单词 pattern
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aubusson〕A tapestry or usually pileless, densely patterned carpet woven in Aubusson, a city of central France, or similar to the ones made there.奥比松挂毯:一种挂毯或无绒花毯,指在法国中部城市奥比松织成的花纹密集的地毯,或与之类似的小地毯美国传统〔Axminster〕A carpet with stiff backing and a soft, colorful cut pile usually arranged in a complex pattern.羊毛织花地毡:反面坚挺,正面由柔软、彩色的软绒雕成通常为复杂图案的地毯美国传统〔Brussels carpet〕A machine-made carpet consisting of small, colored woolen loops that form a heavy, patterned pile.布鲁塞尔地毯:用彩色羊毛线拉成的小圈构成图案的机织地毯美国传统〔HABIT〕Patterns of behaviour develop gradually until they become unconscious habits. 行为方式慢慢地就会发展成无意识的习惯。朗文写作活用〔OBVIOUS〕The patterns look very similar, but there are subtle differences between them. 图案看上去很相似,但还是有细微的差别。朗文写作活用〔ORDER〕Critics of the police say they see a pattern of racism and abuse by officers. 批评警方的人说,他们发现警察经常实行种族歧视、虐待犯人。朗文写作活用〔PATTERN〕The zebra has very distinctive patterning. 斑马身上有很独特的图案。朗文写作活用〔Propecia〕A trademark for the drug finasteride, used to treat male pattern baldness.保康丝:非纳斯特胺药剂的商标,用于治疗男性斑秃美国传统〔SAME〕To me the two patterns looked identical. 在我看来这两个图案是完全一样的。朗文写作活用〔SEND〕The sun shining through the trees cast a pattern of light and shade on the footpath. 太阳照过树丛,在小路上投下斑驳的影子。朗文写作活用〔SIDE〕One of its sides was covered with intricate patterns. 其中的一面有复杂的图案。朗文写作活用〔Valenciennes〕A fine lace with a floral pattern.华冷西恩花边:带有花卉图案的精美的花边美国传统〔WEATHER〕Weather patterns have been changing as a result of global warming. 因全球气候变暖,气候模式已经发生了变化。朗文写作活用〔Zouave〕A member of a group patterned after the French Zouaves, especially a member of such a unit of the Union Army in the U.S. Civil War.仿效佐阿夫兵的军队,特指美国内战中的联邦军队美国传统〔acanthus〕Architecture A design patterned after the leaves of one of these plants, used especially on the capitals of Corinthian columns.【建筑学】 叶形装饰:模仿这种植物的叶片而设计的图案,尤其是用在科林斯柱的柱头图案美国传统〔acatalectic〕Having a metrically complete pattern, especially having the full number of syllables in the final foot. Used of verse.押韵的,完全韵脚的:格律完整的形式,尤指最后的韵脚其音节数完整。用在诗歌中美国传统〔alternate〕The light and dark woods alternate to form an elegant pattern around the window.深浅不一的树木错落有致,在窗口形成一个优美的图案。韦氏高阶〔ample〕There is ample evidence that climate patterns are changing.有足够的证据表明气候模式正在改变。朗文当代〔anthemion〕A pattern of honeysuckle or palm leaves in a radiating cluster, used as a motif in Greek art.花束状装饰,棕叶饰:忍冬花束或棕榈叶束的图案,是古希腊艺术的基本图案美国传统〔ballroom dance〕Any of various social dances, such as the fox trot, tango, or waltz, in which couples follow a conventional pattern of steps.交际舞:一种社交舞,如狐步舞、探戈或华尔兹,由一对对舞者随常规的步式起舞美国传统〔behaviour〕These eating patterns are a learned behavior.这些进食模式是习得性行为。柯林斯高阶〔behaviour〕These eating patterns are a learned behaviour.这些进食模式是一种习得行为。外研社新世纪〔bird's-eye〕The pattern of such a fabric.鸟眼花纹:该种织物的图案美国传统〔box step〕A dance step in which the feet are moved in a pattern approximating a square.方步:双脚近似四方形运动的一种舞步美国传统〔busy〕I like the fabric, but I think the pattern is too busy for this dress.我喜欢这种布料,但觉得用来做连衣裙图案太凌乱了。韦氏高阶〔carpet-bomb〕To bomb in a systematic and extensive pattern, so as to devastate a large target area uniformly.地毯式轰炸:对…进行系统的和全面的轰炸,以对一大片目标地区进行统一标准的摧毁美国传统〔change〕The research will measure any changes in the children's sleep patterns.该研究将探查儿童睡眠模式可能出现的各种变化。牛津搭配〔checker〕To mark with a checked or squared pattern.以方格标记:在…上标上格子或方框图案美国传统〔check〕One of the squares of such a pattern.一格:格子图案上的一格美国传统〔chevron〕A V-shaped pattern, especially a kind of fret used in architecture.波浪饰:一种V形图案,尤指建筑上用的一种回纹装饰美国传统〔chinoiserie〕A style in art reflecting Chinese influence through use of elaborate decoration and intricate patterns.中国式装饰风格:一种用精美装饰和复杂图案表现出中国影响的艺术风格美国传统〔chromatogram〕The pattern of separated substances obtained by chromatography.色谱:采用层析法获得的物质分离图案美国传统〔cloque〕A cotton, silk, or rayon fabric with a raised woven pattern and a puckered or quilted look.泡泡纱:一种棉、丝或人造纤维的织物,有凸起的编织图案及打皱或多层缝合的外观美国传统〔colour〕Simple patterns and solid colours are particularly effective.简单的图案和单纯的颜色搭配效果特别好。牛津搭配〔complex〕Psychiatry A group of related, often repressed ideas and impulses that compel characteristic or habitual patterns of thought, feelings, and behavior.【精神病学】 情结:一组相关的控制和抑制思想、感觉和行为特征或习惯的观念和冲动美国传统〔copperplate〕A copper printing plate engraved or etched to form a recessed pattern of the matter to be printed.铜凹版:将所印刷的内容镌刻或蚀刻成凹版的印刷铜板美国传统〔cross〕A mark or pattern formed by the intersection of two lines, especially such a mark (X) used as a signature.十字形记号:由两根交叉的线组成的记号或形状,尤指代替签字的这一符号(X)美国传统〔crystal〕The unit cell of such a pattern.晶胞:这种结构的单位细胞美国传统〔culture〕The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought.人类文化:通过社会传导的行为方式、艺术、信仰、风俗以及人类工作和思想的所有其它产物的整体美国传统〔cyclical〕Changes in the economy have followed a cyclical pattern.经济呈周期性变化。剑桥高阶〔damascene〕Metalwork decorated with wavy patterns of inlay or etching.波形花纹制品:用波形花纹的镶嵌图或蚀刻画装饰的金属制品美国传统〔dapple-gray〕Gray with a mottled pattern of darker gray markings.菊花青色的:灰色而带有深色斑点的美国传统〔deep〕If this pattern is cut deep, the result will be a knobbly, crusty top.如果图案挖得过深, 顶端就会变得凹凸不平、质脆易碎。外研社新世纪〔delicate〕We chose a delicate floral pattern for our bedroom curtains.我们为卧室选了一种花色图案非常淡雅的窗帘。剑桥高阶〔determinant〕Social class is a major determinant of consumer spending patterns.社会等级是消费者消费模式的主要决定因素。朗文当代〔diamond〕Joe's socks had diamond patterns on them.乔的袜子上有菱形图案。剑桥高阶〔diaper〕Such a pattern.菱形图案:这样的一种图案美国传统〔discipline〕Training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces moral or mental improvement.训练;修养;磨练:为有某一特定性格或行为方式而进行的训练,尤指为在道德和智力上的进步改善而进行的训练美国传统〔diversify〕Patterns of family life are diversifying.家庭生活模式正在变得多样化。牛津高阶〔engrave〕She engraved the ring in a floral pattern.她把戒指刻成花卉图案。21世纪英汉〔exception〕There was an interesting exception to this general pattern.此通用模式有一个有意思的例外。牛津搭配〔figure〕A pattern traced by a series of movements, as in ice skating.花式:如溜冰中的一组系列动作的型式美国传统〔figure〕Figure 8 illustrates changing patterns of employment over the years.图8显示了这些年来不断变化的就业模式。麦克米伦高阶〔find〕His study found that married men and women had similar spending patterns.他的研究发现,已婚男人和女人的消费模式相似。朗文当代〔fingerprint〕Ordinarily, spectral patterns were well understood fingerprints for identifying chemical elements in the stars.光谱图型通常是鉴别星球上化学元素特征的人所熟知的依据。英汉大词典〔flower〕To decorate with flowers or with a floral pattern.以花装饰:以花装饰或以花的图案装饰美国传统〔follow〕All the murders have followed the same grisly pattern.所有这些谋杀都按照同样可怖的模式发生。麦克米伦高阶〔follow〕The dancers moved round the floor, following some indeterminate pattern.舞者们在舞池中移动着, 步子有点看不出章法。外研社新世纪〔form〕Our footprints formed a lovely pattern in the wet sand.我们的脚印在潮湿的沙地里构成了一幅可爱的图案。韦氏高阶〔free verse〕Verse composed of variable, usually unrhymed lines having no fixed metrical pattern.自由诗:由无固定韵律格式、可变且常不压韵的行组成的诗美国传统〔gear〕The typical career pattern was geared to men whose wives didn't work.这种典型的职业模式是为妻子不工作的男性设计的。朗文当代〔go〕Mother goes by a pattern when she makes a dress.母亲总是按照纸样缝制连衣裙。英汉大词典〔grain〕The pattern or markings on this side of leather.带这种面式样或标记的皮革美国传统〔grain〕The pattern produced, as in stone, by the arrangement of particulate constituents.纹理:由微小成份的排列所产生的图案,如石头中的美国传统〔grain〕The arrangement, direction, or pattern of the fibrous tissue in wood.纹理:木头的纤维组织的排列、方向或图案美国传统〔habit〕These nouns denote patterns of behavior established by continual repetition.这些名词都表示由于不断的重复而形成的行为方式。美国传统〔head-trip〕An act or a pattern of behavior undertaken primarily for self-gratification.心理探索:主要为自我满足而采取的一种行动或行为方式美国传统〔herringbone〕A twilled fabric woven in this pattern.人字呢:织成这种图案的织物美国传统〔holding pattern〕A usually circular pattern flown by aircraft awaiting clearance to land at an airport.椭圆形盘旋:飞机在机场上空等待腾出着陆跑道所做的圆形飞行美国传统〔holding pattern〕Environmental groups have succeeded in putting the nuclear industry into a holding pattern.环境保护主义者成功地使核工业进入了停滞阶段美国传统〔holding pattern〕We were kept in a holding pattern for 45 minutes at Heathrow.我们在希思罗机场附近盘旋了45分钟。剑桥高阶〔holding pattern〕We're in a holding pattern while we wait for City Council approval. 在市政局批准之前我们只有等待。剑桥高阶〔honeycomb〕To form in or cover with a pattern like that of a honeycomb.使内部或表面形成蜂窝状美国传统〔ideal〕Existing as an archetype or pattern, especially as a Platonic idea or perception.观念的,理念的:以原型或固定形式出现的,特指柏拉图哲学中的观点或概念美国传统〔inconstant〕Changing or varying, especially often and without discernible pattern or reason.善变的:易变的或反复无常的,尤指常无一定格式或道理的美国传统〔intarsia〕A decorative inlaid pattern in a surface, especially a mosaic worked in wood.细木镶嵌装饰:面里装饰性的镶嵌图案,尤其是木头中的镶嵌图案美国传统〔intarsia〕The art or practice of making such a pattern.细木镶嵌工艺:制做此种图案的艺术或实践美国传统〔interweave〕The lines interweave in a complex pattern.这些线条交织成复杂的花样。牛津同义词〔inwrought〕Having a decorative pattern worked or woven in.织有图案的,镶有图案的:带有织入或镶入的装饰性图案的美国传统〔is patterned after〕The new program is patterned after an earlier one.新的程序是模仿其前一版本设计的。韦氏高阶〔isolation〕The figures should not be looked at in isolation but as part of a pattern.不应孤立地去看待这些数字,而应该将其视为一个数列的一部分。牛津搭配〔kink〕The kinked line in chart 1 represents this pattern.图表1中的曲线表现了这一模式。柯林斯高阶〔knit〕Pattern charts with small print are often difficult for older knitters to use.上了年纪的针织工使用小的图样时通常很不方便。柯林斯高阶〔lag〕The restructuring of the pattern of consumption in Britain also lagged behind.在消费结构重组方面,英国也落后于人。柯林斯高阶〔lattice〕Something, such as a decorative motif or heraldic bearing, that resembles an open, patterned framework.格状图案:与开放式格构状结构相似的东西,例如装饰性基本图案或纹章图案美国传统〔lay out〕The garden was laid out in a formal pattern.这个花园是按正规式样布置的。韦氏高阶〔lay sth out〕We laid the pieces of the dress pattern out on the floor.我们把衣服样品一件一件都摊开在地板上。剑桥高阶〔lay〕The tiles were laid in a geometric pattern.瓷砖砌成几何图案。英汉大词典〔light show〕A display of colored lights in shifting patterns, often accompanied by slides and film loops.灯光表演:各种颜色的光作快速旋转,通常伴有幻灯和影片片断美国传统〔line dance〕A dance in which individuals line up without partners and follow a choreographed pattern of steps to country music.排排舞:舞者单独排成一行,无需舞伴,随乡村音乐节拍变换舞步的一种舞蹈美国传统〔macramé〕Coarse lace work made by weaving and knotting cords into a pattern.装饰编结术:制作花边饰品的粗活,把线绳经过纺织和打结形成某种图案美国传统〔mankind〕We have seen the same pattern throughout the history of mankind.我们在人类的历史长河中目睹过相同的模式。韦氏高阶〔marking〕The characteristic pattern of coloration of a plant or an animal.斑点,花纹,条纹:植物或动物颜色的特有布局方式美国传统〔marseille〕A heavy cotton fabric with a raised pattern of stripes or figures.马塞双层布:有凸起的人物或条形图案的厚棉布美国传统〔moiré effect〕The effect of superimposing a repetitive design, such as a grid, on the same or a different design in order to produce a pattern distinct from its components.波纹效应:添加一个重复的图样的效应,如一个格子,在相同或一个不同的图案上,为了产生同其组成成分不同的一个花样美国传统〔mottle〕A variegated pattern, as on marble.斑驳:斑驳的图案,如在大理石表面美国传统〔mythos〕The pattern of basic values and attitudes of a people, characteristically transmitted through myths and the arts.主题:人们基本的价值和态度模式,以神话和艺术传播为特征美国传统〔ninon〕A sheer fabric of silk, rayon, or nylon made in a variety of tight smooth weaves or open lacy patterns.尼龙绸:用丝、粘胶或尼龙制成的平滑的绸,有多种紧密光滑的编织或稀疏的花边图案美国传统〔observe〕A similar pattern was observed among Hispanics.在拉丁裔人群中观察到一种类似的模式。牛津搭配〔offend against sth〕Would it be offending against good taste to wear a patterned tie with my striped shirt? 你觉得打一条有图案的领带来配我的条纹衬衫是否有些不伦不类?剑桥高阶〔openwork〕Ornamental or structural work, as of embroidery or metal, containing numerous openings, usually in set patterns.透雕细工:薄纱、金属、雕刻等的透雕细工和透孔制品美国传统〔opposite〕They are patterns of excellence. I am just the opposite.他们是尽善尽美的榜样,我则恰恰相反。英汉大词典〔ossification〕The process of becoming set in a rigidly conventional pattern, as of behavior, habits, or beliefs.僵化:行为、习惯或信仰等的僵化过程美国传统〔ossify〕To mold into a rigidly conventional pattern.使僵化:使墨守成规美国传统〔overshot〕A pattern in weaving made when filling threads are passed over two or more warp threads at a time.浮纬花纹:纹织的一种图案,由纬线一次穿过两条以上的经线而织成美国传统〔paisley〕Made of a soft wool fabric with a colorful, woven or printed and swirled pattern of abstract, curved shapes.佩斯利织物制的:用柔软的羊毛织物制造并织上彩色的或印上彩色的精巧的曲形的图案美国传统〔pattern after〕Mary always patterned herself after her mother.玛丽受到她母亲的熏陶。21世纪英汉〔pattern with〕The single large window was patterned with frost.单扇大玻璃窗上结着霜花。21世纪英汉〔patterned〕New York City announced a 10-point policy patterned on the federal bill of rights for taxpayers.纽约市模仿联邦纳税人权利法案公布了10点政策。柯林斯高阶〔patterning〕The wallpaper is decorated with floral patterning.墙纸饰有花卉图案。韦氏高阶〔pattern〕All three attacks followed the same pattern.3次袭击模式相同。柯林斯高阶〔pattern〕All three attacks followed the same pattern.三次袭击都采取同一种方式。外研社新世纪〔pattern〕Frost patterned the window.霜在窗子上形成了图案。牛津高阶〔pattern〕He has patterned himself after the example of his father.他一举一动都模仿他父亲的样子。21世纪英汉〔pattern〕He says this contract should not be patterned after the Deere pact.他声称这个合同不应该效仿迪尔公司的合约。外研社新世纪〔pattern〕Her speech patterns are very distinctive.她的讲话方式很有特色。牛津搭配〔pattern〕I want a wallpaper patterned with roses.我想要一种玫瑰花图案的墙纸。21世纪英汉〔pattern〕People have changed their spending patterns in response to changing conditions.人们已根据条件的变化改变了自己的消费模式。牛津搭配〔pattern〕Portuguese colonial rule followed a similar pattern to that of other powers.葡萄牙的殖民统治遵循了与其他强权国家相似的模式。牛津搭配〔pattern〕She drew patterns in the sand.她在沙滩上画图案。牛津搭配〔pattern〕She's fitting into the pattern of life in Alexandria.她对亚历山大城的生活方式开始适应了。英汉大词典〔pattern〕The child showed a normal pattern of development .那个孩子表现出正常的成长模式。朗文当代〔pattern〕The dishes have a floral pattern around the rim.餐具边缘饰有一圈花卉图案。韦氏高阶〔pattern〕The fabric comes in different colors and patterns.布料有不同的颜色和图案。韦氏高阶〔pattern〕The overall pattern of our life changes little.我们生活的整体模式没什么变化。牛津搭配〔pattern〕The practice will be used as a pattern by other schools.这种做法将会被其他学校当作典范。外研社新世纪〔pattern〕The stress pattern may vary with the situation or context.重音模式随情景或上下文而变化。英汉大词典〔pattern〕Their actions follow a very predictable pattern.他们的行为遵循一个十分容易预测的模式。牛津搭配〔pattern〕Their descriptions seemed to follow a set pattern (=always develop in the same way) .他们的描述似乎遵循固定的模式。朗文当代〔pattern〕There is no set pattern for grieving when a loved one dies.当心爱的人逝去时,人们的悲伤是没有固定模式的。麦克米伦高阶〔pattern〕These birds have different flight patterns.这些鸟有着不同的飞行方式。麦克米伦高阶〔pattern〕They are studying behavior patterns among high-school students.他们在研究中学生的行为模式。韦氏高阶〔pattern〕To make a pattern.设计图案美国传统〔pattern〕We examined patterns of behaviour in young children.我们考查了小孩子们的行为模式。麦克米伦高阶〔pattern〕We're building a transport system that sets a pattern for the future.我们正在建设一个为将来树立典范的交通系统。麦克米伦高阶〔pattern〕With such limited data no clear pattern emerges.数据这么有限,无法得出清晰的模式。麦克米伦高阶〔pick ... up〕It's very difficult to pick up dropped stitches in this pattern.这种式样的针脚掉了,要想补上是很困难的。21世纪英汉〔plaid〕A pattern of this kind.彩格图案美国传统〔plaid〕Cloth with a tartan or checked pattern.彩格服:饰以彩格图案的衣服美国传统〔plug board〕Computer Science A removable panel in a computing device that may be rewired at will to sort data by a prescribed pattern.【计算机科学】 转接板:在计算装置中的一块可装拆的板,它可随意按指定的方式重新配线来分类数据美国传统〔polygamy〕Zoology A mating pattern in which a single individual mates with more than one individual of the opposite sex.【动物学】 多偶性:一个个体与一个以上的异性个体交配的交配方式美国传统〔prettily〕She was prettily dressed in a pink dress with a floral pattern.她身穿一件花卉图案的粉色连衣裙, 非常漂亮。外研社新世纪〔print〕A fabric or garment with a dyed pattern that has been pressed onto it, usually by engraved rollers.压印,印染:带有通常是由雕刻过的滚圈压制而成的图案的布或服装美国传统〔print〕The pattern is printed onto the fabric by hand.图案是手工印制在织物上的。外研社新世纪〔procryptic〕Having a pattern or coloration adapted for natural camouflage.原隐色的,具有保护色的:有天然伪装的图案或颜色的美国传统〔prong〕Mark the loaf with the prongs of a fork in a criss-cross pattern.用叉子尖在面包上划十字图案作标记柯林斯高阶〔quilt〕She quilted the surface of the jacket with a new pattern.她将夹克的表面缝成一种新图案。21世纪英汉〔rhythm〕The patterned, recurring alternations of contrasting elements of sound or speech.有规律的变动:声音或演讲的对比元素有格式的,重现的改变美国传统〔rigidification〕The relations have rigidified into fixed patterns.这种关系已刻板不变成为固定形式。21世纪英汉〔scan〕To analyze (verse) into metrical patterns.分析韵脚:将(诗)划分音步美国传统〔sequence〕Music A melodic or harmonic pattern successively repeated at different pitches with or without a key change.【音乐】 模进:带主音变化或不带主音变化的旋律或和弦的音型,在不同的音调上连续重复出现美国传统〔share〕The patterns are shared among the potters.陶工们共享这些图案。牛津搭配〔show〕The dealer spread the rug out to display the pattern.商人将地毯铺开以展示图案。美国传统〔size〕Most costume patterns are sized for children.大多数化装服的纸样是按儿童尺寸制作的。朗文当代〔smocking〕Needlework decoration of small, regularly spaced gathers stitched into a honeycomb pattern.正面刺锈迹:规律性出现于某地方的小褶裥上的织成蜜蜂巢状的刺绣饰品美国传统〔spree killer〕A serial killer whose murders occur in a very short span of time and follow no discernible pattern.狂欢杀手,疯狂杀手:在很短时间内,以无法辨别的手法犯下连续谋杀行为的杀手美国传统〔stiffening〕Using the pattern, cut out one piece of pelmet stiffening.按照这个图样剪出一块帷幔硬衬。外研社新世纪〔stockinette stitch〕A knitting pattern made by alternating rows of plain stitches and purl stitches.隔行正反针编织法:用轮流替换的正针与反针交织编行的一种编织方法美国传统〔striping〕A pattern of stripes.条纹图案美国传统〔subject〕Your vacation is subject to the changing weather patterns.你的假期可视天气变化而决定美国传统〔superimpose〕Patterns of public administration and government are superimposed on traditional societies.公共管理和执政模式移用于传统社会。柯林斯高阶〔tartan〕A twilled wool fabric or garment having such a pattern.格子呢:具有这样一种图案的斜纹毛料织物或服装美国传统〔tectonic〕There has been a recent tectonic shift/change in voting patterns.最近,选民的投票模式有了重大的变化。韦氏高阶〔template〕A pattern or gauge, such as a thin metal plate with a cut pattern, used as a guide in making something accurately, as in woodworking.样板:一个样板或标准规格,如在木工中用作在制造某物时的样板的一个刻有图案的薄金属板美国传统〔temporal〕They are studying the spatial and temporal patterns of weather systems.他们正在研究气象体系的时空模式。韦氏高阶〔tessera〕One of the small squares of stone or glass used in making mosaic patterns.特塞拉,镶嵌物:小块用于镶嵌马赛克图案的方形石块或玻璃美国传统〔torchon lace〕Lace made of coarse linen or cotton thread twisted in simple geometric patterns.粗质花边:将粗糙的尼龙或棉线弯曲成简单的几何图案而形成的花边美国传统〔trace〕Rosie's fingers traced a delicate pattern in the sand.罗茜用手指在沙地上画出一幅精美的图案。朗文当代〔trace〕To imprint (a design) by pressure with an instrument on a superimposed pattern.压印:通过一仪器用压力将(一图案)印在覆盖在上面的模子上美国传统〔trace〕You can put a piece of paper over the pattern and trace it.你可以在图案上放一张纸来描摹。韦氏高阶〔twill〕To weave (cloth) so as to produce a pattern of diagonal parallel ribs.把…织成斜纹:把(布)织成斜的平行罗纹的样式美国传统〔unique〕Our fingers bear skin patterns that are unique to each individual.我们每个人手指上面的皮肤纹路都是独一无二的。外研社新世纪〔unnatural〕Inconsistent with an individual pattern or custom.奇怪的:与某一程式或习俗不一致的美国传统〔warming〕The warming of air currents affects weather patterns.气流变暖会影响天气模式。韦氏高阶〔wove paper〕Paper made on a closely woven wire roller or mold and having a faint mesh pattern.布纹纸:用包着紧密编织的金属网的墨棍或模具制成的纸张,而且有轻微的网状图案美国传统〔zigzag〕In a zigzag manner or pattern.之字形:之字形风格的或之字形形状的美国传统〔zymogram〕A strip or band of electrophoretic medium showing the pattern of enzymes or isoenzymes after their separation by electrophoresis.酶谱:电泳媒质的谱带,电泳分裂后显出酶或同酶素的图案美国传统A few simple shapes are the irreducible forms from which all of the patterns are generated.一些简单的形状是所有这些图形从中产生的不可简化的形状。剑桥国际Changes in the climate have wrought havoc with ( = severely changed) the city's usual weather pattern.气候变化已经严重破坏了这个城市正常的天气状况。剑桥国际Fingerprint classification is based on four groups of ridge patterns on your fingers.指纹分类法根据的是你手指上的四类褶皱形状。剑桥国际He bought a white table cloth edged with a pretty pattern. (= with a pattern around the outside) 他买了一块镶有漂亮花边的白桌布。剑桥国际His behaviour patterns suggested he had been badly maltreated as a child.他的行为显示他孩童时曾受过虐待。剑桥国际His shirt was a brightly coloured pattern of vertical and horizontal lines.他的衬衫图案是色彩鲜艳的竖线条和横线条。剑桥国际I've never really cared for floral patterns.我从来没有真正喜欢过花卉图案。剑桥国际Joe's socks had diamond (= four-sided) patterns on them.乔的短袜上有菱形图案。剑桥国际Look how easy it is to confuse the two patterns. 留神这两个图案很容易相混。剑桥国际Pin the pattern to the right side of the material.将纸样钉在布料正面。剑桥国际Sales of the new model followed a predictable pattern.新型产品的销售按预定模式进行。牛津商务The artist sketched the pattern in charcoal on the cloth. 画家用炭条在布上打出图案的草样。译典通The children made patterns by sticking shapes onto paper.孩子们把模型贴在纸上做出图案。剑桥国际The design is so good it's sure to set the pattern for many others.这种设计如此好一定会为其他很多设计定下样板的。剑桥国际The physics teacher showed them the pattern that iron filings make when they were sprinkled over some paper covering a magnet.物理教师向他们展示了散落在纸上的铁屑受到纸下的磁铁作用而形成的图案。剑桥国际The range of ceramic jars uses a jazzy combination of spots, stripes and geometric patterns.这套陶罐采用了颜色鲜艳多彩的点、线和几何图形的组合。剑桥国际The right hemisphere of the brain is specialized for the perception of complex patterns, both visual and tactile.右半脑是专门从视觉上和触觉上感知复杂形状的。剑桥国际The shirt has a pattern of blue and yellow checks.这件衬衫有黄蓝相间的格子图案。剑桥国际The small child tried to work out exactly how many snakes were hidden amongst the endless convolutions in the pattern.小孩试图找出到底有多少条蛇藏在图中无尽头的盘旋结构中。剑桥国际The way that the trunk of a tree divides into smaller and smaller branches and twigs is an approximate fractal pattern.树干分为越来越小的树枝和细枝的方式就是一种大致的不规则碎片形模式。剑桥国际There was a central design on the plate, and a pattern around the edge.盘子中央有个花样,边上有图案。剑桥国际There was a grooved pattern (= one with grooves in it) in the wood.这块木头上有沟状的花纹。剑桥国际This hospital is a pattern of what a good hospital should be. 这家医院就是好医院的榜样。译典通




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