

单词 products
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔SPECIAL〕a new range of beauty products specially designed for teenagers 特别为青少年设计的一套新的美容产品朗文写作活用〔admissible〕foreign products admissible to the domestic market 经批准可进入国内市场的外国产品英汉大词典〔advertisement〕a special promotion of local products 当地产品的特别促销活动牛津高阶〔aesthetic〕products chosen for their aesthetic appeal as well as their durability and quality因其外形美观且经久耐用、质量上乘而被选定的产品外研社新世纪〔animal〕furs and other animal products 毛皮和其他畜产品英汉大词典〔animal〕milk, meat, and other animal products 牛奶、肉类以及其他动物产品韦氏高阶〔appointment〕products by appointment to the Queen 专为女王制造的优质产品英汉大词典〔boycott〕plans to boycott American products 抵制美国货的计划韦氏高阶〔bumf〕a lot of public relations bumf about the company's new products 一大堆有关这家公司新产品的公关材料韦氏高阶〔care〕floor-care products 保养地板的产品英汉大词典〔carton〕cartoned dairy products 盒装奶制品英汉大词典〔deal〕make [【英】do] a deal in oil products 达成油品的交易文馨英汉〔derive〕products that are derived from animals 动物制品麦克米伦高阶〔distributorship〕the UK distributorship for Sol lighting products Sol 牌照明产品的英国分销商朗文当代〔electronic〕electronic products 电子产品英汉大词典〔exacting〕products designed to meet the exacting standards of today's marketplace 为符合当今市场严格的标准而设计的产品牛津高阶〔existing〕the need to improve existing products and develop new lines改善现有产品、开发新产品线的需求外研社新世纪〔exportable〕exportable products 可输出的货物文馨英汉〔farm〕farm products such as eggs and vegetables 鸡蛋、蔬菜等农产品牛津搭配〔hazardous〕a list of products that are potentially hazardous to health 对健康有潜在危害的产品清单牛津高阶〔hike〕to hike products to meet the needs of the market增加产量以满足市场的需求21世纪英汉〔home improvement〕home-improvement products 家居装修产品牛津高阶〔hydration〕hair care products for conditioning and hydration 养护头发补充水分的护发产品剑桥高阶〔intolerant〕an intolerance to dairy products 对乳制品过敏牛津高阶〔introduction〕the introduction of a range of new products 一系列新产品的推出朗文当代〔low-fat〕low-fat dairy products 低脂乳制品韦氏高阶〔moisturize〕products to moisturise, protect and firm your skin.润肤、护肤和紧肤产品柯林斯高阶〔musk〕wildlife products such as deer musk麝香等野生动物产品外研社新世纪〔niche〕the development of niche marketing(= aiming products at particular groups) 针对某群体的产品营销开发牛津高阶〔of〕products of the vine.葡萄树结出的果实美国传统〔placement〕the strategic placement of products at the entrance of a store 商店入口处产品的策略性摆放韦氏高阶〔product〕agencies giving out promotional products 提供促销产品的代理机构牛津搭配〔product〕cigarettes and other tobacco products 香烟和其他烟草制品牛津搭配〔product〕everyday household products 家庭日用品牛津搭配〔product〕the products of the reaction 反应的生成物牛津高阶〔promotion〕plan a big promotion for one's new products 计划为自己的新产品进行大规模的促销英汉大词典〔proprietary〕proprietary software products 专利软件产品朗文当代〔recall〕the recall of several products containing the chemical含有该化学物质的多种产品的召回外研社新世纪〔rendering〕the rendering of beef products 牛肉制品加工剑桥高阶〔repackage〕repackage the products with the aim of achieving greater eye appeal 为使装潢更具视觉吸引力而重新包装产品 英汉大词典〔soften〕products designed to moisturize and soften the skin.使肌肤滋润柔滑的产品柯林斯高阶〔standardizable〕to standardize the products as IAS使产品符合国际飞机标准21世纪英汉〔standardize〕standardized products 标准化产品英汉大词典〔technology-intensive〕technology-intensive products 科技[技术]密集的产品文馨英汉〔unit〕the average unit cost of all products 所有产品的平均单位成本牛津搭配products for the home market 来自国内市场的产品牛津商务products spinning off from favourite books 畅销书的衍生产品牛津商务a jobbing company with quality products and competitive prices 产品品质高、价格竞争力强的经销公司牛津商务a maker of upmarket food products 高档食品厂商牛津商务developing derivative products 开发延伸产品牛津商务gaining media exposure for your products 让你的产品在媒体上亮相牛津商务growing demand for oil products 对石油制品日益增长的需求牛津商务incremental changes/improvements to existing products 现有产品不断地革新/改进牛津商务self-regulating heating products 自调式供热产品牛津商务stretching the brand with new products and markets 把这一品牌延伸至新的产品和市场牛津商务the cyclical demand for steel products 对钢材的周期性需求牛津商务the group's expertise in developing new products 这个集团在开发新产品方面的专长牛津商务the mis-selling of investment products 对投资产品的不实推销牛津商务the use of computer graphics to design products 利用计算机制图设计产品牛津商务undifferentiated products 无差异产品牛津商务




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