

单词 perfection
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔acme〕reach the acme of perfection 达到尽善尽美的地步英汉大词典〔acme〕the acme of perfection 尽善尽美朗文当代〔attain〕attain to perfection 达到完美的境地英汉大词典〔histrionic〕seek histrionic perfection 在演技方面精益求精英汉大词典〔nullity〕the nullity of human perfection 至善人性的虚妄英汉大词典〔perfection〕a perfection of form 形式上的尽善尽美韦氏高阶〔perfection〕a dance troupe whose work approaches perfection 表演接近完美的舞蹈团牛津搭配〔perfection〕a garden of incredible perfection 精美得难以置信的花园英汉大词典〔perfection〕a sequence of developmental stages towards / toward the perfection of his violin technique 他的小提琴技术臻于完美的一系列发展阶段牛津搭配〔perfection〕improve upon perfection 好上加好英汉大词典〔perfection〕physical perfection 体格健全牛津高阶〔perfection〕scientists working on the perfection of new techniques 正在力图完善新技术的科学家们麦克米伦高阶〔perfection〕the perfection of a lovely jewel.可爱的珠宝的完美无瑕。牛津同义词〔perfection〕the perfection of faithfulness 绝顶的忠诚英汉大词典〔perfection〕the perfection of goodness 至善英汉大词典〔perfection〕the perfection of his golf swing 他高尔夫挥杆技术的完善朗文当代〔perfection〕the perfection of our plans.我们计划的完成。牛津同义词〔perfection〕the perfection of production methods 生产方法的完善英汉大词典〔perfection〕the perfection of surgical techniques 完善外科技术韦氏高阶〔perfection〕the search for technical perfection 对技术的精益求精朗文当代〔perfection〕work toward the perfection of a design 努力改进设计使之完善英汉大词典〔pink〕the pink of perfection 完美的极致文馨英汉〔relentless〕her relentless pursuit of perfection 她对完美的不懈追求牛津高阶〔restitute〕restitute all things to their first state of perfection 使一切恢复至最初的完好状态英汉大词典〔seeker〕seekers of perfection 寻求完美的人韦氏高阶〔strive〕our striving for perfection 我们争取完善的努力牛津高阶〔topnotch〕a performance in the topnotch of perfection 尽善尽美的演出英汉大词典




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