单词 | probably |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔A.D.〕The original castle was probably built about AD 860.原先的城堡可能建于公元860年左右。外研社新世纪〔ACCEPT〕In the US, people have come to accept that they will probably have several different jobs over the course of their career. 在美国,人们终于接受了他们在职业生涯中可能会换好几份工作的这个事实。朗文写作活用〔AD〕The original castle was probably built about AD 860.最初的城堡可能建于公元860年左右。柯林斯高阶〔DO/NOT DO〕Don't ask Terry to do it - she'll probably just mess it up. 别叫特丽来做—她一定会把它搞得一团糟的。朗文写作活用〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕Raphael is probably the only one crazy enough to try it. 可能只有拉斐尔才会这么疯狂去做这事了。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕It seems that the teams are pretty evenly matched, but the French players are probably more experienced. 两队看上去难分伯仲,但法国队大概经验更丰富。朗文写作活用〔ESCAPE〕It looks as if they've escaped. They're probably over the border by now. 看来他们已经逃掉了,现在很可能已过了边境。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCE〕When you first tried a cigarette, you probably experienced a feeling of dizziness. 第一次抽烟可能会有一种眩晕的感觉。朗文写作活用〔EXPLODE〕Police say radio signals were probably used to set the bomb off. 警方说这些无线电信号可能用于引爆炸弹。朗文写作活用〔FAULT〕If you used the same tape later and had no trouble with the picture, the problem is probably in the VCR. 假如后来又使用同一盘录像带而图像没有问题,那么问题可能就出在录像机上。朗文写作活用〔FIT/NOT FIT〕The survey shows that the typical 16-year-old is unfit, lazy, and probably plays no sports at all. 这次调查表明一般16岁的孩子身体孱弱、懒惰,很有可能根本不运动。朗文写作活用〔HARD〕Diamond is probably the hardest substance known to man. 钻石可能是人类已知的最坚硬的物质。朗文写作活用〔HEAVY〕I've put on weight recently, so I'm probably about 120 kilos. 我最近长胖了,所以现在可能有120公斤左右。朗文写作活用〔HUNGRY/NOT HUNGRY〕A baby who is not gaining weight is probably not getting enough to eat. 婴儿如果体重不增加,很可能是因为没有足够的东西吃。朗文写作活用〔INVENT〕Stokely Carmichael was probably the originator of the term ‘black power.’ 斯托克利·卡迈克尔可能是“黑人权力”一词的发明人。朗文写作活用〔MODEST〕Stephanie was humble enough to admit that others could probably do the job better than she could. 斯蒂芬妮很谦虚,甚至承认别人来干这工作可能比她更好。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕This is probably showing my age, but I remember when popcorn cost 25 cents and came in those little white paper bags. 这么说也许会使我显得很老,但我记得那个时候爆米花25美分一包,用那种白色的小纸袋包装。朗文写作活用〔PAINT〕Turner was probably the greatest landscape painter that England has ever produced. 透纳很可能是英国有史以来最伟大的风景画家。朗文写作活用〔PICTURE〕Constable is probably England's most famous landscape artist. 康斯太布尔可能是英国最著名的风景画家。朗文写作活用〔PROBABLY〕The number of dead will very probably reach 2,000 by the end of the day. 到今天结束时,死亡人数极有可能达到2000人。朗文写作活用〔PROBABLY〕We'll probably be shooting the movie on location in Europe. 我们可能在欧洲实地拍摄这部影片。朗文写作活用〔PUNISH〕You'll probably just get a fine. 你可能只会被罚款。朗文写作活用〔REALIZE〕Didn't it ever occur to you that they would probably like to be alone together? 你从没想过他们可能喜欢单独在一起吗?朗文写作活用〔RECOGNIZE〕Her accent was unmistakable -- Southern Ireland, probably West coast. 她的口音绝不会听错,是爱尔兰南部,可能是西海岸。朗文写作活用〔RETURN〕Whoever left the gloves will probably come back for them tomorrow. 忘了拿走手套的人明天可能会回来拿的。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕If we gamble and succeed, no one will mind. But if we gamble and fail, we'll probably lose our jobs. 要是我们冒险成了没人会在意,但假如冒险失败,我们可能就要失业了。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕The chief investigator resigned, amid allegations of covert and probably illegal operations. 总调查员被指涉嫌进行违法的秘密行动而辞去了职务。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕I was probably more introverted than Arthur when we were children. 小时候我可能比阿瑟更内向。朗文写作活用〔SLEEP〕The people next door are having a party, so we probably won't get much sleep tonight. 隔壁人家在举行聚会,所以今天晚上我们可能会睡不好觉。朗文写作活用〔SPEAK〕A word-of-mouth recommendation is probably the best form of advertising. 口头推荐可能是最好的广告方式了。朗文写作活用〔SYMPATHIZE〕He'll probably go to jail for this. It's his wife I feel sorry for. 他可能会为这事坐牢。让我感到难过的是他的妻子。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕I looked around the glittering room and it struck me that I was probably the poorest person there. 我环顾一屋子珠光宝气的人,忽然想到我也许是那里最穷的人了。朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕Simon was probably dead, and it was pointless to think he was coming back. 西蒙很可能已经死了,认为他会回来是没有意义的。朗文写作活用〔anticipate〕Columbus was probably anticipated by the Vikings in discovering America.北欧海盗也许在哥伦布之前就发现了美洲。英汉大词典〔anyone〕Sherwood probably knows more than anyone else about the subject.舍伍德对这个课题的了解可能比其他任何人都要多。麦克米伦高阶〔authorization〕The government will probably refuse authorization under these conditions.在这些情况下政府很可能会拒绝批准。牛津搭配〔backtracking〕Some backtracking is probably inevitable.出现变动可能是不可避免的。外研社新世纪〔backyard〕Americans would probably react differently to the war if it was in their own back yard.战争要是发生在自己的家门口,美国人可能就会有不一样的反应。朗文当代〔bare〕That's probably the most bare, bleak, barren and inhospitable island I've ever seen.那可能是我见过的最荒凉的岛屿,荒无人烟,寸草不生。柯林斯高阶〔barometer〕The barometer is falling(= showing that it will probably rain).气压在下降(表示可能要下雨)。牛津高阶〔baton〕It is probably the right time for someone else to be picking up the baton.现在可能是由他人担起这份责任的好时机。外研社新世纪〔belt〕His unsteady gait shows he's probably had a couple of belts.他蹒跚的步子表明,他大概已经喝过几杯了。英汉大词典〔best〕Conan Doyle is probably best known as the creator of Sherlock Holmes.柯南·道尔多半是因为创造了舍洛克·福尔摩斯这个人物而闻名遐迩。麦克米伦高阶〔between〕Fifteen is too few, but 30 is probably too many – somewhere in between would be about right.15太少了,但30也许太多了,15至30之间某个数字差不多合适。麦克米伦高阶〔body〕It is probably the most polluted body of water in the world.这很可能是世界上受污染最严重的一片水域。柯林斯高阶〔borrow〕To take an unnecessary action that will probably engender adverse effects.自找麻烦:采取一个可能会产生负面效果的不必要的行动美国传统〔bps〕A minimum 28,800 bps modem is probably the slowest you'll want to put up with.传输速度最小为28,800位∕秒的调制解调器也许是你愿意忍受的极限。外研社新世纪〔brag〕He'll probably go around bragging to his friends.他很可能会到处向他的朋友们吹嘘。柯林斯高阶〔bump off〕They will probably bump you off anyway! 不管怎样他们很可能会干掉你!柯林斯高阶〔bust〕The trip to Spain will probably bust our budget.这次西班牙之行可能会超出我们的预算。朗文当代〔case〕You probably won't need to call—but take my number, just in case.你很可能无需打电话,不过还是记下我的电话号码吧,以防万一。牛津高阶〔catch〕He probably caught the ten-thirty train to Tianjin.他可能赶十点半去天津的火车。21世纪英汉〔comfortable〕Her mother will probably get better, which is a comfortable thought.她母亲的身体大概会好起来,这点令人欣慰。英汉大词典〔commonly〕Parsley is probably the most commonly used of all herbs.欧芹可能是用得最多的一种药草。柯林斯高阶〔concession〕We will probably outsource the selling of popcorn and another firm will run it as a concession.我们很可能会把爆米花的销售外包出去, 另一家公司将会以租用场地的方式来经营。外研社新世纪〔conclude〕The meeting will probably conclude without any solution of this problem.开完会可能也找不出任何解决这个问题的办法。英汉大词典〔confrontation〕He probably will have little choice but to force a confrontation sooner or later.他很可能不会有多少选择的余地,迟早都得被迫走上对抗之路。牛津搭配〔control〕The Democrats will probably lose control of Congress.民主党很可能失去对国会的控制。牛津高阶〔convenient〕The bus stop around the corner is probably the most convenient.拐角处的公共汽车站可能是最方便的。朗文当代〔cop〕She's probably copped a look at Nic's Chanel No5 6.5m paycheck.她很可能瞄到了妮可拍摄香奈尔5号香水广告得到的那张650万的支票。外研社新世纪〔cynically〕As one former customer said cynically, 'He's probably pocketed the difference!'正如一位旧主顾所嘲讽的那样:“他很可能把差额塞进了自己的腰包!”外研社新世纪〔dangerous〕The virus is probably not dangerous to humans.这种病毒对人类可能没有危害。朗文当代〔death〕How Danielle met her death (=died) will probably never be known.丹妮尔是怎么死的可能永远也无法知道了。朗文当代〔divinity〕The three statues above are probably Roman divinities.上面的3尊雕像可能是罗马诸神。柯林斯高阶〔do good〕You can try, but it probably won't do much good.你可以试试,但是很可能没什么用。韦氏高阶〔dose〕The doctor fixed the rib, dosed him heavily with drugs, and said he would probably get better.医生接好了肋骨,给他服用了大剂量的药,并说他可能会有所好转。柯林斯高阶〔downright〕The working conditions are unhealthy, if not downright (= and probably extremely) dangerous.这种工作环境即使称不上非常危险,也是对身体有害的。剑桥高阶〔dump〕The fire probably started in a rubbish dump.火可能是从垃圾场开始烧起来的。朗文当代〔educated〕She was probably the most highly educated prime minister of this century.她可能是本世纪学历最高的首相。剑桥高阶〔elastic〕Demand for this type of holiday will probably be fairly elastic.对这类假期的需求可能有相当的灵活性。朗文当代〔enrage〕The new version of the play will probably enrage traditionalists.该剧的新版本很可能会激怒那些因循守旧的人。外研社新世纪〔expect〕She's expecting next month. [=she will probably give birth next month; her baby will probably be born next month] 她下个月要生孩子了。韦氏高阶〔exponent〕The most famous exponent of this approach to art was probably Charles Rennie Mackintosh.这种艺术手法最著名的大师很可能是查尔斯‧伦尼‧麦金托什。朗文当代〔eye〕That's probably the most bare and bleak island I've ever had the misfortune to clap eyes on.那可能是我不幸看到的最光秃、最荒凉的岛屿。柯林斯高阶〔fall for〕You're only to put the idea to him,and he'll probably fall for it at once.你刚刚把想法告诉他,他可能就立即信以为真。21世纪英汉〔favour〕The favoured candidate will probably emerge after private discussions.中意的候选人很可能将在私下讨论后产生。柯林斯高阶〔find〕Everything probably seems strange now, but you'll soon find your feet.现在一切看起来可能都是陌生的, 但你很快就会适应。外研社新世纪〔flooded〕It was probably the shock which had brought all the memories flooding back.可能是由于突然受到惊吓,所有的记忆一下子全涌现出来。柯林斯高阶〔fold〕Realizing that she probably wasn't bluffing, he decided to fold.他意识到她很可能不是虚张声势,决定认输。韦氏高阶〔free〕We can probably free up £20,000 for new computer equipment.我们大概可以省下两万英镑来购买新的计算机设备。麦克米伦高阶〔from where sb stands〕You can see why they refused her demand for a pay rise, but from where she stands it probably seemed perfectly reasonable to ask.你能明白他们为什么拒绝了她加薪的要求,但从她的立场来看,提出这个要求似乎是完全合理的。剑桥高阶〔further〕Additional training is probably the best way to further your career these days.如今额外的培训可能是推进你事业发展的最佳途径。剑桥高阶〔furthest〕Maltby's book has probably gone furthest in explaining these events.莫尔特比的书可能是解释这些事件最详细的。朗文当代〔good〕It's probably done you good to get away for a few hours.离开几小时或许对你有好处。柯林斯高阶〔good〕It's probably good for you to get some criticism now and then.偶尔受点批评或许对你还有好处。牛津高阶〔gossip〕She's a great one for idle gossip(= she enjoys spreading stories about other people that are probably not true).她是有名的长舌妇。牛津高阶〔grim〕Millions of Britons face the grim prospect (=something bad that will probably happen) of dearer home loans.许许多多的英国人未来可能面对一个严酷的事实: 住房贷款负担更加沉重。朗文当代〔guess〕You can probably guess how she reacted! 你或许可以料想到她的反应!牛津搭配〔habit〕She knew it probably wasn't necessary any more, but old habits die hard.她知道这也许已经不再必要了,但是旧习难改。朗文当代〔if〕If there was any disappointment it was probably temporary.即便有点儿失望, 也很可能是暂时的。外研社新世纪〔if〕If there was any disappointment it was probably temporary.即便有点儿失望,也肯定是暂时的。柯林斯高阶〔ill〕If damp, musty buildings make you ill, mould is probably the cause.如果潮湿发霉的建筑令你生病了,霉菌很可能是病因。柯林斯高阶〔impersonal〕Redundancy selection will probably be carried out on a fairly impersonal basis.裁员的选择将很可能在相当客观的基础上进行。外研社新世纪〔in sb's eyes〕And although she was probably just an ordinary-looking kid, in my eyes she was the most beautiful child on the face of the planet.而且,尽管她可能只不过是个相貌平平的小丫头,但在我看来她却是这世界上最漂亮的孩子。剑桥高阶〔instead〕You probably picked up my keys instead of yours.你可能没拿你的钥匙而错拿了我的钥匙了。朗文当代〔intercede〕Their argument probably would have become violent if I hadn't interceded.要不是我调停,他们的争执可能早已变成大打出手。韦氏高阶〔know〕Knowing Sumi, my note's probably still in her pocket.我了解舒米,我的字条很可能还在她的口袋里。朗文当代〔level〕Interest rates will probably remain at the same level for a few more months.今后几个月利率很可能保持不变。麦克米伦高阶〔light-headed〕If you skip breakfast, your blood sugar level will drop and you will probably feel light-headed.如果不吃早餐,血糖含量就会降低,你很可能会觉得晕眩。柯林斯高阶〔light〕You are probably well enough to take a little light exercise.你恢复得不错,大概可以做些轻微的运动了。牛津高阶〔likely〕Probably.可能的美国传统〔lounge around〕I will probably lounge around reading until bedtime.我可能会在就寝前读读书, 打发时间。外研社新世纪〔make〕They'll probably make the front pages of all the papers tomorrow.明天,他们的事可能会在各报的头版刊出。英汉大词典〔mastiff〕Any of an ancient breed of large, strong dogs, probably originating in Asia and having a short, often fawn-colored coat.獒犬,大驯犬:古代一种大而强壮的狗,可能源于亚洲,具有短且呈黄褐色的皮毛美国传统〔meet〕How she met her death will probably never be known.她的死因也许永远无人知晓。牛津高阶〔melt down〕The stolen gold has probably already been melted down.被盗黄金大概已经被熔化了。韦氏高阶〔mess up〕If I messed up, I would probably be fired.我要是捅了娄子, 或许会被开除的。外研社新世纪〔missing link〕We're dealing with probably the biggest missing link in what we know about human evolution.我们正在解决的可能是我们所知的人类进化过程中缺失最大的一环。柯林斯高阶〔muff〕You'll probably only get one chance to take a photo, so don't muff it! 你可能只有一次机会照相,所以不要照坏了。朗文当代〔nonconformist〕Your nonconformist ways will probably get you into trouble.你特立独行的行事方式可能会给自己惹来麻烦。外研社新世纪〔notice〕My mother probably won't even notice I'm gone.妈妈很可能都不会注意到我已经走了。牛津搭配〔oil〕Oil prices will probably rise again next year.石油价格明年可能又会上涨。麦克米伦高阶〔opportunist〕The burglary was probably carried out by an opportunist thief who noticed the door was open.入屋盗窃的可能是一个看到门开着就决定撞一下运气的小偷。剑桥高阶〔orbit〕The planet is probably in orbit around a small star.这颗行星可能正环绕着一颗小恒星运行。柯林斯高阶〔overwork〕The whole crew seemed exhausted, probably from overworking.全体人员都显得疲惫不堪,很可能是因为劳累过度。韦氏高阶〔owe〕He probably owes his life to her prompt action.很可能是因为她行动迅速才救了他一命。朗文当代〔pack〕The company will probably pack up and move south.这家公司可能会了结业务后南迁。英汉大词典〔partake in〕You will probably be asked about whether you partake in vigorous sports.你可能会被问到是否参加剧烈的体育运动。外研社新世纪〔partake〕You will probably be asked about whether you partake in very vigorous sports.你可能会被问到是否参加非常剧烈的体育运动。柯林斯高阶〔past〕From past experience I'd say he'd probably forgotten the time.根据过去的经验,我想他可能把时间忘了。牛津高阶〔pay〕We'll probably pay more in tax this year.我们今年可能要缴纳更多的税金。麦克米伦高阶〔perform〕It would probably be unethical to perform such experiments on humans.在人身上做这样的实验可能是不道德的。外研社新世纪〔point〕You will probably sell the car at some point in the future.将来某个时候你很可能会卖掉这辆车。朗文当代〔probably〕It will probably rain today.今天很可能会下雨。韦氏高阶〔probably〕It's probably the best movie I have ever seen.这大概是我看过的最好的电影。朗文当代〔probably〕She will probably come.她或许会来。文馨英汉〔probably〕The White House probably won't make this plan public until July.白宫很可能到七月才会公开这个计划。外研社新世纪〔probably〕The building will be replaced, most probably by a modern sports centre.大楼将拆除重建,很可能被一座现代化的体育中心取代。朗文当代〔probably〕Van Gogh is probably the best-known painter in the world.凡·高可能是世界上最知名的画家。柯林斯高阶〔probably〕You are probably right.你很可能是对的。韦氏高阶〔probably〕You're probably right.你很可能是对的。牛津高阶〔psychiatrist〕Alex will probably be seeing a psychiatrist for many months or even years.亚历克斯今后好几个月甚至几年都可能要去看精神科医生。柯林斯高阶〔psychiatrist〕Alex will probably be seeing a psychiatrist for many months.亚历克斯今后好几个月都可能要去看精神科医生。外研社新世纪〔put〕We're probably going to have the cat put down next week.我们很可能会在下周让人把这只猫杀死。麦克米伦高阶〔rabid〕Even the most rabid football fans probably wouldn't know this.即使是最狂热的足球迷也可能不知道这个。剑桥高阶〔reviled〕He is probably the most reviled man in contemporary theatre.他可能是当代戏剧界骂声最多的人。柯林斯高阶〔round out〕Something, probably a better diet, had rounded out his little cheeks.由于某种原因, 很可能是因为吃得好了, 他的小脸蛋变得圆乎乎的。外研社新世纪〔see〕We probably can do it, but we'll have to see.我们也许可以做,但必须先查清楚美国传统〔sense〕She probably sensed that I wasn't telling her the whole story.她可能意识到了我并没有对她全盘托出。柯林斯高阶〔short circuit〕If those two wires touch, the appliance will short-circuit and probably go up in flames.如果那两根电线接触,电器就会短路,还有可能会起火。剑桥高阶〔sign〕Recent job losses are probably a sign of things to come.预示要发生的事麦克米伦高阶〔since〕He is probably the best-known bewhiskered American since Abraham Lincoln.他或许可以说是亚伯拉罕·林肯以后美国最著名的连鬓胡子美髯公了。英汉大词典〔sorry〕It was probably too late to say sorry, but she would try anyway.道歉也许太晚了,但不管怎样她还是想道个歉。朗文当代〔speak〕She'd probably drop some comment about her 'fiancé' into the conversation so that he'd think she was already spoken for.她可能会在谈话的时候不着痕迹地对她的“未婚夫”作些评论,这样他便会认为她已经名花有主了。柯林斯高阶〔spend〕The hurricane will probably have spent most of its force (= most of its force will have gone) by the time it reaches the northern parts of the country.飓风抵达该国北部地区时,风势可能已减弱了大半。剑桥高阶〔squeeze〕We could probably squeeze in a few more people.我们也许还可以再挤进去几个人。朗文当代〔stick to〕The cap was probably stuck to his head.这顶帽子很可能是粘在他头上了。外研社新世纪〔strike〕The plaintiffs probably knew which jurors would be struck from the jury by the defence.原告可能知道被告会把哪几位陪审员从陪审团里划掉。外研社新世纪〔strike〕They probably thought they were striking a blow for a political cause.他们可能认为自己正在支持一项政治事业。外研社新世纪〔sublimely〕The administration's sublime incompetence is probably temporary.政府的极端软弱无能或许只是暂时的。柯林斯高阶〔suburb〕Once we have kids, we'll probably move to the suburbs.我们有了孩子后很可能会搬到郊区。麦克米伦高阶〔survive〕She will probably survive me by many years.她可能要比我多活很多年。外研社新世纪〔swimming〕Swimming is probably the best form of exercise you can get.游泳或许是现有的最佳锻炼方式。柯林斯高阶〔swing〕If you want an interview with Pedro, I could probably swing it (for you).如果你想采访佩德罗,也许我可以帮你安排。剑桥高阶〔swipe〕The photos were probably swiped by an employee.这些照片很可能是被哪个员工偷走了。朗文当代〔taste〕He has terrible taste so you can probably imagine what his house looks like.他的品位极差,你大概可以想象出他家是什么样子。剑桥高阶〔tell〕I badly wanted the job, but knew that my age would probably tell against me.我非常想要这份工作,但我知道我的年龄可能会对我不利。朗文当代〔thaw〕It will probably thaw tomorrow.明天可能会转暖化雪。21世纪英汉〔think〕When you think about it, he's probably right.想想看, 他很可能是对的。外研社新世纪〔think〕When you think about it, he's probably right.现在想想看,他很可能是对的。柯林斯高阶〔thunder〕The day was heavy and still. It would probably thunder later.天色阴沉,一丝风也没有。或许马上就要打雷。柯林斯高阶〔total〕There were probably about 40 people there in total.总共可能有 40 人左右。朗文当代〔traceable〕Britain's inflation is probably traceable in part to the Chancellor's failure to get the exchange rate right.英国的通货膨胀有一部分大概要归因于财政大臣未能将汇率控制在合理水平。柯林斯高阶〔troublesome〕Her hip has been troublesome for quite a while, and she'll probably need surgery on it.她的髋部有很长一段时间都不舒服,可能需要动手术。剑桥高阶〔try〕She is probably trying it on to see how far she can go with you.她或许是在耍花招, 来看看她和你能发展到什么程度。外研社新世纪〔tune〕The peace campaigners were probably out of tune with most Britons.和平倡导者可能得不到大部分英国人认同。外研社新世纪〔undercoat〕Those red walls will probably need two undercoats.那些红色墙壁可能需要刷两层底漆。剑桥高阶〔undertake〕You could probably find time to undertake an educational project.你可能会有时间承担一个教育项目。外研社新世纪〔unequally〕The Egyptians probably measured their day in twenty-four hours of unequal length.埃及人很有可能用不同长度的24小时来度量日子。柯林斯高阶〔unmanned〕The fare from the last unmanned station is probably less than a pound.从上一个无人站过来的费用可能还不到1镑。柯林斯高阶〔used〕I shall probably oversleep as I am not used to getting up so early.我很可能会睡过头,因为我不习惯于起得这么早。英汉大词典〔well-known〕This is probably their best-known song.这可能是他们最有名的歌曲。朗文当代〔wing〕The lark was probably on the wing by now.那只云雀现在很可能在飞翔。外研社新世纪〔would〕They told me that they probably wouldn't come.他们对我说他们多半不会来。牛津高阶A good knife is probably one of the most useful (= effective when used) things you can have in a kitchen.一把好刀可能是厨房里最有用的东西之一。剑桥国际A tart that size will probably divide into about ten portions.那么大的一块水果馅饼很可能要分成10份。剑桥国际Books on Cecil Beaton will probably be under Art or Photography, not under Drama.关于塞西尔·比顿的书可能在艺术或摄影类目录下, 不在戏剧类目录下。剑桥国际Don't worry about the alarm--it's probably only a fire drill.别因为警报惊慌,很可能只是消防演习。剑桥国际He hardly ever (= almost never) washes the dishes and he rarely, if ever, (= probably never) does any cleaning.他几乎从不洗碗,他也差不多从不干清洁工作。剑桥国际He has the most awful taste so you can probably imagine what his house looks like.他的审美力极差,你可以想象得出他的房子什么样。剑桥国际He was probably the most prolific song-writer of his generation.他可能是他这代人中作品最丰富的歌曲作家。剑桥国际He was a minor poet of the sixteenth century--you probably won't have heard of him.他是十六世纪一个不重要的诗人,你也许没有听说过他。剑桥国际Her car is a four-seater (= has space for four people to sit down), but we could probably squeeze five people in.她的车是四座的,但我们也许能挤进五个人。剑桥国际Her documentaries give voice to (= express) multiple points of view probably because she herself has seen life from many different angles.或许因为她本人就是从许多不同角度审视生活的,所以她拍的记录片表述了多种观点。剑桥国际Her kidney infection was probably caused by her swimming in contaminated water/water contaminated with sewage.她的肾感染可能是由于她在受排污水污染的水中游泳所致。剑桥国际Her liver is damaged, probably because of alcohol abuse.她的肝脏受损,可能是因为饮酒过量。剑桥国际I don't think Hugh'll like this flowery wallpaper--he'll probably want something more masculine.我认为休不会喜欢这种花卉图案的墙纸----他兴许希望更粗犷型的。剑桥国际I doubt whether her motives for donating the money are altruistic--she's probably looking for publicity.我怀疑她捐钱的动机是否是无私的----她也许是为了出风头。剑桥国际I think it is probably just an error in transcription (= the process of making an exact written copy of something).我觉得可能只是抄写时的一个错误。剑桥国际If someone has an epileptic fit, their body will convulse with severe uncontrolled movements and they will probably become unconscious.假如什么人癫痫病发作,他们的身体就会痉挛,动作严重失控,而且很可能会不省人事。剑桥国际If the infection is not checked it will probably spread to the upper body.如果感染没有被控制住, 将有可能扩展到上身。剑桥国际It's too expensive, and probably out-of-date at that (=as well).这东西价钱太贵,而且可能已经过时了。剑桥国际Ortega has probably the most powerful forehand of anyone in this tournament.在这次锦标赛当中,奥尔特加的正手球比任何人都有力。剑桥国际She probably dropped the parcel unawares. 她很可能无意中丢失了那包裹。译典通The President has been waffling on this issue, probably because he is still uncertain about what to do.总统一直在这个问题上含糊其辞,大概是因为他还拿不定主意该怎么做。剑桥国际The distributors will probably bump up the price of the software when the next version is released.当下一版本软件发行时,批发商很可能抬高其价格。剑桥国际The mayor and her deputy will probably lock horns over plans for the new road.市长和她的副手很可能会就新的道路计划进行辩论。剑桥国际The most famous quarterback in the world is probably Joe Montana, who played his best football with the San Francisco 49ers.世界上最有名的四分卫也许是乔· 蒙塔那,他在旧金山49人队时球打得最精彩。剑桥国际The repairs will probably run into thousands of pounds.修理费也许要几千英镑。剑桥国际These working conditions are unhealthy, if not downright (= and probably extremely) dangerous.这种工作环境如果不是极其危险的话,也是对身体有害的。剑桥国际 |
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