

单词 possessed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-funded〕He is possessed of an extraordinary fund of energy.他的精力异常充沛。柯林斯高阶〔DETERMINED〕They weren't the best side in the European Cup, but they possessed the will to win. 他们算不上是欧洲杯赛中最强的队伍,但他们有取胜的决心。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕He possessed an unusual ability to learn languages quickly. 他有一种特殊的能力,学语言很快。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕Like all towns and villages on Trinidad, it possessed a cricket ground. 和特立尼达的所有村镇一样,这儿也有一个板球场。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Rehnquist was a great scholar who possessed a formidable intellect. 伦奎斯特是位伟大的学者,拥有令人敬畏的智力。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕Because of his gambling, he lost everything he possessed. 他因为赌博输掉了他的全部所有。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕He never wore a suit - I don't think he possessed one. 他从不穿套装—我认为他根本没有套装。朗文写作活用〔Python〕A person possessed by such a spirit.预言者:具有这样心灵的人美国传统〔SEX〕He was a man possessed by greed, jealousy and lust. 他是一个为贪婪、嫉妒和淫欲所支配的男人。朗文写作活用〔abundance〕One quality the team possessed in abundance was fighting spirit.该队的一大特点是斗志昂扬。朗文当代〔academic〕He possessed no academic qualifications.他没有学历。朗文当代〔allied〕He possessed a raw energy allied to a feeling of something special.他粗犷豪放,给人一种特殊的感觉。柯林斯高阶〔bloom〕He possessed a rare talent that had never bloomed.他拥有一种从未展露过的罕见才能。外研社新世纪〔charge〕The net measure of this property possessed by a body or contained in a bounded region of space.静电荷:物体所带有的或一固定区域空间内含有的净电荷美国传统〔cooling-off period〕The law requires a cooling-off period between the time a gun is purchased and when it may be possessed.法律规定在枪支购买和实际拿到枪支的时间之间要有一段冷静期。韦氏高阶〔demoniac〕One who is or seems to be possessed by a demon.着魔的人:被(或看上去象被)魔鬼控制的人美国传统〔demon〕The people believed the girl was possessed by demons.人们相信这个女孩被魔鬼附了身。牛津搭配〔devil〕He behaved like someone possessed by devils.他的行为像着了魔一样。牛津搭配〔devil〕Is she possessed with a devil? 她被魔鬼迷住了吗?英汉大词典〔devil〕They believed she had been possessed by devils.他们认为她被魔鬼附身。麦克米伦高阶〔devil〕They believed she was possessed by devils.他们认为她是魔鬼附身。牛津高阶〔dichroism〕The property possessed by some crystals of exhibiting two different colors when viewed along different axes.双色性:某些溶液由于浓度不同而呈现不同颜色的性质美国传统〔dichroism〕The property possessed by some solutions of showing different colors at different concentrations.二向色性:某些晶体在沿不同轴观看时,而呈现两种不同的颜色的性质美国传统〔erudition〕He possessed a considerable legal erudition.他法律知识相当渊博。英汉大词典〔exorcize〕Last year, a 15-year-old girl, alleged to be possessed by the devil, was exorcised live on TV.去年,一名据称被鬼上身的15岁女孩的驱邪过程在电视上直播。柯林斯高阶〔exorcize〕The girl, alleged to be possessed by the devil, was exorcized live on TV.这女孩据称被魔鬼附身, 电视上现场报道了为她驱魔的过程。外研社新世纪〔extroverted〕He was possessed of an extroverted personality.他具有一种外向性格。英汉大词典〔fanatical〕Possessed with or motivated by excessive, irrational zeal.狂热的:充满狂热或受不理智的热情所支配的;不理智的狂热的美国传统〔gift〕He was said to have possessed the gift of prophecy.相传他有预言的能力。朗文当代〔infatuated〕Possessed by an unreasoning passion or attraction.热恋着的:被一种非理性的激情或迷恋之情所控制着的美国传统〔innate〕Possessed as an essential characteristic; inherent.特有的,固有的:拥有的本质上的特征;固有的美国传统〔innate〕Possessed at birth; inborn.生来的;天生的美国传统〔kinetic energy〕The energy possessed by a body because of its motion, equal to one half the mass of the body times the square of its speed.动能:物体由于运动而拥有的能量,等于物体质量的二分之一与物体速度平方的乘积美国传统〔library〕The family possessed an extensive library.这个家庭有大量的藏书。牛津搭配〔like a man/woman possessed〕He pounded on the door like a man possessed, yelling for someone to let him in.他发狂地用力敲门,大喊着让他进去。韦氏高阶〔like a man/woman possessed〕He's been running around the office this morning like a man possessed.他今天上午一直在办公室里跑来跑去,像个疯子似的。剑桥高阶〔living〕These adjectives mean possessed of or exhibiting life.这些形容词表示拥有或显示生命。美国传统〔manitou〕In Algonquian religious belief, a supernatural power that permeates the world, possessed in varying degrees by both spiritual and human beings.大神,神灵:阿尔冈昆人宗教信仰中的超自然力量,在世界上无处不在,无论神灵还是人在不同程度上都拥有这种力量美国传统〔mix〕He possessed this capacity to separate his real life from the official side of affairs and not mix the two.他有能力把私生活与公务分开, 不让两者混在一起。外研社新世纪〔mood〕The mood of exhilaration still possessed him.他还沉浸在狂喜情绪之中。英汉大词典〔occupation〕The state of being held or possessed.被占据:被占据或被拥有的状态美国传统〔ounce〕If only my father had possessed an ounce of business sense.我父亲要是有一丁点儿商业头脑就好了。外研社新世纪〔ounce〕If only my father had possessed an ounce of business sense.要是我父亲有一点点经商的头脑就好了。柯林斯高阶〔pleochroism〕The property possessed by some crystals of exhibiting different colors, especially three different colors, when viewed along different axes.多向色性:当沿不同的轴线观察时,某些晶体显示出不同的色彩,尤指三种不同色彩的性质美国传统〔plough〕I ploughed into him with all the strength I possessed.我用尽全身的力量向他撞击。英汉大词典〔popularly〕She possessed the vibrant personality that is so often popularly associated with Spanish women.她拥有通常会令人联想到西班牙女性的充满活力的个性。外研社新世纪〔popularly〕She possessed the vibrant personality that is so often popularly associated with Spanish women.她拥有通常会令人联想到西班牙女性的火热个性。柯林斯高阶〔possessed〕Anne is possessed of an acid tongue.安妮说话尖酸刻薄。英汉大词典〔possessed〕He behaved like someone possessed.他行为举止像是魔怔了。外研社新世纪〔possessed〕He behaved like someone possessed.他行为举止像是魔怔了。柯林斯高阶〔possessed〕He flew out of the room like a man possessed.他猛然冲出房门,像着了魔似的。牛津高阶〔possessed〕He is possessed of great wealth.他拥有巨大的财富美国传统〔possessed〕He is possessed of the most brilliant talents.他才华横溢。外研社新世纪〔possessed〕He is possessed of the most brilliant talents.他才华横溢。柯林斯高阶〔possessed〕He rushed out of the room like one possessed.他发疯似地冲出房间。英汉大词典〔possessed〕He was possessed of a large fortune, but sadly no brains to speak of.他很有钱但可悲的是毫无头脑。剑桥高阶〔possessed〕He was possessed of great self-confidence.他极有自信。英汉大词典〔possessed〕He was screaming insults like a man possessed.他像个疯子一样破口大骂。外研社新世纪〔possessed〕Maria was out in the car park, running like a woman possessed.玛丽亚在外面停车场里, 像个疯女人似的跑着。外研社新世纪〔possessed〕She even claimed the couple's daughter was possessed by the devil.她甚至宣称那对夫妇的女儿被魔鬼附了体。柯林斯高阶〔possessed〕She has convinced herself that she is possessed by the devil.她确信自己被魔鬼附了身。牛津高阶〔possessed〕She is by love possessed.她为爱而着魔美国传统〔possessed〕She was possessed of a fine and original mind.她具有细腻而独到的思维。朗文当代〔possessed〕She was possessed of a terrifying sensation that the life was being squeezed slowly out of her.她有一种可怕的感觉, 自己的生命正在慢慢地被榨干。外研社新世纪〔possessed〕She was possessed of a terrifying sensation that the life was being squeezed slowly out of her.她有一种可怕的感觉,自己的生命正在慢慢凋零。柯林斯高阶〔possessed〕She was possessed of exceptional powers of concentration.她有高超的专注能力。牛津高阶〔possessed〕She was convinced he was possessed by the devil .她确信他被魔鬼缠身。朗文当代〔possessed〕She was ranting and raving like she was possessed.她又是狂吼乱叫,又是胡言乱语,好像是着魔了似的。麦克米伦高阶〔possession〕Something owned or possessed.拥有物,占有物美国传统〔possession〕The state of being possessed.占有:被占有的状态美国传统〔possess〕A mad rage possessed her.她突然狂怒起来。朗文当代〔possess〕A violent rage possessed him.他内心无比愤怒。外研社新世纪〔possess〕Absolute terror possessed her.她万分恐惧。外研社新世纪〔possess〕Absolute terror possessed her.她恐惧到了极点。柯林斯高阶〔possess〕And what the hell possessed you?你究竟怎么了?外研社新世纪〔possess〕But they possessed a wonderful language and a storehouse of song and tale.但是他们掌握了一门美妙的语言, 并且会唱很多歌曲, 也知道很多故事。外研社新世纪〔possess〕Foreign invaders possessed the country.外国侵略者占领了这个国家。牛津同义词〔possess〕Fury possessed me.我勃然大怒美国传统〔possess〕Fury (或 A violent rage) suddenly possessed her.她突然大发雷霆。英汉大词典〔possess〕He possessed his temper despite the insult.尽管受到了侮辱,他还是按捺住怒气。英汉大词典〔possess〕He possessed me of the necessary information.他使我掌握了必要的信息。英汉大词典〔possess〕He decided to give away everything he possessed and become a monk.他决定放弃他所有的一切,出家为僧。21世纪英汉〔possess〕He no longer possessed the power to frighten her.他再也吓不倒她了。朗文当代〔possess〕He was possessed by (或with) a wild idea (an urge to kill).一个疯狂的念头(杀人冲动)缠住了他。英汉大词典〔possess〕He was possessed by a devil.他着了魔。英汉大词典〔possess〕I possessed my temper despite the insult.虽然受到侮辱我还是按捺住怒气美国传统〔possess〕Nazi Germany possessed most of Europe during World War II.第二次世界大战期间纳粹德国占领了欧洲大部分地区。英汉大词典〔possess〕Nazi Germany possessed most of Europe during World War Ⅱ.第二次世界大战期间纳粹德国占领了欧洲大部分地区。21世纪英汉〔possess〕Neither of them possessed a credit card.他们两人都没有信用卡。朗文当代〔possess〕She possessed herself of the unclaimed goods.她把那些没人认领的货物占为己有美国传统〔possess〕She even claimed the couple's daughter was possessed by the devil.她甚至声称这对夫妇的女儿被魔鬼附身了。外研社新世纪〔possess〕She was possessed by a devil.她着了魔。21世纪英汉〔possess〕She was possessed by a frenzied urge to get out of Moscow.她内心有一种想要逃离莫斯科的狂热冲动。外研社新世纪〔possess〕The movie is about a child who is possessed by a demon.这是部关于一个被魔鬼附身的小孩的电影。韦氏高阶〔possess〕The news possessed him with anger.那消息使他愤怒。英汉大词典〔possess〕The ruby was once possessed by an ancient queen.这颗红宝石曾为古代的一位皇后所有。韦氏高阶〔possess〕The thought of getting rich possessed him.他整天就想着发财美国传统〔possess〕They possessed themselves of her money by illegal means.他们用非法手段把她的钱占为己有。英汉大词典〔possess〕Tsvetayeva was possessed by a frenzied urge to get out of Moscow.茨维塔耶娃内心有一种想要离开莫斯科的狂热冲动。柯林斯高阶〔possess〕What possessed him to say such a thing? 他着了什么魔竟说出这种话来?牛津高阶〔possess〕What possessed you to do such a thing?什么东西使你干出这种事来?21世纪英汉〔possess〕What possessed you to get involved with such a ridiculous scheme? 究竟是什么让你参加如此荒唐的计划?麦克米伦高阶〔possess〕What possessed you? 你怎么会这样鬼迷心窍? 英汉大词典〔possess〕What on earth possessed her to do it? 到底是什么让她干出这种事的?朗文当代〔possess〕What on earth had possessed her to agree to marry him?究竟是什么让她同意嫁给他?外研社新世纪〔possess〕Whatever possessed him to wear that appalling jacket! 他中了什么邪竟穿了那件怪异的夹克衫!剑桥高阶〔possess〕Whatever possessed you to act so foolishly? 究竟是什么使你干如此蠢事? 英汉大词典〔preternatural〕He felt possessed of a preternatural strength and fearlessness.他感到自己拥有异乎寻常的力量和勇气。朗文当代〔purpose〕He possessed great strength of purpose .他拥有坚强的意志。朗文当代〔reflectivity〕Physics The ratio of the intensity of a wave reflected from a surface to the energy possessed by the wave striking the surface.【物理学】 反射比:从表面上反射回的波的强度与射到表面上的波所含能量的比率美国传统〔same〕Dwight Eisenhower possessed much the same ability to appear likeable.德怀特·艾森豪威尔也具备上述做出讨人喜欢的样子的能力。柯林斯高阶〔seisin〕Property thus possessed.依法占有土地的行为或事例:依法占有的财产美国传统〔sexuality〕She possessed a confident sexuality beyond her years.她拥有超越年龄的自信与性感。外研社新世纪〔spirit〕It was believed that people could be possessed by evil spirits.从前,人们相信人有可能被恶鬼缠身。牛津高阶〔store〕He possessed a vast store of knowledge.他的知识量很大。外研社新世纪〔store〕He possessed a vast store of knowledge.他知识渊博。柯林斯高阶〔strength〕She summoned up every ounce of strength she possessed.她使出了所有的力量。牛津搭配〔supernatural〕The Nakani were evil spirits who looked like humans and possessed supernatural powers.纳卡尼是邪恶的魔鬼,长得像人类但具有超能力。柯林斯高阶〔sweetness〕He possessed great generosity and sweetness.他对人十分慷慨友善。外研社新世纪〔take away〕In prison they'd taken away his watch and everything he possessed.在监狱,他们把他的手表和其他一切东西都搜走了。柯林斯高阶〔thriftily〕The company had coped, Mackintosh told the minister, because it was thriftily managed and because it possessed a substantial endowment.麦金托什告诉部长, 该公司之所以能够应对自如, 是因为节俭管理, 也因为其拥有足够的资助。外研社新世纪〔trichroism〕The property possessed by certain minerals of exhibiting three different colors when viewed from three different directions under white lights.三色性:某些矿物质所具有的特性,当放在白光下从三个不同的方向观察,会呈现出三种不同的颜色美国传统〔unappropriated〕Not possessed by, spoken for, or formally assigned to a particular person or organization.非专用的:并非正式分配给一特定人或组织或归其所有、或为其辩护的美国传统〔unattached〕Law Not possessed or seized as security.【法律】 未被扣押的,未被查封的美国传统〔unimpaired〕Queen Milena possessed great beauty, which she retained unimpaired in advancing years.米莱娜女王倾国倾城,她的美貌并没有随着岁月的流逝而褪减。柯林斯高阶〔unimpaired〕Queen Milena possessed great beauty, which she retained unimpaired in advancing years.米莱娜女王美貌绝伦, 而且她的美并没有随着岁月的流逝而有所减退。外研社新世纪〔unsullied〕She possessed an innocence unsullied by contact with the world.她天真无邪, 没有沾染人世间的污秽。外研社新世纪〔value〕She had already sold everything of value that she possessed.她已经把自己所有值钱的东西都卖了。剑桥高阶〔warmth〕They possessed a graciousness and warmth that put their guests at ease.他们的热情好客让宾客们觉得轻松自在。韦氏高阶〔wax〕Portugal and Spain had possessed vast empires that waxed and waned.葡萄牙和西班牙都曾是经历了兴盛与衰落的大帝国。外研社新世纪〔wax〕Portugal and Spain had possessed vast empires that waxed and waned.葡萄牙和西班牙都曾是经历了兴衰的大帝国。柯林斯高阶〔will〕Joe had willed everything he possessed to them.乔把自己拥有的一切都遗赠给了他们。牛津高阶〔will〕Joe had willed them everything he possessed.乔把自己拥有的一切都遗赠给了他们。牛津高阶〔zero-point energy〕The irreducible minimum energy possessed by a substance at absolute zero temperature.零点能:物质在绝对零度时具有的无法削减的最小能量美国传统Danny chose the taxicab because driving was about the only marketable skill he possessed. 丹尼选择开计程车因为开车差不多是他拥有的唯一可以出售的技术。译典通He was possessed of a large fortune but sadly no brains to speak of.他很有钱但可悲的是毫无头脑。剑桥国际He was almost possessed by a devil. 他几乎著了魔。译典通Her aunt said she was possessed by devils. 她姑妈说她被魔鬼迷住了。译典通His family was possessed of a large fortune. 他家拥有大笔财富。译典通I'm absolutely dreading making the after-dinner speech -- I don't know what possessed me to agree to it! 我非常不愿作宴会后发言----我也不知道是什么让我答应了。剑桥国际People were shocked by the horror film about a young child being possessed by the Devil.这部讲小孩被魔鬼附身的恐怖片令人们震惊。剑桥国际She had already sold everything of value that she possessed.她已经把所有值钱的东西都卖掉了。剑桥国际The largest brain possessed by any dinosaur weighed about a kilogram. 最大的恐龙脑子大约有一公斤重。译典通Though plain-looking, Mary is possessed of great intelligence. 虽然相貌平平,玛丽却拥有智慧。译典通Viv was running around like one (= a person) possessed before the presentation.维维演出前像个着了魔的人四处跑。剑桥国际




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