

单词 primarily
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔economic〕wrote the book primarily for economic reasons.写这本书主要是为了现实的理由美国传统〔inhabit〕a land primarily inhabited by nomads.主要居住着游牧民族的地区柯林斯高阶〔name〕looking for a colorful and evocative title for the book). Anappellation is a name other than a proper name that describes or characterizes and that gains currency primarily through use: 为这本书找一个富有色彩并具号召力的名字)。 Appellation 主要是指通过使用赚取现今的名字,通常名不符实: 美国传统〔primarily〕a book aimed primarily at high-energy physicists.一本主要针对高能物理学家的书柯林斯高阶〔primarily〕a book aimed primarily at the teenage market一本以青少年市场为主要目标的书外研社新世纪〔primarily〕a course designed primarily for specialists 主要为专业人员开设的课程牛津高阶〔primarily〕a scholastic program primarily for seniors; a primarily middle-class neighborhood.主要为高年级学生开设的教育课程;主要居民为中产阶级的居住区美国传统




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