

单词 pegged
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔at〕as unemployment stays pegged at three million.当失业人数维持在300万柯林斯高阶〔pegged〕keep oil prices pegged where they are 使石油价格固定在现有水平上英汉大词典〔pegged〕the pegged exchange rate 钉住汇率(指一国政府将本国货币按一个固定比率同国际上一种主要货币挂钩而定出的汇率)英汉大词典〔peg〕pegged a ball to first base把球扔至第一垒21世纪英汉〔peg〕pegged away until our luck turned.坚持干下去直到我们时来运转美国传统〔peg〕pegged him as a man of action把他当作实干家21世纪英汉〔peg〕a pegged European currency.汇率固定的欧洲货币柯林斯高阶〔peg〕a pegged European currency一种稳定的欧洲货币外研社新世纪〔peg〕a currency pegged to the American dollar 与美元挂钩的货币朗文当代〔peg〕a sheepskin pegged out on the grass 铺开并钉在草地上的一张羊皮英汉大词典〔peg〕a tent pegged to the ground nearby for the kids.用楔子固定在附近地面上供孩子们用的帐篷柯林斯高阶〔peg〕a tent pegged to the ground nearby for the kids用楔子固定在附近地面上供孩子们用的帐篷外研社新世纪〔peg〕wages pegged at a low level固定在低水平上的物价21世纪英汉




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