

单词 perpendicular
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Magnus effect〕The force perpendicular to the forward motion on a spinning object moving through a fluid or gas, as that responsible for the curve on a curve ball.马格纳斯效应:当旋转物体通过液体或气体时,其所受到的垂直上举的力,而这也就是曲球会曲行的原因美国传统〔Phillips〕A trademark used for a screw with a head having two intersecting perpendicular slots and for a screwdriver with a tip shaped to fit into these slots.菲利普斯式螺钉头:用来指有一个盖帽和两个垂直相交沟槽的螺钉的商标,也指一种有适合这些沟槽尖头的螺丝起子的商标美国传统〔T-square〕A rule having a short, sometimes sliding, perpendicular crosspiece at one end, used by drafters for establishing and drawing parallel lines.丁字尺:尾端装有可滑动的垂直短横档的尺子,绘图员用它来设制或画平行线美国传统〔VERTICAL〕Behind them, there was a perpendicular wall of rock. 他们身后是一道陡直的岩石墙。朗文写作活用〔VERTICAL〕Ensure that the plumbline is perpendicular before you start to draw the line. 开始画线前,要确保铅锤线是垂直的。朗文写作活用〔VERTICAL〕In a graph, the x-axis is perpendicular to the y-axis. 在图中,x轴与y轴垂直。朗文写作活用〔altitude〕The perpendicular distance from the base of a geometric figure to the opposite vertex, parallel side, or parallel surface.顶垂线,高线:从一个几何形体的底边到相对的顶点、平行边或平行面的垂直距离美国传统〔angle of incidence〕The angle formed by a ray incident on a surface and a perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence.入射角:平面上的入射线和通过入射点与平面垂直的线所形成的角美国传统〔angle of reflection〕The angle formed by a reflected ray and a perpendicular to the surface at the point of reflection.反射角:由反射线和通过反射点与平面垂直的线所形成的角美国传统〔angle of refraction〕The angle formed by a refracted ray and a perpendicular to the refracting surface at the point of refraction.折射角:由折射线和通过折射点与折射面垂直的线所形成的角美国传统〔anticlinal〕Botany Of or relating to the plane of a cell division perpendicular to the surface of a plant organ.【植物学】 垂周的:细胞壁与某植物器官表面相垂直的或有关垂周的美国传统〔apothem〕The perpendicular distance from the center of a regular polygon to any of its sides.边心距:正多边形中心到其任意一条边的垂直距离美国传统〔axis〕A line through the optical center of a lens that is perpendicular to both its surfaces.光轴:通过透镜的中心垂直于物体两面的线美国传统〔box〕A container typically constructed with four sides perpendicular to the base and often having a lid or cover.盒子:一种由垂直于底面的四个侧面组成的容器,通常有盖美国传统〔current density〕Physics The number of subatomic particles per unit time crossing a unit area in a designated plane perpendicular to the direction of movement of the particles.【物理学】 粒子流密度:在与粒子的移动方向垂直的指定平面上每单位时间内通过每单位面积的亚原子粒子的数量美国传统〔current density〕Symbol j, J Electricity The ratio of the magnitude of current flowing in a conductor to the cross-sectional area perpendicular to the current flow.符号 j, J 【电学】 电流密度:在某一导体中流动的电流量与电流方向垂直的截面面积之间的比率美国传统〔cylindroid〕A cylindrical surface or solid all of whose sections perpendicular to the elements are elliptical.椭圆柱:与组成要素垂直的所有圆柱形表面或柱体的部分是椭圆形的柱体美国传统〔end line〕A line perpendicular to the sidelines that marks an end boundary of a playing field or court.底线:运动场或游戏场中用以标出终边界限的线,与边线成直角相交美国传统〔equatorial〕Having or constituting a support with two perpendicular axes, one of which is parallel to the earth's rotational axis.赤道平面上的:由两条互相垂直的轴支撑的,其中一条与地轴平行美国传统〔erect〕Mathematics To construct (a perpendicular, for example) from or on a given base.【数学】 作一垂直线:从某一给定基线建(如一条垂线)美国传统〔frontal plane〕A plane parallel to the long axis of the body and perpendicular to the sagittal plane that separates the body into front and back portions.正面图:与身体长轴平行、与矢状面垂直并将身体分为前后两部分的平面图美国传统〔hash mark〕Football A mark in either of two series placed on the field perpendicular to the yard lines and used for spotting the ball.【橄榄球】 界内虚线:用于确定球的位置的与场地界线垂直的两条线美国传统〔helix〕Mathematics A three-dimensional curve that lies on a cylinder or cone, so that its angle to a plane perpendicular to the axis is constant.【数学】 螺旋线:附着于圆柱体或圆锥体之上的三维曲线,其垂直于中轴线的平面角是一个恒量美国传统〔metaphase plate〕An imaginary plane perpendicular to the spindle fibers of a dividing cell, along which chromosomes align during metaphase.中期板:一个与分裂细胞的纺缍体纤维组织垂直的假想平面,染色体在中期期间内在这个平面上定向排列美国传统〔moment〕The product of a quantity and its perpendicular distance from a reference point.力矩:一个量和从参照点到它垂直距离的乘积美国传统〔monoclinic〕Of or relating to three unequal crystal axes, two of which intersect obliquely and are perpendicular to the third.单斜晶系的:有三条不等晶轴,其中两条倾斜相交并垂直于第三条的、或与之有关的美国传统〔nit〕A unit of illuminative brightness equal to one candle per square meter, measured perpendicular to the rays of the source.尼特:照明亮度单位,相当于每平方米烛光。与光源发出的光垂直来测量美国传统〔normal〕Abbr. norm.Mathematics Being at right angles; perpendicular.缩写 norm.【数学】 垂直的;直角的美国传统〔normal〕Mathematics A perpendicular, especially a perpendicular to a line tangent to a plane curve or to a plane tangent to a space curve.【数学】 正交:一条垂直线,尤指一条相对一条平面曲线的切线垂直线或一条相对一条空间曲线的平面切线垂直线美国传统〔oblique〕Mathematics Designating geometric lines or planes that are neither parallel nor perpendicular.【数学】 斜的,倾斜的,偏斜的:由既不平行也不垂直的几何直线或平面表示的美国传统〔octant〕One of eight parts into which three-dimensional space is divided by three usually perpendicular coordinate planes.卦限:八个区之一,这八个区是由三个正交平分割三维空间而成美国传统〔orthographic〕Mathematics Having perpendicular lines.【数学】 垂直线的美国传统〔orthorhombic〕Of or relating to a crystalline structure of three mutually perpendicular axes of different length.正交的:属于、关于不同长度的三条相互垂直的轴线所组成的晶体结构的美国传统〔palisade parenchyma〕A leaf tissue composed of columnar cells containing numerous chloroplasts in which the long axis of each cell is perpendicular to the leaf surface.栅栏薄壁组织:由含有大量叶绿体的柱状细胞组成的叶组织,其中每个细胞的长轴线与叶片表面成直角美国传统〔paly〕Divided into several equal parts by perpendicular lines. Used of a field.等分的:被垂直线条分成几个相等的部分。用来描述田地美国传统〔paraboloid〕A surface having parabolic sections parallel to a single coordinate axis and elliptic sections perpendicular to that axis.抛物面:一种有与单坐标轴平行的抛物截面和与该轴垂直的椭圆截面的平面美国传统〔perpendicular〕A perpendicular position.垂直的位置美国传统〔perpendicular〕Draw a perpendicular from the vertex of the triangle to its base.从三角形的顶点画一条垂线到底边。剑桥高阶〔perpendicular〕Line A is perpendicular to line B.A线和B线构成直角。麦克米伦高阶〔perpendicular〕Mathematics A line or plane perpendicular to a given line or plane.【数学】 正交线(面):一条或一个与给定直线或平面垂直的直线或平面美国传统〔perpendicular〕She lives on the street that is perpendicular to mine.她住的街道与我家所在的街道垂直。韦氏高阶〔perpendicular〕The axis of the moon will now be exactly perpendicular to that of the earth.月轴此时与地轴正好成直角。牛津搭配〔perpendicular〕The left wing dipped until it was perpendicular to the ground.左翼下垂至与地面成90度角。柯林斯高阶〔perpendicular〕The left wing was perpendicular to the ground.左翼垂直于地面。外研社新世纪〔perpendicular〕The pillar had been restored to the perpendicular.柱子早已复原到直立状态。外研社新世纪〔perpendicular〕The sides of the loch are almost perpendicular.湖岸几乎都是垂直的。柯林斯高阶〔perpendicular〕The sides of the loch are almost perpendicular.这个湖的湖岸与地面几乎是垂直的。外研社新世纪〔perpendicular〕The tower is 54m high and leans by about 5m from the perpendicular.此塔高54米, 塔顶偏离垂线大约5米。外研社新世纪〔perpendicular〕The tree was leaning against the house and no longer perpendicular.那棵树倚着屋子,不直了。英汉大词典〔perpendicular〕The two lines (planes) are set perpendicular to each other.两条直线(两个平面)互成直角。英汉大词典〔perpendicular〕The two lines of bones are set perpendicular to one another.这两排骨头相互垂直。外研社新世纪〔perpendicular〕The wall is a little out of the perpendicular.墙壁有点倾斜。牛津高阶〔perpendicular〕The wall was leaning at an angle of ten degrees to the perpendicular.墙壁倾斜,与垂直面成10度角。剑桥高阶〔perpendicular〕The wheel rotates around an axis that is perpendicular to the plane.轮子绕着一个与平面垂直的轴旋转。剑桥高阶〔perpendicular〕We made two slits for the eyes and a perpendicular line for the nose.我们划了两道缝儿做眼睛,另外划了一条竖线做鼻子。柯林斯高阶〔perpendicular〕We made two slits for the eyes and a perpendicular line for the nose.我们用两条窄缝表示眼睛, 一条竖线表示鼻子。外研社新世纪〔perpendicular〕We scrambled up the nearly perpendicular side of the mountain.我们沿几乎垂直的山坡吃力地向上爬。剑桥高阶〔pitch〕To oscillate about a lateral axis that is both perpendicular to the longitudinal axis and horizontal to the earth. Used of a missile or spacecraft.偏航:绕航线轴晃动,或是与纬线垂直或是与地面水平。用于导弹或宇宙飞船美国传统〔plan〕In perspective rendering, one of several imaginary planes perpendicular to the line of vision between the viewer and the object being depicted.轮廓,平面图概略:在透视的图表中,与被描述的观察者和物体之间的视觉线垂直的虚构位面之一美国传统〔plumb〕In a vertical or perpendicular line.垂直地:在一条垂直线或竖直线上美国传统〔push broom〕A broom having a wide brush perpendicular to the end of a long handle, designed to be pushed in sweeping.长柄阔扫帚:有一个垂于直柄的宽的刷子的一种扫帚,设计用来在清洗被推动美国传统〔quadrant〕The plane area bounded by such an arc and two perpendicular radii.四分之一圆,扇形体:由九十度弧与两条垂直的半径围成的平面图形美国传统〔rake〕The angle between the cutting edge of a tool and a plane perpendicular to the working surface to which the tool is applied.倾角:某工具的切边和与使用这个工具的工作面垂直的飞机之间的角度美国传统〔rectangular〕Designating a geometric coordinate system with mutually perpendicular axes.直角坐标的:表明是具有相互垂直的轴的几何坐标体系的美国传统〔right circular cone〕The surface generated by a generator passing through a vertex that lies on the perpendicular axis of a circular directrix.直立圆锥:由生成线穿过位于环形准线的垂直轴而生成的表面美国传统〔right〕Formed by or in reference to a line or plane that is perpendicular to another line or plane.垂直的:有关垂直于另一条线或面的线或平面的,或者由其构成的美国传统〔sensible horizon〕The plane intersecting an observer's position perpendicular to the line formed by the observer's nadir and zenith.感觉地平圈:在观察者的位置上与由观察者的天底和天顶形成的直线垂直交叉的平面美国传统〔set〕The spire has a distinct set away from the perpendicular.尖塔明显歪斜。英汉大词典〔slant〕A line, plane, course, or direction that is other than perpendicular or horizontal; a slope.斜面,斜线:并非垂直或水平的线、平面、路线或方向;斜坡美国传统〔slant〕To have or go in a direction other than perpendicular or horizontal; slope.倾斜:有或沿非垂直或水平的方向;倾斜美国传统〔upright〕A perpendicular position; verticality.竖立;垂直美国传统〔vertical circle〕A great circle on the celestial sphere that passes through the zenith and the nadir and thus is perpendicular to the horizon.平经圈:与水平线垂直的宇宙天体范围内的大圈,它经过天顶和地点美国传统Draw a perpendicular (= a perpendicular line) from the vertex of the triangle to its base.从三角形的顶点划一条垂线到底边。剑桥国际It takes courage and strength to climb up the perpendicular cliff. 攀上这悬崖峭壁需要勇气和力量。译典通The pillar had been restored to the perpendicular. 这柱子恢复垂直。译典通The two lines are perpendicular to one another. 这两条线相互垂直。译典通The wall was leaning at an angle of ten degrees to the perpendicular.墙和垂直面成十度角。剑桥国际We scrambled up the nearly perpendicular side of the mountain.我们从几乎垂直的山坡上爬上山。剑桥国际




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