

单词 powder
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTRACT/ATTRACTION〕TV advertisements seduce people into buying a particular kind of chocolate bar, washing powder or car. 电视广告引诱人们购买某种巧克力棒、洗衣粉或者汽车。朗文写作活用〔ENVIRONMENT〕Many shoppers will buy environmentally friendly washing powders even if they are slightly more expensive. 对环境无害的洗衣粉即使稍贵,许多人也都愿意购买。朗文写作活用〔NAME〕This kind of chilli powder sometimes goes by the name of cayenne pepper. 这种辣椒粉有时被叫做卡宴红辣椒粉。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕Use plenty of washing powder otherwise mud and grass stains won't come out. 多用些洗衣粉,不然的话泥垢和草渍就洗不掉。朗文写作活用〔Rotavator〕A Rotavator breaks up the packed snow and ice into powder.旋耕机能把硬结的雪和冰打得粉碎。英汉大词典〔STICK〕The chocolates are covered with powdered sugar to keep them from sticking together. 巧克力上裹有糖粉,使它们不会粘在一起。朗文写作活用〔Thermit〕A trademark used for a welding and incendiary mixture of fine aluminum powder with a metallic oxide, usually iron, that when ignited yields an intense heat.铝热剂:一种商标,用于一种由铝粉和通常是铁的金属氧化物焊接和点燃的混合物,当点燃后产生强热美国传统〔agitate〕Pour the powder into the solution and agitate it until the powder has dissolved.将粉末倒入溶液中,搅动到溶解为止。剑桥高阶〔baby powder〕We're running low on baby powder and diapers.婴儿爽身粉和尿不湿快用完了。韦氏高阶〔baking powder〕Add one teaspoon of baking powder.放一茶匙焙粉。外研社新世纪〔baking powder〕The recipe calls for a teaspoon of baking powder.食谱上要求放一茶匙发酵粉。韦氏高阶〔beat〕Fresh milk beats powdered milk any time.新鲜牛奶任何时候都比奶粉好。朗文当代〔benzalkonium chloride〕A yellow-white powder prepared in an aqueous solution and used as a detergent, fungicide, bactericide, and spermicide.氯化苯:水溶液中制得的一种黄白色粉末,用作清洁剂、杀真菌剂、杀菌剂和杀精子剂美国传统〔biscuit〕A small cake of shortened bread leavened with baking powder or soda.饼干:由烘烤剂或苏打发酵制成的松脆的小块点心美国传统〔blowback〕Powder residue that is released upon automatic ejection of a spent cartridge or shell from a firearm.后焰:火器射击时,残留弹壳的自动弹射所释放的残余粉末美国传统〔brand〕What brand of soap powder do you use?你用什么牌子的洗衣粉?外研社新世纪〔brush〕She brushed the powder out of her hair.她掸掉了头发上的粉末。外研社新世纪〔calamine〕A pink, odorless, tasteless powder of zinc oxide with a small amount of ferric oxide, dissolved in mineral oils and used in skin lotions.菱锌矿粉:一种粉红的、无气味且无味道的氧化锌粉末,含有少量三氧化二铁,可溶解在矿物油中,并可用于皮肤防护美国传统〔carob〕An edible powder or flour made from the ground seeds and pods of this plant, often used as a substitute for chocolate.角豆粉:一种可食的粉状物质,用角豆树的种子和角豆荚磨制而成,常用作巧克力的替代品美国传统〔chain reaction〕The powder immediately ignited and set off a chain reaction of explosions.火药立即点燃,引发一连串爆炸。柯林斯高阶〔cleanser〕A detergent, powder, or other chemical agent that removes dirt, grease, or stains.清洁剂:去除灰尘、油脂或污渍的清洗液、粉末或其它化学药品美国传统〔cocoa〕A powder made from cacao seeds after they have been fermented, roasted, shelled, ground, and freed of most of their fat.可可粉:由可可豆经过发酵、烘烤、除壳、研磨和除去大部分脂肪而做成的粉美国传统〔compact〕A small case containing a mirror, pressed powder, and a powder puff.粉盒:包括镜子、挤压的粉末和粉扑的小盒子美国传统〔compact〕She took her powder compact out of her bag.她从她的提包中拿出小粉盒。文馨英汉〔cordite〕A smokeless explosive powder consisting of nitrocellulose, nitroglycerin, and petrolatum that has been dissolved in acetone, dried, and extruded in cords.无烟线状火药:一种无烟炸药,由硝化纤维素、硝化甘油和凡士林组成,在丙酮中溶解,风干并压成绳状美国传统〔coriander〕The seedlike fruit of this plant, used whole or ground as a flavoring for food and as a seasoning, as in curry powder.芫荽果实:这种植物的种子状果实,整个的或碾碎用作食物的调味品和佐料,例如咖喱粉中含有它美国传统〔cosmetic〕A preparation, such as powder or a skin cream, designed to beautify the body by direct application.化妆品:为了美化身体而直接用于身体的调剂,例如粉或护肤霜美国传统〔crop-dusting〕The process of spraying crops with powdered insecticides or fungicides from an airplane.农作物喷粉:从飞机上向农作物喷洒粉末状杀虫剂或杀菌剂的过程美国传统〔crush〕The machine can crush rocks into powder.那台机器能把石头碾成粉末。英汉大词典〔crush〕To break, pound, or grind (stone or ore, for example) into small fragments or powder.压碎:把(石头或矿石等)挤压、捣碎或碾成小碎块或粉末美国传统〔curry〕A dish seasoned with curry powder.咖哩菜肴:用咖哩粉调味的菜肴美国传统〔curry〕A heavily spiced sauce or relish made with curry powder and eaten with rice, meat, fish, or other food.咖哩酱:一种用咖哩粉做成的香味极浓的酱或佐料,与米饭、肉、鱼或其它食物一起食用美国传统〔cuttlebone〕The calcareous internal shell of a cuttlefish, used as a dietary supplement for cage birds or ground into powder for use as a polishing agent.乌贼骨:乌贼的钙质内壳,作为笼中鸟的饮食补充物或把它碾碎成粉用作上光剂美国传统〔dab〕She dabbed some powder on her nose.她在鼻子上擦些粉。文馨英汉〔dangerous〕The powdered milk was not as good as breast milk, and was downright dangerous (=actually dangerous) when it was mixed with unclean water.奶粉没有母乳好,用不洁净的水冲调则非常危险。朗文当代〔dentifrice〕A substance, such as a paste or powder, for cleaning the teeth.牙粉(膏):用于洁齿的物质,例如牙膏或牙粉美国传统〔down〕They crushed grains of corn down into a powder.他们把玉米粒碾成粉。英汉大词典〔dredger〕A container with a perforated lid used for coating food with a powder, such as flour or sugar.撒粉瓶:盖上有孔的容器,用于在食物上覆盖粉末(如面粉或糖)美国传统〔dry rot〕A fungous disease that causes timber to become brittle and crumble into powder.干腐病:一种真菌性疾病,使木材变脆而逐渐碎成粉末美国传统〔dust off〕Use loose powder to set your makeup, dusting the excess off with a brush.用散粉定妆, 再用刷子扫去多余的散粉。外研社新世纪〔dust off〕Use loose powder to set your makeup, dusting the excess off with a brush.用散粉来定妆,将多余的粉掸掉。柯林斯高阶〔dust on〕She dusted her face with powder.她在脸上抹了粉。21世纪英汉〔dusting powder〕A fine powder, such as talcum powder, used on the skin.爽身粉:一种用于皮肤上的细粉,如滑石粉美国传统〔dusting〕Dry your feet well and then dust between the toes with baby powder.把脚完全擦干,在脚趾间撒上婴儿爽身粉。柯林斯高阶〔economic〕It is usually economical to buy washing powder in large quantities.大量购买洗衣粉通常要省钱些。牛津高阶〔electrostatic printing〕A process for printing or copying in which electrostatic forces are used to form the image in powder or ink directly on the surface to be printed.静电印刷:一种用在印刷或复印中的方法,利用静电力将图象用墨粉或油墨直接形成于所印的纸上美国传统〔emery board〕A nail file consisting of a strip of cardboard coated with powdered emery.指甲砂锉:有一条覆盖有刚玉粉的硬板的指甲锉美国传统〔face〕She put some powder on her face.她往脸上擦了些粉。牛津搭配〔ferrous oxide〕A black powder, FeO, used in the manufacture of steel, green heat-absorbing glass, and enamels.氧化亚铁:一种用于生产钢、绿色吸热玻璃及瓷漆的黑色粉末,FeO美国传统〔filé〕Powdered sassafras leaves used to thicken and season soups, stews, and gumbos.粘稠擦树叶粉:粉碎的擦树嫩叶,用于变浓或加味于汤、炖品和杂烩美国传统〔fish flour〕A flour made of dried and powdered fish.鱼粉:一种用干鱼末做成的粉状物美国传统〔flour〕A soft, fine powder.细软的粉末美国传统〔flour〕Any of various similar finely ground or powdered foodstuffs, as of cassava, fish, or bananas.似面粉事物:任何一种类似的、精磨成粉的食物,如参茨根粉、鱼粉或香蕉粉美国传统〔fluidize〕Powder is fluidized whenever it is necessary to lift it vertically.每当需要垂直向上输送粉末时,就使之流化。英汉大词典〔give〕Some washing powders give cotton a softer feel.有些洗衣粉使棉织衣物手感柔软。麦克米伦高阶〔grind up〕This machine grinds up these rocks into powder.这部机器把这些石块磨成粉末。21世纪英汉〔grind up〕You can grind up the seeds and make a powder.你可以把种子磨成粉末。外研社新世纪〔grind〕Grind the seeds down to a powder.把种子磨成粉。牛津搭配〔grind〕The coffee is ground to a fine powder.咖啡磨成了细细的咖啡粉。牛津搭配〔grind〕They grind the tablets and use the powder for injections.他们把药片碾成粉末用于注射。外研社新世纪〔gunpowder〕Any of various explosive powders used to propel projectiles from guns, especially a black mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur.火药:一种爆炸性粉末,用来把发射物从枪枝中推射出来,尤其是硝石,炭和硫磺的黑色混合物美国传统〔heavily〕She was heavily powdered [made up].她浓妆艳抹。文馨英汉〔improved〕Our washing powder now has a new improved formula.我们的洗衣粉现已有改进后的新配方。朗文当代〔insufflate〕Medicine To treat medically by blowing a powder, gas, or vapor into a bodily cavity.【医学】 用吹入法治疗:通过把粉末,气体或气雾吹入体腔来进行治疗美国传统〔it〕She tasted the powder and it was sweet.她尝了尝那粉末,是甜的。韦氏高阶〔kamala〕A vermifugal powder obtained from the capsules of this tree.卡马拉;粗糠柴荚粉:一种驱虫药粉,由粗糠柴的蒴果制成美国传统〔keep your powder dry〕They don't know how the election will turn out, so for now they're just keeping their powder dry.他们不知道选举结果会怎样,所以现在暂时只能做好准备。韦氏高阶〔keep〕I can't keep these powders down at all.这些药粉我实在咽不下去。 英汉大词典〔levigate〕To make into a smooth, fine powder or paste, as by grinding when moist.磨碎,研细,研成浆:把…磨成光滑的、精细的粉状物或浆糊,例如湿磨美国传统〔livery〕She was attended by servants in splendid livery and powdered wigs.她由穿着华丽制服、头戴扑粉假发的仆人们伺候着。柯林斯高阶〔livery〕She was attended by servants in splendid livery and powdered wigs.她由身穿华丽制服、头戴有装饰的假发的仆人服侍。外研社新世纪〔look〕That powdered sugar looks like snow.那种糖粉看起来像雪一样。韦氏高阶〔luminosity〕The powder gives the skin warmth and luminosity.香粉使皮肤显得红润有光泽。外研社新世纪〔madras〕Madras curry powder.马德拉斯咖喱粉柯林斯高阶〔magazine〕A powder magazine exploded at Delft, destroying the city.代尔夫特的一座火药库曾发生爆炸, 炸毁了该城市。外研社新世纪〔malted milk〕A soluble powder made of dried milk, malted barley, and wheat flour.麦乳精:由牛奶、大麦麦牙和面粉制成的可溶粉粒美国传统〔marshmallow〕A light, spongy, very sweet confection made of corn syrup, gelatin, sugar, and starch and dusted with powdered sugar.果浆软糖:由玉浆、食用胶、糖和淀粉制成的外撒糖粉的软糖美国传统〔mastic〕A pastelike cement used in highway construction, especially one made with powdered lime or brick and tar.胶合铺料:用于建筑高速公路的膏状水泥,尤指用石灰粉或砖粉与沥青制成的美国传统〔mercuric sulfide〕Red mercuric sulfide, a bright scarlet powder derived from heating mercury with sulfur, used as a pigment.红色硫化汞:红色硫化汞,通过将水银与硫磺加热而得到的一种明亮的深红色粉末,用作颜料美国传统〔pan〕The small cavity in the lock of a flintlock used to hold powder.火药池:用来装炸药的燧发枪的锁上的小洞美国传统〔part〕Prepare the glue with one part powder to three parts water.用一份粉和三份水来配制胶水。朗文当代〔pestle〕He ground the nutmeg to a powder with a mortar and pestle.他用杵臼把豆蔻研成粉末。英汉大词典〔platinum black〕A fine black powder of metallic platinum, used as a catalyst and as a gas absorbent.铂黑:一种很细的金属铂黑色粉末,用作催化剂和气体吸附剂美国传统〔potassium bromide〕A white crystalline solid or powder, KBr, used as a sedative, in photographic emulsion, and in lithography.溴化钾:白色晶体状固体或粉末,KBr,用作镇静剂、照相用感光乳剂中,及用于石板印刷术中美国传统〔pouch〕A leather bag or case for carrying powder or small-arms ammunition.(皮制)弹药袋,弹药盒:用来装枪药或小型武器之弹药的皮革袋子或箱子美国传统〔pound〕Pound the mixture into a coarse powder.把混合物捣成粗粉。麦克米伦高阶〔pound〕The seeds were pounded to a fine powder.籽粒被捣成了细粉。牛津高阶〔powder keg〕Political instability has made the region a powder keg.政局不稳使这一地区陷入危险局面。韦氏高阶〔powder keg〕Unless these questions are solved, the region will remain a powder keg.这些问题得不到解决, 该地区就会一直抱着一个火药桶。外研社新世纪〔powder keg〕Unless these questions are solved, the region will remain a powder keg.除非这些问题得到解决,否则该地区会一直是个火药桶。柯林斯高阶〔powder keg〕What some of you don't seem to realize is that we're sitting on a powder keg.你们中的一些人似乎没有意识到我们正处于危险的局面之中。外研社新世纪〔powder puff〕A soft pad for applying powder to the skin.粉扑:用来将粉涂于皮肤的柔软垫子美国传统〔powder room〕Can you tell me where the powder room is please?请问女卫生间在哪儿?外研社新世纪〔powder with〕The leaves are powdered with dust.树叶上积满灰尘。21世纪英汉〔powder your nose〕Excuse me. I'm just going to go powder my nose. I'll be right back.不好意思,我去补个妆,马上回来。韦氏高阶〔powder your nose〕Would you get me another drink while I go and powder my nose? 我去补补妆,你能不能再帮我要杯酒?剑桥高阶〔powdered〕He kissed her powdered cheek.他吻了吻她那扑了粉的脸颊。麦克米伦高阶〔powdered〕Her face was heavily powdered.她脸上搽了很厚的粉。剑桥高阶〔powder〕Powder the baby's bottom to stop it chafing.给婴儿的屁股上搽点粉以防磨痛。剑桥高阶〔powder〕A packet of white powder was found and police scientists are analysing it.发现了一包白色粉末,刑侦专家正在对其进行分析。剑桥高阶〔powder〕A wide range of cleaning fluids and powders is available.有各种各样的清洗液和去污粉供应。牛津高阶〔powder〕Actors powder with their left hands for luck.演员们为了讨吉利而用左手搽粉。21世纪英汉〔powder〕Add a teaspoonful of curry powder.加一茶匙咖喱粉。牛津搭配〔powder〕All the gang had taken a powder when cops arrived.警察赶到时,那一帮人都已逃之夭夭。英汉大词典〔powder〕Any of various preparations in the form of powder, as certain cosmetics and medicines.散剂:各种以粉末形式存在的配制品,如某些化妆品及药品美国传统〔powder〕Englishmen in the sixteenth-century were prone to powder their talk with French and Latin words.16世纪的英国人说话时常爱夹一些法语和拉丁词。英汉大词典〔powder〕I'm just going to powder my nose.我想去补补妆。牛津高阶〔powder〕Put some powder on your forehead; it looks a bit shiny.你的额头看起来有点油, 扑一些粉吧。外研社新世纪〔powder〕She powdered her face and applied her lipstick and rouge.她往脸上搽了粉,抹了口红和胭脂。柯林斯高阶〔powder〕She powdered her face and applied her lipstick and rouge.她往脸上擦粉, 并且涂了口红和腮红。外研社新世纪〔powder〕She powdered her face and put on her lipstick.她往脸上搽了粉,又涂上了口红。牛津高阶〔powder〕She powdered her face and put on lipstick.她在脸上涂了粉,还擦了口红。韦氏高阶〔powder〕She powdered the baby after its bath.她给婴儿洗澡后搽上粉。英汉大词典〔powder〕She powdered the baby after its bath.她给洗过澡的婴儿抹爽身粉。21世纪英汉〔powder〕She powdered the cookies with confectioners' sugar.她往小饼上撒糖霜。英汉大词典〔powder〕She clambered from the bath and dried and powdered herself.她爬出浴盆, 擦干身体, 扑上了爽身粉。外研社新世纪〔powder〕She crushed the peppercorns into a fine powder.她把胡椒粒捣成很细的粉末。韦氏高阶〔powder〕She lightly powdered her face.她往脸上稍稍抹了些粉。英汉大词典〔powder〕She put on some lipstick and dusted her face with powder.她涂了些口红,又往脸上擦了些粉。英汉大词典〔powder〕She was powdering her face .她在往脸上搽粉。朗文当代〔powder〕She's just gone to powder her nose.她刚去补妆了。朗文当代〔powder〕The boys decided to take a powder as soon as they saw there was work to be done.一看到要干活儿,男孩们就决定赶快开溜。韦氏高阶〔powder〕The detergent is sold in both liquid and powder forms.该清洁剂以液体和粉末两种形式出售。麦克米伦高阶〔powder〕The medication is also available in powder form.这种药物也有粉状的。牛津搭配〔powder〕The mustard is sold in powder form.芥末是以粉末状出售的。牛津高阶〔powder〕The object that was destroyed was powdered into atoms.毁坏的物品被彻底粉碎。外研社新世纪〔powder〕The paint is sold in powdered form.该油漆以粉制品形式出售。21世纪英汉〔powder〕The snow was like powder.雪像粉末一样。牛津高阶〔powder〕The wood turns to powder in his fingers.木头在他指间会变成粉末。柯林斯高阶〔powder〕They powder the ceramics and pack it into silver tubes.他们把陶器磨成粉末, 然后装进银管子里。外研社新世纪〔powder〕To use powder as a cosmetic.搽粉,扑粉:用粉作化妆品美国传统〔powder〕Why are there so many adverts for washing powders on TV? 为什么电视里有这么多洗衣粉的广告?剑桥高阶〔powder〕You can buy milk in powder form.你可以买奶粉。剑桥高阶〔powder〕You'll get more flavour from the spices if you grind them into a powder.你把香料磨成粉的话味道会更香浓。剑桥高阶〔puff〕A light, soft pad for applying powder or lotion.粉扑:用于施粉或涂药水的轻软垫子美国传统〔puff〕Press the powder gently on the skin with a velour puff.用丝绒粉扑轻轻将粉扑在肌肤上。外研社新世纪〔pulverize〕To be ground or reduced to powder or dust.被磨或压成粉或末美国传统〔pulverize〕Using a pestle and mortar, pulverise the bran to a coarse powder.用杵和臼,将麸皮磨成粗粉。柯林斯高阶〔pulverulent〕Made of, covered with, or crumbling to fine powder or dust.粉的:用粉或末制成、覆盖或坍塌成粉或末的美国传统〔pumice〕A light, porous, glassy lava, used in solid form as an abrasive and in powdered form as a polish and an abrasive.轻石,浮石:一种在固体状时用作研磨物且粉状时用作磨光物和研磨物的轻多孔火山岩美国传统〔pyrocellulose〕A cellulose nitrate used as a component of smokeless powder.火纤维素:硝酸纤维素,用于无烟的炸药的组成物质美国传统〔quick bread〕A bread made with a leavening agent, such as baking powder, that expands during baking and requires no leavening period beforehand.速制面饼:一种用发酵剂制成的面包,如焙粉,在烘烤中膨胀而不需要预先发酵一段时间美国传统〔reconnoitre〕They were sent to reconnoitre the enemy powder magazine.他们奉命前往侦察敌人的火药库。21世纪英汉〔reconstitute〕The powdered milk/egg can be reconstituted by adding water.奶/鸡蛋粉可以加水复原成牛奶/鸡蛋。剑桥高阶〔reduce ... to〕A crushing machine reduces big rocks to powder.粉碎机能把大石块轧成粉末。21世纪英汉〔reinvent〕They were reinventing the powder which had been invented by Chinese people two hundred years ago.他们正在重复发明二百年前中国人已经发明的火药。21世纪英汉〔rottenstone〕A soft, decomposed limestone, used in powder form as a polishing material.擦光石:一种粉末可作磨光材料的柔软的风化石灰石美国传统〔rust away〕Exposed iron will gradually rust away to powder.放在露天的铁会逐渐锈成粉末。21世纪英汉〔sachet〕A small packet of perfumed powder used to scent clothes, as in trunks or closets.香囊:(如放在箱子或壁橱里的)用于熏香衣物的一小包香粉美国传统〔scatter〕Scatter the powder around the plants.把这种药粉撒在植物周围。剑桥高阶〔shake〕Anna shook some powdered chocolate over her coffee.安娜往咖啡里撒了一些巧克力粉。剑桥高阶〔sieve〕Sieve the flour and cocoa powder into a bowl.把面粉和可可粉筛进碗里。朗文当代〔sift〕Sift the flour and baking powder into a medium-sized mixing bowl.将面粉和发酵粉筛入中等大小的搅拌碗中。柯林斯高阶〔soluble〕The powder is soluble in water.这种粉末可溶解于水。外研社新世纪〔sprinkle〕She sprinkled powder on her baby.她给她的小宝宝撒了一些爽身粉。21世纪英汉〔spritz〕After you've applied your powder, spritz with a little mineral water.搽完粉之后,喷一点矿泉水。剑桥高阶〔stiff〕Mix the powder and water into a stiff paste.把粉末和水混合成稠糊。剑桥高阶〔streak〕Mineralogy The color of the fine powder produced when a mineral is rubbed against a hard surface. Used as a distinguishing characteristic.【矿物学】 矿物粉色:当矿物与硬表面相摩擦时产生细矿粉的颜色。作为其区分的特点美国传统〔strength〕Add more curry powder depending on the strength required.按所要求的口味轻重再加点咖喱粉。牛津高阶〔talcum powder〕A fine, often perfumed powder made from purified talc for use on the skin.滑石粉:一种由提纯的滑石制成的细腻、经常是加过香料的粉末,用来抹在皮肤上美国传统〔talcum〕Talcum powder.滑石粉美国传统〔toothpowder〕Powder for cleaning teeth.洗牙粉:用来清洗牙齿的粉状物美国传统〔triturate〕A triturated substance, especially a powdered drug.研碎物:研成粉末的物质,尤指粉末状的药美国传统〔wad〕A disk, as of felt or paper, used to keep the powder and shot in place in a shotgun cartridge.弹塞:皮革或纸制的圆盘片,用于滑膛枪弹药筒中保持火药和枪弹的位置美国传统〔wad〕A plug, as of cloth or paper, used to retain a powder charge in a muzzleloading gun or cannon.炮塞(弹塞):一个塞子,如用纸或布制,用于给前装式枪或炮上火药美国传统〔wafer〕Pharmacology A flat tablet of rice paper or dried flour paste encasing a powdered drug.【药理学】 糯米纸:包粉状药物用的平的糯米纸片或干面糊美国传统〔with〕Mix the powder with boiling water.用开水把粉末调和。朗文当代Powder (= Put special powder on) the baby's bottom to stop it chafing.给婴儿的屁股上搽点粉以防擦破。剑桥国际Powder is good for skiing on.粉状雪适于滑雪。剑桥国际A packet of white powder was found and police scientists are analysing it.发现了一包白色粉末,侦破专家正在对其进行分析。剑桥国际After her car had been broken into, it was dusted for fingerprints (= special powder was put on its surfaces so that marks made by fingers could be seen) by the police.她的车被撬后,警方在车上撒了粉末以提取指纹。剑桥国际Dancers sometimes use a special powder on their shoes to help them get a better purchase on the floor.舞蹈演员有时在他们的鞋上用一种特殊的粉以增加鞋子与地面的摩擦。剑桥国际Dissolve two spoons of powder in warm water.在温水里溶解两匙粉末。剑桥国际Dust the face lightly with powder.在脸上轻扑些粉。剑桥国际He crushed a piece of chalk to powder. 他将一支粉笔压成粉末。译典通Her face was heavily powdered and she was wearing bright red lipstick.她脸上搽了很厚的粉,还抹了鲜红的口红。剑桥国际I cleaned the insides (of the pot) with scouring powder.我用去污粉清洗了(罐的)内侧。剑桥国际I had to use scouring powder to get those stains off the sink.我得用除垢粉把水斗里的这些污垢擦掉。剑桥国际I made the cake using cocoa powder rather than chocolate -- it's a bit of a cheat, but nobody will notice the difference.我用可可粉而不是巧克力粉做蛋糕----这算是假货,可是谁都不会注意到其中的差别。剑桥国际I try to buy eco-friendly washing powder that doesn't harm the environment.我想买有利保护生态对环境无害的洗衣粉。剑桥国际I'll just powder my nose -- it's looking a bit shiny.我得在鼻子上搽点粉----它看起来有点油光光的。剑桥国际It's a bit cheaper than other washing powders, but if you have to use twice as much of it, then it's a false economy.它比其他洗衣粉便宜一点,但如果你要用其他洗衣粉的两倍那么多,这只是表面上的实惠。剑桥国际Linoleum consists of canvas that has been covered with a mixture of powdered cork and linseed oil under high pressure while being heated.合成地毡是由在加热高压条件下用粉状软木与亚麻油混合物覆盖其表面的毡布制成的。剑桥国际Mix the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar in a bowl.把面粉、发酵粉、盐和糖拌在碗里。剑桥国际Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗洁剂是粉状的或液体的。译典通Pour the powder into the solution and agitate it until the powder has dissolved.将粉末倒入溶液并摇动,直到粉末溶解。剑桥国际She powdered the rolling pin with flour. 她洒了点面粉在赶面棒上。译典通She dabbed a bit of powder on her nose to hide the spot.她在鼻子上轻轻地涂了点粉,以隐藏斑点。剑桥国际She is thinly powdered. 她略施脂粉。译典通She seldom, if ever, paints or powders. 她很少涂脂抹粉。译典通Sift the flour and baking powder into a mixing bowl.将面粉和发酵粉筛进搅拌钵里。剑桥国际Stir in the curry powder, ginger and cinnamon and cook for two minutes.在咖哩粉、姜和桂皮中拌一下,再烧两分钟。剑桥国际The build-up of armaments in this region is creating a powder keg.在这一地区加强军备会制造紧张局势。剑桥国际There'll be a lot of fizzing as soon as you mix the powder into the water.你一把粉末拌入水中就会冒出大量的气泡。剑桥国际We have changed the formula of the washing powder.我们已经改变了洗衣粉的配方。剑桥国际Wet the powder thoroughly and mix to remove lumps.将粉末彻底弄湿并调和均匀除去小块。剑桥国际You can apply the powder with a puffer (= a small soft bottle that blows out its contents when pressed).你可以用一个带喷嘴的小瓶上粉。剑桥国际You can buy milk in powder form.你可以以奶粉的形式买牛奶。剑桥国际You can spice up tuna fish by adding curry powder to it.你可以在金枪鱼上加些咖喱粉。剑桥国际You'll get more flavour from the spices if you grind them into a powder beforehand.如果事先把调味香料磨成粉,味道会更好。剑桥国际




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