

单词 pilgrim
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLASS〕The second grade class is doing a play about the Pilgrims. 二年级那个班要演关于清教徒移民的戏。朗文写作活用〔Massasoit〕Wampanoag leader who aided the Pilgrim colonists and signed a peace treaty with them at Plymouth.马萨索伊特:北美万帕诺亚格印第人的首领,他帮助朝圣殖民者并在普利茅斯签订了和平协议美国传统〔ancestor〕Her ancestors went to America with the Pilgrims.她的祖先随同早期清教徒移民去了美国。麦克米伦高阶〔colony〕The Pilgrim colony came from England to America in 1620.1620年清教徒移民队从英国来到美洲。英汉大词典〔fall〕I fell back in my chair. The pilgrims fell to their knees.我跌坐到自己的椅子上。朝拜者跪了下去美国传统〔go〕Their family goes back to the time of the Pilgrim Fathers.他们家族的渊源可追溯到清教徒前辈移民时代。牛津高阶〔hardy〕Only the hardiest pilgrims made the journey.只有最能吃苦的朝圣者才走完了这个旅程。韦氏高阶〔hospice〕A shelter or lodging for travelers, pilgrims, foundlings, or the destitute, especially one maintained by a monastic order.旅客招待所,收容所:提供给旅游者,朝圣者,孤儿或贫困者等的住处,尤指由修道会维持的美国传统〔hospital〕Archaic A hospice for travelers or pilgrims.【古语】 旅客招待所:供旅行者或朝圣者住宿的地方美国传统〔ihram〕The sacred dress of Moslem pilgrims, consisting of two lengths of white cotton, one wrapped around the loins, the other thrown over the left shoulder.戒衣:穆斯林教徒朝圣时的服装,由两条白色的棉花带织成,一条围在腰部,另一条搭在左肩美国传统〔ihram〕The sacred state of Moslem pilgrims in wearing this dress, during which time they practice great self-denial.受戒:穆斯林教徒朝圣时穿上这种衣服所处的神圣状态,在此期间他们必须进行严格的修行美国传统〔imaret〕An inn or hostel for pilgrims in Turkey.客栈,招待所:土耳其用来招待朝圣者的客栈或招待所美国传统〔intolerance〕The Pilgrims came to America because of intolerance and persecution.英国清教徒由于不满宗教的不容异说和迫害而来到美洲。英汉大词典〔palmer〕A medieval European pilgrim who carried a palm branch as a token of having visited the Holy Land.圣地朝圣者:中世纪欧洲的朝圣者,其带着一个棕榈枝作为到过圣地的标记美国传统〔pilgrim〕Christian pilgrims visiting Lourdes 赴卢尔德朝圣的基督徒牛津高阶〔pilgrim〕Muslim pilgrims on their way to Mecca 前往麦加的穆斯林朝圣者牛津高阶〔pilgrim〕They had pilgrimed for that peace.他们为了那次和平而去朝觐。21世纪英汉〔pilgrim〕Thousands of Muslim pilgrims traveled to Mecca.成千上万的穆斯林朝圣者前往麦加。韦氏高阶〔push forward〕As pilgrims pushed forward several fell.朝圣者向前行进时, 有几个人倒了下来。外研社新世纪〔rug〕Pilgrim was seated in a Bath chair with a tartan rug across his knees.朝圣者坐在巴思轮椅上, 膝上搭着一条花格毯子。外研社新世纪〔toll〕The pilgrims tolled the bell.朝圣者缓缓敲响了钟。柯林斯高阶〔trace〕He can trace his family history all the way back to the Pilgrims.他可以把他的家族史一直追溯到清教徒移民的时代。韦氏高阶〔valued〕This weekend course will be of value to everyone interested in the Pilgrim Route.这一周末课程对每一个对朝圣路线感兴趣的人来说都会很有用。柯林斯高阶〔wear〕The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of pilgrims.成千上万的朝圣者把台阶踏得磨损了。牛津高阶〔worship〕Many pilgrims worship at the shrine.许多朝圣者参拜圣地。21世纪英汉He went to Mecca as a pilgrim. 他去麦加朝圣。译典通The pilgrims founded a colony in Plymouth. 清教徒们在普利茅斯创建了一个殖民地。译典通The pilgrims knelt in self-abasement.朝拜者卑微地跪下。剑桥国际




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