

单词 adjust
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔adjust〕adjust a seat to the height of a person 根据人的身高调节座位英汉大词典〔adjust〕adjust a watch 把表校准英汉大词典〔adjust〕adjust an error 调整误差英汉大词典〔adjust〕adjust differences (conflicts) 调解分歧(冲突)英汉大词典〔adjust〕adjust expenses to income 量入为出英汉大词典〔adjust〕adjust one's clothes 整一整衣服英汉大词典〔adjust〕adjust the economy to a new pattern 调节经济使之适应新的模式英汉大词典〔adjust〕adjust the light intensity of a TV screen 调节电视屏幕的亮度英汉大词典〔adjust〕adjust the timing of a car's engine.调整汽车引擎的定时美国传统〔adjust〕adjust to energy shortages 适应能源短缺英汉大词典〔adjust〕quickly adjust to many black American expressions 很快适应美国黑人的许多用语英汉大词典〔adjust〕to adjust accounts结清账目21世纪英汉〔adjust〕to adjust an instrument调准仪器21世纪英汉〔adjust〕to adjust claim after adjusting the losses在评定损失后理算赔偿金额21世纪英汉〔adjust〕to adjust differences of opinion调解意见分歧21世纪英汉〔adjust〕to adjust expenses to income量入为出21世纪英汉〔adjust〕to adjust one's TV set调整电视机21世纪英汉〔alien〕adjust to an alien culture 适应异族文化英汉大词典〔angle〕brackets to adjust the steering wheel's angle.用于调整方向盘角度的支架柯林斯高阶〔careful〕be careful to adjust the machine 调节机器时小心翼翼英汉大词典〔fall〕adjust the fall of the gutter 修整沟的斜度英汉大词典〔irregularity〕adjust an irregularity in the thread 把细线上一处不平整的地方捻齐英汉大词典〔knob〕adjust the colour knob 调整色彩旋钮英汉大词典〔relativity〕adjust internal (external) wage relativities 调整企业内部(与外部企业)的工资比照级差英汉大词典〔semidarkness〕adjust one's eyes to the semidarkness 调整目光以适应半明半暗状态英汉大词典〔set〕adjust the set of one's coat 整一整上衣英汉大词典〔will〕scientists who can adjust their experiments at will可以任意对实验进行调整的科学家外研社新世纪helping expatriates adjust to life in another country 帮助侨民适应异国的生活牛津商务




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