

单词 plural
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔French fry〕A thin strip of potato fried in deep fat. Often used in the plural.法式炸薯条:用油炸过的细土豆条。常以复数形式出现美国传统〔SAME〕The word ‘sheep’ doesn't take ‘s’ in the plural - the ending stays the same. “sheep”这一单词复数不加“s”—它的词尾不变。朗文写作活用〔abdominal〕An abdominal muscle. Often used in the plural.腹肌:腹肌。常用作复数美国传统〔ab〕An abdominal muscle. Often used in the plural.腹肌肉。常用作复数美国传统〔agreement〕In the sentence ‘They live in the country’, the plural form of the verb ‘live’ is in agreement with the plural subject ‘they’.在 They live in the country 一句中,动词复数形式 live 与复数主语 they 一致。牛津高阶〔airwave〕The medium used for the transmission of radio and television signals. Often used in the plural.波段,无线电频率:传送无线电和电视信号的媒介。常用复数美国传统〔antitrade〕The westerly winds above the surface trade winds of the tropics, which become the prevailing westerly winds of the middle latitudes. Often used in the plural.反信风:赤道地区地表信风上的西风,到中纬地区即变成了盛行西风。常用复数形式美国传统〔bang〕A fringe of hair cut short and straight across the forehead. Often used in the plural.刘海:额前剪短的头发或额前的直立头发。常用在复数中美国传统〔barren〕A tract of unproductive land, often with a scrubby growth of trees. Often used in the plural.贫瘠地,不毛之地:一块贫瘠的土地,通常树木低矮。常用复数美国传统〔barrier〕The palisades or fences enclosing the lists of a medieval tournament. Often used in the plural.高围栏:用来围住中世纪马上比武大赛赛场的木栏或栅栏,常用复数美国传统〔bedspring〕One of the springs supporting the mattress of a bed. Often used in the plural.床座弹簧:支撑床垫的弹簧。常用在复数中美国传统〔brank〕A device consisting of a metal frame for the head and a bit to restrain the tongue, formerly used to punish scolds. Usually used in the plural.口钳:一种由一个固定头部的金属框和一个钳制舌头的嚼子组成的装置,以前用于惩罚爱骂人的人。常在复数中美国传统〔chino〕Trousers made of a coarse, twilled cotton. Often used in the plural.丝光黄斜纹裤:用粗糙的斜纹棉布做的裤子。常用作复数美国传统〔clove〕A flower bud of this plant, used whole or ground as a spice. Often used in the plural.丁香:这种植物的花苞,作为香料整个使用或磨碎后使用。常用复数形式美国传统〔cold cut〕A slice of cold, cooked meat. Often used in the plural.冷荤:一片烹制好的冷的肉,通常用复数美国传统〔compulsory〕A school figure. Often used in the plural.义务教育:义务教育的年限。一般用作复数美国传统〔construe〕Insisting that 'data' be construed with the plural form of a verb is rapidly turning into a lost cause.坚持认为data应与动词复数形式连用的观点正在迅速失势。外研社新世纪〔culotte〕A woman's full trousers cut to resemble a skirt. Often used in the plural.女用裙裤:被裁剪成裙子状的女式宽松裤子。常用复数美国传统〔decorative art〕Any of the art forms, such as pottery, weaving, or jewelry making, used to create such art. Often used in the plural.装饰艺术形式:这种艺术形式的任何一种,例如制陶、纺织或宝石制造,用来创造这种艺术品。通常用作复数美国传统〔delt〕A deltoid muscle. Often used in the plural.三角肌。通常用复数形美国传统〔dreg〕The sediment in a liquid; lees. Often used in the plural.沉渣:液体中的沉淀物;沉渣。常用复数美国传统〔editorial we〕The first-person plural pronoun used by an editorialist in expressing the opinion or point of view of a publication's management.编辑们:社论撰写者用来表达出版社立场或观点时所用的第一人称复数代词美国传统〔elflock〕A lock of hair tangled as if by elves. Often used in the plural.鬈结的头发:似被小精灵所卷结的头发。常用于复数中美国传统〔ending〕To make the plural of "dog", you add the plural ending -s.要把 dog 这个词变成复数形式,需在其后加表示复数的词尾 s。剑桥高阶〔falsie〕Padding or a pad worn inside a brassiere to make the breasts appear larger. Often used in the plural.假乳房:在乳罩里面垫衬或填料以使乳房看起来更大。常用复数美国传统〔felicitation〕Congratulations. Often used in the plural.祝贺。常用复数美国传统〔field glass〕A portable binocular telescope without prisms used especially outdoors for viewing distant objects. Often used in the plural.双筒望远镜:不带棱镜的便携式双筒望远镜,尤其用于户外观察远处的物体。常以复数形式使用美国传统〔field trial〕A test for young, untried hunting dogs to determine their competence in pointing and retrieving. Often used in the plural.猎狗的现场追猎试验:对小而无经验的猎狗所作的一种测试,测定它们瞄准和找回猎物的能力。通常用复数美国传统〔first person〕Me is the objective case of the first person singular pronoun I, and us is the objective case of the first person plural pronoun we.*me是第一人称单数代词I的宾格,us是第一人称复数代词we的宾格。韦氏高阶〔floodwater〕The water of a flood. Often used in the plural.洪水。常以复数形式出现美国传统〔folkway〕A practice, custom, or belief shared by the members of a group as part of their common culture. Often used in the plural.社会习俗:作为他们共同文化的一部分,由一个团体的成员们共享的惯例、风俗或信仰,常用作复数美国传统〔free form〕The plural ‘s’ is not a free form, as it must always be attached to a noun.表示复数的 s 不是自由语素,必须附着于名词。牛津高阶〔fry〕A French fry. Often used in the plural.一种法国油炸食品。常用复数美国传统〔fungible〕Something that is exchangeable or substitutable. Often used in the plural.代替物:可互换的或可替换的物品。常用复数形式美国传统〔genital〕A reproductive organ, especially one of the external sex organs. Often used in the plural.生殖器官,尤指外生殖器之一。通常用复数形式美国传统〔given〕Something assumed or taken for granted. Often used in the plural.假设:假设的或想当然的事物。常用复数美国传统〔glute〕A gluteus muscle. Often used in the plural.臀肌:指臀部肌肉,常用作复数形美国传统〔graffito〕A drawing or an inscription made on a wall or other surface, usually so as to be seen by the public. Often used in the plural.涂鸦:在墙或其他表面上创作的画或铭刻,通常为了让公众观看,常用复数形式美国传统〔greave〕Leg armor worn below the knee. Often used in the plural.护胫,胫甲:穿在膝盖之下的腿甲。通常用复数美国传统〔ground rule〕A basic rule of procedure or behavior. Often used in the plural.基本规则:程序或行为的基本规则。经常用复数美国传统〔handlebar〕A curved metal steering bar, as on a bicycle. Often used in the plural.把手:一种曲形的金属操纵把手,比如说在自行车上的。经常用复数表示美国传统〔holy order〕The rank of an ordained Christian minister or priest. Often used in the plural.授过职的神父或牧师的职衔,通常用复数美国传统〔holy order〕The sacrament or rite of ordination. Often used in the plural.授予圣职的典礼或礼仪,通常用复数美国传统〔home fry〕A potato that has been peeled, boiled, sliced, and then fried in butter, oil, or shortening. Often used in the plural.家常炸土豆片:削皮,煮熟,切片的土豆然后在油和黄油中炸过或变松脆的土豆条,常用复数美国传统〔honor〕The points allotted to these cards. Often used in the plural.牌的总点数:以上牌的点数。常为复数美国传统〔hose〕Breeches reaching down to the knees. Used only in the plural.齐膝短裤:长及膝盖的短裤(只用于复数形式)美国传统〔hose〕Close-fitting breeches or leggings reaching up to the hips and fastened to a doublet, formerly worn by men. Used only in the plural.男式紧身裤:昔日男用的一种紧身短裤或者裹腿,穿至臀部并与紧身上衣系在一起(只用于复数形式)美国传统〔inflection〕If you add the plural inflection "-s" to "dog" you get "dogs".在 dog 这个词后面加上复数的屈折成分 -s,就成为 dogs。剑桥高阶〔inflect〕Most nouns in English are inflected for plural use by adding “-s” or “-es.” 英语中大多数名词都要在词尾加上-s或-es,构成复数形式的屈折变化。韦氏高阶〔inflect〕Most nouns in English inflect for plural use by adding “-s” or “-es.” 英语中大多数名词都要在词尾加上-s或-es,构成复数形式的屈折变化。韦氏高阶〔knee sock〕A sock that reaches just below the knee. Often used in the plural.膝袜:一种刚到膝盖以下的袜子,通常用复数形式美国传统〔legality〕A requirement enjoined by law. Often used in the plural.法律规定的义务。常用复数美国传统〔loose end〕A minor unresolved problem or difficulty, especially a final detail preceding the completion of something. Often used in the plural.遗留问题:未能解决的小问题或小困难,尤指完成某一事物之前的最后一个细节。常用于复数美国传统〔love handle〕A deposit of fat at the waistline. Often used in the plural.腰围间隙脂肪的积贮,经常用复数形式美国传统〔martial art〕Any of several Oriental arts of combat or self-defense, such as aikido, karate, judo, or tae kwon do, usually practiced as sport. Often used in the plural.东方武术:用于竞技或自卫的东方武术,如合气道、空手道、柔道或跆拳道,通常用于作体育项目。常用复数形式美国传统〔methylated spirit〕A denatured alcohol consisting of a mixture of ethyl alcohol and methyl alcohol. Often used in the plural.甲基化酒精:包含酒精与甲醇的混合物的一种变性酒精,经常用做复数形式美国传统〔mind game〕An act or series of acts of calculated psychological manipulation, especially in order to confuse or intimidate. Often used in the plural.心理游戏:一个或是一连串计算心理操纵的行动,特别是为了使人困惑或者受胁迫。常用复数美国传统〔morpheme〕The word “pins” contains two morphemes: “pin” and the plural suffix “-s.” 单词pins含有两个词素:pin和复数后缀-s。韦氏高阶〔munition〕War materiel, especially weapons and ammunition. Often used in the plural.军需品:战争物资,特别是武器和军火(通常用复数)美国传统〔narcodollar〕A U.S. dollar acquired from illegal drug traffic. Often used in the plural.那可美元:非法的毒品交易所获得美元,常用作复数美国传统〔nipper〕A tool, such as pliers or pincers, used for squeezing or nipping. Often used in the plural.钳子,镊子:一种用来挤紧或夹住的工具,如钳子或镊子,常用于复数美国传统〔normally〕Such nouns are not normally used in the plural.这类名词通常不用复数。英汉大词典〔noun〕Most English plural nouns end in an 's'.英语中大多数复数名词以 s 结尾。牛津搭配〔number〕If the subject is plural, the verb has to be in the plural number.如果主语是复数,动词必须是复数形式。麦克米伦高阶〔number〕The English number system has two terms: singular and plural.英语中的数有两个术语:单数和复数。英汉大词典〔number〕The word ‘men’ is plural in number.*men 一词是复数形式。牛津高阶〔obsequy〕A funeral rite or ceremony. Often used in the plural.葬礼:殡葬的典礼或仪式。常用复数形式美国传统〔offscouring〕A person regarded as fallen from society; an outcast. Often used in the plural.卑贱的人,堕落的人,被社会排斥的人:被认为在社会上无立足之地的人;社会斥儿。常用于复数美国传统〔offscouring〕Something that is scoured off or disposed of; refuse. Often used in the plural.垃圾,废物,污物:被冲刷或处理掉的东西。常作复数美国传统〔onto〕To form the plural, just add ‘s' or ‘es' onto the end.要构成复数,只需在后面加上s或es。麦克米伦高阶〔opera glass〕A pair of small, low-powered binoculars for use especially at a theatrical performance. Often used in the plural.观剧镜:特指在戏院看演出时用的低效能的小型望远镜。常用作复数美国传统〔oral〕An academic examination in which questions and answers are spoken rather than written. Often used in the plural.口试:大学里一种问题和答案均采用口头形式而非笔头的水平考试,常用复数形式美国传统〔order of the day〕The business to be considered or done by a legislature or other body on a particular day. Often used in the plural.议事日程,工作日程:议会或其他机构在特定的一天内考虑或完成的事务。 通常用复数形式美国传统〔ort〕A small scrap or leaving of food after a meal is completed. Often used in the plural.片:一小块碎片或吃完饭后所剩的食物。经常用作复数形式美国传统〔pajama〕A loose-fitting garment consisting of trousers and a jacket, worn for sleeping or lounging. Often used in the plural.宽松睡衣:由上衣和裤子组成的一种宽松的服装,睡觉或休闲时穿的,经常用复数形式美国传统〔pajama〕Loose-fitting trousers worn in the Far East by men and women. Often used in the plural.宽松薄裤:远东地区男女都穿的一种宽松薄裤,经常用复数美国传统〔pantalet〕A frill attached to the leg of underpants. Often used in the plural.荷叶边:内裤腿上的褶边。通常用作复数美国传统〔pantaloon〕Trousers; pants. Often used in the plural.裤子;短裤。常用复数美国传统〔pantie〕Short underpants for women or children. Often used in the plural.妇女或小孩穿的短内裤。常用作复数美国传统〔pant〕Trousers. Often used in the plural.裤子。常用复数形式美国传统〔pant〕Underpants. Often used in the plural.内裤。常用复数形式美国传统〔paries〕A wall of a body part, organ, or cavity. Often used in the plural.壁:身体部位、器官或腔的外表面。常用复数美国传统〔perishable〕Something, especially foodstuff, subject to decay or spoilage. Often used in the plural.某些东西,尤指食物是易腐败的。常用做复数美国传统〔pinstripe〕A suit made of such fabric. Often used in the plural.细条子衣服:这种织物做成的衣服,常用复数形式美国传统〔pit〕Informal An armpit. Often used in the plural.【非正式用语】 腋窝:腋窝,常用复数美国传统〔pluralism〕The condition of being plural.多数状态:成为复数的状态美国传统〔plurality〕The state or fact of being plural.多数状态,多重性:多数的状态或事实美国传统〔pluralize〕Grammar To express in the plural.【语法】 以复数形式表示美国传统〔pluralize〕To become plural.成为复数美国传统〔pluralize〕To make plural.使成为复数美国传统〔plural〕A word or term in the plural form.复数词:复数形式的单词或术语美国传统〔plural〕Britain has developed into a plural society.英国已发展成了一个多元社会。朗文当代〔plural〕Britain is a plural society in which the secular predominates.英国是个世俗主导的多元社会。外研社新世纪〔plural〕Britain is a plural society in which the secular predominates.英国是个世俗主导的多元社会。柯林斯高阶〔plural〕English plurals usually end in an “s.” 英语的复数形式通常以s结尾。韦氏高阶〔plural〕He was referring to himself in the plural.他在用复数形式指称自己。外研社新世纪〔plural〕His government has pledged to move the country towards a plural democracy.他的政府已承诺要推动本国朝着多元民主的方向发展。外研社新世纪〔plural〕His government has pledged to move the country towards a plural democracy.他的政府已承诺要推动本国朝着多元民主的方向发展。柯林斯高阶〔plural〕Most plural nouns in English end in ‘s’.英语中多数复数名词以 s 结尾。牛津高阶〔plural〕The plural form of the word “child” is “children.” 单词child的复数形式是children。韦氏高阶〔plural〕The plural number or form.复数,复数形式美国传统〔plural〕The plural of ‘child’ is ‘children’.*child 一词的复数形式是 children。牛津高阶〔plural〕The singular is 'louse' and the plural is 'lice'.单数形式是louse, 复数形式是lice。外研社新世纪〔plural〕The verb should be in the plural.这个动词应该用复数形式。牛津高阶〔plural〕The word is usually used in the plural.这个词通常用复数形式。外研社新世纪〔plural〕The word “trees” is a plural noun.单词trees是复数名词。韦氏高阶〔plural〕Very few countries allow people to have plural citizenship (= citizenship of more than one country).极少数几个国家允许公民拥有多重国籍。剑桥高阶〔plural〕We need to recognize that we are now living in a plural society.我们必须意识到我们现在生活在一个多元社会中。剑桥高阶〔plural〕What is the plural of 'person'?person的复数形式是什么?外研社新世纪〔plural〕What's the plural of 'mouse'? mouse 的复数形式是什么?朗文当代〔potato chip〕A thin slice of potato fried in deep fat until crisp and then salted. Often used in the plural.炸土豆片:在油中炸至松脆然后加盐的马铃薯薄片。常用作复数美国传统〔potato skin〕An appetizer made with a slice of baked potato skin, spread with a topping such as cheese or meat, and usually broiled or baked. Often used in the plural.土豆皮:用烤过的马铃薯皮制做的餐前开胃食品,顶上覆一层奶酪或肉类,通常将其煮熟或烤熟,常用作复数美国传统〔pudendum〕The human external genitalia, especially of a woman. Often used in the plural.外生殖器,外阴:尤指女性的外生殖器官。常用复数美国传统〔puttee〕A gaiter covering the lower leg. Often used in the plural.鞋罩:小腿上的鞋罩常用于复数美国传统〔puttee〕A strip of cloth wound spirally around the leg from ankle to knee. Often used in the plural.绑腿:从脚踝到膝盖间螺旋捆绑的布条常用于复数美国传统〔quad〕A quadriceps muscle. Often used in the plural.四头肌:四头肌。常用复数美国传统〔raise〕The a of “man” is raised to e in the plural “men”. 把“man”一词的 英汉大词典〔rapid〕An extremely fast-moving part of a river, caused by a steep descent in the riverbed. Often used in the plural.急流,湍滩:由于河床倾斜下降而形成的流动极快的河流的一部分,常用复数美国传统〔receivable〕A business asset due to one business from another. Often used in the plural.应收款项:某商号应支付给另一商号的款项.常用复数美国传统〔red alga〕Any of various predominantly marine algae of the division Rhodophyta, characteristically red or reddish in color. Often used in the plural.红藻:海藻中占绝大多数的多种红藻科海藻之一,特点是红色或带有红色。常用复数美国传统〔revel〕A boisterous festivity or celebration; merrymaking. Often used in the plural.作乐,狂欢:喧闹的饮宴或庆典;作乐。常用作复数美国传统〔royal we〕The first-person plural pronoun used by a sovereign in formal address to refer to himself or herself.朕,寡人:君王在正式演说中所用的第一人称复数代词,用来指称他(她)自己美国传统〔ruga〕A fold, crease, or wrinkle, as in the lining of the stomach. Often used in the plural.皱,皱褶:如胃的内层的皱、折缝或皱纹,通常用作复数美国传统〔rule〕The rule says that a plural subject must have a plural verb form.根据规则, 主语是复数时, 动词也要用复数形式。外研社新世纪〔scale〕An instrument or a machine for weighing. Often used in the plural.称:一种用来衡量重量的工具或器械。常用作复数美国传统〔shear〕A pair of scissors. Often used in the plural.剪刀:一把剪刀。常用作复数美国传统〔shear〕Any of various implements or machines that cut with a scissorlike action. Often used in the plural.剪切机:以剪刀状动作切割的设备或机器。常用作复数美国传统〔singularity〕The word 'you' can be singular or plural.单词 you 可以是单数也可以是复数。柯林斯高阶〔singular〕The word "teeth" is plural - in the singular it's "tooth".单词 teeth 是复数形式——单数形式是 tooth。剑桥高阶〔singular〕The word 'you' can be singular or plural.单词you既可以是单数, 也可以是复数。外研社新世纪〔sleeper〕Children's pajamas, usually with legs that cover the feet. Often used in the plural.小孩的连裤睡衣:儿童穿的睡衣,通常裤腿覆盖脚面。经常用复数美国传统〔slum〕A heavily populated urban area characterized by substandard housing and squalor. Often used in the plural.贫民区:人口稠密的城市地区,以低于法定标准的住房和贫穷为特征。经常使用复数美国传统〔spat〕A cloth or leather gaiter covering the shoe upper and the ankle and fastening under the shoe with a strap. Often used in the plural.鞋罩:布质的或皮质的覆盖鞋面和脚踝的鞋罩,它在鞋底用一根带子系紧。常用复数形式美国传统〔special effect〕A visual or sound effect added to a movie or a taped television show during processing. Often used in the plural.特技效果:在电影或电视录像节目制作过程中加入的视象或音响效果。常用复数形式美国传统〔spousal〕Marriage; nuptials. Often used in the plural.婚礼;婚姻。通常用于复数美国传统〔spyglass〕A pair of binoculars. Often used in the plural.双目望远镜常用在复数中美国传统〔stock〕A frame in which a horse or other animal is held for shoeing or for veterinary treatment. Often used in the plural.拴架:马或其他动物被拴住的架子,以供上药或兽医治疗。常用复数美国传统〔substantial〕A solid thing. Often used in the plural.(通常用复数)结实的东西美国传统〔substantial〕An essential. Often used in the plural.(通常用复数)实质性的东西美国传统〔suspender〕An often elastic strap worn over the shoulders to support trousers. Often used in the plural.背带:穿在肩膀上用以挂住裤子的可伸展的带子。常用复数形式美国传统〔table〕Games A piece of furniture serving as a playing surface, as for faro, roulette, or dice. Often used in the plural.【游戏】 赌桌:供玩游戏用的一件家具,如法罗赌博、轮盘赌或掷骰游戏时所用的桌子。常用作复数美国传统〔take〕Most words that end in “sh,” such as “brush” and “wish,” take “es” in their plural forms.大多数以sh为结尾的词,诸如brush和wish,复数形式要加es。韦氏高阶〔tectrix〕One of the coverts of a bird's wing. Often used in the plural.覆羽:鸟翼的覆羽之一。常用复数形式美国传统〔term limit〕A statutory restriction on the number of terms an official or officeholder may serve. Often used in the plural.任期限制:一种针对公务员或官员任期的法定限制。通常采复数形美国传统〔terminate〕The letter “s” terminates most plural nouns.大多数复数名词以字母“S”结尾。21世纪英汉〔thew〕Muscular power or strength. Often used in the plural.体力:肌肉的力量。常用复数美国传统〔timber right〕A claim to the trees on property belonging to another. Often used in the plural.采伐权:对属于别人的林地上的林木的所有权。常用复数美国传统〔trap〕Personal belongings or household goods. Often used in the plural.个人物品:个人物品或家具什物。通常用复数形式美国传统〔tubular bell〕Any of a set of tuned metal pipes used as an orchestral instrument. Often used in the plural.管钟:用作管弦乐器的任一套调音金属管乐器。常用复数型美国传统〔uilleann pipe〕A Celtic bagpipe whose air supply is produced by a bellows held under the arm and operated by the elbow. Often used in the plural.爱尔兰风笛:凯尔特族风笛,由置于臂下以手肘操纵的风箱产生空气。常用复数美国传统〔valuable〕A personal possession, such as a piece of jewelry, having a relatively high monetary value. Often used in the plural.贵重物品:私人财产,例如一件珍宝,具有相对地较高的货币价值,经常用复数美国传统〔visual art〕Any of the art forms used to create such art. Often used in the plural.类视觉艺术:任何用于创造视觉艺术的艺术形式。常用复数形美国传统〔walker〕A shoe specially designed for walking comfortably. Often used in the plural.轻便鞋:特别设计的使走路舒服的鞋。常用复数形式美国传统〔water right〕The right to draw water from a particular source, such as a lake, an irrigation canal, or a stream. Often used in the plural.用水权:从特定水源,如湖、灌溉渠或溪流抽水的权利。常用复数美国传统〔wearable〕Something that can be worn, especially a garment. Often used in the plural.衣服:能穿的东西,尤指服装。常用复数形式美国传统〔wedgie〕A shoe having a wedge-shaped heel joined to a half sole so as to form a continuous undersurface. Often used in the plural.坡跟鞋:其楔形后跟与鞋底的一半相连,形成一个连续的底面的鞋。常用作复数美国传统〔weep〕A period or fit of weeping. Often used in the plural.一段哭泣,一阵哭泣:一段或一阵哭泣。常用作复数美国传统〔wellie〕A Wellington boot. Often used in the plural.橡胶靴:威灵顿长统靴。通常用复数美国传统〔woolen〕Fabric or clothing made from wool. Often used in the plural.羊毛衣:由羊毛制成的织物或衣服,经常用于复数美国传统Data is a plural noun. "Data"是一个复数名词。译典通In English, nouns can be singular or plural. 英语中,名词有单复数之分。译典通In this dictionary, we show any irregular inflected forms of a word, such as the plural or past tense.本词典列出了每个词的不规则屈折变化形式,如复数或过去时。剑桥国际The plural of a noun is usually made by adding -s to the singular. 名词复数通常以单数加-s构成。译典通Very few countries allow people to have plural citizenship (= to be a CITIZEN of more than one country).很少国家允许国民具有多种国籍。剑桥国际We need to recognize that we are now living in a plural society (= one in which there are a lot of people of different races).我们需要意识到我们目前生活在一个多元社会中。剑桥国际




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