单词 | adjective |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EMPTY〕The students were told to fill in the empty spaces with suitable adjectives. 学生被要求用恰当的形容词填空。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕Words can be categorised into verbs, nouns, adjectives etc. 单词可以分为动词、名词、形容词等。朗文写作活用〔accidental〕These adjectives apply to what comes about without design or intent.这些形容词指某些事物意外或突然发生,美国传统〔accusative〕Of, relating to, or being the case of a noun, pronoun, adjective, or participle that is the direct object of a verb or the object of certain prepositions.宾格的:有关充当一动词直接宾语或一介词的宾语的名词,代词,形容词,或分词的情况美国传统〔adjectival〕Of, relating to, or functioning as an adjective.形容词的:形容词的,与形容词有关的或用作形容词的美国传统〔adjective〕Attributive adjectives precede the noun.定语形容词位于名词前。牛津搭配〔adjective〕Predicative adjectives follow the noun.表语形容词跟在名词后面。牛津搭配〔adverb〕A part of speech comprising a class of words that modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.副词:修饰动词,形容词或其他副词的一类词的词性美国传统〔alone〕These adjectives are compared as they describe lack of companionship.这些形容词在表示缺少伙伴这个意思时可进行比较。美国传统〔amiable〕These adjectives mean willing or showing a willingness to please.这些形容词的意思是愿意的或表示出亲热的。美国传统〔apply〕Don't apply that adjective to me.不要用那个形容词称呼我。英汉大词典〔attributive〕In "a sudden movement", "sudden" is an adjective in the attributive position.在 a sudden movement 中,sudden 是形容词,位于所修饰的名词前。剑桥高阶〔aware〕These adjectives mean mindful or heedful of something.这些形容词意为对某件事很留心或很注意。美国传统〔awkward〕These adjectives mean lacking grace or skill in movement, manner, or performance.这些形容词意指在活动、举止或表演上缺少优雅和技巧。美国传统〔bad〕These adjectives are compared as they mean departing from moral or ethical standards.当它们的意思是违反道德或道德标准时,把这些形容词来作一些比较。美国传统〔beautiful〕All these adjectives apply to what excites aesthetic admiration.所有这些形容词都指能激起美学赞美的东西。美国传统〔belligerent〕These adjectives are compared as they mean having or showing an eagerness to fight.这些形容词用来比喻具有或显示了对战斗的渴望。美国传统〔beneficial〕These adjectives apply to what promotes benefit or gain.这些形容词适用于促进利益或收益的事物。美国传统〔boring〕These adjectives refer to what is so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness.这些形容词都指缺乏趣味,令人精神疲倦的。美国传统〔brave〕These adjectives all mean having or showing courage under difficult or dangerous conditions.这些形容词意思都是在艰难或危险的情况下显示出勇气。美国传统〔bright〕These adjectives refer to what emits or reflects light.这些形容词都指放射光芒或反射光的东西。美国传统〔brute〕These adjectives apply to what is more characteristic of lower animals than of human beings.这些形容词都表示具有较低等动物而不是人的特征的。美国传统〔burdensome〕These adjectives all apply to what imposes a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength.这些形容词都适用于将体力或精神的繁重考验强加于人的事物。美国传统〔busy〕All these adjectives suggest active or sustained effort to accomplish something.所有这些形容词都表示积极努力去完成某事。美国传统〔careless〕These adjectives apply to what is marked by insufficient care or attention.这些形容词都表示不够小心谨慎的或不够注意的。美国传统〔case〕A pattern of inflection of nouns, pronouns, and adjectives to express different syntactic functions in a sentence.词形变化形式:名词、代词和形容词在一个句子中表示不同的句法功能的词形屈折变化的形式美国传统〔chance〕These adjectives apply to what is determined not by deliberation or method but by accident.这些形容词适用于不是由特意或方法而是由偶然性决定的情况。美国传统〔chief〕These adjectives refer to what is first in rank or in importance.这些形容词指在等级或重要性上占首要地位的东西。美国传统〔coarse〕These adjectives apply to what is offensive to accepted standards of decency, propriety, morality, or good taste.这些形容词用于令人不快地接受礼貌、规矩、道德或好品位的标准。美国传统〔common〕These adjectives describe what is generally known or frequently encountered.这些形容词表示普遍知道或常常遇到的。美国传统〔comparative〕An adjective or adverb expressing the comparative degree.比较级形容词,比较级副词:表达比较级的形容词或副词美国传统〔compare〕A: Compare the adjective “nice”. B: Nice, nicer, nicest.甲:列示形容词 nice 的原级、比较级和最高级。乙:Nice, nicer, nicest。英汉大词典〔compare〕Grammar To form the positive, comparative, or superlative degree of (an adjective or adverb).【语法】 构成:构成(一个形容词或副词)的原级、比较级或最高级美国传统〔comparison〕Grammar The modification or inflection of an adjective or adverb to denote the positive, comparative, and superlative degrees.【语法】 词尾变化:形容词或副词的修改或词尾变化,以表示原级、比较级和最高级美国传统〔complete〕Complete the sentence with one of the adjectives provided.从所给形容词中选择一个将句子补充完整。剑桥高阶〔complex〕These adjectives mean having parts so interconnected as to make the whole perplexing.这些形容词都指各部分间相互关联从而使整体复杂难懂。美国传统〔connote〕The adjectives used in the poem all connote death and destruction.诗中所用的形容词全都隐含着死亡和毁灭之意。麦克米伦高阶〔construe〕He construed the adjective as signalling the three days that Herakles spent inside the dark belly of the monster.在他看来, 这个形容词代表了赫剌克勒斯在怪兽黑洞洞的肚子里待的那三天。外研社新世纪〔contemporary〕These adjectives mean existing or occurring at the same time.这些形容词表示存在或发生于同一时期的。美国传统〔content word〕A word, such as a noun, verb, or adjective, that has a statable lexical meaning, rather than indicating a syntactic function, as a function word does.实词:有可陈述的语汇意义,例如名词、动词或形容词,而不是如同虚词一样地指示句法功能的字美国传统〔continual〕These adjectives are compared as they mean occurring over and over during a long period of time.这些形容词可以互相比较,它们都表示在一段长时期内一再发生的。美国传统〔contrary〕These adjectives mean given to acting in opposition to others.这些形容词表示爱与别人或事物相反行事的。美国传统〔cruel〕These adjectives mean showing a disposition to inflict violence, pain, or hardship, or to find satisfaction in the suffering of others.这些形容词的意思是显示强加暴力、痛苦或困难的倾向或在他人的痛苦中得到满足的倾向的。美国传统〔curious〕These adjectives apply to persons who show a marked desire for information or knowledge.这些形容词指对信息或知识表现出强烈欲望的人。美国传统〔dark〕These adjectives indicate the absence of light or clarity.这些形容词表示缺乏光线或清晰度。美国传统〔dead〕These adjectives all mean without life.这些形容词均表示无生命的。美国传统〔decline〕We had to decline the Latin adjective “brevis” on our test.我们在测试中必须列出拉丁文形容词brevis的词形变化。韦氏高阶〔demonstrative adjective〕In the phrase “give me that book,” the word “that” is a demonstrative adjective.在短语givemethatbook中,单词that是指示形容词。韦氏高阶〔demonstrative〕A demonstrative pronoun or adjective.指示代词或指示形容词美国传统〔denominative〕A word, especially a verb, that is derived from a noun or an adjective.从一个名词或形容词导出的词(尤指动词)美国传统〔denominative〕Formed from a noun or an adjective.名词构成的,形容词构成的美国传统〔dexterous〕These adjectives refer to skill and ease in performance.这些形容词的特性指熟练和灵巧的表现。美国传统〔dictatorial〕These adjectives mean asserting or tending to assert one's authority or to impose one's will on other persons.这些形容词意思是“维护或倾向于维护自己的权威或把个人的意志强加到其它人身上”。美国传统〔dirty〕These adjectives apply to what is unclean, impure, or unkempt.这些形容词都用于指不干净、不纯净或邋遢的东西。美国传统〔dishonest〕These adjectives mean lacking honesty or truthfulness.这些形容词都含有不诚实或不真实的意思。美国传统〔distant〕These adjectives mean apart from others in space, time, or relationship.这些形容词都表示在时间、空间或关系上的远离、远隔或分开。美国传统〔dominant〕These adjectives mean surpassing all others in power, influence, or position.这些形容词的意思是指在力量、影响或地位方面超出其他一切。美国传统〔doubtful〕These adjectives express a degree of uncertainty or reservation about someone or something.这些形容词都表示不确定的程度或对某人、某事的异议。美国传统〔easy〕These adjectives mean requiring little effort or posing little if any difficulty.这些形容词表示不费力气或费很少劲的意思。美国传统〔empty〕These adjectives describe what contains nothing and inferentially lacks what it could or should have.这些形容词用于表明无内容或缺乏逻辑上会有或应有的内容。美国传统〔equative〕An adjective or adverb expressing the equative degree.对等性词:表示对等性的形容词或动词美国传统〔equative〕Of, relating to, or being a form of an adjective or adverb indicating identity of degree of comparison.对等状态的:一种指出比较性程度定义的形容词或动词形态的,或与其相关的美国传统〔extrinsic〕These adjectives mean not part of the essential nature of a thing.这些形容词的意思是一事物非本质的部分。美国传统〔fair〕These adjectives mean free from favoritism, self-interest, or bias in judgment.这些形容词表示不偏袒、不自私或在判断中无偏见。美国传统〔faithful〕These adjectives mean adhering firmly and devotedly to someone or something, such as a person, cause, or duty, that elicits or demands one's fidelity.如下形容词都有对人、事,比如人、事业或责任等坚定和忠诚的意思。美国传统〔familiar〕These adjectives describe relationships marked by intimacy.这些形容词表示关系亲近。美国传统〔fatal〕These adjectives apply to what causes or is likely to cause death.这些形容词指引起或可能引起死亡的。美国传统〔fat〕These adjectives mean having an abundance and often an excess of flesh.这些形容词意思是“有丰富且通常是过量的肉”。美国传统〔feminine〕The feminine form of the Spanish adjective “lindo” is “linda.” 西班牙语中,形容词lindo的阴性词形式是linda。韦氏高阶〔feminine〕The feminine of the Spanish adjective “lindo” is “linda.” 西班牙语中,形容词lindo的阴性词形式是linda。韦氏高阶〔fit〕These adjectives mean right or correct in view of existing circumstances. They are often interchangeable.考虑到存在环境时,这些形容词都意为“恰当的或正确的”且通常可以互换。美国传统〔flagrant〕These adjectives refer to what is conspicuously bad or offensive.这些形容词指的都是明显地坏的或讨人厌的。美国传统〔foolish〕These adjectives are applied to what is so devoid of wisdom or good sense as to be laughable.这些形容词表示令人可笑地缺少智慧或缺乏常识。美国传统〔forgetful〕These adjectives refer to inability or failure to remember.这些形容词指不能或无法记起。美国传统〔fragile〕These adjectives mean easily broken or damaged.这些形容词意思都是易打碎或损坏的。美国传统〔frank〕These adjectives mean revealing or disposed to reveal one's thoughts freely and honestly.这些形容词都指随意而诚实地坦露或倾向于坦露思想。美国传统〔function〕An attributive noun functions as an adjective.定语性名词起形容词作用。英汉大词典〔gender〕In French the adjective must agree with the noun in number and gender.法语中形容词必须在数和性上与名词一致。牛津高阶〔gender〕The adjective and noun must agree in number and gender.形容词和名词的数和性必须一致。韦氏高阶〔glad〕These adjectives mean being in or showing good spirits.这些形容词意指处于好的精神中或表现出好精神:美国传统〔glum〕These adjectives mean having a broodingly cheerless aspect or disposition.这些形容词都指不高兴的性情。美国传统〔govern〕Latin nouns govern adjectives that modify them.拉丁语名词决定了修饰它们的形容词的词形变化。外研社新世纪〔grouping〕Another significant grouping of adjectives is those ending in -y.另一个重要的形容词类别是那些以 y 为词尾的形容词。麦克米伦高阶〔haggard〕These adjectives mean showing the physical effects of anxiety, disease, hunger, or fatigue.这些形容词都是表现了焦虑、疾病、饥饿或疲惫对身体造成的影响。美国传统〔hard〕These adjectives are compared as they mean requiring great physical or mental effort to do, achieve, or master.比较而言这些形容词都意为为做某事、得到或掌握某物而付出肉体或精神上的努力。美国传统〔healthy〕These adjectives are compared as they mean being in or indicative of good physical or mental health.这些形容词具有可比性,因为它们都表示处于或表现出良好的生理或心理健康的。美国传统〔heavy〕These adjectives mean having a relatively great weight.这些形容词都表示拥有相当的重量。美国传统〔high〕These adjectives mean extending to a greater than usual height.这些形容词的意思是延伸至超出正常的高度。美国传统〔ignorant〕These adjectives mean lacking in knowledge or education.这些形容词的意思都是指缺少知识或教育的。美国传统〔impetuous〕These adjectives describe people and their actions when they are marked by abruptness or lack of deliberation.这些形容词描述鲁莽或缺乏谨慎的人以及这时的行为。美国传统〔improper〕These adjectives mean not in keeping with accepted standards of what is right or proper.这些形容词的意思是和被接受的正确或合适的标准不符的。美国传统〔inactive〕These adjectives mean not involved in or disposed to activity.这些形容词均意味着不参与或进行活动的。美国传统〔incisive〕These adjectives are synonymous when they refer to keenness and forcefulness of thought, expression, or intellect.这些形容词用以表示思想、表达或才智的尖锐有力时是同义词。美国传统〔inconsistent〕These adjectives mean being in marked disagreement.这些形容词都含有明显不一致的意思。美国传统〔indifferent〕These adjectives mean marked by an absence of interest.这些形容词的意思是不关心、不感兴趣的。美国传统〔indirect〕These adjectives mean not leading by a direct or straight line or course to a destination.这些形容词的意思是“并非通过一条直线或直路达到目的的”。美国传统〔inflection〕Most English adjectives do not require inflection.大多数英语形容词没有屈折变化。韦氏高阶〔inflect〕Most adjectives in English do not inflect for gender or number.英语中大多数形容词没有性和数的屈折变化。韦氏高阶〔inflexible〕These adjectives mean not capable of being swayed or diverted from a course.这些形容词表示不从既定路线上偏离或改变的。美国传统〔insubordinate〕These adjectives mean in opposition to and usually in defiance of established authority.这些形容词有反对并通常蔑视权威的意思。美国传统〔introduce〕Relative pronouns introduce adjective clauses.关系代词引出形容词分句(即定语从句)。英汉大词典〔jolly〕These adjectives mean feeling, showing, or marked by good humor and high spirits.这些形容词表示感到、表现出愉快高兴或以愉悦高兴为特征。美国传统〔kind〕These adjectives apply to persons and their actions and mean having or showing a tender, considerate, and helping nature.这些形容词适用于具有或表现出亲切的、体贴的和乐于助人的本性的人及他们的行为和方式。美国传统〔lean〕These adjectives mean lacking excess flesh.这些形容词都指缺少富余的肉。美国传统〔level〕These adjectives are applicable to surfaces without irregularities in the form of elevations or depressions.这些形容词表示高度或深度形式较规则的平面。美国传统〔living〕These adjectives mean possessed of or exhibiting life.这些形容词表示拥有或显示生命。美国传统〔male〕These adjectives mean of, relating to, characteristic of, or appropriate to men.这些形容词意思是男人的、与男人有关的、具有男人特点的、或适合于男人的。美国传统〔masculine〕The masculine form of the Spanish adjective “linda” is “lindo.” 西班牙语形容词linda的阳性形式是lindo。韦氏高阶〔masculine〕The masculine of the Spanish adjective “linda” is “lindo.” 西班牙语形容词linda的阳性形式是lindo。韦氏高阶〔meager〕These adjectives mean lacking in quantity, fullness, or extent.这些形容词都有在数量、程度、范围上缺乏和不足的意思。美国传统〔mean〕These adjectives mean lacking in the elevation or dignity or falling short of the standards befitting human beings.这些形容词都是有缺乏尊严或不符合人类的道德标准的含义。美国传统〔meticulous〕These adjectives mean showing or marked by attentiveness to all aspects or details.这些形容词都指对所有方面或细节表示注意或以这种注意为特征的。美国传统〔miscellaneous〕These adjectives mean consisting of a number of different kinds.这些形容词都意味着包含有一定数量的不同类型的东西。美国传统〔misleading〕These adjectives describe what leads or tends to lead one into error or wrongdoing.这些形容词都描述导致某人犯错误或有导致某人犯错的倾向的事物。美国传统〔modification〕It is a rule of English that adjectives generally precede the noun they modify: we say 'a good cry', not 'a cry good'.英语规定形容词通常放在其修饰的名词前:我们说 a good cry,不说 a cry good。柯林斯高阶〔modified〕In “the black cat” the adjective “black”modifies the noun “cat”.在“那只黑猫”中,形容词“黑的”修饰名词“猫”。21世纪英汉〔modifier〕Adjectives and adverbs are modifiers.形容词和副词是修饰语。英汉大词典〔modifier〕In “a red hat,” the adjective “red” is a modifier describing the noun “hat.” 在a red hat中,形容词red是修饰语,用于描述名词hat。韦氏高阶〔modify〕Adjectives usually modify nouns, and adverbs usually modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.形容词通常修饰名词,副词通常修饰动词、形容词和其他副词。韦氏高阶〔modify〕Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.副词修饰动词、形容词和其他副词。英汉大词典〔modify〕In the phrase “a red hat,” the adjective “red” modifies the noun “hat.” 在短语a red hat中,形容词red修饰名词hat。韦氏高阶〔moral〕These adjectives mean in accord with principles or rules of right or good conduct.这些形容词意为符合正确或好的行为的原则或规则。美国传统〔moving〕These adjectives mean arousing or capable of arousing deep, usually somber emotion.这些形容词意指能激起或能够激起深深的、通常为悲伤的感情的。美国传统〔naive〕These adjectives mean free from guile, cunning, or sham.这些形容词都含有不狡诈、不狡猾或不虚伪的意思。美国传统〔native〕These adjectives mean of, belonging to, or connected with a specific place or country by virtue of birth or origin.这些形容词因为出生或起源而意味着,关于,或和一特定地点和国家相辖的。美国传统〔neat〕These adjectives mean marked by good order and cleanliness.这些形容词都是与好的次序和干净有关的。美国传统〔normal〕These adjectives mean not deviating from what is common, usual, or to be expected.这些形容词意为不偏离正常的、通常的或期望的事物。美国传统〔noticeable〕These adjectives mean attracting notice.这些词意为引起注意。美国传统〔obedient〕These adjectives mean carrying or willing to carry out the orders, requests, or wishes of another.这些形容词的含义是执行或愿意执行别人的命令、要求或希望。美国传统〔old〕These adjectives describe what belongs to or dates from an earlier time or period.这些形容词用来描绘那些属于或可追溯到一较早时间或较早时期的东西。美国传统〔orderly〕These adjectives mean proceeding in or observant of a prescribed pattern or arrangement.这些形容词都意味着按某种即定的方式或安排进行或严格遵守该方式或安排。美国传统〔pardon〕It is treated in the sentence as a noun —I beg your pardon— as an adjective.它在句子中用作名词——哦,对不起——作形容词。英汉大词典〔pensive〕These adjectives mean characterized by or disposed to thought, especially serious or deep thought.这些形容词主要用于形容严肃或深沉的思想。美国传统〔più〕More. Used to qualify an adjective or another adverb in directions.更:更。在使用上限定形容词或另一副词美国传统〔playful〕These adjectives mean inclined to or marked by lighthearted fun.这些形容词意指倾向于轻松愉快的嬉戏或以轻松愉快的嬉戏为特点。美国传统〔poor〕These adjectives mean lacking the money or the means requisite to an adequate or comfortable life.这些形容词都意为缺乏充足或舒适的生活所需的钱或手段。美国传统〔positive〕Grammar Of, relating to, or being the simple uncompared degree of an adjective or adverb, as opposed to either the comparative or superlative.【语法】 原级的:形容词或副词与比较级及最高级的相对简单的原形的,或与这一原形有关的美国传统〔positive〕The uncompared degree of an adjective or adverb.原级:形容词或副词的非比较级美国传统〔possessive adjective〕A pronominal adjective expressing possession.所有格形容词:表示所属的关系有代名词性质的形容词美国传统〔possible〕These adjectives signify capable of occurring or of being done.这些形容词都表示能够发生或能够被完成的。美国传统〔practice〕This chapter gives students practice in using adjectives.本章让学生练习使用形容词。牛津搭配〔predicate〕In “the sun is hot,” “hot” is a predicate adjective.在The sun is hot句中,hot是表语形容词。韦氏高阶〔predicative〕In the sentence "She is happy", "happy" is a predicative adjective.在 She is happy 这句话中,happy 是表语形容词。剑桥高阶〔premodifier〕In ‘a loud noise’, the adjective ‘loud’ is a premodifier.在 a loud noise 中,形容词 loud 是前置修饰语。牛津高阶〔prevailing〕These adjectives denote what exists or is encountered generally at a particular time.这些形容词都指存在或在某一特定时间里普遍遇到的东西。美国传统〔profane〕These adjectives mean showing or marked by irreverence or contempt for what is sacred.这些形容词的意思是显示出或特征为对神圣事物不尊敬或鄙视的。美国传统〔proficient〕These adjectives mean having or showing knowledge, ability, or skill, as in a vocation, profession, or branch of learning.这些形容词的意思是在某一职业、技能或学术方面具有或显示出知识、能力或技能的。美国传统〔proper adjective〕An adjective formed from a proper noun.专有形容词:由专有名词形成的形容词美国传统〔proud〕These adjectives mean filled with or marked by a high opinion of oneself and disdain for what one views as being unworthy.这些形容词都表示充满或显示对自己高度的评价及对自己认为是无价值的事物的鄙视。美国传统〔prune away〕If you could prune away the unnecessary adjectives in this essay, it would be improved.如果你把论文中不必要的形容词删去,会使文章更好。21世纪英汉〔qualified〕Adjectives qualify nouns.形容词描述名词。21世纪英汉〔qualify〕Adjectives qualify nouns.形容词修饰名词。韦氏高阶〔qualify〕In ‘the open door’, ‘open’ is an adjective qualifying ‘door’.在 the open door 中,open 是修饰 door 的形容词。牛津高阶〔real〕These adjectives are compared as they mean not imaginary but having verifiable existence.当这些形容词意为非想象的而是能证实存在的时,常把它们进行比较。美国传统〔reckless〕These adjectives are compared as they mean given to or marked by unthinking boldness.当这些形容词都表不加思考的鲁莽的意思时,常把它们进行比较。美国传统〔religious〕These adjectives mean having or showing a belief in and veneration for God or a divine power, especially as it is reflected in the practice of religion.这些形容词都意味着有或显示出对上帝或神圣力量的信仰和尊敬,特别反映在宗教行为上。美国传统〔responsible〕These adjectives share the meaning obliged to answer, as for one's actions, to an authority that may impose a penalty for failure.这些形容词的共有意思是有义务对可能惩罚失误的当权者作出答复的,如对自己的行为。美国传统〔rough〕These adjectives apply to what is not smooth but has a coarse, irregular surface.这些形容词指不光滑、粗糙或不平整的表面。美国传统〔rural〕These adjectives all mean of or typical of the country as distinguished from the city.这些形容词都表示或象征有农村特点的,与城市相区别。美国传统〔sad〕These adjectives all mean affected with or marked by unhappiness, as that caused by affliction.这些形容词都表示受不愉快影响的或有其特征的。美国传统〔sarcastic〕These adjectives mean having or marked by a feeling of bitterness and a biting or cutting quality.这些形容词表示带有辛辣的感觉和尖刻的或尖酸的意味,或是以这种感觉为特征的。美国传统〔secret〕These adjectives mean deliberately hidden from view or knowledge.这些形容词指故意不让人看见或知道。美国传统〔sensuous〕These adjectives mean of, given to, or furnishing satisfaction of the senses.这些形容词意为给予或提供感官的满足。美国传统〔severe〕These adjectives mean unsparing and exacting with respect to discipline or control.这些形容词的意思是顾及原则与限制而严厉的或苛刻的。美国传统〔shrewd〕These adjectives mean having or showing keen awareness, sound judgment, and often resourcefulness, especially in practical matters.这些形容词都表示具有或显示出敏锐的感知力、合理的判断力以及通常需要的应变力,尤指在实际事务中。美国传统〔silent〕These adjectives describe people who are sparing with speech.这些形容词都形容那些很少说话的人。美国传统〔sincere〕These adjectives mean genuine, honest, and devoid of hypocrisy or pretense.这些形容词都是真实、诚实、不虚伪或不伪饰的意思。美国传统〔singular〕Of, relating to, or being a noun, pronoun, or adjective denoting a single person or thing or several entities considered as a single unit.单数的:指称一个人或物或作为一个个体的几个实体的名词、介词或形容词的或与之相关的美国传统〔slow〕These adjectives mean taking more time than is usual or necessary.这些形容词的意思是花费的时间比正常的或所需的要多的。美国传统〔sparing〕These adjectives mean exercising or reflecting care in the use of resources, such as money.这些形容词都含有在使用资源,尤其是金钱时采取的谨慎作法或表现出的谨慎态度。美国传统〔spelling〕In most languages adjectives have slightly different spellings for masculine and feminine.在多数语言中,形容词的阳性和阴性的拼法略为不同。柯林斯高阶〔spontaneous〕These adjectives mean acting, reacting, or happening without apparent forethought, prompting, or planning.这些形容词的意思是没有显然地事前考虑、外力推动和计划而行动、反应或发生。美国传统〔steady〕These adjectives mean marked by lack of variation or change.这些形容词都有缺少变化的意思。美国传统〔stiff〕These adjectives are compared as they describe what is very firm and does not easily bend or give way.当描绘较硬的不容易弯曲或变形的东西时,这些形容词通常有所区别。美国传统〔still〕These adjectives mean marked by or making no sound, noise, or movement.这些形容词意味着没有或不发出声音、噪音或不移动或有其特点。美国传统〔stingy〕These adjectives mean reluctant or marked by reluctance to spend money or part with possessions.这些形容词的意思是不情愿或有些不情愿花钱或舍弃财产。美国传统〔strange〕These adjectives describe what deviates from the usual or customary.这些形容词描述与通常或习惯不同的事物。美国传统〔stupid〕These adjectives mean lacking or marked by a lack of intellectual acuity.这些形容词都表示缺乏智力的敏锐性或以缺乏智力的敏锐性为特点的。美国传统〔suave〕These adjectives mean effortlessly gracious, tactful, and polite.这些形容词都表示无须努力就显很优雅、圆滑及彬彬有礼的。美国传统〔suffix〕The adjective “smokeless” is formed by adding the suffix “-less” to the noun “smoke.” 形容词smokeless是在名词smoke后加词尾-less构成的。韦氏高阶〔suffix〕The adverb “sadly” is formed by adding the suffix “-ly” to the adjective “sad.” 副词sadly是在形容词sad后加上后缀-ly构成的。韦氏高阶〔superficial〕These adjectives mean lacking in depth or thoroughness.这些形容词表示缺乏深度或彻底性。美国传统〔sure〕These adjectives are compared as they mean feeling or showing no doubt.这些形容词的意思为确信的、没有疑问的时,可进行比较。美国传统〔tag on〕All these compound nouns consist of an adjective tagged on to a noun.所有这些复合名词都包含一个附加在名词上的形容词。外研社新世纪〔talkative〕These adjectives mean having or marked by an inclination to talk.这些形容词指具有一种爱说话的倾向的或以这种倾向为特征的。美国传统〔trite〕These adjectives describe something, such as writing or speech, that lacks appeal or power because it lacks freshness.这些形容词都用来描述一些因为缺乏新鲜感而没有引力或魅力的东西,如文章或讲话。美国传统〔trivial〕These adjectives all apply to what is small and unimportant.这些形容词都能用于小的和不重要的事物。美国传统〔unruly〕These adjectives all mean resistant or marked by resistance to control.这些形容词都指对控制有抵制性的或以对控制的抵制为特征的。美国传统〔usual〕These adjectives apply to what is expected or familiar because it occurs frequently or recurs regularly.这些形容词是指其事是可预见的或熟悉的,因为它是经常发生的或有规律地发生的。美国传统〔verbal〕A verbal noun or adjective.动词性单词:动词性名词或形容词美国传统〔verbid〕A verbal noun or adjective.动名词,动词性形容词美国传统〔vertical〕These adjectives are compared as they mean being at or approximately at right angles to the horizon or to level ground.这些形容词在它们表达与水平面成或者几乎成直角时才互相比较。美国传统〔vindictive〕These adjectives mean desiring or proceeding from a desire for revenge.这些形容词表示有报仇欲望的。美国传统〔vociferous〕These adjectives all mean conspicuously and usually offensively loud.这些形容词都有引人注目地和通常令人讨厌地大的意思。美国传统〔voluntary〕These adjectives mean being or resulting from one's own free will.这些形容词的意思是作为或由某人自愿导致的。美国传统〔weak〕These adjectives mean lacking or showing a lack of strength.这些形容词表示缺乏力量的或显示出力量缺乏的。美国传统〔weird〕These adjectives refer to what is of a mysteriously strange, usually frightening nature.这些形容词用来指那些神秘地奇怪,通常令人恐惧的东西。美国传统〔wet〕These adjectives mean covered with or saturated with liquid.这些形容词的意思是涂满液体或浸透了液体。美国传统〔young〕These adjectives are compared as they mean of, relating to, characteristic of, or being in an early period of growth or development.把这些形容词进行比较是因为,它们表示处于成长或发展的早期的、或与此相关的或以此为特征。美国传统In ‘a sudden movement’, ‘sudden’is an adjective in the attributive position.在“突然的移动”中,“突然”是处于定语位置的形容词。剑桥国际 |
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