

单词 praised
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CALM〕Everyone praised Douglas for the calm way in which he handled the situation. 道格拉斯冷静地处理这局面,得到了每个人的称赞。朗文写作活用〔CONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENT〕It was nice to have my work praised for once -- it really boosted my ego. 我的工作受到一次表扬,真太好了—这大大增强了我的自信心。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕Her first film was praised by the critics, but was a commercial failure. 她拍的第一部电影受到评论家的好评,但从商业角度看却失败了。朗文写作活用〔JUDGE〕Reviewers praised Tisler's performance. 评论家对蒂斯勒的表演大加赞赏。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕Virginia Maples, a lifelong resident, praised the town for its neighborliness. 弗吉尼娅·梅普尔斯—一位在镇上居住了一辈子的居民,称赞镇上邻里关系友好。朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕Fire chiefs praised a 10-year-old girl who saved her brother's life yesterday. 昨天消防队长们表扬了一名拯救了弟弟生命的十岁女孩。朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕His column was a regular and highly praised feature of the newspaper. 他的专栏是该报固定栏目,深受赞扬。朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕Local people were praised for their calm response to the crisis. 当地民众因冷静应对危机而受到表扬。朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕The Beatles’ album ‘Sergeant Pepper’ was much praised when it first came out. 披头士乐队的专辑《佩珀军士》刚一面世就受到人们的推崇。朗文写作活用〔PRETEND〕He always praised everyone, so it was difficult to tell if he was being insincere or not. 他总是表扬每一个人,因此很难说他是不是虚情假意。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕It's always a little worrisome when a company is praised for making a smaller loss than expected. 表扬一家公司亏损比预计小,这总有点令人担心。朗文写作活用〔a pat on the back〕I got a pat on the back from (= was praised by) my boss.我得到了老板的称赞。剑桥高阶〔according〕You will be praised or criticized according as your work is good or bad.根据你工作的好坏你将受到表扬或批评。英汉大词典〔adore〕She simply adores being praised.她就是爱听人家恭维。英汉大词典〔anxiety〕The teacher praised him for his anxiety for knowledge.老师称赞他求知欲强。英汉大词典〔apartheid〕He praised her role in the struggle against apartheid.他称赞了她在反种族隔离制的斗争中发挥的重要作用。柯林斯高阶〔apartheid〕He praised her role in the struggle against apartheid.他赞扬了她在反对种族隔离的斗争中发挥的作用。外研社新世纪〔art〕An art teacher once praised her imagination and sense of colour.一位美术老师曾表扬过她的想象力和色彩感。外研社新世纪〔aside from〕The movie has been praised by most people, aside from a few critics who have called its happy ending trite and predictable.那部电影获得了多数人的赞誉,只有几个评论家认为该片的圆满结局有些落入俗套。韦氏高阶〔as〕The critics praised his performance as Othello.批评家对他扮演的奥赛罗角色颇为赞赏。韦氏高阶〔blush〕He blushed when they praised him.当他们表扬他时(他)脸红了。21世纪英汉〔bravery〕Everyone praised her bravery.人人称赞她勇敢。牛津同义词〔breath〕He praised my work and in the same breath told me I would have to leave.他称赞了一番我的工作,但紧接着却对我说不得不辞退我。牛津高阶〔by turns〕The book was praised and criticized by turns.这本书时而被褒时而被贬。韦氏高阶〔celebration〕The service was a celebration of his life(= praised what he had done in his life).举行的宗教礼仪颂扬了他的一生。牛津高阶〔claim〕She has more claim to the book's success than anybody(= she deserves to be praised for it).她为这本书的成功立了头功。牛津高阶〔comparison〕His work has been widely praised. Comparisons have been made to the great painters of past centuries.他的作品得到了广泛的好评。有人将他和过去几个世纪的伟大画家相提并论。韦氏高阶〔compliment〕Her parents never praised or complimented her.她父母从不表扬或夸奖她。麦克米伦高阶〔coolly〕Detectives praised him for his coolness.侦探们称赞他沉着冷静。柯林斯高阶〔critical〕His last film won/received critical acclaim (= was praised by film critics).他的最新影片赢得了评论界的赞誉。剑桥高阶〔critic〕Critics praised the book.评论家们对这部书表示赞许。韦氏高阶〔critic〕The New York critics had praised her performance.纽约的影评家们高度评价了她的表演。柯林斯高阶〔critic〕The New York critics had praised her performance.纽约的评论家称赞了她的表演。外研社新世纪〔demise〕He praised the union's aims but predicted its early demise.他对联盟的目标表示赞赏,但预言联盟很快会失败。牛津搭配〔deservedly〕He was deservedly praised [punished].他受到应得的称赞[处罚]。文馨英汉〔deservedly〕He was highly praised, and deservedly so, by The Asian Times.他受到了《亚洲时报》的高度赞扬, 而他确实当之无愧。外研社新世纪〔deservedly〕He was highly praised, and deservedly so, by the Asian Times.他受到了《亚洲时报》的高度赞扬,而他确实当之无愧。柯林斯高阶〔deservedly〕She was deservedly praised for her generosity.她的宽宏大量理所当然地受到了赞扬。韦氏高阶〔devotion〕The judge praised the firefighters for their bravery and devotion to duty.法官赞扬消防人员的勇气和敬业精神。牛津搭配〔dexterous〕They praised her dexterous handling of the crisis.他们对她机智地处理了危机表示称赞。韦氏高阶〔discipline〕The troops were praised for their dedication and discipline.士兵们因富有献身精神和遵守纪律而受到表彰。韦氏高阶〔effusively〕He had been praised effusively for his management during and after the attacks.他在袭击发生期间和袭击过后表现出的处置才能受到了高度赞扬。外研社新世纪〔export〕Dickens was a highly praised and widely exported British novelist.狄更斯是一位受到高度赞扬且在国外传播很广的英国小说家。英汉大词典〔extravagantly〕Consider his novel Molloy. It has been extravagantly praised.考虑一下他的小说《莫洛伊》吧。它得到了高度的赞誉。外研社新世纪〔extravagantly〕Her work was praised extravagantly.她的工作受到太多赞扬。韦氏高阶〔extravagantly〕She had on occasions praised him extravagantly.有时候她过分夸赞他。柯林斯高阶〔fast〕Sheriff John Green praised the deputies for their fast work.约翰•格林警长称赞警官们任务完成得很快。外研社新世纪〔father〕He was praised for fathering a plan to improve the city's schools.他因制订了一项改善本市学校的计划而受到称赞。韦氏高阶〔fidelity〕They were warmly praised for their fidelity and industry.他们的尽职和勤奋受到人们的热烈赞扬。英汉大词典〔fluency〕His son was praised for speeches of remarkable fluency.他儿子因为发言流畅自然而得到了表扬。柯林斯高阶〔flush from〕The girl flushed from modesty when the man praised her appearance.这个男人夸这个姑娘漂亮时,她不好意思地脸红了。21世纪英汉〔flush up〕She flushed up when he praised her appearance.他夸她漂亮时,她不好意思地脸红了起来。21世纪英汉〔forbearing〕The minister praised what he called her "kind and forbearing nature".牧师称赞她本性“善良宽容”。剑桥高阶〔freshness〕Several critics praised the freshness of her style.一些评论家称赞她的风格清新。韦氏高阶〔fullness〕The fullness of the research report (= how much detail it contains) has been widely praised.研究报告之详尽受到了广泛的赞扬。剑桥高阶〔fulsomely〕She chatted to them about the show and praised them fulsomely.她和他们聊起了这次演出, 把他们捧上了天。外研社新世纪〔fulsome〕She chatted to them about the show and praised them fulsomely.她和他们聊起了演出,把他们捧上了天。柯林斯高阶〔gunfire〕He was praised for his gallantry under gunfire.他因炮火下的英勇表现而受到表扬。英汉大词典〔handling〕She was praised for her competent handling of the crisis.她因为出色地处理了这场危机而受到表扬。牛津搭配〔hard-edged〕Critics have praised her hard-edged satire.评论家对她笔触犀利的讽刺作品表示赞赏。韦氏高阶〔heroism〕His heroism in saving the drowning boy from the river was highly praised.他从河里救起落水男孩的英雄行为受到高度的赞扬。英汉大词典〔heroism〕His heroism in saving the drowning boy was highly praised.他救起落水男孩的英勇行为受到高度的称赞。文馨英汉〔humanity〕The judge was praised for his courage and humanity.法官的勇气和人道受到称赞。牛津高阶〔industriousness〕He was praised for his industriousness.他因勤奋而受到表扬。韦氏高阶〔inherent〕He should be praised for his inherent qualities, his fair-mindedness, and sense of justice.他内在的品质、他的公正和正义感都应该受到赞扬。外研社新世纪〔integrity〕He was praised for his fairness and high integrity.他的公正和正直操守受人称道。柯林斯高阶〔in〕In his speech Professor Leary praised the work of the volunteers.利里教授在演讲中赞扬了志愿者所做的工作。朗文当代〔leadership〕He praised her leadership during the crisis.他称赞她在危机中领导有方。外研社新世纪〔leadership〕He praised her leadership during the crisis.他赞扬她在危机中领导有方。柯林斯高阶〔leadership〕He was praised for his firm leadership.他因坚定有力的领导而受到了赞扬。牛津搭配〔learning〕His friends praised his generosity, wit, and learning.朋友们都很赞赏他的慷慨、智慧和学识。剑桥高阶〔magnanimous〕He was magnanimous in defeat and praised his opponent's skill.他对失败表现得很洒脱,并且赞扬了对手的才能。牛津高阶〔magnanimous〕The team's manager was magnanimous in victory, and praised the losing team.球队主教练在胜利后很大度,称赞了失利的对手。剑桥高阶〔measure〕He's been praised and condemned in equal measure.他得到的赞扬和指责各占一半。牛津搭配〔memorialize〕He was praised in print and memorialized in stone throughout the South.在整个南方地区,他被人们著书称颂,刻碑纪念。柯林斯高阶〔me〕They praised you more than me.他们对你的赞扬多于对我的赞扬。英汉大词典〔most〕She praised his compassion, wisdom, and most importantly, his decisiveness.她赞扬了他的同情心和智慧, 还有最重要的一个优点——坚决果断。外研社新世纪〔musicianship〕The critics praised her musicianship.评论家纷纷赞扬她的音乐才能。韦氏高阶〔music〕The album has been praised in the music press.这张专辑受到音乐媒体的好评。牛津搭配〔naturalness〕The critics praised the reality of the scenery and the naturalness of the acting.评论家称赞了舞台布景的现实逼真和表演的真实自然。外研社新世纪〔naturalness〕The critics praised the reality of the scenery and the naturalness of the acting.评论家称赞了舞台布景的现实逼真和表演的真实自然。柯林斯高阶〔nicety〕She was praised for the nicety of her judgment.她因判断力精确而受到称赞。外研社新世纪〔numerous〕On numerous occasions, O'Sullivan has praised Hendry's record.奥沙利文多次赞扬亨德里过往 的战绩。外研社新世纪〔onslaught〕He praised his wife for her dignity under the onslaught of the tabloid press.他称赞妻子在遭到低级小报的攻击时保持了尊严。朗文当代〔open-mindedness〕He was praised for his enthusiasm and his open-mindedness.人们称赞他的热情与开明。柯林斯高阶〔open-mindedness〕He was praised for his enthusiasm and his open-mindedness.他的热情与开通受到了人们的称赞。外研社新世纪〔openness〕The judge praised him for his honesty and openness.法官表扬了他的诚实与坦率。麦克米伦高阶〔originality〕Critics have praised the movie's startling originality.影评家称赞这部影片创意惊人。韦氏高阶〔perfectionist〕She was praised for her perfectionist attention to detail in vocal and musical matters.她在音乐和歌唱的细节上追求完美, 因此受到赞扬。外研社新世纪〔praise (someone or something) to the skies〕Critics have praised the play to the skies.评论家把这部剧捧上了天。韦氏高阶〔praise〕All the critics praised the new play for its originality.所有的评论家都赞许这出新剧有独创性。英汉大词典〔praise〕Allah be praised.感谢真主!牛津高阶〔praise〕Critics praised her as both an actor and director.评论家称赞她既可当演员又可当导演。韦氏高阶〔praise〕Critics praised the work as highly original.评论家称赞这部作品独树一帜。牛津高阶〔praise〕He praised all his staff highly.他高度赞扬了所有的员工。牛津搭配〔praise〕He praised her beauty.他赞颂她的美丽。英汉大词典〔praise〕He praised her cooking.他夸奖了她的厨艺。韦氏高阶〔praise〕He praised her for her courage.他赞扬她很勇敢。21世纪英汉〔praise〕He praised his team for their performance.他称赞了各队员的表现。牛津高阶〔praise〕He praised the excellent work of the UN weapons inspectors.他赞扬了联合国武器核查人员的出色工作。柯林斯高阶〔praise〕He praised the fans for their continued support.他称赞追随者们不断的支持。外研社新世纪〔praise〕He praised the staff for encouraging the artistic talents of the prisoners.他因工作人员激发出囚犯的艺术天赋而表扬了他们。麦克米伦高阶〔praise〕He should be praised for his honesty.他应该因为诚实而获得表扬。剑桥高阶〔praise〕He was highly praised for his research on heart disease.他因在心脏病方面的研究而受到高度赞扬。剑桥高阶〔praise〕Her achievements in this field have been rightly praised.她在这一领域的成就得到了恰如其分的赞扬。牛津搭配〔praise〕Her manager praised her to the skies.她的经理把她捧上了天。牛津搭配〔praise〕His father never praised him.他父亲从不称赞他。英汉大词典〔praise〕Jane was praised by her teacher.简受到了老师的表扬。朗文当代〔praise〕Many others praised Sanford for taking a strong stand.其他很多人称赞桑福德立场坚定。柯林斯高阶〔praise〕Many others praised Sanford for taking a strong stand.还有很多人称赞桑福德立场坚定。外研社新世纪〔praise〕Mayor Dixon praised the efforts of those involved in the rescue.迪克森市长表扬了参加救援的人员所作的努力。麦克米伦高阶〔praise〕Motorways are praised by the Department of Transport as Britain's safest roads.快速干道被交通部誉为英国最安全的道路。英汉大词典〔praise〕Mrs. George was full of praise for her nurses (=she praised them a lot) .乔治夫人对她的护士们赞不绝口。朗文当代〔praise〕My parents always praised me when I did well at school.我在学校里表现好时父母总是夸奖我。剑桥高阶〔praise〕She praised his cooking.她称赞他的烹调技术。牛津高阶〔praise〕She repeatedly praised him and his works.她一再称赞他和他的作品。牛津搭配〔praise〕Sylvia had a stern father who never praised her.西尔维娅有一个严厉的父亲, 他从来没有夸奖过她。外研社新世纪〔praise〕The American president praised Turkey for its courage.美国总统赞扬了土耳其的勇气。外研社新世纪〔praise〕The American president praised Turkey for its courage.美国总统赞扬了土耳其的勇气。柯林斯高阶〔praise〕The Mayor praised the rescue teams for their courage.市长称赞了救援队的英勇。朗文当代〔praise〕The album has been universally praised for its creativity.这张专辑的创新性得到了普遍好评。牛津搭配〔praise〕The painting of St Basil's Cathedral was highly praised.圣巴素大教堂的绘画受到了高度赞扬。麦克米伦高阶〔praise〕The teachers praised our work.老师们称赞我们的工作。外研社新世纪〔praise〕They praised God for their safe deliverance from the difficult position.他们赞颂上帝使他们从困境中安全脱险。21世纪英汉〔praise〕They praised God for their safe deliverance from the perils of the flood.他们赞颂上帝使他们得以在洪灾中安然脱险。英汉大词典〔praise〕They praised him for his cooking.他们夸他烹饪技术高超。牛津搭配〔press〕His latest novel didn't get (a) very good press (= was not praised in the media).他新出版的小说没有得到新闻界的好评。牛津搭配〔privately〕Laura praised the pictures, though she privately thought they were rather ordinary.劳拉称赞了那些照片,虽然心里觉得它们相当普通。朗文当代〔professionalism〕He praised her professionalism and dynamism.他赞扬了她的专业精神和活力。剑桥高阶〔recommend〕The hotel's new restaurant comes highly recommended(= a lot of people have praised it).这家酒店的新餐厅得到了人们的极力推荐。牛津高阶〔reconciliation〕Signing the trade agreement was praised as an act of reconciliation between the two countries.签订贸易协定被誉为两国间的和解行动。韦氏高阶〔restraint〕The police were praised for their restraint in handling the demonstrators.警方因对待游行示威者时所表现出的克制而受到赞扬。朗文当代〔review〕The film opened to rave reviews (=reviews that praised it a lot) .这部电影好评如潮。朗文当代〔rightfully〕She was rightfully praised for all the work she did.她所做的全部工作得到了应有的表扬。韦氏高阶〔roundly〕Her leadership is roundly praised.她的领导才能受到广泛赞扬。韦氏高阶〔running〕He praised the smooth running of the election.他称赞竞选组织得很顺利。朗文当代〔saintly〕They were praised for their courage and saintliness.他们的勇敢和善良受到人们的称赞。柯林斯高阶〔senior〕The Dragons head coach praised his senior players in the 23-16 win.龙队主教练称赞队里老队员在这场23比16的胜仗中的表现。剑桥高阶〔sensibly〕The police praised motorists for driving sensibly in the appalling conditions.警方称赞驾车人在恶劣的条件下能谨慎驾驶。剑桥高阶〔side〕Clinton was praised on all sides for his warm manner and diplomatic approach.克林顿的热情和练达受到了各方的称赞。朗文当代〔sky-high〕The critics praised the play sky-high.批评家们把那部戏剧捧上了天美国传统〔statesmanship〕He praised the two leaders warmly for their statesmanship.他热情地称赞了两位领导人的政治家风范。柯林斯高阶〔stilted〕I praised them in my stilted German.我用生硬的德语赞扬了他们。麦克米伦高阶〔such〕Such a book should be praised, not banned.这种书应当得到称赞, 而不是遭到禁止。外研社新世纪〔symbolism〕It was a film much praised at the time for its visual symbolism.那是一部由于其视觉象征手法而在当时深受好评的电影。外研社新世纪〔thrift〕They were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise.他们勤俭节约,积极进取,得到了当之无愧的赞扬。柯林斯高阶〔thrift〕They were rightly praised for their thrift and enterprise.他们因为自己的节俭和勤奋而受到了应得的表扬。外研社新世纪〔train〕He praised the reforms set in train by the government.他称赞了政府进行的改革。外研社新世纪〔tremendous〕She praised her husband for the tremendous support he had given her.她称赞丈夫给了她巨大支持。朗文当代〔unquestionably〕Unquestionably, he deserves to be praised.无疑地,他应该得到称赞。文馨英汉〔wisdom〕The Egyptian leader was praised for his courage, wisdom, and flexibility.埃及领导人因其勇敢、智慧和灵活性而倍受称赞。麦克米伦高阶Arsenal's manager was magnanimous in victory, and praised the losing team.阿森纳队的经理在胜利后显得很谦虚,还称赞了对手。剑桥国际He praised the army minister's ‘enthusiasm, competence and abnegation’ (=not giving importance to himself or his desires or needs).他称赞了这位军官的“热情、能力及自我克制精神”。剑桥国际He should be praised for his honesty.他应该因他的诚实而受表扬。剑桥国际He was highly praised for his research on heart disease.他因在心脏病方面的研究而受到高度的赞扬。剑桥国际Her first novel was praised to the skies (= praised very strongly).她的第一部小说受到了高度的赞扬。剑桥国际His friends praised his generosity, wit and learning.他的朋友夸奖他的慷慨、机智与博学。剑桥国际Investors have praised the decision of the central bank to float the currency.投资者赞赏中央银行使货币自由浮动的决定。牛津商务Many of the‘Films on 4’ have won/received critical acclaim (=been praised by film critics).第四影视台的许多影片获得评论家们的好评。剑桥国际Mark got a pat on the back from (= was praised by) the boss for his excellent work.马克杰出的工作得到上司的称赞。剑桥国际My parents always praised me when I did well at school and never criticised me when I did badly.我在学校里表现好时父母总是表扬我,表现不好时他们从不批评我。剑桥国际My teacher patted me on the back (= praised me) for getting top marks in my English essay.我的老师拍拍我的背,夸奖我英语习文得了最高分。剑桥国际She had breast cancer several years ago and made a widely praised documentary about it.她几年前患了乳腺癌,并就此拍了一部颇受赞扬的纪录片。剑桥国际She raved about (= praised greatly) the clothes she had seen at the Paris fashion shows.她大大地称赞在巴黎时装展上看到的衣服。剑桥国际She was praised as an actress, but less so as a director.她作为演员大受赞扬,而作为导演却并未受到多少好评。剑桥国际She was deservedly praised for her quick thinking during the accident.她理所当然地凭她在事故中的迅速反应而受表扬。剑桥国际The book has been praised as a magisterial study of Irish history.这本书被誉为研究爱尔兰历史的权威著作。剑桥国际The diligence with which the police conducted the investigation was highly praised.警方组织调查的不遗余力受到高度赞扬。剑桥国际The fullness of the research report (=how much detail it contains) has been widely praised.研究报告的详尽受到了广泛的赞扬。剑桥国际The mayor praised the boy for his courage. 市长赞扬这个男孩很勇敢。译典通The new restaurant comes highly recommended (= a lot of people have praised it).这家新餐厅口碑极好。牛津商务The officer was praised for showing courage above and beyond the call of duty (=more than would usually be expected from someone in that job).这个军官由于显示出了不同寻常的勇气而受到表扬。剑桥国际The police praised motorists for driving sensibly in appalling conditions.警方称许驾车人在恶劣的环境下能明智地驾驶。剑桥国际The professor praised her fluid style. 教授称赞她流畅的文体。译典通The publishers praised his novel pretty highly. 出版商们对他的小说评价甚高。译典通The speech praised those who had displayed gallantry in the liberation of their country.这篇演讲表彰了那些在祖国解放过程中表现英勇的人们。剑桥国际The vicar praised what he called her “kind and forbearing nature”.牧师赞扬了他所谓的她那“善良、宽容的天性”。剑桥国际




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