

单词 praise
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔PRAISE〕praise that is given to someone or something 对某人或某事的赞扬朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕to praise someone or something 表扬某人或某事朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕to praise someone or something a lot 对某人或某事大加赞赏朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕what you say when you praise someone 赞扬别人时说的话朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕words for describing behaviour or actions that deserve praise 描述值得赞扬的行为或行动的词语朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕words for describing statements that praise someone or something 描述赞扬的言论的词语朗文写作活用〔appetency〕an appetency of praise and glory 对褒扬和荣誉的渴望英汉大词典〔avalanche〕an avalanche of praise 一片赞扬声英汉大词典〔besprinkle〕besprinkle each other with praise 互相吹捧英汉大词典〔bloat〕bloat sb. up with praise 赞美得某人得意忘形英汉大词典〔candied〕candied praise 谄媚的奉承英汉大词典〔chary〕a teacher who is chary of giving praise 不轻易表扬学生的教师英汉大词典〔compliment〕to pay sb a compliment(= to praise them for sth) 对某人表示赞扬牛津高阶〔crumb〕a few crumbs of praise for their hard work 对他们努力工作的点滴表扬麦克米伦高阶〔effusive〕effusive praise 溢美之词麦克米伦高阶〔encourage〕praise that heartened us; 激励我们的溢美之辞;美国传统〔extravagant〕extravagant praise 溢美英汉大词典〔faint〕faint praise 轻描淡写的赞扬英汉大词典〔follow〕to follow praise with blame先表扬后责备21世纪英汉〔garland〕received garlands of praise from the critics.从批评中汲取表示赞扬的标志美国传统〔gushing〕the gushing praise of the New York critics 纽约评论家的吹捧朗文当代〔heaven〕praise sb. to heaven 把某人捧上天 英汉大词典〔incense〕be immune from the incense of praise 不受恭维捧场之风的影响英汉大词典〔just〕a just praise (reward) 应得的赞誉(酬报) 英汉大词典〔launch〕launch out in praise of sb.对某人大加赞扬英汉大词典〔merited〕merited praise 受之无愧的赞扬英汉大词典〔moderated〕a moderated praise 适度的赞扬英汉大词典〔overblown〕overblown praise 过分的赞扬英汉大词典〔overtone〕an overtone of anger barely masked; praise with overtones of envy.几乎不加掩饰生气的表露;带着微露出的妒忌或表扬美国传统〔plaster〕plaster sb. with praise 过分赞扬某人英汉大词典〔please〕praise that gladdens the spirit; 使精神得到满足的赞扬;美国传统〔praise〕a poem in praise of London 一首赞美伦敦的诗麦克米伦高阶〔praise〕a poem in praise of his hero 讴歌他心目中英雄的诗朗文当代〔praise〕a service of praise and thanksgiving 颂扬上帝和感恩的宗教仪式麦克米伦高阶〔praise〕an article heaping praise on the government 对政府大加赞扬的文章牛津搭配〔praise〕her praise of his skill 她对他技能的赞扬牛津搭配〔praise〕hymns/songs of praise 赞美诗;颂歌牛津高阶〔praise〕songs of praise 赞美诗朗文当代〔praise〕the belief that the U.S. had signalled a policy shift by damning with faint praise the mediation efforts认为美国对调停努力明褒实贬是表明其政策已发生转变的观点外研社新世纪〔praise〕the belief that the US had signalled a policy shift by damning with faint praise the mediation efforts.认为美国对调停努力明褒实贬是表明其政策已发生转变的观点柯林斯高阶〔praise〕the usual speeches in praise of the country's achievements赞颂国家成就的老一套讲话外研社新世纪〔praise〕to praise God.赞美神。牛津同义词〔praise〕to praise a performance.称赞某项成就。牛津同义词〔praise〕to praise someone a lot 大加赞扬某人:朗文当代〔praise〕to praise someone for an achievement.称赞某人有了成就。牛津同义词〔praise〕win high praise 赢得高度赞扬英汉大词典〔prodigal〕be prodigal with (one's) praise 赞不绝口英汉大词典〔qualified〕qualified praise 有所保留的称赞英汉大词典〔ravenous〕be ravenous for praise 渴望得到表扬 英汉大词典〔rhapsody〕rhapsodies of praise 溢美之词韦氏高阶〔shamefaced〕be shamefaced at praise 听到赞扬表示谦逊英汉大词典〔shower〕shower praise on sb.对某人大加赞扬英汉大词典〔tender〕be tender of one's praise 慎于称赞英汉大词典〔undeserving〕be undeserving of praise 不配得到赞扬 英汉大词典〔unearned〕unearned praise 不当的称赞文馨英汉〔unfeigned〕unfeigned praise 衷心的赞美文馨英汉〔unstinting〕be unstinting in one's praise 大加称赞 英汉大词典〔voluminous〕voluminous praise 滔滔不绝的称赞英汉大词典〔widespread〕win widespread praise 受到普遍赞扬英汉大词典〔working man〕his idealistic praise for the working man他对劳动者的理想主义赞美外研社新世纪




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