

单词 pollute
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIRTY〕Central London is the most polluted spot in Britain. 伦敦市中心是全英国受污染最严重的地区。朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕Large parts of the Mediterranean are still polluted with toxic waste. 地中海的大部分海域仍受到有毒废弃物的污染。朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕Sayers said that if he's elected his administration will make a priority of cleaning up the region's polluted rivers. 塞耶斯说如果他当选,他领导的政府将把清理该地区的受污染河流列为优先处理的事。朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕The air was heavily polluted with exhaust fumes. 这里的空气被废气严重污染了。朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕The factory explosion, which polluted the surrounding area with dioxin, was reportedly caused by negligence. 据报道,该工厂发生的爆炸事故是因疏忽造成的,这次事故使工厂附近地区受到二噁英污染。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕Onondaga Lake is now so polluted that the fish are inedible. 奥农多加湖现在污染很严重,鱼都不能吃了。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕The use of soluble chemical fertilizers is banned, as they seep into rivers and pollute the water supply. 可溶性化肥是禁用的,因为它们会渗入河流污染水源。朗文写作活用〔PUNISH〕New laws will penalize firms that continue to pollute the environment. 新法律会处罚那些继续污染环境的公司。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕More and more people are using cars, with the result that towns are much more polluted. 越来越多的人在使用汽车,结果使城镇的污染严重多了。朗文写作活用〔TRY〕Cleaning up polluted rivers will take considerable time and effort. 清理受到污染的河流需要大量时间和努力。朗文写作活用〔UNSUITABLE〕The land is so polluted it is not fit for crops. 土地污染严重,不适合种庄稼。朗文写作活用〔allege〕The water is alleged to be polluted with mercury.有人声称这片水域受汞污染。朗文当代〔atmosphere〕Pesticides can kill wildlife and pollute the atmosphere.杀虫剂能杀死野生生物,也会污染空气。牛津搭配〔atmosphere〕These gases pollute the atmosphere of towns and cities.这些气体污染了城镇的空气。柯林斯高阶〔bathe〕The police have warned the city's inhabitants not to bathe in the polluted river.警方已经告诫该市居民不要在这条被污染的河里游泳。柯林斯高阶〔bioremediation〕The use of biological agents, such as bacteria or plants, to remove or neutralize contaminants, as in polluted soil or water.生物整治,生物除污:用生物制剂(如细菌或植物)清除或消除被污染的土壤或水中的污染物美国传统〔body〕It is probably the most polluted body of water in the world.这很可能是世界上受污染最严重的一片水域。柯林斯高阶〔body〕It is probably the most polluted body of water in the world.这里可能是世界上污染最为严重的一片水域。外研社新世纪〔breathe〕Most people don't realize that they are breathing polluted air.大多数人没有意识到自己正呼吸着污染了的空气。牛津高阶〔concentration〕High concentrations of toxic elements were found in the polluted areas.在被污染地区发现了高浓度的有毒元素。剑桥高阶〔contain〕Polluted water contains contaminants.被污染的水中含有放射性污染。美国传统〔crack down〕Authorities are cracking down on companies that pollute.当局正在竭力取缔污染企业。韦氏高阶〔crackdown〕Companies that pollute are the target of a new crackdown.污染企业是新一轮严厉打击的对象。韦氏高阶〔damp〕Foul or poisonous gas that sometimes pollutes the air in coal mines.矿井瓦斯,有毒气体:矿井中有时污染空气的恶臭气体或有毒气体美国传统〔day〕The day may come when our air becomes too polluted to breathe.我们的空气被污染得不能呼吸的那一天或许会到来。麦克米伦高阶〔dead〕But this water seems dead: it's polluted and horribly stagnant.但这似乎是一潭死水:受了污染而且恶臭无比。柯林斯高阶〔dead〕The water is dead: polluted and stagnant.这是一潭死水:受了污染, 恶臭无比。外研社新世纪〔decontaminate〕Estimates of the amount of money needed to decontaminate the heavily polluted chemical installations vary.对受重污染的化工设施进行净化预计需要多少资金说法不一。剑桥高阶〔denude〕Mining would pollute the lake and denude the forest.采矿会污染湖水,毁掉森林。柯林斯高阶〔denude〕Mining would pollute the lake and denude the forest.采矿将会污染湖泊、破坏森林。外研社新世纪〔distinction〕The city bears the dubious distinction of being the most polluted in the nation.这座城市是全国污染最严重的城市,这也算是种殊荣吧。韦氏高阶〔draw〕The polluted pond was drawn and refilled.受污染的池塘被疏干填平。英汉大词典〔equivalent〕Breathing such polluted air is the equivalent of(= has the same effect as)smoking ten cigarettes a day.呼吸污染这么严重的空气等于每天抽十支烟。牛津高阶〔estate〕They live on an estate polluted with poverty and violence.他们住在一处充斥着贫困和暴力的住宅区。外研社新世纪〔exhaustion〕The exhaustion of gas from a bus pollutes the air.从公共汽车排出的气体会污染空气。英汉大词典〔hazard〕Polluted water sources are a hazard to wildlife.受污染的水源会对野生生物构成危险。朗文当代〔head〕The list of most polluted cities is headed by London.伦敦排在重污染城市前列。外研社新世纪〔infertile〕The polluted waste is often dumped, making the surrounding land infertile.被污染的废物经常被随意倒掉,周边土地因此而变得很贫瘠。柯林斯高阶〔leakage〕A leakage of kerosene has polluted water supplies.泄漏的煤油污染了水源。柯林斯高阶〔leakage〕A leakage of kerosene has polluted water supplies.煤油泄漏已经污染了供水。外研社新世纪〔least〕Hungary is one of the least polluted of the former East-bloc states.匈牙利是前东欧国家中受污染程度最轻的一个国家。麦克米伦高阶〔maculate〕To spot, blemish, or pollute.使有斑点、玷污或污染美国传统〔manslaughter〕Competitors had to be of pure Greek blood and not polluted by manslaughter or non-payment of fines due.参赛者必须是纯希腊血统, 且从未杀过人或者拖欠罚金不还。外研社新世纪〔negate〕Efforts to expand the tourist industry could be negated by reports that the sea is highly polluted.有关海洋受到严重污染的报道可能会使拓展旅游业的努力完全白费。朗文当代〔nightmare〕The writer evokes a nightmare vision of a future on a polluted planet.作者描画了未来遭受污染的星球上噩梦般的场景。牛津搭配〔phytoremediation〕The use of plants and trees to remove or neutralize contaminants, as in polluted soil or water.植生整治,植物复育法:利用植物或树木来去除或中和污染物,如用于受污染的土壤或水质美国传统〔pollutant〕Something that pollutes, especially a waste material that contaminates air, soil, or water.污染性物质:造成污染的物质,尤其指一种污染空气、土壤或水的废物美国传统〔polluted〕A number of beaches in the region have been polluted by sewage pumped into the Irish Sea.这一地区的一些海滩已被排放到爱尔兰海的污水污染了。柯林斯高阶〔polluted〕He was polluted last night!他昨晚喝醉了!外研社新世纪〔polluted〕Heavy industry pollutes our rivers with noxious chemicals.重工业产生的有毒化学品会污染我们的河流。柯林斯高阶〔polluted〕Many of the beaches are polluted with waste from the nearby chemical plants.许多海滩受到了周边化工厂所排放的废弃物的污染。外研社新世纪〔polluted〕Noise and polluted air smother citizens.噪音和污浊的空气使市民们感到窒息。英汉大词典〔polluted〕She was so polluted she could hardly see.她喝得烂醉,几乎看不见东西了。英汉大词典〔polluted〕The air is heavily polluted with traffic fumes.车辆尾气严重污染了空气。牛津搭配〔polluted〕The lake is seriously polluted.该湖受到严重污染。朗文当代〔polluted〕The police have warned the city's inhabitants not to bathe in the polluted river.警方已告诫该市居民不要在这条受到污染的河里游泳。外研社新世纪〔polluted〕The police have warned the city's inhabitants not to bathe in the polluted river.警方已警告该市居民,不要在这条遭污染的河里游泳。柯林斯高阶〔polluted〕The project's aim is to clean up polluted land.该项目的目标是整治受污染的土地。朗文当代〔polluted〕The river is polluted.河水被污染了。韦氏高阶〔polluted〕The rivers became polluted as the result of industrial waste.工业废物污染了河流。牛津搭配〔pollute〕A number of beaches have been polluted by sewage pumped into the sea.有一些海滩被排入海中的污水污染了。外研社新世纪〔pollute〕Car exhaust pollutes the air.汽车尾气污染空气。韦氏高阶〔pollute〕Chemicals pollute the rivers.化学品污染河流。牛津同义词〔pollute〕Heavy industry pollutes our rivers with noxious chemicals.重工业产生的有毒化学品会污染我们的河流。外研社新世纪〔pollute〕Many complain that broadcasters pollute the airwaves with sensationalism and sleaze.许多人抱怨说广播公司用耸人听闻的题材和低级庸俗的内容污染了无线电波。剑桥高阶〔pollute〕Miles of beaches were polluted by the oil spill.数英里的海滩被溢油污染了。韦氏高阶〔pollute〕The factory pollutes the air and water.那家工厂对空气和水有污染。朗文当代〔pollute〕The island has been seriously polluted by a copper mine.该岛被一家铜矿严重污染了。朗文当代〔pollute〕The oil spillage has polluted the harbour.石油泄漏污染了港口。麦克米伦高阶〔pollute〕The river has been polluted by waste products from the factory.这条河已经受到工厂排放的废料所污染。21世纪英汉〔pollute〕The river has been polluted with toxic waste from local factories.当地工厂排放的有毒废弃物污染了这条河。牛津高阶〔pollute〕The rivers had been polluted with aluminium.这些河流受到了铝的污染。朗文当代〔pollute〕The stadium lights polluted the sky around the observatory.体育馆的灯光使得天文台周围的天空不那么宜于观测了美国传统〔pollute〕The villagers drank from wells polluted with toxic chemicals.村民们喝的是受有毒化学品污染的井水。麦克米伦高阶〔pollute〕The violent films pollute the minds of the young men.暴力电影毒害着青年人的思想。21世纪英汉〔pollute〕We won't invest in any company that pollutes the environment.我们不会给污染环境的公司投资。剑桥高阶〔punitive〕The federal government will take punitive action against the company that polluted the river.联邦政府将对污染这条河的公司采取惩罚性措施。韦氏高阶〔recall〕The ground has been polluted beyond recall.这片土地已污染得面目全非了。外研社新世纪〔recall〕The ground has been polluted beyond recall.这片土地已被污染得面目全非。柯林斯高阶〔respect〕We should respect the environment and not pollute it.我们应当善待环境,避免污染。剑桥高阶〔risk〕Polluted water supplies are a risk to public health.受污染的水源对公众健康是一个威胁。朗文当代〔serve〕The decision should serve as a warning to companies that pollute the environment.该决定对那些污染环境的企业来说是一次警告。麦克米伦高阶〔sewage〕Raw/untreated sewage is being pumped into the sea, from where it pollutes our beaches.未经处理的污水被排入大海,污染了我们的海滩。剑桥高阶〔shoreline〕Oil from the wrecked tanker polluted more than 40 miles of the Normandy shoreline.从失事油轮中溢出的石油使诺曼底海岸长达40多英里的区域受到了污染。剑桥高阶〔smog〕Fog that has become mixed and polluted with smoke.烟雾:夹杂着烟尘并被烟尘污染的雾美国传统〔sufferer〕The worst sufferers of the condition tend to live in highly polluted areas.病情最严重的患者大都居住在重度污染区。牛津搭配〔wash〕If pollution controls are enforced here, the factories will move to where they're allowed to pollute, so it'll be a wash as far as clear air goes.假如这里要施行控制污染的措施,那些工厂就会搬到允许污染的地方。因此就空气的清洁而言,这一举措说不上好或坏。剑桥高阶〔yield〕Polluted water lessens crop yields.受污染的水源会降低农作物产量。柯林斯高阶〔yield〕Polluted water lessens crop yields.水污染导致农作物减产。外研社新世纪A factory explosion in northern Italy in 1976 polluted the town of Seveso with dioxin. [U] 1976 年意大利北部的一次工厂爆炸给塞维索镇造成二氧杂芑污染。剑桥国际A lot of poisonous waste from the chemical works polluted the river. 化工厂的许多有毒废料污染这条河。译典通Deformity of fingernails and toenails was common among people who drank the polluted water.手指甲和脚趾甲畸形的现象在饮用污染水的人中间很普遍。剑桥国际Estimates of the amount of money needed to decontaminate the heavily polluted chemical installations vary.对用来净化遭到严重污染的化学装置所需的款额估价不一。剑桥国际Garbage pollutes our rivers and lakes. 垃圾污染我们的河川湖泊。译典通High concentrations of toxic elements were found in the polluted areas of the sea.在这个海洋被污染的地区中发现了高浓度的有毒元素。剑桥国际If pollution controls are enforced here, the factories will move to where they're allowed to pollute, so it'll be a wash as far as clear air goes.假如这儿要控制污染,工厂就要搬迁到允许排污的地方。因此就新鲜空气而言,这只是有得也有失。剑桥国际It is feared that the fish in these polluted waters are becoming pathologically contaminated.人们担心这些污染的河水中的鱼正受疾病传染。剑桥国际Our store never sells books which pollute the mind. 我们书店从不出售污染心灵的书籍。译典通People who live in crowded cities often experience breathing problems during the summer when high temperatures combine with stagnant polluted air.住在拥挤城市中的人在夏天高温与浑浊空气混杂时经常会有呼吸困难的问题。剑桥国际Raw/untreated sewage is being pumped into the sea, from where it pollutes our beaches.未经处理的污水被泵入大海,污染了我们的海滩。剑桥国际Seals die in their thousands on these polluted north European shores.在欧洲北部这些被污染的海岸,有成千的海豹死去。剑桥国际The air in the city is severely polluted.城市里的空气受到了严重的污染。剑桥国际The air is polluted with the smother of traffic and industrial smog. 空气被令人窒息的车辆废气和工业烟雾污染了。译典通The atmosphere of the city is very much polluted. 那个城市的空气受到严重污染。译典通The fund provides money to clean up chemically polluted industrial sites.这笔基金提供款项清洁被化学物品污染的工业区。剑桥国际The oil from the wrecked tanker polluted more than 40 miles of the Normandy shoreline.从失事油轮中流出的油污染了40余英里的诺曼底海岸线。剑桥国际The river is badly polluted and full of dead putrefying fish.这条河流严重污染,满是腐烂的死鱼。剑桥国际There is a possibility that using chemical fertilizers might pollute the region's water supply (= the water available for use).使用化肥可能会污染当地的水资源。剑桥国际These laws do not give companies a blank cheque to pollute without paying.这些法律并未允许公司只污染而不付费。牛津商务This polluted river remains unmediated till now. 这条受污染的河川至今仍未整治。译典通This new detergent claims it won't pollute the water because it's phosphate-free.这种新的洗涤剂声称不会污染水源,因为它不含磷酸盐。剑桥国际We should respect the environment and not pollute it.我们应重视环境,不要污染它。剑桥国际




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