

单词 posts
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔La Vérendrye〕French-Canadian explorer who established a chain of trading posts in New France, thus breaking Britain's economic stronghold on the region.拉韦朗德里:法裔加拿大探险家,在新法兰西建立了一连串贸易点,从而打破了英国在这一地区的经济壁垒美国传统〔STRONG〕I've put in some extra posts to make the fence stronger. 我多打了几个桩使篱笆更加牢固。朗文写作活用〔TIGHT〕The posts must be fixed firmly in the ground. 柱子必须牢牢固定在地上。朗文写作活用〔administration〕O'Leary served in federal energy posts in both the Ford and Carter administrations.在福特和卡特两届政府执政期间,奥利里都在联邦能源机构中任职。柯林斯高阶〔apart〕Place the two posts 6 metres apart.打下这两根桩,间距 6 米。朗文当代〔appearance〕The metal posts spoiled the appearance of the garden.金属柱子破坏了花园的外观。朗文当代〔baluster〕One of the supporting posts of a handrail.扶栏支柱美国传统〔balustrade〕A rail and the row of balusters or posts that support it, as along the front of a gallery.栏杆:横栏和一排栏杆或支撑柱,如沿长廊前部的栏杆美国传统〔bear〕The weight of the roof bears on four posts.屋顶的重量都压在四根柱子上。21世纪英汉〔bed〕The posts should be firmly bedded in concrete.这些柱子必须稳稳地埋插在混凝土中。剑桥高阶〔cantilever〕We cantilevered the veranda to get rid of the posts.为了去掉支柱, 我们把游廊建成了悬臂式。外研社新世纪〔carrick bitt〕Either of the two posts that support the windlass on a ship's deck.起锚机系桩:轮船甲板上支撑起锚机的两个系桩中的一个美国传统〔concretely〕The posts have to be set in concrete.这些柱子必须用混凝土固定。柯林斯高阶〔concrete〕The posts have to be set in concrete.柱子必须用混凝土固定。外研社新世纪〔cordon〕A line of people, military posts, or ships stationed around an area to enclose or guard it.封锁线:驻扎于一个地区周围包围或保卫它的一列人、军事岗位或船只美国传统〔depressing〕I find it depressing that not one of the posts was filled by a woman.这些职位没有一个由女性占据, 这让我很沮丧。外研社新世纪〔drive〕We watched Dad drive the posts into the ground.我们看着爸爸把木桩打入地里。朗文当代〔eat〕Termites have eaten the posts and ruined the fence.白蚁蛀坏木柱,毁了栅栏。英汉大词典〔enclosure〕Within the defining circular enclosure of a henge can be circles of posts.在石阵围成的圆形区域内可以是一圈一圈的柱子。外研社新世纪〔evenly〕The posts were evenly spaced, about 20 metres apart.柱子间距均匀,相隔约为20米远。麦克米伦高阶〔fence〕A structure serving as an enclosure, a barrier, or a boundary, usually made of posts or stakes joined together by boards, wire, or rails.栅栏:通常用木板、线或栏杆将柱子或桩子绑在一起做成的用作围栏、阻碍物或界限的构造物美国传统〔field goal〕Football A score worth three points made on an ordinary down by place-kicking or drop-kicking the ball over the crossbar and between the goal posts.【橄榄球】 三分球:一般落地球所得的三分,这种球通过踢定位球或落地球使球通过决胜柱的横木并且位于球门柱之间而踢出美国传统〔fill〕The remaining 37,000 posts were filled by Africans.剩下的3.7万个职位由非洲人担任。外研社新世纪〔four-poster〕A bed having tall corner posts originally intended to support curtains or a canopy.有四根帷柱的床:有很高的原意为支持床的华盖或顶棚的角柱的床美国传统〔funding〕Half of the research posts depend on outside funding.一半的研究职位依靠外部资金。牛津搭配〔gallows〕A device usually consisting of two upright posts supporting a crossbeam from which a noose is suspended and used for execution by hanging; a gallows tree.绞刑架:一种装置,通常包括支撑一根悬挂绞索的横梁的两根直立柱子,用于执行绞刑;绞刑架美国传统〔gift〕All appointments to military and administrative posts were in the gift of the king.军事和政府职位全由国王任命。朗文当代〔gift〕All such posts are in the gift of the managing director(= only given by the managing director).所有这些岗位都由总经理决定。牛津高阶〔goal post〕One of a pair of posts often joined with a crossbar and set at each end of a playing field to form a goal.球门柱:两根立柱中的一根,常有一横木相连,在球场的每一端都设置一个用来构成球门美国传统〔goalpost〕They seem to move the goal posts every time I meet the conditions which are required.好像每当我达到规定条件时,他们就改变规则。柯林斯高阶〔grub〕For years, Galileo grubbed away in underpaid mathematical teaching posts.伽利略有好些年在收入菲薄的数学教师职位上苦干。英汉大词典〔in sb's gift/in the gift of sb〕Appointments to these posts were in the gift of the monarch.君主可以决定把谁任命到这些职位上。剑桥高阶〔intend〕The posts are intended for students who have recently completed a first degree in biology.这些职位是为那些最近完成了生物学第一学位的学生准备的。麦克米伦高阶〔internal〕The posts have been advertised internally.这些职位的宣传已经深入人心。麦克米伦高阶〔internal〕The new posts were only advertised internally.新职位仅限于内部招聘。牛津高阶〔jamb〕One of a pair of vertical posts or pieces that together form the sides of a door, window frame, or fireplace, for example.侧柱:合在一起组成门、窗框或壁炉等的两侧的一对竖直的柱子或木条中的一个美国传统〔kick〕He kicked away the posts and brought the whole thing down.他把支柱踢掉使整个东西塌了下来。英汉大词典〔ladder-back〕A chair back consisting of two upright posts connected by horizontal slats.梯式靠背:由水平梯极横木相连的两根立柱组成的椅子靠背美国传统〔line〕A couple of the posts were out of line (=not in a straight row) .有几根柱子没有排成一条直线。朗文当代〔manhandle〕She manhandled the posts into place.她费了很大力气把标志杆放到该放的地方。韦氏高阶〔net〕A barrier of meshwork cord or rope strung between two posts to divide a court in half, as in tennis and badminton.球网:连在两个界柱之间平分一个球场的绳索的网状屏障。如乒乓球和网球美国传统〔nogging〕A short horizontal wooden beam used to strengthen upright posts in the framework of a wall.椼:用来加强墙壁结构中立柱强度的水平短梁美国传统〔occupy〕Before becoming prime minister, he had already occupied several cabinet posts.成为首相之前,他曾出任过好几个内阁职位。朗文当代〔order〕The posts and lanterns are themselves in good order.灯柱和信号灯本身工作正常。外研社新世纪〔pair〕He has now held five cabinet posts and remains a safe pair of hands.他现在担任5个内阁职位,仍是一个靠得住的人。柯林斯高阶〔panel〕The space or section in a fence or railing between two posts.栅栏或两个柱子的横木的空间或部分美国传统〔plush〕He holds several plush posts in a row.他一下子兼了几个薪水优厚的职务。英汉大词典〔pop〕I just thought I would have a pop at the posts with the outside of my boot.我只是想我可以试着用靴子外侧踢门柱。外研社新世纪〔poster〕One that posts bills or notices.张贴者:张贴布告或通知的人美国传统〔post〕By 5 am the soldiers were already at their posts.清晨 5 点士兵们已经在哨位上站岗了。朗文当代〔post〕My father has held full-time teaching posts at several universities.我父亲曾在好几所大学担任全职的教学工作。麦克米伦高阶〔post〕She posts regularly to several newsgroups.她经常向几个网络新闻组发帖。韦氏高阶〔post〕She hardly ever posts on Facebook.她几乎从未在脸书上发消息。剑桥高阶〔post〕Sir Peter has held several senior posts in the civil service.彼得爵士在政府行政机构担任过几个高级职务。外研社新世纪〔post〕Teaching posts are advertised in Tuesday's edition of the paper.星期二的报纸上有招聘教师的广告。剑桥高阶〔post〕The Internet newsgroup is very active, with over 50 posts per day.这个互联网新闻组十分活跃,每天有50多条信息。韦氏高阶〔post〕The forum does not allow posts from non-members.该论坛不允许非会员发帖。牛津高阶〔post〕The guards were ordered not to leave their posts.警衞受命不得擅离岗位。牛津高阶〔post〕The gun crew were at their posts.炮手们已就位。牛津搭配〔post〕The sentries had deserted their posts.哨兵擅自离开了岗位。牛津搭配〔post〕They have several vacant posts.他们有几个职位空缺。剑桥高阶〔post〕They were putting posts along the boundary.他们正在分界线树立界桩。英汉大词典〔post〕We will be creating 15 new posts next year.明年我们将增设 15 个新职位。牛津高阶〔post〕You can change your privacy settings so that only certain people can see your posts.你可以修改你的隐私设定,只让某些人看到你的帖子。剑桥高阶〔post〕You have to get eight wooden posts, and drive them into the ground.你得找来八根木桩, 并把它们敲入地里。外研社新世纪〔promotion〕The company rewards outstanding employees with promotions to higher-paid posts.这家公司将出色的员工提升到薪水更高的职位作为奖励。外研社新世纪〔purge〕Many loyal Republican officers were purged and removed from their posts.很多忠诚的共和党官员遭到清洗, 被革了职。外研社新世纪〔queen post〕One of two upright supporting posts set vertically between the rafters and the tie beam at equal distances from the apex of a roof.衍架双柱:两根直立支撑柱之一,从屋顶的最高点垂直等距地设在椽子和系梁之间美国传统〔queen truss〕A building truss using queen posts.双柱桁架:使用桁架柱的建筑物的托架美国传统〔ram〕First, you'll have to ram the posts into the ground.首先,你必须把桩打进地里。朗文当代〔recall〕A signal, such as a bugle call, used to summon troops back to their posts.归队信号:用来将部队召回其职位的信号,如号角声美国传统〔remain〕The soldiers were ordered to remain at their posts.士兵们受命坚守岗位。韦氏高阶〔rewards〕Potentially high financial rewards are attached to senior hospital posts.医院里的高级职位工资可能高。外研社新世纪〔reward〕Potentially high financial rewards are attached to senior hospital posts.当上医院的高级职员就有可能享受丰厚的经济报酬。柯林斯高阶〔rotate〕They will swap posts in a year's time, according to new party rules which rotate the leadership.根据轮流担任领导的新政党章程,他们在一年后会轮换职位。柯林斯高阶〔scour〕He scoured the advertisements for teaching posts.他浏览各种广告寻找教职。外研社新世纪〔senior〕There are only two posts that are senior to mine.只有两个职位比我的高。麦克米伦高阶〔set〕Gates should be hung on sturdy posts set well into the ground.大门应该装在地基牢固的柱子上。朗文当代〔set〕The posts are set firmly in the ground.这些柱子稳稳地立在了地上。韦氏高阶〔short〕The fence posts are all six inches short.栅栏柱都矮6英寸。麦克米伦高阶〔shun〕Most medical graduates shun posts in geriatric medicine.医科大学毕业生大都不肯做老年病方面的工作。英汉大词典〔sinew〕These steel posts form the sinews of the building.这些钢柱构成了该大楼的骨架。剑桥高阶〔sink〕The first stage of building the fence is sinking the posts into the ground.筑栅栏的第一步是把柱子埋进地里。剑桥高阶〔sledgehammer〕A long heavy hammer, often wielded with both hands, used for driving wedges and posts and for other heavy work.长柄大锤:一种长柄的重锤,通常用双手挥动,用于钉楔子、打桩和干其它重活美国传统〔space〕Make sure the posts are spaced evenly apart.确保各哨岗之间距离相等。牛津搭配〔space〕Space the posts about a metre apart.这些杆子之间要间隔一米左右。牛津高阶〔stockade〕A defensive barrier made of strong posts or timbers driven upright side by side into the ground.栅栏:将结实的木桩或木材竖直并排地钉入土地而制成的防御性护栏美国传统〔strain〕These four posts take the strain of the whole structure.这四根柱子承受了整个结构的压力。朗文当代〔stringer〕A horizontal timber used to support upright posts.系梁:用于支撑竖杆的水平方向木材美国传统〔stroke〕He stroked the ball between the posts.他轻轻一触,把球踢进门柱之间。牛津高阶〔strongly〕The fence was very strongly built, with very large posts.围栏用粗大的木桩建成, 非常坚固。外研社新世纪〔strongly〕The fence was very strongly built, with very large posts.围栏用粗大的木桩建成,非常坚固。柯林斯高阶〔support〕Thick wooden posts supported the ceiling.粗木桩支撑着天花板。外研社新世纪〔taper〕The number of applicants for teaching posts has tapered off.申请做教学工作的人数越来越少。牛津高阶〔through〕Barbed wire was strung through the posts around the edge of the field.田边四周的柱子上串上了带刺铁丝。外研社新世纪〔tie〕The horses were tied to the hitching posts.马给拴在拴桩上。21世纪英汉〔touch down〕He touched the ball down under the posts.他持球在对方球门柱下触地得分。韦氏高阶〔transverse〕A transverse bar joins the two posts.一根横杆连接着两根立柱。牛津高阶〔turn over〕The King may turn over some of his official posts to his son.国王可能会把他的某些公职交由儿子担任。柯林斯高阶〔unlike〕If you don't want to see his posts any more, unlike his Facebook page.如果你不再想看到他的发言,就对他的脸书页面取消贊。剑桥高阶〔unsupported〕Removing the posts left part of the roof unsupported.拆掉这几根柱子,部分屋顶就失去了支撑。韦氏高阶〔wastage〕Half of the posts will be lost through natural wastage.有一半的职位通过自然减员将会丢失。牛津高阶〔wide〕They moved the fence posts wider apart.他们将篱笆桩之间的距离拉得更大了些。剑桥高阶Andrew aimed a high drop kick at the goal and slotted it between the posts.安德鲁在球门边瞄准了一个高的抛踢球,将球射在了门柱之间。剑桥国际At present, there are no women in the police force holding posts beyond the rank of (= of a higher rank than) chief superintendent.目前,妇女在警界的官职还没有高于总警长的。剑桥国际In a purge of the army, at least eight colonels and a major have been removed from their posts.在军队的一次清洗中,至少8 个上校和一个少校被撤了职。剑桥国际Many of the senior posts go to host-country nationals.许多高级职位给予东道国的国民。牛津商务Most of the posts would be taken by the short-term unemployed, the group that is actively seeking jobs.大多数工作岗位被短期失业者所获得,他们找工作很积极。剑桥国际She is annoyed by the hypocrisy of some governments which claim to support equal rights but never give women important government posts.她被政府的虚伪激怒了,他们虽然宣称支持男女平等,但从不让妇女在政府中担任要职。剑桥国际The area has large job surpluses, requiring 10 000 people to fill available posts.这个地区有大量过剩的工作岗位,需要 1 万人来填补空缺。牛津商务The company has prepared a checklist on interviewing skills to help their employees interview candidates for new posts.那个公司准备了一张关于面试技巧的清单,帮助他们的雇员面试新职位的候选人。剑桥国际The first stage of building the fence is sinking the posts into the ground.建栅栏的第一步骤是将柱子埋入地里。剑桥国际The interval between the two posts measures thirty meters. 那两根柱间的距离为三十米。译典通The job cuts will be partly offset by 2 000 new posts.2 000 个新职位会弥补裁员后的部分岗位。牛津商务The large beams rest on steel corner posts trimmed with wood to resemble traditional wood piers.大梁放置在钢角柱上,它们用木头装饰模仿传统的木头支柱。剑桥国际The state nominates the top two company posts.公司的两位最高管理者由国家任命。牛津商务The workers embedded the big posts in concrete. 工人们把这些粗梉子埋置在水泥中。译典通There are relatively few salaried posts in the company -- most employees work freelance.这家公司带薪的岗位很少----大多数雇员都是自由职业者。剑桥国际These posts will be filled by election.这些柱杆由于选举将布满张贴。剑桥国际They moved the goal posts wider apart (= so that there was a larger distance between them).他们将球门柱移得距离大一些。剑桥国际Three of the company's directors were stripped of their posts after the scandal.公司的三名董事在那个丑闻之后被解职。牛津商务Today there are thought to be about 100 full-time posts vacant.今天据称大约有100个全日工作岗位空缺。剑桥国际Twenty-one recruitments have been carried out so far this year, of which ten were new posts.到目前为止,今年已经招聘了二十一个应聘者,其中有十人是新职位。牛津商务We will be creating 15 new posts next year.明年我们将增设 15 个新职位。牛津商务Women now occupy 25 per cent of the senior posts in the company.目前,这家公司中女性占据了 25% 的高层职位。牛津商务Wooden posts mark the deep-water/navigable channel into the harbour.木杆标出了进入港口的深水/可通航的航道。剑桥国际




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