

单词 physical
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Arbus〕American photographer best known for her portraits of prostitutes, transvestites, persons with physical deformities, and other unconventional subjects.亚布斯,戴尼:美国摄影师,以其拍摄的人物闻名,包括妓女、易装癖、畸形人和其它非传统主体美国传统〔BODY〕She has suffered terrible physical as well as emotional abuse for over 12 years. 她在肉体上和精神上受到严重折磨达12年以上。朗文写作活用〔Bose-Einstein condensation〕The physical process in which a Bose-Einstein condensate is formed.玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚现象:形成玻色-爱因斯坦浓缩态的物理过程美国传统〔Charles's law〕The physical law that the volume of a fixed mass of gas held at a constant pressure varies directly with the absolute temperature.查理定律:物理定律,在不变压力下,一定质量的气体的体积与绝对温度的变化成正比美国传统〔EVERYONE〕Children follow the same pattern of physical development but each one at a different pace. 小孩子身体发育过程都一样,但是发育速度却各不相同。朗文写作活用〔EXAMINE〕Prior to the study all test subjects were given physical examinations. 研究开始之前,所有实验对象都接受了体检。朗文写作活用〔HEALTHY/UNHEALTHY〕Samuel Roberts was a large man in his fifties who exuded physical wellbeing and self confidence. 塞缪尔·罗伯茨是一个50岁左右的大块头男人,身体健康,充满自信。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Our physical strength declines with age, but not necessarily our intellect. 随着年龄增长,我们的体力会下降,但智力却不一定降低。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕Hikers should know their physical limitations and not take unnecessary risks. 远足者应该知道自己体力上的不足,不要去冒不必要的危险。朗文写作活用〔Samson〕A man of great physical strength.桑松:力大无比的人美国传统〔aberration〕An imperfect image caused by a physical defect in an optical element, as in a lens.色差:由于光学器件(如透镜)的物理缺陷而造成的不完美成像美国传统〔ability〕The quality of being able to do something; the physical, mental, financial, or legal power to perform.能力,资格:做某事的能力;去实施某事的体力、智力、经济或法律的力量美国传统〔ableism〕Discrimination or prejudice against people with disabilities, especially physical disabilities.健全至上:对能力缺失者的歧视或偏见,尤指针对身体残障人士美国传统〔abuse〕Physical abuse and neglect of children is too common.对孩子的暴力虐待和疏于照管太常见了。麦克米伦高阶〔activity〕Muscles contract and relax during physical activity.身体活动时肌肉收缩放松。牛津高阶〔adjunct〕Physical therapy is an important adjunct to drug treatments.理疗是药物治疗的重要辅助。外研社新世纪〔appearance〕There was nothing unusual about/in her physical appearance.她的外表并没有什么特别之处。剑桥高阶〔appearance〕We are often attracted to somebody first by their physical appearance .我们经常首先是被一个人的外貌所吸引。朗文当代〔arrangement〕Even the physical arrangement of the classroom can influence the way children learn.教室的布置甚至也可能影响孩子学习。牛津搭配〔astound〕He used to astound his friends with feats of physical endurance.他惊人的耐力过去常常让朋友们大为吃惊。外研社新世纪〔astral body〕A supersensible body believed by theosophists to coexist with and survive the death of the human physical body.灵魂,魂魄:有神论者相信存在的超感应体,人生时与肉体共存,死时则脱离肉体独立存在美国传统〔audit trail〕The lack of a physical audit trail in electronic commerce increases the possibilities for tax avoidance.电子商务缺少实有的审计线索,这增加了避税的可能性。朗文当代〔barometer〕The skin is an accurate barometer of emotional and physical health.皮肤是准确的晴雨表,可以反映出一个人身心的健康状况。朗文当代〔body〕The physical part of a person.肉体:人的躯体美国传统〔burnout〕Physical or emotional exhaustion, especially as a result of long-term stress or dissipation.耗尽,精疲力尽:体力或感情的枯竭,特别指因长期压抑或放荡而造成的后果美国传统〔cannonade〕A harsh verbal or physical attack.攻击:严厉的言辞或人身攻击美国传统〔capability〕People experience differences in physical and mental capability depending on the time of day.在一天当中的不同时间,人的体力和脑力也会有所差异。柯林斯高阶〔cause〕His symptoms had no apparent physical causes.他的症状没有明显的生理原因。韦氏高阶〔checkup〕A general physical examination.体格检查美国传统〔circuit training〕A method of physical conditioning in which one moves from one exercise to another, usually in a series of different stations or pieces of equipment.循环训练:锻炼身体的方法,其间一个人从一个运动转移到另一个,通常在一系列不同的位置或配备美国传统〔communicator〕An electronic device enabling individuals with physical disabilities to communicate through LED displays, printed or electronic messages, or synthetic speech.发报器:电子仪器,能使有身体障碍的个人透过发光二极管显示器、印刷的或电子的讯息、或综合的谈话来沟通美国传统〔condition〕My physical condition is improving day by day.我的健康状况日渐好转。外研社新世纪〔conservation〕The maintenance of a physical quantity, such as energy or mass, during a physical or chemical change.守恒:在物理或化学变化过程中能量或质量等物理数量的维持原状美国传统〔consider〕We must consider his physical condition.我们必须考虑到他的身体条件。英汉大词典〔constitutional〕Of or relating to one's physical makeup.体质的:(一个人)身体素质的或与之有关的美国传统〔consummation〕For most people, sex is the physical consummation of emotional and spiritual intimacy.对大多数人来说, 性行为是情感与心灵交融的身体结合。外研社新世纪〔contributory〕We now know that repressing anger is a contributory factor in many physical illnesses.现在我们知道压制自己的愤怒是导致许多身体疾病的因素之一。柯林斯高阶〔contributory〕We now know that repressing anger is a contributory factor in many physical illnesses.现在我们知道压抑愤怒是造成诸多生理疾病的一个因素。外研社新世纪〔convention〕Convention dictated that dangerous physical action is the part of heroes, not heroines.惯例要求男主角做危险的身体动作,而不是女主角。牛津搭配〔creature comfort〕Something that contributes to physical comfort.享受物:能促进身体舒适的东西美国传统〔cruelty〕Law The infliction of physical or mental distress, especially when considered a determinant in granting a divorce.【法律】 虐待:对肉体和精神施加的痛苦,尤指在判决离婚中起决定作用的因素时美国传统〔deficit〕A deficiency or impairment in mental or physical functioning.缺陷:身心功能方面的不健全美国传统〔delouse〕To rid (a person or an animal) of lice by physical or chemical means.除虱,灭虱:用物理或化学方法去掉(人或动物身上的)虱子美国传统〔deterioration〕Mental and physical deterioration both occur naturally with age.随着年龄的增长,心智和体力会自然衰退。牛津搭配〔diagenesis〕The process of chemical and physical change in deposited sediment during its conversion to rock.成岩作用:在岩石转化过程中沉积物发生化学和物理变化的过程美国传统〔discontinuous〕Consisting of distinct or unconnected elements, such as the physical features of a landscape.不整合的,不连续的:由不同的或不连贯的成分构成,如风景地表特征美国传统〔doesn't know his own strength〕Working on a farm requires a lot of physical strength.在农场劳动需要很强的体力。韦氏高阶〔donkeywork〕Hard physical labor.苦差事:沉重的力气活儿美国传统〔ecophysiology〕The study of the interrelationship between an organisms's physical functioning and its environment.生态生理学:以有机体的生理功能与其环境之间关系为研究对象的学科美国传统〔effort〕The sheer physical effort of shopping is a burden to most of us.单单购物所耗费的体力对我们大多数人来说就是个负担。麦克米伦高阶〔effort〕These nouns refer to the expenditure of physical or mental energy to accomplish something.这些名词表示为完成某事而耗费体力或精力。美国传统〔electricity〕The physical science of such phenomena.电学:研究电的现象的物理科学美国传统〔endurance〕The astronauts will undergo a series of trials to test their physical and mental endurance in space.宇航员将接受一系列试验以测试他们在太空中的生理和心理承受力。牛津搭配〔erupt〕Violent rows erupted into physical violence.激烈的争吵突然演变成了肢体暴力。外研社新世纪〔exact〕The sheer physical effort had exacted a heavy price.纯粹的体力消耗让身体难以承受。外研社新世纪〔exempt〕She was exempt from physical education requirements because of her health problems.她因健康问题而获准免修体育课。韦氏高阶〔exertion〕Try to avoid physical exertion.尽量避免过度消耗体力。牛津搭配〔extramundane〕Occurring or existing outside of the physical world or universe.超越现世的,物质世界以外的:存在于或出现在物质世界或宇宙外的美国传统〔fabric〕A physical structure; a building.物品结构;建筑物美国传统〔factor〕Physical activity is an important factor in maintaining fitness.进行体育活动是保持身体健康的一个重要因素。外研社新世纪〔factor〕Physical activity is an important factor in maintaining fitness.进行体育活动是保持身体健康的一个重要因素。柯林斯高阶〔fatigue〕Physical or mental weariness resulting from exertion.疲劳:由于费力而引起的身体或精神上的虚弱美国传统〔fatigue〕He's suffering from physical and mental fatigue.他身心交瘁。朗文当代〔feature〕He has the right physical features for the role.他的外形容貌与角色很相称。牛津搭配〔field theory〕An explicit mathematical description of physical phenomena that takes into account the effects of one or more fields.场论:将一个或多个场的影响考虑进去的物理现象的明确数学描述美国传统〔fight〕A physical conflict between two or more individuals.格斗:两人或多个人之间身体上的斗殴美国传统〔fitness〕Regular exercise helps to maintain physical fitness.经常运动有助于保持身体健康。牛津搭配〔flesh and blood〕Human nature or physical existence, together with its weaknesses.人的本性:包括各种弱点的人的本性或物质存在美国传统〔form〕A film gives physical form to a novel's characters.电影将小说中的人物转变为活生生的人。牛津搭配〔fortify〕To impart physical strength or endurance to; invigorate.使体力增加:通过增加营养物恢复体力;使生气勃勃美国传统〔frailty〕Despite increasing physical frailty, he continued to write stories.尽管身体越来越虚弱,他仍然继续写小说。牛津搭配〔frame of reference〕A set of coordinate axes in terms of which position or movement may be specified or with reference to which physical laws may be mathematically stated.参考标架:一系列坐标轴线,依据这些线位置或运动能被标明或物理法则能借此被精确地描述美国传统〔gargantua〕A person of great size or stature and of voracious physical or intellectual appetites.庞然大物:体型大,有巨大的食欲的一个人或雕像美国传统〔hard labor〕Compulsory physical labor coincident with a prison term imposed as punishment for a crime.强迫劳役:强迫的体力劳动。与一个对犯罪进行惩罚的监狱用语一致美国传统〔harden〕To enable to withstand physical or mental hardship.使经得起考验:使能经受住身体的或精神上的困苦美国传统〔hard〕These adjectives are compared as they mean requiring great physical or mental effort to do, achieve, or master.比较而言这些形容词都意为为做某事、得到或掌握某物而付出肉体或精神上的努力。美国传统〔healthy〕These adjectives are compared as they mean being in or indicative of good physical or mental health.这些形容词具有可比性,因为它们都表示处于或表现出良好的生理或心理健康的。美国传统〔hold〕His physical condition has held up well.他的身体保养得非常好。朗文当代〔home〕The physical structure within which one lives, such as a house or an apartment.家室,住所:人居住于内的物质结构,比如一所房子或一间公寓美国传统〔housing〕Poor housing and family stress can affect both physical and mental health.住房条件差、家庭压力大会影响身心两方面的健康。柯林斯高阶〔hydraulics〕The physical science and technology of the static and dynamic behavior of fluids.水力学:研究液体静态和动态行为的一门物理科学和技术美国传统〔hydrography〕The scientific description and analysis of the physical conditions, boundaries, flow, and related characteristics of the earth's surface waters.水文地理学:对地球表面上的水的物理状态、边界、流动及相关特征进行的科学描绘、分析的一种科学美国传统〔impotent〕Lacking physical strength or vigor; weak.无力的;虚弱的:缺乏物质力量或活力的;虚弱的美国传统〔indicative〕Often physical appearance is indicative of how a person feels.一个人的外表常能反映出他的感受。柯林斯高阶〔inheritance〕Physical characteristics are determined by genetic inheritance.身体的特征取决于基因遗传。牛津高阶〔insensitive〕Its physical properties are relatively insensitive to pressure changes.其物理性质对于压力的变化反应比较迟钝。牛津搭配〔interfere with〕The drug might interfere with a child's physical development.这种药物可能会影响儿童的身体发育。韦氏高阶〔irritant〕Causing irritation, especially physical irritation.有刺激性的:导致受刺激的,尤其是身体的刺激美国传统〔isomerism〕The complex of chemical and physical phenomena characteristic of or attributable to isomers.同分异构体:具有同分异构特征的或可归因于同分异构体的化学和物理现象的集合体美国传统〔knowable〕The external physical world around us and all its laws are knowable.我们周围的外部物质世界和它的法则都是可认识的。英汉大词典〔lithostratigraphy〕Stratigraphy based on the physical and petrographic properties of rocks.岩石层位学:以岩石的物理和岩相性质为基础的地层学美国传统〔master〕Chaplin, the grand master of physical comedy 肢体喜剧大师卓别林牛津搭配〔materiality〕Physical substance; matter.实体物质;物质美国传统〔mentalism〕The belief that some mental phenomena cannot be explained by physical laws.心灵主义:认为一些精神现象是不能用物理法则来加以解释的观点美国传统〔mental〕I think it was more a mental than a physical thing.我认为这是一个精神上的东西, 而不是身体上的。外研社新世纪〔mental〕She was suffering from physical and mental exhaus tion.她当时已经是精疲力竭。牛津高阶〔mete sth out〕In the past, schoolteachers regularly meted out physical punishment to their pupils.在过去,教师常常体罚学生。剑桥高阶〔momentum〕Impetus of a physical object in motion.冲力:运动中物体的动力美国传统〔natural science〕A science, such as biology, chemistry, or physics, that deals with the objects, phenomena, or laws of nature and the physical world.自然科学:一门科学,例如生物学、化学或物理学,研究物体,现象或自然界和物质世界的法则美国传统〔oblige〕To constrain by physical, legal, social, or moral means.强制,强迫:通过体力、法律、社会或道义的手法强迫、强制美国传统〔offset〕You may like to introduce some mental exercises as an offset to the physical activities.你或许想要进行一些脑力活动作为对体育活动的调节。外研社新世纪〔opinion〕Even if you have had a regular physical check-up recently, you should still seek a medical opinion.即使近期做过一次常规体检,也应当征求医生的意见。柯林斯高阶〔opinion〕Even if you have had a regular physical check-up recently, you should still seek a medical opinion.即使近期做过常规体检, 你也应当征求医生的意见。外研社新世纪〔optimum〕Aim to do some physical activity three times a week for optimum health.为了达到最佳的健康状况,要力争每周进行3次身体锻炼。柯林斯高阶〔orography〕The study of the physical geography of mountains and mountain ranges.山志学,山岳形态学:一门研究山脉及山山脉地区的自然地理学美国传统〔overcompensation〕Excessive compensation, especially the exertion of effort in excess of that needed to compensate for a physical or psychological characteristic or defect.过度补偿:过多的补偿,尤指为弥补身体或心理的不正常或缺陷而进行的过度努力美国传统〔owe〕He was out of work owing to a physical injury.他因为受伤而失业了。柯林斯高阶〔paddle〕A flattened board used to administer physical punishment.扁板:实行体罚时用的一块扁平的木板美国传统〔patterning〕A method of physical therapy in which a rigid pattern of exercises is imposed to stimulate weak or paralyzed nerves and muscles to act on their own.生理模式疗法:一种生理疗法,用一严格的练习模式来刺激衰弱或麻痹的神经和肌肉以使它们活动美国传统〔peak〕They are trained to a peak of physical fitness.通过训练, 他们的身体达到了最佳状态。外研社新世纪〔physiatrist〕A health care professional who administers physical therapy; a physical therapist.理疗医师:进行理疗的医疗保健专业人员;理疗者美国传统〔physically〕Physical and ideological barriers had come down in Eastern Europe.物质和意识形态上的障碍在东欧已不复存在。柯林斯高阶〔physically〕The attraction between them is physical.他们之间的彼此吸引是肉体上的。柯林斯高阶〔physical〕Children tend to be very physical.孩子们一般都很喜欢摩挲人。麦克米伦高阶〔physical〕Depressed people often complain of physical symptoms such as headaches.精神抑郁者经常抱怨说有头痛等身体方面的症状。麦克米伦高阶〔physical〕Did they have a physical relationship? 他们有没有肉体关系?麦克米伦高阶〔physical〕He tends to avoid all physical contact.他倾向于避免一切身体接触。牛津高阶〔physical〕I'm not a very physical sort of person (= I don't enjoy physical activities).我不是那种喜欢体育活动的人。剑桥高阶〔physical〕The physical attraction between them was immediate.他们之间立刻产生了性的吸引。外研社新世纪〔physical〕The problem is purely physical, not mental.这个问题纯粹是身体方面的,而不是心理上的。牛津搭配〔physical〕Their relationship was purely physical.他们之间纯粹是性关系。韦氏高阶〔physical〕There was no physical evidence of the crime.这次犯罪行为缺少物证。韦氏高阶〔physicochemical〕Relating to physical chemistry.与物理化学有关的美国传统〔pick up〕What matters most is sheer stamina, the physical and mental ability to pick yourself up after the latest setback.最重要的是具备十足的耐力, 是让自己从上一次挫折中振作起来的身体和心理素质。外研社新世纪〔pose〕Physical sports pose a risk of injury.体育运动有受伤的风险。韦氏高阶〔possession〕Physical control of the ball or puck by a player or team.控球:球员或球队对球或曲棍球的身体控制美国传统〔pratfall〕He loves physical comedy, pratfalls, and deadpan deliveries.他爱看肢体喜剧、屁股蹲儿和面无表情的演讲。外研社新世纪〔prepuberty〕The period of life immediately before puberty, often marked by accelerated physical growth.青春期前时期:青春期前不久的一段生活,特征常为快速的身体生长美国传统〔prescribe〕The regulations prescribe that all employees must pass a physical examination.条例规定所有员工必须通过体检。韦氏高阶〔presence〕He had a tremendous physical presence.他有强大的气场。外研社新世纪〔property〕The two plants have similar physical properties.这两种植物的物理特性相似。韦氏高阶〔pulchritude〕Great physical beauty and appeal.体态美:出众的身体美丽和吸引力美国传统〔punishment〕He has discovered the ways to keep up the pace without physical punishment.他已找到了能跟上速度但又不伤害身体的办法。英汉大词典〔push〕She is always pushing her body's limits with new physical challenges.她总是用新的挑战来超越自己身体的极限。韦氏高阶〔quantum〕The smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently, especially a discrete quantity of electromagnetic radiation.量子:物理量中可独立存在的最小的量,尤指电磁辐射中不连续的量美国传统〔real time〕The actual time in which a physical process under computer study or control occurs.实时:在计算机研究或控制下的物理程序发生的实际时间美国传统〔realism〕The modern philosophical doctrine, opposed to idealism, that physical objects exist independently of their being perceived.实在主义:与理想主义相对的一种现代哲学信条,认为外部事物独立于它们的表象而存在的美国传统〔reduce〕He has kept himself fit with physical exercise so though he's reduced in weight he's very strong still.他通过锻炼保持身体健康, 因此即便他体重减轻了, 但依旧很强壮。外研社新世纪〔rejuvenate〕He tried to rejuvenate himself by performing physical exercises each day.他试图每天进行体育锻炼以使自己返老还童。21世纪英汉〔religious〕Yoga is essentially religious and not just physical.从本质上来讲,瑜伽并不仅仅与身体有关,而是具有宗教性质。牛津搭配〔repugnance〕She was trying to overcome her physical repugnance for him.她努力克制对他非常强烈的反感。牛津高阶〔rest mass〕The physical mass of a body when it is regarded as being at rest.静止质量:当物体被认为静止时它的物理质量美国传统〔retarded〕Relatively slow in mental, emotional, or physical development.智力迟钝的,精神发育迟缓的:在精神、感情或体能发展上相对缓慢的美国传统〔scattering〕Physics The dispersal of a beam of particles or of radiation into a range of directions as a result of physical interactions.【物理学】 散射:由于相互的物理作用造成微粒束或辐射在一方向范围内分散开来美国传统〔security guard〕A person hired by a private organization to guard a physical plant and maintain order.保安人员:被私人组织雇佣来保卫工厂和维持秩序的人员美国传统〔senility〕The mental and physical deterioration characteristic of old age.衰老:作为老年特征的智力和身体的恶化美国传统〔separable〕Physical health is not always easily separable from mental health.身体健康并不总是可以和精神健康简单地分开。朗文当代〔separable〕Character is not separable from physical form but is governed by it.性格和外表是分不开的,而且观其形知其性。柯林斯高阶〔shock〕To induce a state of physical shock in (a person).导致休克:在(一个人身上)引起一种身体休克的状态美国传统〔side〕Anxiety has a mental and a physical side.焦虑对精神和身体方面都有影响。柯林斯高阶〔sock〕To deliver a forceful comment, reprimand, or physical blow to someone else.竭尽全力对付某人:给别人以强有力的评论、训斥或身体上的打击美国传统〔space probe〕A spacecraft carrying instruments intended for use in exploration of the physical properties of outer space or celestial bodies other than Earth.太空探测器:携带用于对地球外的太空和其他天体的物理性质进行探测的工具的航天器美国传统〔splayfoot〕A physical deformity characterized by abnormally flat and turned-out feet.八字形,外翻形一种以异常平扁而向外张开为特征的身体的异形美国传统〔stalwart〕Having or marked by imposing physical strength.强壮的或表现为结实的美国传统〔stamina〕Physical or moral strength to resist or withstand illness, fatigue, or hardship; endurance.精力:防止疾病、疲劳或经受磨难的体力或意力;耐力美国传统〔stature〕It's more than his physical stature that makes him remarkable.他引人注目并不仅仅是因为他的身高。外研社新世纪〔strength〕He never ceased to be amazed by her physical strength .他一直对她的体力感到惊诧。朗文当代〔strength〕His superior physical strength won him the title.他凭借超强的体力赢得了冠军。牛津搭配〔stress test〕A graded test to measure an individual's heart rate and oxygen intake while undergoing strenuous physical exercise, as on a treadmill.压力测试:测量人在经历强度大的身体锻炼如踏车时的心率及肺活量的一种有分级的试验美国传统〔stress〕To subject to physical or mental pressure, tension, or strain.加压力于:受到身体或精神压力,重压或紧张的程度美国传统〔strikebreaker〕Many strikebreakers were subjected to verbal and physical attacks.许多破坏罢工的人遭到了口头和人身攻击。剑桥高阶〔stuntwoman〕A woman who substitutes for a performer in scenes requiring physical daring or involving physical risk.特技女演员:在需要胆量或有生命危险的场景中替代演员的女性特技演员美国传统〔subdue〕To quiet or bring under control by physical force or persuasion; make tractable.使顺从,使屈服:用武力或说服来使安静或屈服;使默不作声美国传统〔subhuman〕The subhuman conditions of work soon caused physical deterioration.非人的工作环境不久就导致了身体状况的恶化。柯林斯高阶〔superstructure〕A physical or conceptual structure extended or developed from a basic form.上部结构:从一基本结构延伸出来或发展而来的实际的或概念上的结构美国传统〔syndrome〕Chronic fatigue syndrome is characterized by severe physical and mental fatigue.慢性疲劳综合征的特点是极度的身体和精神疲劳。牛津搭配〔tend〕Physical fitness tends to make people cheerful.健康有助于使人快活。文馨英汉〔test〕A physical or chemical change by which a substance may be detected or its properties ascertained.化验:由一种可被检测到的或其特征能被确定的物质引起的一种物理或化学变化美国传统〔test〕The family doctor ordered numerous, expensive medical tests, which revealed no physical problem.家庭医生安排了名目繁多、收费昂贵的检查,结果没有查出任何健康问题。柯林斯高阶〔thumb〕Lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; clumsy.笨拙的:缺少身体上的协调、技能或风度的;笨拙的美国传统〔torture〕Infliction of severe physical pain as a means of punishment or coercion.拷打;酷刑:作为惩罚或压制手段而施用的肉体上刑罚美国传统〔tough〕An athlete needs to show both physical and mental toughness.运动员不仅要表现出强健的体魄,还要表现出坚强的意志。麦克米伦高阶〔traumatism〕The physical or psychological condition produced by a trauma.创伤病:外伤或创伤产生的身体或心理状况美国传统〔underlie〕Psychological problems very often underlie apparently physical disorders.心理问题常常是明显生理疾病的深层原因。剑桥高阶〔unwholesome〕Injurious to physical, mental, or moral health; unhealthy.不健康的:对身体,粗神或道德的健康有害的;不健康的美国传统〔vice〕A physical defect or weakness.身体上的缺陷或者弱点美国传统〔wearisome〕Causing physical or mental fatigue; tedious or tiresome.乏味的:使体力或智力疲倦的;乏味的或令人厌倦的美国传统〔white heat〕The temperature or physical condition of a white-hot substance.白热:指白热物质的温度或物理状况美国传统〔work〕Slang To inflict severe physical damage on; beat up.【俚语】 痛打:给予严重身体伤害;痛打美国传统〔world soul〕A spiritual principle having the same relation to the physical world as the human soul does to the body; the animating force of the world.世界灵魂,万物之灵:对于物质世界有着同人类灵魂对于肉体一样关系的精神原则;宇宙的生命力量美国传统All the freshmen will undergo a physical examination. 所有新生都将接受体格检查。译典通Every athlete competing in this year's games must undergo a physical examination to verify their gender.每一位参加今年比赛的运动员都必须接受一次性别验证体检。剑桥国际Groups of gymnasts are having their physical training in the gymnasium. 几组体操运动员正在体育馆里进行体育锻炼。译典通He hates physical contact of any sort--he doesn't even like to shake your hand.他讨厌任何形式的身体接触----甚至不愿和你握手。剑桥国际His performance is described in the paper as “a breathtaking display of physical agility”.他的表演被报纸誉为 “人体令人惊讶灵活的展现”。剑桥国际Investors are putting their money into physical assets such as gold and property.投资者正将资金投入黄金和房地产等实物资产。牛津商务Large stature and great physical strength do not guarantee protection from attack.高大身材和强健的体力并不能保证不会受到攻击。剑桥国际Many of the strikebreakers have been subjected to verbal and physical attacks.许多罢工破坏者都已遭到口头和身体攻击。剑桥国际Most athletes are above par in physical conditions. 大多数运动员的体质在一般水平以上。译典通My doctor said the problem was more emotional (= connected with feelings) than physical.我的医生说问题不是出在身体上而是在感情上。剑桥国际Playing basketball is one form of physical exercise. 打篮球是体育活动的一种形式。译典通Psychological problems very often underlie apparently physical disorders.心理问题经常隐藏在明显的身体疾病下。剑桥国际She has a wonderfully athletic (=strong and in good physical condition) body.她的身体非常健壮。剑桥国际She has competed in three beauty pageants (= a competition in which women are judged for their physical attractiveness).她参加过三次选美大赛。剑桥国际The acoustic analysis was based on physical measurement of resonance.声学分析建立在对共振的物理测量的基础上。剑桥国际The company is concerned with the physical and psychological well-being of its employees.这个公司关心其雇员的身心健康。剑桥国际The effects of mental cruelty (=unkind words and behaviour) can be worse than those of physical violence.精神上的折磨可能比肉体上的虐待更厉害。剑桥国际The law of diminishing returns applies to physical products: at some point unit cost increases with volume.收益递减规律适用于有形产品:在某个时刻,单位成本随着产量的增加而增加。牛津商务To be a pilot, one must meet certain physical standards. 要当飞行员必须达到体格上的某些标准。译典通We hold meetings that are part physical and part virtual—20 people are in the room and 40 in their offices.我们的会议部分是现实的,部分是虚拟的 ──20 个人在会议室,40 个人在办公室。牛津商务




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