

单词 phylum
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Na-Dene〕A proposed phylum of North American Indian languages including Athabaskan, Tlingit, and possibly Haida.纳迪尼语:北美印第安语系的一种被提议的语群,包括阿塔帕斯肯语、特林吉特语和可能还有海德语美国传统〔Uto-Aztecan〕A language phylum of North and Central America that includes Ute, Hopi, Nahuatl, and Shoshone.犹他-阿兹特克族:美洲北部分中部的语支,包括犹他语,霍皮语,纳瓦特尔语和肖肖尼语美国传统〔annelid〕Of or belonging to the phylum Annelida.环节动物门的:环节动物门的或属于环节动物门的美国传统〔chaetognath〕Any of various marine worms of the phylum Chaetognatha, which includes the arrow worms.毛颚类海虫:毛颚类动物门的一种海生虫,包括箭虫美国传统〔chaetognath〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the phylum Chaetognatha.毛颚类的:属于、关于或隶属于毛颚类动物门的美国传统〔cnidarian〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the phylum Cnidaria.刺细胞动物门:属于、关于或附属于刺细胞动物门的美国传统〔coelenterate〕Of, relating to, or belonging to the phylum Coelenterata.(属于或有关)腔肠动物门的美国传统〔gastrotrich〕Any of various minute aquatic animals of the phylum Gastrotricha, having a wormlike, ciliated body.腹毛动物:任一种微小的腹毛类水栖动物,身体似虫状,环带纲美国传统〔hemichordate〕Any of various wormlike marine animals of the phylum Hemichordata, having a primitive notochord and gill slits.半索动物:半索动物门中类似蠕虫的海生动物的任何一种,具有原始的脊索和鳃腔外口美国传统〔hemichordate〕Of or belonging to the phylum Hemichordata.半索动物(门)的,属于半索动物(门)的美国传统〔nemertean〕Of or belonging to the phylum Nemertina (or Nemertea).扁形动物门的:扁形动物门的或属于扁形动物门美国传统〔phoronid〕Any of the small, wormlike marine animals of the phylum Phoronida, inhabiting a chitinous tube and having a U-shaped digestive tract.帚虫:帚虫门中的一种小的蚕状海生动物,生长在角质的管内,并有一个U型的消化道美国传统〔phoronid〕Of or belonging to the phylum Phoronida.帚虫的,属于帚虫门的美国传统〔phylum〕Members of the largest and most diverse phylum of animals (Arthropoda), have segmented bodies and an external skeleton.动物界中数量和种类最多的一个门(节肢动物门)的成员躯体分节,有外骨骼。剑桥高阶〔poriferan〕Any of various members of the phylum Porifera constituting the sponges.多孔动物:包括海绵在内的多孔动物门的多种动物之一种美国传统〔rhizopod〕A protozoan of the phylum Rhizopoda, such as an amoeba or a radiolarian, characteristically moving and taking in food by means of pseudopods.根足虫:根足虫亚纲的一种原生动物,例如变形虫或放射虫目的根足虫,以通过伪足方式移动并摄取食物为特征美国传统〔rotifer〕Any of various minute multicellular aquatic organisms of the phylum Rotifera, having at the anterior end a wheellike ring of cilia.轮虫:轮虫门的任一种头部顶端有一圈轮状纤毛的微小多细胞永生生物美国传统〔subphylum〕A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking between a phylum and a class.亚门:介于门与纲之间的生物学分类级别美国传统〔superclass〕A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking below a phylum and above a class.总纲:一种生物分类的类别,包括门以下和纲以上的相关生物有机体美国传统〔taxon〕A taxonomic category or group, such as a phylum, order, family, genus, or species.分类单元:分类学的类项或组,例如门、目、科、属或种美国传统〔water mold〕Any of various parasitic or saprobic fungi of the phylum Oomycota, living chiefly in fresh water or moist soil.水霉:几种卵菌纲的寄生或腐生的真菌之任一种,主要生长于淡水或湿润土壤中美国传统




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