

单词 parity
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Middle class blacks in the US have not yet achieved parity with whites in graduate school entries. 美国中产阶级黑人在研究生院入学方面还未取得与白人同等的机会。朗文写作活用〔EQUAL/NOT EQUAL〕Part-time workers are demanding parity with their full-time colleagues. 兼职工人要求与全职的同事享有同等待遇。朗文写作活用〔balance〕A state of equilibrium or parity characterized by cancellation of all forces by equal opposing forces.平衡:平衡或均等的状态,具有所有力量被相反的力量所抵消的特点美国传统〔parity bit〕A bit added to a binary code that indicates parity and is used to check the integrity of data.奇偶校验位:加在二进制码上的一个标明奇偶性的位,用于检验数据的完整性美国传统〔parity〕A parity bit.奇偶校验位美国传统〔parity〕Firefighters are demanding pay parity with police.消防队员要求收入与警察享有同等的工资待遇。剑桥高阶〔parity〕Italy wanted naval parity with France.意大利想要在海军实力上与法国平起平坐。外研社新世纪〔parity〕Italy wanted naval parity with France.意大利想要在海军实力上与法国平起平坐。柯林斯高阶〔parity〕Prison officers are demanding pay parity with the police force.狱警正要求与警察部队同工同酬。牛津高阶〔parity〕Scottish teachers want parity with those in England.苏格兰教师要求与英格兰教师同等待遇。英汉大词典〔parity〕The government was ready to let the pound sink to parity with the dollar if necessary.政府准备在必要时让英镑降到和美元平价。外研社新世纪〔parity〕The government was ready to let the pound sink to parity with the dollar if necessary.政府准备在必要的时候将英镑降到与美元平价。柯林斯高阶〔parity〕The two countries reached parity in military strength.两国军事力量达到势均力敌的状况。英汉大词典〔parity〕Women have fought for parity with men in the workplace.女性为实现工作中的男女平等而进行了斗争。韦氏高阶〔parity〕Women have yet to achieve wage or occupational parity in many fields.女性在很多领域还没能争取到薪金、职位方面的平等。外研社新世纪〔parity〕Women have yet to achieve wage or occupational parity in many fields.女性在很多领域还没能争取到薪金、职位方面的平等。柯林斯高阶〔parity〕Women should have parity with men.女性应该与男性平等。麦克米伦高阶〔parity〕Women workers are demanding parity with their male colleagues.女职工在要求与男同事享有同等的待遇。朗文当代〔parity〕Women workers at the factory went on strike for parity with men.工厂女工为争取获得和男性平等的待遇而进行罢工。外研社新世纪〔stake〕The minority group has at last achieved parity in the media stakes.少数派在新闻媒介战中终于获得了均势。英汉大词典According to the theory of purchasing power parity, market forces will equalize prices between countries.根据购买力平价理论,市场将使两国间的价格趋于一致。牛津商务Gas was priced at parity with oil.汽油与石油价格相等。牛津商务Part-time workers are demanding pay parity with full-time staff.兼职工人正要求与全职员工同工同酬。牛津商务Purchasing power parity is useful for comparing living standards between countries.购买力平价可用于比较两国间的生活水平。牛津商务The US dollar was convertible to gold at a fixed parity.美元当时可按固定比价兑换为黄金。牛津商务The country is coming closer to economic parity with its neighbours.这个国家在经济上越来越接近其邻国。牛津商务The currency has fixed parity against the euro.这种货币对欧元有固定比价。牛津商务The dollar remained near parity with the euro.美元与欧元几乎维持等价。牛津商务What nurses would like to see is pay parity with fellow nurses in other major European countries.护士们想要看到的是和其他主要欧洲国家的护士同行享有工资上的相等水平。剑桥国际




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