

单词 parish
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔banns〕The banns were published in their local parish church.他们的结婚公告发布在当地教区教堂里。剑桥高阶〔barn dance〕Villagers raised money for the parish through organizing a barn dance.村民通过组织乡村舞会为教区募捐。外研社新世纪〔beadle〕A minor parish official formerly employed in an English church to usher and keep order during services.教区助理人员:昔日被英国教会雇佣来在小教区教堂礼拜时,引人入座、维持秩序的人美国传统〔bless〕The couple later had their marriage blessed in their local parish church.那对夫妇后来到他们当地教区的教堂里求神赐福于他们的婚姻。朗文当代〔blissfully〕Many country parishes were still living in blissful ignorance of the post-war crime wave.庆幸的是,许多乡村教区仍然没有感受到战后的犯罪浪潮。柯林斯高阶〔blissful〕Many country parishes were still living in blissful ignorance of the post-war crime wave.许多乡下教区的人们对战后的犯罪浪潮一无所知, 依然无忧无虑地生活着。外研社新世纪〔churchwarden〕A lay officer in the Anglican Church chosen annually by the vicar or the congregation to handle the secular and legal affairs of the parish.英国国教会教区委员:英国国教的教会执事,每年由教区牧师或教徒推选, 主持教区的非宗教和法律事务美国传统〔curate〕A cleric, especially one who has charge of a parish.教堂牧师:某一教区人员,尤指掌管某一教区的牧师美国传统〔curé〕A parish priest.教区牧师美国传统〔dean〕Roman Catholic Church A priest appointed to oversee a group of parishes within a diocese.【罗马天主教】 地方主教:被任命监督一个教区内的一组堂区的牧师美国传统〔extant〕We have some extant parish records from the 16th century.我们保存了一些16世纪留下来的教区记录。剑桥高阶〔glebe〕A plot of land belonging or yielding profit to an English parish church or an ecclesiastical office.教会属地:属于英国教区教会或某一教职的土地,为其获利润的土地美国传统〔invite〕You are cordially invited to attend the annual parish meeting.诚挚邀请您光临教区年会。牛津搭配〔late〕Billy Hicks, late of this parish 不久前还住在这个教区的比利‧希克斯朗文当代〔moved〕His superiors moved him to another parish.上级把他派往另一个教区。柯林斯高阶〔officiate〕A memorial service was held yesterday at Wadhurst Parish Church. The Rev Michael Inch officiated.昨天,悼念仪式在沃德赫斯特堂区教堂举行,迈克尔·英奇牧师担任主持。柯林斯高阶〔officiate〕Our parish priest officiated at our wedding.教区的神父主持了我们的婚礼。韦氏高阶〔oldie〕This oldie comes from a parish magazine.这个老笑话出自一本教区杂志。外研社新世纪〔ordination〕After his ordination, he will be assigned to a local parish.受命为牧师后,他将被派往地方教区。韦氏高阶〔orthodoxy〕His orthodoxy began to be seriously questioned by his parish priest.教区牧师开始对他信教的虔诚度产生了深深的怀疑。剑桥高阶〔parishioner〕A member of a parish.堂区的居民美国传统〔parish〕Parish priests have referred to it in their sermons.堂区牧师在布道中提到了它。柯林斯高阶〔parish〕A political subdivision of a British county, usually corresponding in boundaries to an original ecclesiastical parish.行政堂区:英国乡镇的一个通常与教会的堂区划界相一致的政治划区美国传统〔parish〕Father Doyle moved to a new parish.多伊尔神父调到了新的教区。朗文当代〔parish〕He is vicar of a large rural parish.他是乡下一个大教区的代牧。牛津高阶〔parish〕He was elected to the parish council.他入选了行政堂区委员会。韦氏高阶〔parish〕The parish has grown significantly in the last three years.教徒数量在过去三年中显著增多。韦氏高阶〔parish〕The parish has welcomed the new vicar with open arms.堂区的全体教徒敞开怀抱欢迎新牧师的到来。外研社新世纪〔parish〕The parish of Strivenden has a population of just 15,000.斯特里文登行政堂区只有15,000人。外研社新世纪〔parish〕The parish will be getting a new priest soon.这个教区将迎来一位新神父。韦氏高阶〔parish〕They'd be better off on the parish, anyway.不管怎么说, 他们靠救济的话境况会好一些。外研社新世纪〔parochial school〕A school supported by a church parish.教会学校:由宗教团体支持的学校美国传统〔parochial〕Of, relating to, supported by, or located in a parish.堂区的,行政堂区的:属于或有关堂区的,住在堂区或受其支持的美国传统〔parson〕An Anglican cleric with full legal control of a parish under ecclesiastical law; a rector.教区牧师:英国英车圣公会牧师,在基督教法律下拥有对一个教区的完全的法律控制权;教区长美国传统〔peculiar〕Chiefly British A church or parish under the jurisdiction of a diocese different from that in which it lies.【多用于英国】 特殊教堂:受不同于其所在教区之管辖的教堂或教区美国传统〔peculiar〕The Inns of Court are not included in any church parish, being extra-parochial peculiars.伦敦四大律师学院不属于任何堂区, 而是独立于堂区以外的特殊教会。外研社新世纪〔pew〕The men who were as willingly pewed in the parish church as their sheep were in night folds.人们自觉地围在教区的教堂内,就像他们的羊群晚间在羊厩里一样。21世纪英汉〔pp.〕Parish priest.牧区司铎美国传统〔precinct〕The event was held in the precincts of the parish church.该行动是在教区教堂周围举行的。牛津搭配〔rectory〕The house in which a parish priest or minister lives.教区长住宅:教区神父或牧师居住的房子美国传统〔rector〕A cleric in charge of a parish in the Protestant Episcopal Church.教区长:在圣公会教派中负责一个教区的神职人员美国传统〔rector〕An Anglican cleric who has charge of a parish and owns the tithes from it.教区首席神父:负责一个教区并掌管区内所收的什一税的英国国教神父美国传统〔reeve〕Any of various minor officers of parishes or other local authorities.地方行政官:教区或其它地区权力机关的一种低级官员美国传统〔run〕The school is jointly run with the local parish.该学校和当地教区共同管理。牛津搭配〔saint〕Every parish was named after a saint.每个教区都以某位圣徒的名字命名。柯林斯高阶〔search〕A search of the parish records provided useful biographical information.通过对教区记录的调查提供了有用的人员背景信息。麦克米伦高阶〔simple〕The parish now celebrates mass in this simple side chapel.如今该教区就在这所简朴的附属小教堂里作弥撒。外研社新世纪〔sinecure〕Archaic An ecclesiastical benefice not attached to the spiritual duties of a parish.【古语】 领干薪的牧师职位:一个与教士的精神职责无关的教会的圣职美国传统〔sometime〕Thomas Atkins, sometime vicar of this parish 本教区先前的牧师托马斯 · 阿特金斯牛津高阶〔too〕Many births and deaths were not recorded in the parish registers of England and Wales. Too, some of the other denominations kept poor records.许多出生及死亡的人在英格兰和威尔士的教区记事录中都无记录。一些其他教派所作的记录也很差劲。英汉大词典〔township〕An ancient administrative division of a large parish in England.镇区:英格兰古代一个大教区的行政分区美国传统〔union〕A combination of parishes for joint administration of relief for the poor in Great Britain.救济贫民的教区联合组织:教区的联合组织,为联合管理对大不列颠贫民的救济而设立美国传统〔vestry〕A business meeting of parishioners in a parish.教区会议:在教区里的教徒们的商业性聚会美国传统〔vestry〕A committee of members elected to administer the temporal affairs of a parish.教区委员会:被选举出的委员会,管理一个教区的世俗事件美国传统〔vicar〕The priest of a parish in the Church of England who receives a stipend or salary but does not receive the tithes of a parish.教区牧师:在英国教堂有薪俸或工资的教区神父,但是没有教区的什一税美国传统〔wake〕A parish festival held annually, often in honor of a patron saint.守护神节日:教区一年一度的节日,常为纪念一个守护神美国传统〔warden〕He was a warden at the local parish church.他是当地教堂的管理员。柯林斯高阶〔worship〕She was a regular worshipper at the parish church.她经常在教区的教堂做礼拜。朗文当代After he retired, he was appointed chairman of the parish council, a post he filled worthily for several years.他退休后被任命为行政堂区委员会的主席,在这个职位上他出色地干了几年。剑桥国际He was buried with much ado (=with a lot of activity) in the graveyard of his local parish church.他被大费周折地埋葬在了当地教区的教堂墓地。剑桥国际The parish has welcomed the new vicar with open arms. 教区居民双手欢迎新来的牧师。译典通The banns were published in their local parish church.他们的结婚预告在当地的教区教堂公布。剑桥国际There's talk of twinning the two parishes (= joining them together in some way).有人讨论把这两个教区结合起来。剑桥国际Traditionally women went back to the church of the parish in which they were born to get married.女人传统上回到出生的那个教区的教堂结婚。剑桥国际We have some extant parish records from the sixteenth century.我们有一些从16世纪保留下来的堂区记录。剑桥国际




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