

单词 obstructed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STOP〕A small aircraft now obstructed the runway. 现在有一架小型飞机挡着跑道。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The driveway was obstructed by piles of stones and gravel. 车道上有一堆堆的碎石瓦砾挡了路。朗文写作活用〔blind side〕The side on which one's vision, especially the peripheral vision, is limited or obstructed.视线受限的一面:尤指末梢视线受限或受限的一侧视线美国传统〔bottleneck〕A narrow or obstructed section, as of a highway or a pipeline.狭口,隘道:如公路或管道上狭窄或有障碍的部分美国传统〔bypass〕A highway that passes around or to one side of an obstructed or congested area.支路,旁道:绕过一段交通阻塞区或交通不畅区的公路美国传统〔bypass〕An alternative passage created surgically to divert the flow of blood or other bodily fluid or circumvent an obstructed or diseased organ.导管:外科手术中用于使血液或其它体液绕过某一阻塞或病变了的器官的替换管美国传统〔choke〕To become blocked up or obstructed.被堵塞或阻碍美国传统〔duct〕The condition is caused by an obstructed tear duct.这种疾病是因泪管阻塞引发的。外研社新世纪〔foul〕To become clogged or obstructed.变得阻塞美国传统〔obstruction〕The condition of being obstructed.受阻:被阻碍的状况美国传统〔obstruct〕A large tree obstructed the road.一棵大树挡住了道路。韦氏高阶〔obstruct〕A piece of food obstructed his airway and caused him to stop breathing.一块食物堵住了气道,导致他停止了呼吸。韦氏高阶〔obstruct〕A shortage of materials obstructed the work of the factory.原料不足影响工厂生产。英汉大词典〔obstruct〕After the earthquake many roads were obstructed by collapsed buildings.地震过后,许多道路都被倒塌的建筑物堵住了。剑桥高阶〔obstruct〕Debris obstructed the road.垃圾堵塞了道路。21世纪英汉〔obstruct〕First check that the accident victim doesn't have an obstructed airway.首先要确保事故受伤者的气道通畅。牛津高阶〔obstruct〕He disliked the project but had not actively obstructed it.他不喜欢这项工程,但并未主动去阻碍它。麦克米伦高阶〔obstruct〕Her view of the stage was obstructed by a pillar.一根柱子挡住了她的视线,她看不见舞台。剑桥高阶〔obstruct〕The column obstructed our view of the stage.柱子挡着,我们看不见舞台。朗文当代〔obstruct〕The crash obstructed the road for several hours.撞车事故使道路堵了几个小时。外研社新世纪〔obstruct〕The crash obstructed the road for several hours.撞车事故把道路阻塞了几个小时。英汉大词典〔obstruct〕The execution of the law was obstructed.执法受到了阻挠。21世纪英汉〔obstruct〕The heavy rain obstructed our view.大雨挡住了我们的视线。21世纪英汉〔obstruct〕The high wall obstructed the view.高墙挡住了视线。英汉大词典〔obstruct〕The pillar obstructed our view of the stag e.柱子挡着,我们看不见舞台。牛津高阶〔obstruct〕Tractors and container lorries have completely obstructed the road.拖拉机和集装箱货车已经将这条路完全堵死了。外研社新世纪〔obstruct〕Tractors and container lorries have completely obstructed the road.拖拉机和集装箱货车已经将这条路完全堵死了。柯林斯高阶〔rattle〕A rattling sound in the throat caused by obstructed breathing, especially near the time of death.呼噜声:由于呼吸受阻而在喉中发出的短促尖利的声音,尤指人临死前发出的声音美国传统〔strangulate〕To be or become strangled, compressed, constricted, or obstructed.绞窄:成为或变得绞窄,被紧缩、压缩或阻断美国传统After the earthquake many roads were obstructed by collapsed buildings.地震后许多道路都被倒塌的大楼堵住了。剑桥国际Her view of the stage was obstructed by a pillar.一根柱子挡住了她的视线,使她看不见舞台。剑桥国际The Minister claimed that the government's plans were being obstructed by Whitehall.大臣声称政府计划正受到了英国文职官员的阻挠。剑桥国际The crash obstructed the road for several hours. 车祸使道路堵塞了好几个小时。译典通Trees obstructed our view of the lake. 树木遮住了我们的视线,使我们看不到湖。译典通




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