

单词 obstacles
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ganesh〕The god of wisdom and the remover of obstacles, son of Shiva and Parvati, depicted as a short fat man with an elephant's head.犍尼萨:智慧之神与横扫障碍者,是湿婆和盘波堤之子,被形容成一个矮胖象头的模样美国传统〔JUMP〕He cleared the first two obstacles, but hit the top of the third. 他干净利落地跃过头两个障碍,但踢到了第三个障碍的顶端。朗文写作活用〔LESS〕When we take away points for hitting obstacles, you get a final score of minus seven. 我们扣去碰到障碍物的分数,你最后的得分是负七分。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The deal should go through, but there are several legal obstacles to overcome first. 这项交易应该能谈妥,但先要解决几个法律问题。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕There are a number of obstacles in the way of a lasting peace settlement. 要达成持久的和平协议,存在一些阻碍。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕She had to overcome a lot of obstacles to finally make it to drama college. 她克服了许多障碍,最后终于考入戏剧学院。朗文写作活用〔bargain〕The two parties have bargained out the remaining obstacles to an agreement.双方经过协商扫除了达成协议的遗留障碍。21世纪英汉〔bootstraps〕Despite many obstacles, she has pulled herself up by her own bootstraps.尽管困难重重,她还是靠自己的力量获得了成功。韦氏高阶〔bumper pool〕A billiard game played on a usually small table with several fixed cushioned obstacles that necessitate the use of bank shots.撞球游戏:通常在小桌面上进行的撞球游戏,桌面上有几个固定的带皮垫障碍,必须使用擦边打法美国传统〔catastrophize〕When it comes to dealing with daily obstacles, people have a tendency toward catastrophizing.在处理日常遇到的困难时,人们往往倾向于把小问题看得过于严重。21世纪英汉〔circumnavigate〕We carried the picture carefully through to the main exhibition, circumnavigating several obstacles en route.我们一路绕过了好几个障碍,小心翼翼地把这幅画运送到主展览会。剑桥高阶〔cross-border〕Currency-conversion costs remain one of the biggest obstacles to cross-border trade.货币兑换成本仍是跨境贸易的最大障碍之一。柯林斯高阶〔cross-border〕Currency-conversion costs remain one of the biggest obstacles to cross-border trade.货币兑换费用仍旧是国际贸易中最大的障碍之一。外研社新世纪〔embarrass〕To hinder with obstacles or difficulties; impede.妨碍,阻碍:以问题或困难妨碍;阻碍美国传统〔erect〕He has had to overcome many obstacles erected by his political enemies.他不得不攻克政敌们筑起的重重障碍。韦氏高阶〔fairway〕A stretch of ground free of obstacles to movement.无障碍的通道美国传统〔fair〕Archaic Free of all obstacles.【古语】 无障碍的美国传统〔figure on〕Jack worked as hard as he could to build his business, but he hadn't figured on so many obstacles.为了创建自己的事业, 杰克不辞劳苦, 然而令他始料未及的是竟遇到了这么多阻碍。外研社新世纪〔figure〕Jack worked as hard as he could to build his business, but he hadn't figured on a few obstacles.杰克竭尽全力发展自己的公司,但有几个障碍是他始料不及的。柯林斯高阶〔flat race〕A horserace run over level ground with no obstacles such as fences or hazards.无障碍赛马:一种没有障碍(如拉架或障碍物等)的平地赛马美国传统〔formidable〕There are formidable obstacles in her path.在她前进的道路上有着难以逾越的障碍。英汉大词典〔formidable〕They had to overcome formidable obstacles.他们得克服重重障碍。牛津高阶〔insuperable〕There were insuperable obstacles , and the plan was abandoned.有无法克服的障碍,所以计划搁浅了。朗文当代〔inviolability〕The game had a single inviolable rule: obstacles were to be overcome, not circumvented.该比赛有一个规则不可违背:必须跳过而不能绕过障碍物。柯林斯高阶〔inviolable〕The game had a single inviolable rule: obstacles were to be overcome, not circumvented.这个游戏只有一条不可违背的规则:障碍只能克服, 不能绕过。外研社新世纪〔jumper〕A saddle horse that has been trained to jump over obstacles.经训练后能跳越障碍的马美国传统〔miniature golf〕A novelty version of golf played with a putter and golf ball on a miniature course and featuring obstacles such as alleys, bridges, and tunnels.小高尔夫球:高尔夫球的一种新奇玩法,使用轻击球杆和高尔夫球沿一条微型路线游戏并经过假想出的障碍,如小巷、桥梁和隧洞美国传统〔momentum〕The conference will develop a momentum that will overcome the obstacles.会议将产生克服障碍的动力。英汉大词典〔navigate〕In the corridors he let her navigate her own way round the trolleys and other obstacles.在通道里,他让她自己小心地绕过小推车和其他障碍物。柯林斯高阶〔obstacle course〕A situation full of obstacles that must be overcome.必须克服所有障碍物的情况美国传统〔obstacle race〕A race in which the participants are required to go through, under, or over a number of obstacles.障碍赛跑:参赛成员被要求通过、钻过或越过多种障碍物的比赛美国传统〔obstacle〕A rabbit can jump obstacles up to three feet high.兔子可以跳过3英尺高的障碍物。外研社新世纪〔obstacle〕All major obstacles to peace have now been removed.所有通往和平的主要障碍都已被清除。麦克米伦高阶〔obstacle〕Bats can sense and identify obstacles in their path.蝙蝠能觉察到并辨别出路上的障碍物。外研社新世纪〔obstacle〕Disabled people succeed in overcoming many obstacles in everyday life.残疾人成功地克服了日常生活中的许多障碍。麦克米伦高阶〔obstacle〕He left her to navigate her own way round the trolleys and other obstacles.他扔下她一个人在一堆手推车和其他障碍物之间绕来绕去。柯林斯高阶〔obstacle〕He overcame the obstacles of poverty and neglect.他克服了贫困和被忽视带来的阻碍。韦氏高阶〔obstacle〕He was determined to overcome all obstacles in his way.他决心克服阻挡他的一切障碍。牛津搭配〔obstacle〕I thought the obstacles placed in my way were too much.我觉得放置在我道路上的障碍太多了。外研社新世纪〔obstacle〕I was putting obstacles in the way of my own recovery.我正给自己的康复之路设置障碍。外研社新世纪〔obstacle〕So far, we have managed to overcome all the obstacles that have been placed in our path.到目前为止,我们已设法克服了我们路上的一切障碍。牛津高阶〔obstacle〕The area was full of streams and bogs and other natural obstacles.此地遍布小溪、泥潭和其他天然障碍。牛津高阶〔obstacle〕The current talks between the two countries have run into obstacles.两国间正在进行的谈判遇到了障碍。英汉大词典〔obstacle〕The police face huge obstacles.警察面临着巨大的阻碍。外研社新世纪〔obstacle〕The tax puts obstacles in the way of companies trying to develop trade overseas.这项税收对欲在海外发展贸易的公司设置了障碍。朗文当代〔obstacle〕There are formidable obstacles on the road to peace.通往和平的道路上存在难以逾越的障碍。朗文当代〔obstacle〕There was a fantastic exhilaration in flying over fences and obstacles on the back of the stallion.骑在马背上飞跃栅栏和障碍能带来一种不可思议的兴奋感。外研社新世纪〔obstacle〕They must overcome a number of obstacles before the restaurant can be opened.他们必须克服一些障碍,饭店才能开业。韦氏高阶〔obstacle〕To succeed, you must learn to overcome obstacles.必须学会克服困难才能成功。柯林斯高阶〔obstacle〕To succeed, you must learn to overcome these obstacles.要想成功, 你必须学会克服这些困难。外研社新世纪〔obstacle〕We want to remove all obstacles to travel between the two countries.我们想要排除在这两个国家之间旅行的所有障碍。朗文当代〔obstacle〕Women still have to overcome many obstacles to gain equality.妇女为了获得平等仍需克服重重障碍。朗文当代〔path〕I don't want to put obstacles in your path.我不想阻碍你的前程。牛津搭配〔perseverance〕Each of these nouns means steadfast singleness of purpose, as in the pursuit of a goal, despite difficulties or obstacles.这些名词都表示当在追求目标过程中遇到了困难或障碍时意向坚定、专一的意思。美国传统〔persevere〕To persist in or remain constant to a purpose, an idea, or a task in the face of obstacles or discouragement.坚持不懈,锲而不舍:在面临阻碍或挫折时,坚持或永久保存一个目标、想法或任务美国传统〔persist〕To hold firmly and steadfastly to a purpose, a state, or an undertaking despite obstacles, warnings, or setbacks.坚持不懈,坚守:不顾任何阻碍、警告或挫折,都坚定不变地坚持一个目的、状况或事业美国传统〔pinball〕A game played on a device in which the player operates a plunger to shoot a ball down or along a slanted surface having obstacles and targets.弹球戏:在一种装置下进行的游戏,在该装置中玩球者操作一个活塞将球击倒至或沿着一个有障碍物或目标物的倾斜表面美国传统〔prevail〕Your inner strength will enable you to prevail over life's obstacles.内心力量将促使你战胜生活中的困难。朗文当代〔privilege〕One of the obstacles to social harmony is privilege.导致社会不和的障碍之一就是特权。英汉大词典〔randomize〕The wheel is designed with obstacles in the ball's path to randomise its movement.设计轮盘时在小球的行进路线上设置了障碍, 以使其运动随机化。外研社新世纪〔randomize〕The wheel is designed with obstacles in the ball's path to randomise its movement.设计轮盘时在小球的行进路线上设置了障碍,以使其运动随机化。柯林斯高阶〔remove〕The bill is intended to remove obstacles that may discourage investors.这项议案旨在清除可能会挫伤投资者积极性的障碍。麦克米伦高阶〔remove〕The new law would remove obstacles to obtaining a work permit.这一新法律将扫清获得工作许可的障碍。韦氏高阶〔shoulder〕To make (one's way) by or as if by shoving obstacles with one's shoulders.用肩部推挤前进:用或好象用肩膀移开障碍物使(某人前进)美国传统〔shoulder〕To make one's way by or as if by shoving obstacles with one's shoulders.用肩部推挤前进:用或好象用肩膀移开障碍物以使某人的道路畅通美国传统〔smooth ... away〕He smoothed away the obstacles on the way to success.他排除了通往成功道路上的各种障碍。21世纪英汉〔steeplechase〕A course of action containing many obstacles.障碍路线:有很多障碍物的行进路线美国传统〔surmount〕John was able to surmount all these obstacles to become an outstanding leader.约翰能够克服所有这些障碍并成为一位出色的领导人。麦克米伦高阶〔thrive〕Creative people are usually very determined and thrive on overcoming obstacles.富有创造力的人一般都意志非常坚定,能不断克服困难,事业蒸蒸日上。柯林斯高阶〔thrive〕Creative people are usually very determined and thrive on overcoming obstacles.有创造力的人通常意志坚定, 能够享受克服障碍的过程。外研社新世纪Eventually they overcame all the obstacles and their firm was very successful.最后他们克服了所有的障碍,公司做得十分成功。剑桥国际I think most of these obstacles can be surmounted. 我认为这些障碍大部分均可克服。译典通In spite of all obstacles and failures, the scientist persevered with his experiments. 尽管阻力重重并屡遭失败这位科学家还是坚持试验。译典通Motocross circuits include natural obstacles such as streams and hills.摩托车越野赛的路线包括溪流和山坡等自然障碍。剑桥国际She has the determination to overcome all the obstacles to success. 她有决心克服通往成功路上的一切障碍。译典通Support from his family and his own survivor instincts have helped him overcome obstacles before.他家人的支持和他自己生存的本能过去曾帮助他克服了种种障碍。剑桥国际The learner of a second language has many obstacles to overcome. 第二语言学习者有许多障碍要克服。译典通The worst obstacles that we had to negotiate were tree trunks that had fallen across the road.我们必须对付但又最难对付的障碍是横卧在路上的树干。剑桥国际They finally bargained out the obstacles to an agreement. 他们透过谈判终于排除了达成协议的障碍。译典通




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