

单词 obsolete
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔OLD-FASHIONED〕a new type of ‘Network Computer’, which could make existing PCs obsolete within five years 一种新的“网络电脑”,它可使现时的个人电脑在五年之内被淘汰朗文写作活用〔burin〕probably from obsolete Italian burino 可能源自 已废意大利语 burino 美国传统〔loris〕possibly from obsolete Dutch loeris [simpleton] 可能源自 已废荷兰语 loeris [笨人] 美国传统〔narghile〕obsolete variant of narguilé narguilé 的已废变体 美国传统〔obsolete〕obsolete concepts 过时的观念麦克米伦高阶〔obsolete〕obsolete mills and factories 被淘汰的磨坊和工厂韦氏高阶〔obsolete〕obsolete technology 过时技术牛津高阶〔obsolete〕obsolete weapons 已被淘汰的武器朗文当代〔obsolete〕an obsolete cell退化的细胞外研社新世纪〔obsolete〕an obsolete design.过时的设计。牛津同义词〔obsolete〕an obsolete locomotive.一个过时的火车机车美国传统〔obsolete〕an obsolete word 不再使用的词语韦氏高阶〔obsolete〕an obsolete word.See Synonyms at old 一个废弃的词 参见 old美国传统〔obsolete〕computer hardware that quickly became obsolete 很快就变得过时的计算机硬件朗文当代〔old〕obsolete methods of research.已过时的研究方法。美国传统〔old〕an obsolete custom; 过时的习惯;美国传统〔render〕barrel-makers whose trade was rendered obsolete by the introduction of stainless steel wine vats.不锈钢葡萄酒桶的出现使木制酒桶制造者没了生意柯林斯高阶〔scamp〕probably from obsolete Dutch schampen [to decamp] 可能源自 已废荷兰语 schampen [偷离营地] 美国传统〔spindrift〕spene variant of obsolete spoon [to run before the wind] spene 废语 spoon的变体 [顺风行驶] 美国传统〔whist〕of obsolete and dialectal whisk 废语和方言 whisk的变化 美国传统obsolete technology 过时的技术牛津商务




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