

单词 obsolescence
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔dead meat〕One that is doomed, as to obsolescence, ruin, or death.死物:天数已尽的东西,如废弃物、遗迹或死亡美国传统〔obsolescence〕Domestic carmakers follow policies of planned style obsolescence.国内汽车制造商采取有计划的式样淘汰的方针。 (指新产品问世时已埋陈旧伏笔,以为日后产品打开销路)英汉大词典〔obsolescence〕Mobile phone technology is developing so quickly that many customers are concerned about obsolescence.手机技术发展得如此迅速,以至于许多顾客担心淘汰的问题。剑桥高阶〔obsolescence〕Once a useful tool, slide rules have fallen into obsolescence.计算尺曾经是有用的工具,现在已经被淘汰了。韦氏高阶〔obsolescence〕The aircraft was nearing obsolescence by early 1942.这种飞机在1942年年初就濒临淘汰了。柯林斯高阶〔obsolescence〕The aircraft was nearing obsolescence by early 1942.那架飞机在1942年初就几乎处于废弃状态了。外研社新世纪Mobile phones are an example not of planned obsolescence (= designed not to last very long) but instant obsolescence.手机不属于计划报废产品(设计成不耐用)而是瞬间报废产品的例子。牛津商务




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