

单词 obsessively
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anally retentive〕Don't you think Adrian's a bit anally retentive? Look how obsessively orderly everything is in his garage.你不觉得阿德里安有点洁癖吗?你看看他车库里的东西全都摆放得那么整齐,太过头了。剑桥高阶〔define〕Collins English Dictionary defines a workaholic as 'a person obsessively addicted to work'.《柯林斯英语词典》给“工作狂”一词下的定义是“一个过分沉溺于工作中的人”。柯林斯高阶〔define〕Collins English Dictionary defines a workaholic as 'a person obsessively addicted to work'.柯林斯英语词典给workaholic(“工作狂”)一词所下的定义是a person obsessively addicted to work(“过度沉迷于工作的人”)。外研社新世纪〔dotty〕Obsessively infatuated or enamored.非常热情或着迷的美国传统〔fond〕Henley proved the most obsessively fond father imaginable.亨利是人们能想象出的最溺爱孩子的那种父亲。外研社新世纪〔happy〕I always tried to strike a happy medium between having a home that looked like a bomb had hit it and becoming obsessively tidy.我一直想找个满意的折中办法,使家里既不会像被炸过那样乱,也不会像有洁癖似的过分齐整。朗文当代〔neurosis〕She's obsessively clean - it's almost become a neurosis with her.她有洁癖——几乎到了神经过敏的程度。剑桥高阶〔night〕He works obsessively from 7.15 am to 9 or 10 at night.他工作极为投入,会从早上七点一刻一直干到晚上九十点。柯林斯高阶〔night〕He works obsessively from 7.15 am to nine or ten at night.他从上午七点一刻到晚上九十点之间一直在着魔似的工作着。外研社新世纪〔obsessively〕Bulimia sufferers may go on strict diets and exercise obsessively.贪食症患者可能会严格控制饮食并且过度运动。外研社新世纪〔obsessively〕He couldn't help worrying obsessively about what would happen.他禁不住时刻担心将会发生的事情。外研社新世纪〔obsessively〕He couldn't help worrying obsessively about what would happen.他禁不住时刻担心将会发生的事情。柯林斯高阶〔obsessively〕She works obsessively, often for weeks at a time.她着魔般地工作,常常一连几个星期不停歇。韦氏高阶〔obsessively〕The Ministry is being obsessively secretive about the issue.该部对这个问题讳莫如深。外研社新世纪〔obsessively〕The Ministry is being obsessively secretive about the issue.该部对这个问题讳莫如深。柯林斯高阶〔obsessive〕He worries obsessively about his appearance.他过度烦恼自己的外表。牛津高阶〔rudely〕He's rude to her friends and obsessively jealous.他对她的朋友很无礼而且嫉妒心重。柯林斯高阶〔rude〕He's rude to her friends and obsessively jealous.他对她的朋友很无礼而且嫉妒心重。外研社新世纪〔tidily〕She's obsessively tidy, always hoovering and polishing.她有洁癖,整天不是用吸尘器吸尘,就是擦来擦去。柯林斯高阶〔tidy〕She's obsessively tidy, always hoovering and polishing.她有洁癖, 整天不是用吸尘器吸尘, 就是擦来擦去。外研社新世纪〔worry at〕He was obsessively worrying at that one little spot on his arm.他执着地抠着胳膊上的小块红斑。外研社新世纪She diets and exercises obsessively.她节食和运动都过分。剑桥国际She's obsessively clean--it's almost become a neurosis with her.她有洁癖,这几乎成了她的神经官能症。剑桥国际




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