

单词 nurses
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔LESS〕a sudden drop in the number of student nurses 见习护士人数的骤减朗文写作活用〔back〕two doctors backed up by a team of nurses 由一组护士辅助的两名医生牛津高阶〔bitterness〕the bitterness among nurses about this pay deal 护士对这一工资协议的不满牛津搭配〔cap〕capped the new women nurses at graduation.在毕业时给新一批女护士颂发护士帽美国传统〔challenge〕the challenges facing nurses in casualty 急诊室护士面临的挑战牛津搭配〔deal〕a better deal for nurses 给护士的更好待遇朗文当代〔drama〕a television drama about nurses 一部关于护士的电视剧麦克米伦高阶〔exam〕an exam for nurses 为护士而设的考试牛津搭配〔hard-working〕hard-working nurses 辛勤的护士牛津高阶〔health〕nurses and other health workers 护士和其他保健人员朗文当代〔hero〕soldiers and nurses who were heroes in an unpopular war.在一场不义战争中英雄式的战士与护士美国传统〔man〕cancer helpline nurses who man a telephone five days a week每周五天接听癌症热线电话的护士们外研社新世纪〔nurse〕student nurses 实习护士牛津高阶〔overworked〕overworked nurses 劳累过度的护士牛津高阶〔pasture〕nurses seeking greener pastures overseas.到国外寻求更好前程的护士们柯林斯高阶〔pasture〕nurses seeking greener pastures overseas出国寻找更好工作的护士外研社新世纪〔periodic〕periodic home visits by nurses 护士的定期上门探访朗文当代〔professional〕nurses and other professional women护士及其他职业女性外研社新世纪〔profession〕the primary reason why nurses leave the profession 护士离开本行的首要原因牛津搭配〔re-entry〕a re-entry programme for nurses(= for nurses returning to work after a long time doing sth else) 让护士重返岗位的方案牛津高阶〔sick〕nurses who care for the sick and dying 照料病人和生命垂危者的护士麦克米伦高阶〔skillful〕the skillful manner in which the doctor and nurses treated the patient 医生和护士在治疗病人时表现出的娴熟技能韦氏高阶〔the public sector〕public sector workers such as nurses or teachers 公营部门的工人,如护士或教师剑桥高阶〔train〕to train nurses at a hospital在医院培训护士21世纪英汉〔woman〕a hospital womaned by intelligent nurses 配备有聪明女护士的医院英汉大词典




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