

单词 no trouble
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAULT〕If you used the same tape later and had no trouble with the picture, the problem is probably in the VCR. 假如后来又使用同一盘录像带而图像没有问题,那么问题可能就出在录像机上。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Once they'd been pointed out for me, I had no trouble identifying the major stars and planets. 对于一些大的恒星和行星,只要有人指给我看过,我就不难找出它们的位置。朗文写作活用〔cast〕He had no trouble casting the film.他没费一点儿力气便为这部电影选好了角色。外研社新世纪〔cast〕He had no trouble casting the movie.他为该部电影挑选演员没费一点力气。柯林斯高阶〔correspond〕If their statements correspond, we'll have no trouble.如果他们的话一致,我们就不会有麻烦。麦克米伦高阶〔credit〕You should have no trouble getting the loan if your credit is good.如果你信誉良好,要取得这笔贷款就没有什么问题了美国传统〔english〕You'd have no trouble understanding his point if he'd written the article in plain English! 他要是把这篇文章用浅显易懂的英语写出来,你就自然明白他的观点了!牛津搭配〔fill〕I have no trouble filling my time.我很会打发时间。朗文当代〔give〕Since we replaced the clutch, the car has given us no trouble at all.自从换了离合器,车子再也没有给我们带来麻烦。麦克米伦高阶〔loyalty〕I trust you will have no trouble remembering where your loyalties lie?我想你一定不难记住自己忠于谁吧?外研社新世纪〔mind〕I wouldn't mind a cup of coffee, if it's no trouble.要是不麻烦的话,我很想来杯咖啡。牛津高阶〔patch〕There's been no trouble on my patch for weeks.在我的管区好几个星期来没有发生什么事端。英汉大词典〔push〕Being sturdy plants, the young peas have no trouble pushing up through the mulch.豌豆的幼苗非常壮实,顺利地穿过覆盖层破土而出。英汉大词典〔ready〕You'll have no trouble getting him into a normal school when you feel he's ready to go.当你觉得他可以应付的时候再把他弄进一所普通学校是不会有问题的。柯林斯高阶〔run〕I'll run you there, it's no trouble.我开车送你到那里,一点儿都不麻烦。麦克米伦高阶〔rustle up〕He has had no trouble rustling up 35 friends and colleagues to invite to his wedding.他很快便邀请到35个朋友和同事参加他的婚礼。柯林斯高阶〔trouble〕He had no trouble finding a new job.找一份新工作对他来说不成问题。韦氏高阶〔trouble〕I don't mind looking after Sam – he's no trouble at all.我不介意照顾萨姆,他很听话。麦克米伦高阶〔trouble〕I don't mind waiting – it's no trouble.我不介意等,不要紧的。麦克米伦高阶〔trouble〕It's no trouble at all for me to get her phone number.我拿到她的电话号码一点儿都不费事。麦克米伦高阶〔trouble〕It's no trouble at all; on the contrary, it will be a great pleasure to help you.根本不费事,恰恰相反,非常荣幸能帮到你。柯林斯高阶〔trouble〕My little grandson is no trouble at all, but his 6-year-old elder sister is rude and selfish.我的小孙子一点都不让人操心,但是他6岁大的姐姐却野蛮而又自私。柯林斯高阶〔trouble〕My little grandson is no trouble at all, but his sister is rude and selfish.我的小孙子一点不要我操心, 但是他的姐姐却粗鲁而自私。外研社新世纪〔trouble〕The kids were no trouble (=used to say you were happy to look after them because they were well-behaved) .孩子们一点儿也没添麻烦。朗文当代〔trouble〕We had no trouble finding the address.我们毫不费事地找到了这个地址。朗文当代〔warrant〕He would have no trouble getting a warrant of fitness for his car.他会顺利地获得一张汽车合格证书。英汉大词典A runner like him can outdistance any European with no trouble.像他这样的赛跑手可以毫不费力地超过任何一名欧洲选手。剑桥国际




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