

单词 ore
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔abstract〕abstract iron from ore 从矿石中提取铁英汉大词典〔analyze〕analyze an ore to see if it contains iron; 分解一粒矿砂确定其是否含铁;美国传统〔argentiferous〕an argentiferous ore 银矿英汉大词典〔auriferous〕auriferous ore (含)金矿(石)英汉大词典〔bank〕the cost of ore on the bank (指刚开采出来时的) 矿沙井口成本英汉大词典〔body〕a body of ore 一堆矿砂英汉大词典〔concentrate〕concentrate an ore 精选矿石英汉大词典〔deposit〕iron ore deposits; rich deposits of oil and natural gas.铁矿层;石油和天然气的富矿层美国传统〔extract〕a method of extracting sulphur from copper ore 从铜矿石中提炼硫磺的方法麦克米伦高阶〔hungry〕hungry ore 低质矿石英汉大词典〔ironing〕the highest grade iron ore deposits in the world.世界上最优质的铁矿层柯林斯高阶〔iron〕iron ore (=rock that contains iron) 铁矿石朗文当代〔iron〕iron ore 铁矿剑桥高阶〔low-grade〕low-grade silver ore 低级银矿文馨英汉〔mess〕a mess of ore 一些矿砂英汉大词典〔mill〕mill ore 碾碎矿石英汉大词典〔ore〕ore smelted with charcoal 用木炭熔炼的矿石牛津搭配〔ore〕a company that mines and smelts iron ore 开采和熔炼铁矿的公司麦克米伦高阶〔ore〕a huge iron ore mine.巨大的铁矿山柯林斯高阶〔ore〕iron ore 铁矿英汉大词典〔ore〕iron ore 铁矿石朗文当代〔ore〕iron ore 铁矿石牛津高阶〔ore〕iron/copper ore 铁/铜矿石剑桥高阶〔ore〕veins of rich ore 富矿脉朗文当代〔payable〕a payable ore deposit 可获利的矿床英汉大词典〔pelletize〕pelletize ore 团矿英汉大词典〔premix〕premix the ore at the shipping point 在发运地把矿石预先混合英汉大词典〔process〕process ore to obtain minerals.加工矿石获取矿物质美国传统〔quick〕a quick vein of ore 富矿脉英汉大词典〔reduce〕reduce an ore by heat 加热冶炼矿石英汉大词典〔seam〕a rich seam of iron ore 富铁矿层韦氏高阶〔sieve〕the fine ore through sieving经筛选的精选矿石21世纪英汉〔sift〕the ore that sifts被筛下的矿石21世纪英汉〔silver〕silver ore 银矿石英汉大词典〔smelt〕the process used for smelting iron ore 熔炼铁矿的工序韦氏高阶〔specimen〕specimens of copper ore 铜矿石标本英汉大词典〔swam〕the ore swimming in gold富含黄金的矿石21世纪英汉〔tailing〕tailings Refuse or dross remaining after ore has been processed. tailings 残渣:矿石被加工后剩下的废物或残渣美国传统〔tap〕tap a rich lode of zinc ore 开发蕴藏丰富的锌矿英汉大词典〔technology〕the technology for the extraction of iron ore 铁矿开采技术牛津搭配〔teem〕teemed the molten ore into a huge mold.将熔化的矿水注入巨大的模子中美国传统〔tenor〕the tenor of ore 矿石品位英汉大词典〔test〕test ore for iron 化验矿石以确定是否含铁英汉大词典〔test〕to test ore for gold化验矿石以确定含金量21世纪英汉〔undercut〕undercut a vein of ore 潜挖矿脉英汉大词典〔wind ... up〕to wind up ore from a mine用绞车从矿井里吊出矿石21世纪英汉




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