

单词 officiating
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Brahman〕A religious formula or prayer and the holy or sacred power in it and in the officiating priest.婆罗门:一种宗教仪式或祈祷及其与执行僧侣所具有神圣的力量美国传统〔Brahmin〕The first of the four Hindu classes, responsible for officiating at religious rites and studying and teaching the Vedas.婆罗门:印度教四个阶级中的最高阶级,负责执掌宗教仪式和学习及教授《吠陀经》美国传统〔altar boy〕An attendant to an officiating cleric in the performance of a liturgical service; an acolyte.祭童,祭台助手:在祭祀仪式中司祭牧师的助手;帮手美国传统〔altar server〕An attendant to an officiating cleric in the performance of a liturgical service; an acolyte.侍僧,祭坛助手:礼拜仪式中主持牧师的助手;侍僧美国传统〔canonicals〕The dress prescribed by canon for officiating clergy.法衣:按教规规定主持宗教仪式的教士所应穿的衣服美国传统〔celebrant〕The priest officiating at the celebration of the Eucharist.主持圣餐庆典的神父美国传统〔response〕Abbr. REcclesiastical Something that is spoken or sung by a congregation or choir in answer to the officiating minister or priest.缩写 R【基督教会】 答复语,答复曲:会众或唱诗班用于答复执事牧师或教士的话语或歌曲美国传统




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