

单词 odor
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HORRIBLE〕Some animals give off an unpleasant odor that deters attackers. 有些动物会发出臭味阻吓进攻者。朗文写作活用〔Limburger〕A soft white cheese with a very strong odor and flavor.林堡干酪:一种软的并有强的气味和芳香的白干酪美国传统〔SMELL〕Each ant's nest has its own odor that ants use to recognize it. 每个蚁穴都有独特的气味,蚂蚁就是通过这种气味来辨认蚁穴的。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕Lingering in the air was the unmistakeable odor of barbecue smoke. 弥漫在空气中的是明显的烧烤的烟味。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕The air freshener is supposed to get rid of unpleasant household odors. 空气清新器应该可以清除家中的异味。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕The man sitting next to me had body odor and bad breath. 坐在我旁边的那个人有体味和口臭。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕The mixture gave off a strong odor of sulfur. 混合物散发出一股强烈的硫磺气味。朗文写作活用〔SMELL〕The powerful smell of cabbage, sardines, and body odor filled the train. 这种强烈的气味—大白菜、沙丁鱼,还有人体的味道,充满了整列火车。朗文写作活用〔banana oil〕A liquid mixture of amyl acetate and usually nitrocellulose, having a bananalike odor and used as a solvent or flavoring agent.香蕉油:由醋酸戊酯和通常为硝化纤维素组成的混合物,有类似香蕉的气味,用作溶剂或调味剂美国传统〔breath〕Exhaled air, as evidenced by vapor, odor, or heat.呼出的空气:如通过水气、味道或热气显示出来的美国传统〔circulate〕Cooking odors can circulate throughout the entire house.做饭的香味可以传到家里的各个角落。柯林斯高阶〔deodorant〕A substance applied to the skin to mask or suppress body odors.除臭剂:用于皮肤上以掩盖或压住体臭的物质美国传统〔deodorant〕A substance released into the air to counteract unwanted odors.空气清香剂:释放到空气中以减弱不希望的气味的物质美国传统〔deodorant〕Capable of masking or neutralizing odors.可除臭的:可以掩臭或中和臭气的美国传统〔deodorize〕To mask or neutralize the odor of.除臭:掩盖或中和…的臭气美国传统〔detect〕She detected the odor of gas in the room.她闻到房里有煤气味。21世纪英汉〔durian〕The fruit of this plant, having a hard, prickly rind and soft pulp with an offensive odor but a pleasant taste.榴莲果:榴莲树的果实,果皮有硬刺,果肉柔软,有刺激性气味,但味道可口美国传统〔essential oil〕A volatile oil, usually having the characteristic odor or flavor of the plant from which it is obtained, used to make perfumes and flavorings.香油精:一种易挥发的油,提取的植物具有特别的香气和香味,通常被用作香料或调味品或调味香料美国传统〔fetid〕Having an offensive odor.发臭的:有一股难闻气味的美国传统〔fishy〕Resembling or suggestive of fish, as in taste or odor.象鱼的:在味道或气味上象鱼的或含有鱼味的美国传统〔fragrance〕The state or quality of having a pleasant odor.香气:有悦人的味道的状态或性质美国传统〔fragrant〕Having a pleasant odor.香的:有令人愉悦的气味的美国传统〔fume〕A strong or acrid odor.浓烈或酸的气味美国传统〔funky〕Having a strong, offensive, unwashed odor.有恶臭的:强烈刺鼻的、不洁的气味美国传统〔gamy〕Having the flavor or odor of game, especially game that is slightly spoiled.有野生味的:有野味气味或味道的,尤指轻微腐坏变质的野味美国传统〔grassy〕Resembling or suggestive of grass, as in color or odor.草的:象草或引起对草的联想的,如在颜色或气味上美国传统〔hircine〕Of or characteristic of a goat, especially in strong odor.山羊的:尤指羊臊味重的美国传统〔incense〕An aromatic substance, such as wood or a gum, that is burned to produce a pleasant odor.香:燃烧时产生好闻气味的芳香物质,如树木或树胶美国传统〔incense〕The smoke or odor produced by the burning of such a substance.香味:由于燃烧这样一种物质而产生的烟或气味美国传统〔inodorous〕Having no odor.没有气味的美国传统〔lemony〕Having the characteristic odor, flavor, or color of lemons.柠檬香的,柠檬味的,柠檬色的:具有柠檬特有的香味、味道或颜色的美国传统〔loud〕Having an offensively strong odor.刺鼻的:有一种难闻的强烈气味的美国传统〔mask〕She tried using perfume to mask the bad odor.她试着用香水遮住难闻的臭味。韦氏高阶〔musky〕Of, relating to, or having the odor of musk.麝香味的:麝香味的、有关麝香味的或有麝香味的美国传统〔musk〕A synthetic chemical resembling natural musk in odor or use.合成麝香:一种类似天然麝香的香味或者用途的人工合成的化学品美国传统〔musk〕An odor similar to musk.一种类似麝香的气味美国传统〔musk〕The odor of musk.麝香的气味美国传统〔musty〕Stale or moldy in odor or taste.发霉的:气味或味道陈腐的或有霉味的美国传统〔nameless〕There was a strange, nameless odor coming from the basement.地下室里散发出一股难以言状的怪味。韦氏高阶〔odoriferous〕Having or giving off an odor.有气味的或散发气味的美国传统〔odorless〕Having no odor.没有气味的美国传统〔odor〕An odor of sadness permeated the gathering.一种弥漫在人群中的悲伤的气息美国传统〔odor〕The cheese has a strong odor.干酪有一股很浓的气味。韦氏高阶〔odor〕This deodorant prevents bad odor from occurring.这种除臭剂能防止臭味散发。韦氏高阶〔offensive〕An offensive odor was coming from the basement.地下室传来一股难闻的气味。韦氏高阶〔onion〕The rounded, edible bulb of this plant, composed of fleshy, tight, concentric leaf bases having a pungent odor and taste.洋葱头:这种植物的鳞茎,由紧密同心圆组成;有刺鼻的气味和味道美国传统〔osmic〕Of or relating to odors or the sense of smell.气味的,嗅觉的:与气味或嗅觉有关的美国传统〔parosmia〕A distortion of the sense of smell, as in smelling odors that are not present.嗅觉倒错,嗅觉异常:一种闻到并不存在的气味的嗅觉异常美国传统〔penetrate〕The foul odor penetrated the entire house.难闻的臭气弥漫于整个房间。21世纪英汉〔penetrating〕The penetrating odor of garlic soon filled the entire apartment.大蒜刺鼻的气味很快就弥散了整个屋子美国传统〔perfume〕A substance that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor, especially a volatile liquid distilled from flowers or prepared synthetically.香水:一种可以散发香味的物质,尤指从花瓣中提取的液体或合成物质美国传统〔perfume〕To impregnate with fragrance; impart a pleasant odor to.熏香:浸透香气;掺入怡人的气味美国传统〔permeate〕The odor of frying onions permeated the air.空气中弥漫着炒洋葱的味道。21世纪英汉〔property〕A unique property of garlic is its strong odor.大蒜独有的特性就是其强烈的气味。韦氏高阶〔putrefy〕To become decayed and have a foul odor.变腐烂:逐渐腐烂并发生恶臭美国传统〔rancid〕Having the disagreeable odor or taste of decomposing oils or fats; rank.腐臭的:具有变质食油或脂肪那种难闻气味或味道的;恶臭难闻的美国传统〔rank〕Strong and offensive in odor or flavor.刺鼻的;难闻的:气味或味道强烈或使人不舒服的美国传统〔recognize〕They recognized the odor at once.他们立刻识别出了那种气味。韦氏高阶〔repel〕Evil odors invariably repel.臭味总是使人不愉快。21世纪英汉〔ripe〕Emitting a foul odor, especially body odor.刺鼻的,难闻的:发出刺鼻难闻的气味的,尤指体臭美国传统〔rotten〕Having a foul odor resulting from or suggestive of decay; putrid.腐臭的:由于腐烂而带有恶臭或发令出人想起腐烂臭味的;有腐臭味的美国传统〔scent〕An odor left by the passing of an animal.嗅迹:动物过后留下的气味美国传统〔smelly〕Having a noticeable, usually unpleasant or offensive odor.有气味的:有一种强烈,通常是令人不快或使人生厌的气味的美国传统〔smell〕I smelled the odor of money.我闻到了一股铜臭气。21世纪英汉〔smell〕The sense by which odors are perceived; the olfactory sense.嗅觉:能闻出气味的感觉;闻气味的感觉美国传统〔spread〕The odor spread throughout the room.这股气味扩散到房间各处。韦氏高阶〔stink bomb〕A small bomb, often in the form of a capsule, that emits a foul odor on detonation.臭弹:一种爆炸后散发恶臭气味的小炸弹,常作胶囊状美国传统〔stink stone〕A variety of limestone that emits a disagreeable odor when struck or rubbed.臭灰岩:一种在打击或摩擦时散发出不好闻气味的石灰岩美国传统〔stinkbug〕Any of numerous hemipterous insects of the family Pentatomidae, having a broad, flattened body and emitting a foul odor.臭蝽:一种蝽科半翅目的昆虫,具有宽而平的身体并散发臭味美国传统〔stinkweed〕Any of various plants that have flowers or foliage with an unpleasant odor.臭味植物:任一种具有难闻气味的花或叶子的植物美国传统〔stinkwood〕Any of several trees having wood with an unpleasant odor.臭树:任一种有难闻气味木质的树美国传统〔stink〕To emit a strong foul odor.发恶臭:散发出一种强烈的臭味美国传统〔suspect〕The room had a suspect odor.房间里有股可疑的臭味。韦氏高阶〔telltale〕The sauce had the telltale odor of garlic.这酱汁明显有大蒜味儿。韦氏高阶〔waft〕Something, such as an odor, that is carried through the air.一股:通过空气传送的东西,如一股气味美国传统〔whiff〕He whiffed a strong odor of perfume.他闻到一股强烈的香水味。韦氏高阶〔wicked〕A wicked odor was coming from the closet.壁橱散发一股恶臭。韦氏高阶〔wind〕Moving air carrying sound, an odor, or a scent.带有声音、气味或香味的风美国传统〔yeasty〕The kitchen had a yeasty odor.厨房里有股发酵的气味儿。韦氏高阶A strange odor assaulted the nostrils. 一种怪味扑鼻而来。译典通He has been in bad odor with her for some time. 一段时间来他在她面前一直声誉不佳。译典通His distrust of cities carries an odor of primitivism. 他对城市的不信任态度带有一种原始主义的色彩。译典通I smelt a terrible odor. 我闻到一股难闻的气味。译典通She is in bad odor. 她名声不好。译典通The odor filled the room. 那气味充满了房间。译典通The kitchen was filled with the warm, fragrant odor of her baking. 厨房里弥漫著热呼呼的烘烤香味。译典通




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