

单词 outer
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕the outer wall of the temple 寺院的外墙朗文写作活用〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕the rocks that make up the outer layers of the Earth's surface 构成地表外层的岩石!朗文写作活用〔alien〕aliens from outer space 外星人牛津高阶〔being〕beings from outer space.来自外太空的生物柯林斯高阶〔casing〕the outer casings of missiles.导弹的外壳柯林斯高阶〔casing〕the outer casings of missiles导弹的外壳外研社新世纪〔civilization〕to bring civilization to the outer reaches of the country 把文明带给国家的边远地区牛津搭配〔coarse〕the coarse outer leaves of the cabbage 卷心菜外层粗糙的叶子麦克米伦高阶〔creature〕a creature from outer space 外空来的怪物英汉大词典〔creature〕creatures from outer space 来自外太空的生物朗文当代〔defend〕the ability to defend against hostile actions in outer space 在外层空间抵御敌对行动的能力英汉大词典〔depth〕the black depths of outer space 漆黑的太空深处韦氏高阶〔emptiness〕the vast emptiness of outer space 浩瀚的外太空韦氏高阶〔explore〕exploring outer space.太空勘探美国传统〔far〕the far reaches of outer space 外太空的遥远区域韦氏高阶〔garment〕outer garments外衣;外套外研社新世纪〔high seas〕treaties governing outer space and the high seas外太空和公海的管理条约外研社新世纪〔historic〕the historic first voyage to outer space. 具有历史意义的首次太空旅行。 美国传统〔immensity〕the immensity of outer space 外太空的浩翰无垠朗文当代〔infinitude〕the infinitude of outer space 外部空间的广阔无垠英汉大词典〔limitless〕limitless authority; the limitless reaches of outer space.无限的权力;对处外层空间的无限追踪美国传统〔limit〕islands on the outer limit of the continent 在大陆外围界限上的岛屿牛津搭配〔outer space〕a satellite in outer space 位于外层空间的卫星韦氏高阶〔outer space〕creatures from outer space (=from another planet) 来自外太空的生物朗文当代〔outer space〕radio waves from outer space 来自外层空间的无线电波牛津高阶〔outer〕outer London 外伦敦剑桥高阶〔outer〕outer clothing.外衣。牛津同义词〔outer〕outer walls 外墙英汉大词典〔outer〕an outer room 外屋英汉大词典〔outer〕the outer islands外岛外研社新世纪〔outer〕the outer lane of the motorway 高速公路的外车道剑桥高阶〔outer〕the outer layers of the skin 皮肤表层牛津高阶〔outer〕the outer limits of the solar system 太阳系的外围边界麦克米伦高阶〔outer〕the outer plastic cover of the flex 皮线的塑料外包皮英汉大词典〔outer〕the outer skin 表皮英汉大词典〔outer〕the outer suburbs 远郊朗文当代〔outer〕the outer suburbs of the city 城市的远郊牛津高阶〔peripherally〕urban development in the outer peripheral areas of large towns.大城市外围地区的城市开发柯林斯高阶〔perpetual〕the perpetual emptiness of outer space外太空恒久不变的空旷虚无外研社新世纪〔pioneer〕rockets that pioneered outer space.开拓外层空间的火箭美国传统〔planet〕the outer planets of our solar system 我们太阳系的带外行星牛津搭配〔profound〕the profound mysteries of outer space 太空的奥秘韦氏高阶〔reaches〕the outer reaches of the solar system.太阳系的外围柯林斯高阶〔reaches〕the outer reaches of the solar system太阳系的外围区域外研社新世纪〔reach〕the outer reaches of space 外层太空牛津高阶〔reach〕the outer reaches of space 宇宙最遥远的地方麦克米伦高阶〔region〕the unknown regions of outer space 外太空的未知区域韦氏高阶〔rice〕brown rice(= without its outer covering removed) 糙米牛津高阶〔shirtsleeve〕shirtsleeves The state of wearing no coat, jacket, or other outer garment over one's shirt: shirtsleeves 只穿衬衫:一种在衬衫外面没有穿上衣,夹克衫和其它外套的穿衣方式:美国传统〔showerproof〕showerproof outer garments 使外衣具有防雨性英汉大词典〔solar system〕the outer reaches of our solar system 我们太阳系的外部边缘麦克米伦高阶〔space〕outer space外层空间外研社新世纪〔space〕the possibility of visitors from outer space 出现外层空间来客的可能性牛津高阶〔space〕visitors from outer space 天外来客麦克米伦高阶〔surface〕the outer surface.表层。牛津同义词〔tough〕the tough outer leaves of the cabbage 洋白菜外面那几层老菜叶朗文当代〔universe〕the outer regions of the known universe 已知宇宙的外部区域牛津搭配〔unmeasurable〕unmeasurable reaches of outer space 太空的漫无边际 英汉大词典〔weaponize〕the plan to weaponize outer space.太空武器化的计划柯林斯高阶〔weaponize〕the plan to weaponize outer space把外太空用作武器库的计划外研社新世纪




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