

单词 outbreak
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Ebola〕the latest Ebola outbreak has caused hundreds of deaths.最近一次埃博拉大爆发已经造成了数百人死亡。剑桥高阶〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕an outbreak of insurrection 起义的爆发朗文写作活用〔atypical〕a serious outbreak of atypical pneumonia非典型性肺炎的严重爆发外研社新世纪〔citywide〕a citywide outbreak of crimes against vehicles 全市范围内车辆犯罪的激增剑桥高阶〔controllable〕factors that make the outbreak of a disease controllable使疾病爆发可以控制的因素外研社新世纪〔disease〕fears of an outbreak of the disease 对该疾病爆发的恐惧牛津搭配〔disorder〕an outbreak of rioting and public disorder 暴乱和公众骚乱的爆发牛津高阶〔dramatics〕another wearisome outbreak of Nancy's dramatics.南希又一次令人厌烦的装腔作势的举动柯林斯高阶〔epidemic〕an outbreak of the disease of epidemic proportions流行病的爆发外研社新世纪〔epidemic〕an epidemic outbreak of influenza.流行性感冒的爆发性蔓延美国传统〔epidemic〕the outbreak of a flu epidemic 流感的爆发牛津高阶〔equine〕an outbreak of equine fever 马瘟的发作麦克米伦高阶〔equine〕an outbreak of equine influenza.马流感爆发柯林斯高阶〔frenzy〕an outbreak of patriotic frenzy 爱国狂热的迸发牛津高阶〔hostility〕at the outbreak of hostilities 战事爆发时英汉大词典〔inherently〕the dangers inherent in an outbreak of war.一旦爆发战争所固有的危险柯林斯高阶〔outbreak〕a cholera outbreak 霍乱爆发韦氏高阶〔outbreak〕a cholera outbreak 霍乱的爆发朗文当代〔outbreak〕a severe outbreak of food poisoning一次严重的食物中毒突发事件外研社新世纪〔outbreak〕a slave outbreak 奴隶暴动英汉大词典〔outbreak〕an outbreak of cholera/food poisoning/rioting/war 霍乱/食物中毒/骚乱/战争的暴发剑桥高阶〔outbreak〕an outbreak of influenza.流感突发美国传统〔outbreak〕an outbreak of jealousy 妒性大发作英汉大词典〔outbreak〕an outbreak of locusts 蝗灾突发英汉大词典〔outbreak〕an outbreak of measles 麻疹暴发英汉大词典〔outbreak〕an outbreak of measles.麻疹突发。牛津同义词〔outbreak〕an outbreak of typhoid 伤寒的爆发牛津高阶〔outbreak〕an outbreak of vandalism.恶意破坏事件的爆发。牛津同义词〔outbreak〕an outbreak of violence/war 暴力事件/战争的突发韦氏高阶〔outbreak〕the outbreak of World War II 第二次世界大战的爆发朗文当代〔outbreak〕the outbreak of war 战争的爆发牛津高阶〔outbreak〕the outbreak of war 战争的爆发麦克米伦高阶〔outbreak〕the outbreak of war in the Middle East.中东战争的爆发柯林斯高阶〔outbreak〕the outbreak of war战争的爆发外研社新世纪〔outbreak〕the events that led to the outbreak of war 导致战争爆发的事件牛津搭配〔plague〕a fresh outbreak of plague.新一轮鼠疫的爆发柯林斯高阶〔plague〕a fresh outbreak of plague新近爆发的鼠疫外研社新世纪〔plague〕an outbreak of plague 鼠疫的爆发牛津高阶〔record〕the most famous and deadly influenza outbreak recorded in history 史上有记载的最广为人知、致死人数最多的流感的爆发牛津搭配〔revolution〕the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789 *1789 年法国大革命的爆发牛津高阶〔salmonella〕an outbreak of salmonella 沙门氏菌病爆发剑桥高阶〔salmonella〕an outbreak of salmonella 沙门菌的爆发牛津高阶〔series〕the series of events that led to the outbreak of war 导致战争爆发的一系列事件朗文当代〔trigger〕the incident which triggered the outbreak of the First World War.导致第一次世界大战爆发的事件柯林斯高阶〔trigger〕the incident which triggered the outbreak of the First World War导致第一次世界大战爆发的事件外研社新世纪〔typhoid〕a sudden outbreak of typhoid 伤寒的突然暴发朗文当代〔violence〕an outbreak of violence 暴动英汉大词典




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