

单词 natalie
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOOD〕She hurried home, conscience-stricken about having left all the dishes for Natalie to do. 她匆匆地赶回家,因为把所有的碗碟都留给纳塔莉洗,她心里感到内疚。朗文写作活用〔SPEAK〕Natalie was born with a slight speech impediment. 纳塔莉先天有轻微的言语障碍。朗文写作活用〔born〕Natalie was born to be a dancer.纳塔利是个天生的舞蹈家。麦克米伦高阶〔detail〕Natalie handled the details of her travel.纳塔莉处理了她旅行中的细节问题。牛津搭配〔fact〕He knew for a fact that Natalie was lying.他肯定纳塔莉在撒谎。剑桥高阶〔greet〕Natalie rushed to open the door and greet the guests.纳塔莉跑去开门,迎接客人。麦克米伦高阶〔hard〕Simon was a much harder nut to crack than Natalie.西蒙比纳塔莉更难说服。外研社新世纪〔irresistible〕Men find Natalie irresistible .男人们觉得无法抗拒纳塔莉的魅力。朗文当代〔kid〕He's just kidding himself if he thinks Natalie is interested in him.如果他认为纳塔利对他感兴趣, 那他纯属骗自己玩。外研社新世纪〔nothingness〕Natalie found him looking into nothingness.纳塔莉发现他目光茫然。朗文当代〔peak〕When I first got to know Natalie, she was at her professional peak.我刚认识纳塔莉的时候, 她正处于事业的巅峰。外研社新世纪〔reason〕Natalie was alarmed by the news, and with reason.纳塔莉听到消息很惊慌,这是合乎情理的。朗文当代〔shock〕Natalie was used to working with patients in shock.纳塔利已经适应了照料休克病人的工作。麦克米伦高阶〔star〕Natalie is, without a doubt, the star student in this year's ballet class.毫无疑问,纳塔莉是今年芭蕾班中最出色的学员。剑桥高阶〔than〕Natalie was prettier than her sister.纳塔莉比她姐姐漂亮。朗文当代〔unreal〕Natalie had unreal expectations about marriage.娜塔莉对婚姻有着不切实际的期待。外研社新世纪Natalie is, without a doubt, the star (= very best) student in this year's ballet class.纳塔莉,毫无疑问,是今年芭蕾班中最优秀的学生。剑桥国际




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