

单词 notion
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IDEA〕Humans still hold on to the absurd notion that we are the only intelligent beings in the Universe. 人类至今还死抱住那个荒唐的观念不放,即我们是宇宙中唯一有智慧的生物。朗文写作活用〔IDEA〕Many widely-held notions about crime have come from the cinema, magazines, or novels. 许多对于犯罪的普遍看法源自电影、杂志或小说。朗文写作活用〔IDEA〕Modern society does not always correspond to classical notions of democracy. 现代社会并不始终与传统的民主观念相一致。朗文写作活用〔PROVE〕The notion that women are worse drivers than men is simply not supported by the facts. 女性的驾驶水平低于男性的说法完全没有事实依据。朗文写作活用〔REJECT〕Feminists rejected traditional notions of the role of women in society. 女权主义者拒绝接受传统的女性社会角色的观念。朗文写作活用〔Thanatos〕Death as a personification or as a philosophical notion.自然毁灭:作为典型或哲学意义上的死亡美国传统〔abstract〕They are not interested in abstract notions like ‘equality' or ‘freedom'.他们对诸如“平等”或“自由”等抽象概念不感兴趣。麦克米伦高阶〔aesthetic〕Informal Conforming to accepted notions of good taste.【非正式用语】 审美情趣的:与普遍接受的良好品味相一致的美国传统〔antique〕Their notions of honour seem antique to us.他们的荣誉观在我们看来已经过时了。外研社新世纪〔applicable〕Western notions of human rights are not necessarily applicable in other societies.西方的人权观念不一定在其他国家也行得通。麦克米伦高阶〔askance〕They have always looked askance at the western notion of democracy.他们一直都怀疑西方的民主观。柯林斯高阶〔bee〕An impulsive, often eccentric turn of mind; a notion.一时冲动的,通常奇怪的想法;想法美国传统〔buy into〕The book teaches kids not to buy into the notion that money brings happiness.这本书教导孩子们不要相信金钱可以带来幸福这一观念。韦氏高阶〔caprice〕These nouns are compared as they denote an impulsive or unexpected notion.这些名词被放在一起进行比较是因为它们都表示一个出于冲动的或未被料及的想法。美国传统〔commerce〕The notion of the web being a free commerce of opinion should be taken with a sizeable pinch of salt.对于“网络是观念自由交流之处”这一观念, 应当大大表示怀疑。外研社新世纪〔connotation〕The notion of abuse has wider connotations than the physical.虐待这一概念的内涵不单指身体上的虐待。牛津搭配〔consciousness〕Individual freedom is a powerful notion in the European popular consciousness.个体自由是欧洲大众意识中的一个很有影响力的观念。麦克米伦高阶〔constrict〕He felt constricted by their notions of what was proper.他感觉自己被他们的是非观所约束。韦氏高阶〔core〕The notion that blacks comprise a problem is at the core of racist reasoning.黑人总爱惹事这一观念是种族主义论断的核心。柯林斯高阶〔countenance〕No countenance was given to this notion.这个观念没有得到任何支持。外研社新世纪〔credence〕Good studies are needed to lend credence to the notion that genuine progress can be made in this important field.需要进行认真的研究,以让人们相信在这一重要领域可以取得真正的进展。柯林斯高阶〔crotchet〕An odd, whimsical, or stubborn notion.怪念头:奇怪的、奇异的或顽固的想法美国传统〔curmudgeon〕An ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions.脾气坏的人:满怀怨恨和观念顽固的坏脾气人美国传统〔cyberize〕These days, even hotels are flogging the notion that anything is better if you cyberize it.眼下,就连各旅馆也在大力宣传这样的观念:任何东西一经网络化将更具优势。21世纪英汉〔debunk〕The article debunks the notion that life exists on Mars.文章批驳了火星上存在生命的说法。韦氏高阶〔demote〕The department-store executive has been demoted to selling notions in the basement.百货公司的经理已被降职到地下室里去卖小百货。英汉大词典〔dippy〕He has a dippy notion that the moon is inhabited.他有个古怪想法,认为月亮上有人居住。英汉大词典〔disabuse〕Anyone expecting a romantic story will be quickly disabused of that notion by the opening chapter.那些原以为是一个浪漫爱情故事的读者在读了开头一章以后,很快就打消了这个想法。韦氏高阶〔disabuse〕I tried to disabuse him of that notion.我曾设法使他改变那种观念。朗文当代〔disabuse〕Their view of country people was that they like to please strangers. I did not disabuse them of this notion.他们认为乡下人爱讨好陌生人, 对此观点我并未予以纠正。外研社新世纪〔disabuse〕Their view of country people was that they like to please strangers. I did not disabuse them of this notion.他们认为乡下人爱讨好陌生人,对此观点我并未予以纠正。柯林斯高阶〔disapproval〕She was stiff with disapproval at the notion.她坚持反对这个念头。牛津搭配〔dispel〕The President is attempting to dispel the notion that he has neglected the economy.有人认为总统忽视了经济,总统正试图消除这种看法。柯林斯高阶〔disprove〕They attempted to disprove the notion that education was damaging to women's health.他们试图反驳教育对女性健康有害这种观念。外研社新世纪〔drub〕The teacher drubbed those silly notions out of the student's head.老师反反复复地讲得学生打消了愚蠢想法。21世纪英汉〔egalitarian〕I still believe in the notion of an egalitarian society.我仍然信仰构建人人平等的社会的理念。外研社新世纪〔egalitarian〕I still believe in the notion of an egalitarian society.我仍然相信构建人人平等的社会的理念。柯林斯高阶〔elementary〕He is lacking even the most elementary notions of fairness.他甚至缺乏最基本的公平概念。韦氏高阶〔enter〕Why such a bizarre notion should have entered her head I cannot imagine.我无法想象为什么她会有这么奇怪的念头。麦克米伦高阶〔erroneously〕Some people have the erroneous notion that one can contract AIDS by giving blood.一些人错误地认为献血会让人感染艾滋病。柯林斯高阶〔espouse〕They espoused the notion of equal opportunity for all in education.他们赞同在教育方面人人机会均等的观念。牛津高阶〔explicate〕It's essentially a simple notion, but explicating it is difficult.这基本上是一个简单的概念,但要作详细解释还是很难。朗文当代〔fallacy〕A false notion.假象美国传统〔fanciful〕He has some fanciful notion about converting one room of his apartment into a gallery.他幻想把他公寓的一间房间改成画廊。剑桥高阶〔fanciful〕She had a fanciful notion that germs were waiting to pounce on her.她产生一个离奇的念头, 觉得细菌正在伺机向她扑过来。外研社新世纪〔fancy〕The notion had merely been a passing fancy.这个想法只是一闪念罢了。外研社新世纪〔fart〕I don't give a fart for that notion.那主意我压根儿不想听。英汉大词典〔fatuous〕The fatuous notions of the world are pernicious.对世界的虚幻看法是有害的。英汉大词典〔foggiest〕I haven't the foggiest notion what she might like.我对她可能喜欢什么一点儿概念也没有。外研社新世纪〔foreign〕In some versions of free-market economics, the notion of public service is quite foreign.在自由市场经济学的某些观点中,公共服务这个概念相当陌生。麦克米伦高阶〔foreign〕The very notion of price competition is foreign to many schools.价格竞争这个概念对于许多学校都很陌生。柯林斯高阶〔formula〕An utterance of conventional notions or beliefs; a hackneyed expression.客套话:常用信条的陈述或信仰的自白;陈腐的语句美国传统〔generalize〕To form general notions or conclusions.形成一般的概念或结论美国传统〔give someone an idea/impression (etc.)〕I don't know what gave her the notion that she could treat people that way.我不知道是什么让她觉得她可以那样对待别人。韦氏高阶〔give the lie to〕Her success has given the lie to the notion that women cannot compete with men.她的成就证明了女人比不过男人的观点是站不住脚的。韦氏高阶〔haberdasher〕Chiefly British A dealer in sewing notions and small wares.【多用于英国】 零星服饰用品商:做缝纫小物件和小商品生意的商人美国传统〔half-baked〕I didn't want to make things worse by coming up with half-baked notions.我不想提出一些不成熟的见解而把事情搞得更糟。外研社新世纪〔half-baked〕I didn't want to make things worse by coming up with half-baked notions.我可不想一拍脑门想出些馊主意而把事情搞得更糟。柯林斯高阶〔hand-me-down〕He has some old-fashioned, hand-me-down notions about the role of women.关于女人的角色,他的观念过时陈旧。韦氏高阶〔hang〕The notion hung in his mind for days.几天来他老是转着这个念头。英汉大词典〔have/take a notion to do sth〕I had a notion to write them a letter.我突发奇想,打算给他们写封信。剑桥高阶〔head〕He has some queer notions in his head.他脑子里有些怪念头。英汉大词典〔head〕Their relationship turned the standard notion of marriage on its head.他们的关系完全颠覆了传统的婚姻观念。柯林斯高阶〔head〕Their relationship turned the standard notion of marriage on its head.他们的恋情使得人们从一个全新的角度看待婚姻。外研社新世纪〔heresy〕It might be considered heresy to suggest such a notion.提出这样一个观点可能会被视为异端邪说。柯林斯高阶〔heresy〕It might be considered heresy to suggest such a notion.提出这样的看法会被视为是信奉异端邪说。外研社新世纪〔heroine〕I suppose I had some high-flown notion of playing the heroine and saving people.我想我有过扮演女英雄拯救人类那种不切实际的想法。外研社新世纪〔hierarchy〕The notion of 'cultural imperialism' implies a hierarchy of cultures, some of which are stronger than others.“文化帝国主义”意味着一种文化等级体系的存在, 其中有些文化要比其他文化更强大。外研社新世纪〔implicit〕Implicit in the notion of a game is the idea of taking a risk.游戏的概念中包含了冒险的思想。麦克米伦高阶〔inhabit〕Wild notions inhabit his mind.他的脑子里有些怪念头。21世纪英汉〔inkling〕A slight understanding or vague idea or notion.略知,模糊概念:浅显的理解、模糊的印象或概念美国传统〔inscribe〕These notions were deeply inscribed in American law.这些理念深深地根植于美国法律之中。牛津搭配〔intransigent〕The company is intransigent and rejects any notion of a settlement.该公司很顽固,拒绝考虑任何解决方案。麦克米伦高阶〔least〕You don't have the least notion of how I'm feeling at the moment.你一点儿也不明白我此刻的感受。麦克米伦高阶〔lie〕These figures give the lie to the notion that people are spending less.这些数据表明认为人们现在消费减少的观点并不属实。麦克米伦高阶〔loom〕The government is playing down the notion that a crisis is looming.政府轻描淡写地对待有危机逼近的说法。麦克米伦高阶〔lunge for〕A crazy notion to lunge for the gun seized me but it was a confused idea.我的脑海里一时出现了一个疯狂的想法——冲上去把枪抢过来, 但是我当时脑子很混乱。外研社新世纪〔misguided〕He was thoroughly misguided in his notions about language teaching.他在语言教学方面的看法是完全错误的。英汉大词典〔nebulous〕The notions we children were able to form of the great world beyond were exceedingly nebulous.我们这些孩子所能形成的对外部世界的认识是非常模糊的。柯林斯高阶〔nebulous〕The notions we children were able to form of the great world beyond were nebulous.我们孩提时对外面大千世界所能形成的概念是一片模糊的。外研社新世纪〔notion〕A: What do you think happened then? B: I haven't the faintest notion.甲:据你看后来又发生了什么? 乙:我一点儿都想不出来。英汉大词典〔notion〕Employment decisions shouldn't be based on misconceived notions about age.聘用决定不应该基于对年龄的错误观念之上。麦克米伦高阶〔notion〕He considered starting the engine to warm the car but discarded the notion.他想启动发动机使汽车里暖和一些,可又放弃了这个念头。英汉大词典〔notion〕He had no notion of running the risk.他不想冒这个险。英汉大词典〔notion〕He had only the vaguest notion of what it was all about.对于这到底是什么的问题, 他只有个最模糊的概念。外研社新世纪〔notion〕He has a very vague notion of who his customers are.他对哪些人是他的客户只有一个非常模糊的概念。牛津搭配〔notion〕He has some pretty strange notions.他有些很奇怪的想法。韦氏高阶〔notion〕He has strange notions about religion.关于宗教他有希奇的想法。牛津同义词〔notion〕He seems to have taken a notion to becoming a journalist.他似乎有想成为一名记者的念头。外研社新世纪〔notion〕Her notion of rural life is a lot of sunshine and fun.她心目中的农村生活是一片阳光和欢乐。英汉大词典〔notion〕I had a notion that you were on holiday.我想,你在休假。牛津同义词〔notion〕I have a notion that he's not as happy as he seems.我有种感觉, 他并不像他看起来那么高兴。外研社新世纪〔notion〕I have no notion (of) what they're driving at.我不明白他们到底想干什么。英汉大词典〔notion〕I have only a vague notion of what she does for a living.我不太清楚她靠什么谋生。剑桥高阶〔notion〕I have to reject the notion that greed can be a goo d thing.我不能接受那种认为贪欲也可以是件好事的想法。牛津高阶〔notion〕I haven't the faintest notion what you're talking about.我完全不明白你在说什么。麦克米伦高阶〔notion〕I haven't the foggiest notion of how to get there.我压根儿就不知道怎样去那儿。牛津搭配〔notion〕I reject absolutely the notion that privatisation of our industry is now inevitable.我绝对不能接受我们这一产业的私有化目前已成必然的看法。柯林斯高阶〔notion〕I reject absolutely the notion that privatization of our industry is now inevitable.我坚决反对认为我们的工业私有化不可避免的看法。外研社新世纪〔notion〕I subscribe to the notion that life is a struggle.我赞成生活就是斗争的说法。英汉大词典〔notion〕I'd had a few notions about being a journalist.我以前曾有过想当记者的念头。柯林斯高阶〔notion〕I've a notion to go and find him.我打算去找到他。英汉大词典〔notion〕I've a notion to spend the day at the beach.我忽然想去海滩上过一天。麦克米伦高阶〔notion〕One common Chinese notion is that the elders ought to be respected.中国人共有的一种观念是长者应受到尊敬。英汉大词典〔notion〕She got the notion into her head that she would bicycle around the world.她头脑中有骑自行车环游世界的打算。外研社新世纪〔notion〕She had a notion to try skydiving.她突然想去尝试特技跳伞。韦氏高阶〔notion〕She had a vague notion about what happened.她对于已发生的事有一个模糊的概念。韦氏高阶〔notion〕She had no notion what he meant.她根本不明白他是什么意思。朗文当代〔notion〕She had only a vague notion of what might happen.对于可能发生的事她只有一个模糊的概念。牛津高阶〔notion〕She had only a vague notion of what she wanted to do.她对自己想做什么只有一个模糊的概念。朗文当代〔notion〕The notion that the earth is flat was rejected long ago.对地球是扁平的这一观念很早便予以驳斥了。外研社新世纪〔notion〕The show's director rejects the notion that seeing violence on television has a harmful effect on children.节目制片人们并不认为看到电视上的暴力场景会对孩子们造成不良影响。剑桥高阶〔notion〕The study disproves any notion that dolphins are not intelligent.这项研究证明任何关于海豚不聪明的观点都是错的。韦氏高阶〔notion〕The traditional notion of marriage goes back thousands of years.传统的婚姻观念可追溯到几千年以前。朗文当代〔notion〕There seems to be a general notion that nothing can be done about the problem.人们似乎普遍认为这个问题没法解决。牛津搭配〔notion〕They have come to reject the traditional notion of womanhood.他们已经到了反对有关妇女的传统观念的地步。牛津搭配〔notion〕They refused to entertain the notion.他们拒绝接受这一主张。牛津搭配〔notion〕They reject the notion of group guilt.他们不接受团伙犯罪的概念。朗文当代〔notion〕We each have a notion of just what kind of person we'd like to be.关于想成为什么样的人, 我们每个人都有自己的想法。外研社新世纪〔notion〕We each have a notion of just what kind of person we'd like to be.我们每人都有一个自己想成为什么样的人的想法。柯林斯高阶〔notion〕We must dispel this notion that you can rely on the state for everything.我们必须打消一切都要靠国家的念头。牛津搭配〔notion〕When my wife was pregnant, she had a notion for coal.我妻子怀孕时竟然想吃煤。英汉大词典〔notion〕Why should you take up the notion that you are going to die? 你为什么会有这种怪念头,想到你要死了呢?英汉大词典〔one-man band〕Pointing to the calibre of the board, he dismisses the notion that he is a one-man band.他强调委员会的能力, 不接受他单枪匹马、肩挑多责的说法。外研社新世纪〔pipe dream〕A fantastic notion or vain hope.白日梦,幻想,空想美国传统〔popularize〕Scientific notions soon become inaccurate when they are popularized.科学概念在得到普及时很快就变得不准确了。外研社新世纪〔preconceived〕Before I started the job, I had no preconceived notions of what it would be like.开始做这工作之前,我并未预想过它的实际情况。牛津高阶〔preconceived〕We all start with preconceived notions of what we want from life.我们开始时都对自己想从生活中得到什么存有一些早已形成的想法。外研社新世纪〔preconceived〕We all start with preconceived notions of what we want from life.我们开始时都对自己想从生活中得到什么抱有一些预想。柯林斯高阶〔preconceived〕You must judge each film on its own merits, without any preconceived notions about what it's like.你必须根据每部电影各自的优劣来作出判断,不应该先入为主,存有成见。剑桥高阶〔prepossess〕He was prepossessed with the notion of his own superiority.他满脑子的先入之见就是自己高人一等。英汉大词典〔prepossess〕She was prepossessed with the notion of her own superiority.她满脑子充满着优越感。21世纪英汉〔privately〕The notion was discussed privately between the two men at lunch.两人在吃午饭时私下讨论了这个想法。外研社新世纪〔progress〕People are beginning to question the notion of progress.人们开始质疑进步这一概念。外研社新世纪〔psychedelia〕I am unfriendly to the whole idea of psychedelia and the very notion of a chemical paradise seems absurd.我对同迷幻世界有关的一切都反感,这种用化学药物来创造天堂的想法本身就显得荒诞不经。英汉大词典〔refute〕He refutes the notion that he's planning to retire soon.他否认了正打算退休的说法。韦氏高阶〔restraint〕They balked at the notion of prior restraints on research.一想到对调查的先行制止他们就畏缩了。牛津搭配〔romantically〕I don't have any romantic notions about having a baby. It's a really tough job.我对生孩子并没有抱任何幻想。这的确是件很不容易的事情。柯林斯高阶〔romanticize〕He has romanticized notions of army life.他对军旅生活的认识非常理想化。韦氏高阶〔romantic〕He has some romantic notions about life on a farm.他对田园生活有一些不切实际的想法。韦氏高阶〔romantic〕I don't have any romantic notions about having a baby. It's a really tough job.我对要孩子不抱任何美好幻想。这可不是个轻松活儿。外研社新世纪〔scoff〕At first I scoffed at the notion.刚开始我对那种想法嗤之以鼻。外研社新世纪〔scoff〕At first I scoffed at the notion.刚开始我对那种想法嗤之以鼻。柯林斯高阶〔self-deceiving〕Given to or believing or fancying mistaken notions about oneself.自欺欺人的:甘于自欺的、相信自己的错误想法或错误地想象自己的美国传统〔sell〕An employee sold him on the notion that cable was the medium of the future.一名雇员让他认识到有线电视是未来的传播媒介。柯林斯高阶〔sicken〕The notion that art should be controlled by intellectuals sickened him.他讨厌艺术应由知识分子所掌控的观点。柯林斯高阶〔singularity〕Where he got that singular notion I just can't think.我真想不出来他从哪来的那种奇怪念头。柯林斯高阶〔singular〕Where he got that singular notion I just can't think.我实在想不出他从哪里得出那个奇怪的想法。外研社新世纪〔sketchy〕I had only the sketchiest notion of what it was all about.这到底是怎么回事,我知道得少而又少。英汉大词典〔strike〕Such prejudices strike right at the heart of any notions of a civilized society.这些偏见直接危害到了文明社会理念的核心部分。朗文当代〔string〕She found she couldn't string along with their modern notions.她感到她不能接受他们那些时髦观念。 英汉大词典〔stuff〕His head is stuffed with silly notions.他满脑子的愚蠢想法美国传统〔take〕Youngsters always took down with notions.年轻人的脑子里老会产生各种念头。英汉大词典〔toy with〕For a time he had toyed with the notion of becoming a doctor.有一段时间他还不大当真地有过做医生的念头。柯林斯高阶〔unfix〕Their new discovery unfixed all established notions.他们的新发现动摇了一切固有观念。21世纪英汉〔universal〕A general or widely held principle, concept, or notion.一般性:普遍地或广泛地保持的原则、概念或意图美国传统〔verifiable〕This is not a romantic notion but verifiable fact.这不是一个不切实际的念头,而是一个可以证明的事实。柯林斯高阶〔victimhood〕Today we seem to value suffering and victimhood over old-fashioned notions of heroism.比起老式的英雄主义, 我们今天似乎更加重视受苦受难。外研社新世纪〔wanky〕Dave's got some wanky notion that you're only respectable if you own a piece of property.戴夫有一些愚蠢的想法。他认为除非你有房产,否则你就不会得到尊重。剑桥高阶A dime store sells notions. 廉价商店出售日用小商品。译典通Dave's got some wanky (= very stupid) notion that you're only respectable if you own a piece of property.戴夫有种可卑的观念,认为你只有拥有一份财产才会受人尊重。剑桥国际Eventually I put the map away, but the notion of going to Alaska lingered on. 我终于放下了地图,但是到阿拉斯加去的念头却挥之不去。译典通He had some woolly notion that kids had an innate understanding of right and wrong if you let them think for themselves.他有一些模糊的看法,认为如果让小孩子独立思考的话,他们会本能地辨别是非。剑桥国际He has no notion of risking his money. 他不打算拿他的钱去冒险。译典通He has some fanciful notion (= not based on reality) about building a flying boat.他幻想建造一艘会飞的船。剑桥国际He suspected that the notion of an honest politician was a contradiction in terms.他怀疑“诚实的政客”这个提法在用词上自相矛盾。剑桥国际He's full of these quaint notions about giving up his job and going to live on a remote Scottish island.他脑子充满了辞去职务到遥远的苏格兰岛上去生活的怪想法。剑桥国际He's very sceptical about the notion of untrammelled free enterprise.他很怀疑无约束自由企业的概念。剑桥国际I don't think he has any notion of the seriousness of the situation.我认为他一点也不理解形势的严峻性。剑桥国际I had a notion to write them a letter.我突然打算给他们写一封信。剑桥国际I have no notion of what it means. 我不知道这意味著什么。译典通I have only a vague notion of what she does for a living.我不大清楚她是怎么谋生的。剑桥国际She has romantic notions about becoming a famous actress. 她幻想成为一个名演员。译典通The notion that the disease is only prevalent among children is exposed as a complete fallacy in the report.报告指出这种病只在儿童中流行的观念完全是谬论。剑桥国际The programme makers reject the notion that seeing violence on television has a harmful effect on children.这个节目制作者拒绝接受在电视上观看暴力行为会对儿童产生不良影响的观点。剑桥国际You must judge each candidate on their own merits, without any preconceived notions about what they are like.你应该从每个候选人自己的长处来作出判断,不应该对他们存有先入为主的成见。剑桥国际




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